Recommendations on the proposals of (a) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. (b) Travel Support (c) Exhibition (d) Popular Lecture considered by the Expert Committee on Promotion and Popularization of Biotechnology (ECPPB) in the 1st Meeting held on 23rd January 2013 at 11.00 a.m. A) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 525000 None Yes 530000 130000 "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "MCI" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; No 1250000 600000 "DST" : Rs 600000; No S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID C1 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 252 Prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis in Non-human Hosts: Opportunities and Impact on Current Research & Prevention Strategies 14-022013 - 16-02-2013 , at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar New Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 Dr. H. Krishna Prasad, Professor hk_prasad@hot ;hkp1000@gma 525000 C2 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 053 Workshop on Techniques in Neurochemistry & Molecular Neurobiology 14-02-2013 - 2002-2013 , at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar New Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 Dr.Vivekanandh an S, Addl. Professor svivek_aiims@y C3 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 072 Conference on Amrita BIOQUEST 2013 10-08-2013 14-08-2013 , at Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri, Clappana P.O. Kollam Kerala Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri, Clappana P.O. , Kollam , Kerala 690525 Dr Bipin Nair, Professor & Dean bipinnair03@g ;bipin@am.amr Assistanc e requested from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Pendin g Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommend ed. Rs.2.50 Lakh. Not Applic able - Recommen ded. Rs.1.30 Lakh Not Applic able - Recommen ded. Rs.2.50 Lakh. -1PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee "DRDO" : Rs 75000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 50000; "CSIR" : Rs 50000; "Registration fee" : Rs 50000; Yes Submit ted - Recommen ded. Rs.0.50 Lakh. ;bipinnair03@gmail.c om C4 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 255 National seminar on Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology (NSIPRB2013) 22-02-2013 - 22-02-2013 , at Department of Biotechnology, Anna University - BIT campus, Trichy - 24 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Anna University - BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 , Tamil Nadu 620024 ;sjvnsib2013@gmail.c om Dr. S. JOHN VENNISON, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR III johnvennison36 ;sjvnsib2013@g 450000 125000 C5 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 062 Hands training on fish immunology and immunotechnology 01-052013 - 15-05-2013 , at ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN MARINE BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, PARANGIPETTAI Parangipettai Tamil Nadu Prof. Deivasigamani, Assistant professor b.deivasigamani ;sigamani_bd@ 1200000 1200000 None No Not Applic able More than 15 days event. Transferred to HRD. C6 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 280 Short term Training on Advanced Research Techniques. 04-03-2013 - 1503-2013 , at National facility for marine Cyanobacteria Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN MARINE BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES, PARANGIPETTAI , Tamil Nadu -608502 m ;pragathi_marine@re Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 ; Dr D Prabaharan, Associate Professor dharmarpraba ;dharmarpraba 250000 250000 None Yes Submit ted - Recommen ded Rs.2.50 Lakh. -2PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget International conference on "Advances inBiotechnology and Patenting" (ICABP 2013) 18-02-2013 - 21-02-2013 , at Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 ; Dr.S.Sivaramakr ishnan, Assistant professor sivaramakrishn an123@yahoo. com ;sivaramakrishn an123@gmail.c om DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 282 Chennai Chemistry Conference - 2013 08-02-2013 - 10-022013 , at CENTRAL LEATHER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ADYAR CHENNAI Tamil Nadu CENTRAL LEATHER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ADYAR CHENNAI , Tamil Nadu -600020 ; DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 042 Prof. T. S. Sadasivans Birth Centenary Celebrations National Conference on Advances in Plant Pathology 14-02-2013 - 15-02-2013 , at Chemical Sciences Auditorium University of Madras Maraimalai Campus Guindy Tamil Nadu Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) in Botany, University of madras CAS in Botany, University of Madras Guindy campus Chennai. , Tamil Nadu -600025 profrrengasamy@yah ;manikavi53@gmail.c om Dr. V. Subramanian, Principal Scientist subbu@clri.res. in ;subuchem@ho Dr. N. Mathivanan, Assistant Professor Senior Scale prabhamathi@ ;narayanasamy. mathivanan@g S. No. Propo sal Code C7 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 023 C8 C9 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 1750000 200000 Yes 925000 175000 430000 100000 "DST (requested)" : Rs 200000; "ICMR (requested)" : Rs 150000; "DRDO (requested)" : Rs 200000; "UGC (requested)" : Rs 50000; "Bharathidasan University" : Rs 200000; "Council of Scientific and Industrial Research" : Rs 50000; "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 150000; "Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology" : Rs 20000; "ugc" : Rs 100000; UC/SE status for previo us grant Submit ted Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded. Rs.2.00 lakh. No Not Applic able - Recommend ed Rs.1.50 lakh. No Not Applic able - Recommen ded. Rs.1.00 Lakh -3PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 890000 222500 "UGC" : Rs 147500; "DST" : Rs 150000; "ICAR" : Rs 150000; "NFDB" : Rs 220000; No Dr. N.Sahoo, Professor niranjanasahoo ;aizwv2013@g 750000 300000 "Forest Deptt, Animal husbandry Deptt" : Rs 400000; Yes Dr. Rishi Paliwal, Assistant Professor rishipaliwal@g ;paliwal_rishi@ 570000 440000 None No S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C10 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 260 Workshop on NELLAI FISH FOOD FESTIVAL 2013 (NEFFF2013) FOR FRESHWATER FISH PRODUCTION AND VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS 07-02-2013 - 09-02-2013 , at Center For Aquaculture Research and Extension,St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai Tamilnadu Centre for Aquaculture Research and Extension St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai Tamilnadu - 627 002 , Tirunelveli , Tamil Nadu -627002 m ; Dr. M.A.Haniffa, Director haniffacare@g ;sxccare@gmail .com C11 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 050 Symposium on Newer approaches in welfare and health management of captive and free ranging wild animals 18-04-2013 - 21-04-2013 , at Centre for Wildlife Health, College of Veterinary Science Bhubaneswar Orissa C12 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 063 Seminar on Advances in Molecular Pharmaceutics, Nanomedicine, Nanobiotechnology and Drug Research 17-03-2013 - 17-032013 , at Near Vidhan Sabha, Tekari, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) Centre for Wildlife Health, College of Veterinary Science , Bhubaneswar , Orissa -751003 niranjanasahoo@hot ; m Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Raipur Near Vidhan Sabha, Tekari, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) 493111, India -493111 m ; Total Budget Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee No Biotechno logy compone nt Not recommend ed. Submit ted No biotech compone nt. Not recommend ed. Not Applic able - Recommen ded. Rs.0.75 Lakh UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able -4PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C13 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 073 Seminar on EMERGING TRENDS IN INDIAN AQUACULTURE (ETIA 2013) 2803-2013 - 30-03-2013 , at Dept. of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries University of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Dept. of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries University of Kerala , Thiruvananthapuram 695581 aquaticbiology@gmail .com Dr. A. BIJU KUMAR, Associate Professor and Head abiju@rediffma ;aquaticbiology C14 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 007 International Conference on Bioactive Phytochemicals and Therapeutics (ICBPT-2013) 0504-2013 - 07-04-2013 , at Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar Chidhambaram Tamil Nadu Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar , Chidhambaram , Tamil Nadu -608002 m ; m Prof. P. Subramanian, Professor icbpt2013@yah ;psub@rediffm Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 625000 100000 No 1915000 1085000 "National Fisheries Development Board" : Rs 100000; "Department of fisheries, Govt of Kerala" : Rs 100000; "Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment" : Rs 50000; "Matsyafed" : Rs 50000; "University of Kerala" : Rs 50000; "CSIR" : Rs 80000; "DST" : Rs 150000; "INSA" : Rs 300000; "ICMR" : Rs 300000; No UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded. Rs.1.00 Lakh. -- Recommen ded Rs.1.50 Lakh. -5PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Total Budget Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 350000 "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 200000; "University of Kerala" : Rs 100000; Yes 810000 200000 "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 200000; "CSIR, New Delhi" : Rs 200000; "MoEF, New Delhi" : Rs 200000; Yes 261000 150000 "MOES" : Rs 36000; "DST" : Rs 75000; No S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C15 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 028 Department of Botany University of Kerala Kariavattom , Thiruvananthapuram 695581 Dr.Ashalatha S. Nair, Professor ashabot2010@ 700000 C16 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 234 International workshop on molecular markers and genome analysis in angiosperms 12-03-2013 - 1603-2013 , at Department of Botany University of Kerala Kariavattom National Symposium On Current Status and New Horizons of Ecological Sciences and Environmental Biotechnology (ESEB- 13) 0103-2013 - 03-03-2013 , at Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 , Uttar Pradesh ; Prof. S. B. Agrawal, Professor jiten_pandey@ ;sbagrawal56@ C17 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 016 National conference on environmental issues and challenges - vision 2020 22-032013 - 23-03-2013 , at Department of Zoology Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar Tamil Nadu Chidambaram Department of Physics Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar Tamil Nadu India , Chidambaram 608002 physicskannappan@g Dr.M.Muniyan, Assistant professor professormuniy ;drmuniyan@g Assistanc e requested from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Submit ted Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded Rs.2.00 Lakh. Pendin g - Recommen ded Rs.1.00 Lakh. Not Applic able No detailed Technical Program Not recommend ed -6PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place C18 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 051 Symposium on Man, Animal and Environment Interaction in the Perspective of Modern Research 08-03-2013 - 09-032013 , at Department of Zoology, University of North Bengasl, District-Darjeeling Siliguri West Bengal C19 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 049 International Symposium on Molecular Signaling 18-022013 - 21-02-2013 , at Lipika Auditorium Santiniketan-West Bengal C20 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 015 Workshop on Biomedical Informatics for Ophthalmologists 23-09-2013 25-09-2013 , at Aravind Medical Research Foundation, #1, Anna Nagar Madurai Tamil Nadu Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT None No 320000 "Council of Scientific and Industrial Research" : Rs 250000; "Department of Science & Technology (DST)" : Rs 250000; Yes 150000 "Aravind Medical Research Foundation" : Rs 20000; "Aravind Medical Research Foundation" : Rs 10000; No Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Department of Zoology, University of North Bengasl, District-Darjeeling , Siliguri , West Bengal 734013 m ;sudipbarat@rediffma Deptartment of Zoology, Visva Bharati University Birbhum, Santiniketan-731235 , West Bengal -731235 sandipmukherjee05@ Dr. Min Bahadur, Associate Professor min.b@rediffm ;sudipbarat@re 95000 65000 Prof. Santi Sinha Babu, Professor spsinhababu@g 820000 Dr.G.Venkataswamy Eye Research Institute, Aravind Medical Research Foundation Aravind Medical Research Foundation, #1, Anna Nagar , Madurai , Tamil Nadu -625020 ; Dr. Bharanidharan Devarajan, Scientist bharani@aravin ;bharanid@gma 180000 Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee No detailed Technical Program Not recommend ed Submit ted - Recommen ded Rs.1.50 Lakh Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.1.00 Lakh UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able -7PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Total Budget Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 275000 "DST" : Rs 100000; Yes 760000 210000 None No 155000 155000 None No S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C21 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 037 825000 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 054 Prof. M. Muneer, Professor readermuneer C23 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 242 G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantanagar , Pantnagar , Uttarakhand -263145 n ; m Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, J.N. Medical College Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP) , Uttar Pradesh 202002 m ;faisalamu@hotmail.c om Jaypee Institute of Information Technology A-10, Sector 62 , NOIDA , Uttar Pradesh 201307 Dr. G.K. Singh, Dean dean.vaspgr@g ;cvsingh2010@ C22 Symposium on Integrated Development of Vast Biodiversity of Indigenous Livestock for Long Term Rural Livelihood Security 07-02-2013 - 08-02-2013 , at College of Veterinary & Animal sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar International Conference on Chemistry: Frontiers and Challenges 02-03-2013 - 03-032013 , at Department of Chemistry Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Uttar Pradesh Dr. Sujata Mohanty, Asst. Professor sujata.mohanty ;sujatam2005@ Seminar on Biotechnology in Health Care 01-03-2013 - 0103-2013 , at A-10, Sector 62 NOIDA Uttar Pradesh Assistanc e requested from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Submit ted Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded Rs.1.50 Lakh Not Applic able No detailed Technical Program Not recommend ed Not Applic able No detailed Technical Program Not recommend ed -8PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Total Budget Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 340000 None No 132000 102690 None No 300000 150000 "CSIR" : Rs 150000; Yes S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C24 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 230 P.G.Dept of Biotechnology and microbiology Karnatak University, , Dharwad , Karnataka -580003 m Prof. B. B. Kaliwal, Chairman b_kaliwal@yah 385000 C25 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 258 Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram603308, Tamil Nadu. Prof.Kanchana, Professor kanchanavss@y ;rajesh.kvcet@g C26 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 277 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENDOCRINOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION: INNOVATIVES IN REPRODUCTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY 11-02-2013 13-02-2013 , at P.G.Dept of Biotechnology and Microbiology Karnatak University, Dharwad Karnataka National Seminar cum Workshop on Implementation of Computational Algorithms in Bio Informatics using Open Source Software Tools 15-042013 - 16-04-2013 , at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology Palayanoor PO, Maduranthagam (Tk), Kancheepuram- 603308, Tamil Nadu. Conference on Biological Complexity: Towards the new era of patterns. models and networks 07-03-2013 - 08-032013 , at KARUNYA UNIVERSITY KARUNYA NAGAR COIMBATORE Tamil Nadu KARUNYA UNIVERSITY KARUNYA NAGAR , COIMBATORE , Tamil Nadu -641114 ;registrar@karunya.e du Dr Chandrajit Lahiri, Associate Professor chandrajit@kar ;drchandrajitl@ Assistanc e requested from DBT UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee -- Recommen ded Rs.1.50 lakh Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.0.75 lakh Pendin g No detailed technical program Not recommend ed -9PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Total Budget Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 100000 "TNSCST" : Rs 25000; "MKU" : Rs 25000; No 745000 115000 No 105000 105000 "Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi" : Rs 70000; "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 60000; "CSIR, New Delhi" : Rs 60000; "TNSCST, Chennai" : Rs 45000; "Ministry of Earth Sciences" : Rs 180000; "DRDO" : Rs 50000; "UGC Merged Scheme" : Rs 125000; "Registration fees" : Rs 40000; None Yes S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C27 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 002 Seminar on EMERGING TRENDS IN INFECTIOUS AND NON INFECTIOUS DIESEASES 15-02-2013 - 15-02-2013 , at Madurai Kamaraj University Palakalai nagar Madurai Tamil Nadu Madurai Kamaraj University Palakalai nagar Madurai - 625 021 , Tamil Nadu 625021 drchelian1960@yaho 185000 C28 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 259 NATIONAL LEVEL SHORT-TERM HANDS ON TRAINING IN œRECENT ADVANCES IN MARINE ECOTOXICOLOGICAL TESTING 08-03-2013 - 14-032013 , at Marine Field Research Facility (Department of Marine and Coastal Studies), Madurai Kamaraj University, Pudumadam, Ramnad District PUDUMADAM Tamil Nadu Madurai Kamaraj University Palkalai Nagar, Madurai, , Tamil Nadu -625021 ;moite2cool@yahoo.c Dr. Amutha Santhanam, Assistant Professor amutha_santha m ;amutha1994sa nthanam@gmai Dr.C.M.Ramakri tinan, Assistant Professor ramakritinan@ C29 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 013 Conference on Good Clinical Practices and Scientific Publications 16-03-2013 - 1603-2013 , at JMLT Hall, Seth G.S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra Mahaarashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Dr. Mayur Giri, Assistant Professor mayur_geer@y ;iddrecon2013 Assistanc e requested from DBT Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee No detailed technical program Not recommend ed Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.1.00 lakh Pendin g - Recommen ded Rs.0.75 lakh UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able - 10 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C30 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 264 Indo - Israel meeting on Materials Science and Nanoscience 31-01-2013 - 0202-2013 , at Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadharshini Hills P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India C31 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 034 First International Conference on Advanced Nanocomposite for Construction Materials (ICNC 2013) 12-03-2013 - 1403-2013 , at School of Chemical Science Auditorium Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadharshini Hills P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadharshini Hills P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India Pin: 686560 sabupolymer@yahoo. com ;rifanaadeeb@gmail.c om Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadharshini Hills P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India Pin: 686560 686560 sabupolymer@yahoo. com ;rifanaadeeb@gmail.c om Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Associate Professor nkkalarikkal@y ;nkkalarikkal@ Prof. Sabu Thomas, Director sabuchathukula k ;sabupolymer@ C32 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 245 BTIS-Net Bioinformatics Symposium 01-02-2013 - 0202-2013 , at Bioinformatics, National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh National Botanical Research Institute, Ran Pratap Marg , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 Dr. Sudershan Kumar, Senior Scientist & Coordinator Bioinformatics sudershank@h ;skvnbri9@gma Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 800000 150000 "CSIR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "INSA" : Rs 250000; No 800000 200000 "BRNS" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 200000; No 850000 850000 None No UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee -- Recommend ed Rs.0.75 lakh Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.0.75 lakh Not Applic able --- Recommen ded Rs.1.50 lakh - 11 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT None No 100000 "CSIR, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "DST, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; "ICMR, New Delhi" : Rs 100000; Yes 438500 438500 None 750000 375000 "ICMR" : Rs 375000; S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C33 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 267 Seminar on Research & Pragmatic Issues of Cloud Computing Genomic Analysis in bioinformatics Applications 14-03-2013 - 15-03-2013 , at National Engineering College, K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti Tamil Nadu National Engineering College, K.R Nagar, Kovilpatti , Tamil Nadu -628503 ;bparamasivan@yaho Dr.D.Manimega lai, Professor & Head megalai_nec@y 50000 50000 C34 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 251 5th International Symposium on Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) 0307-2013 - 03-10-2013 , at Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, Mohali Punjab National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab -160062 1250000 C35 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 066 Workshop on ADVANCED TECHNIQUES IN LIFE SCIENCES 07-03-2013 - 08-03-2013 , at Department of Life Science NIT, Rourkela Pin- 769 008, Orissa Rourkela Orissa National Institute of Technology, Rourkela NIT, Pin- 769 008, Orissa -769008 C36 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 265 3rd Molecular Virology Meeting 10-01-2013 - 11-012013 , at National Institute of Virology, Microbial Containment Complex, Sus Road, Pashan, Pune Maharashtra National Institute of Virology 20A Dr Ambedkar Road , Pune , Maharashtra 411021 acm1750@rediffmail. com ; Dr Abhay T Sangamwar, Assistant Professor abhays@niper. ;atsangam@ya Dr Bismita Nayak, Assistant professor lifescsem@gma ;bismita.nayak Dr. Kavita Lole, Scientist D lolekavita37@y ; in UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded Rs.0.50 lakh Submit ted - Recommen ded Rs.1.00 lakh Yes Submit ted -- Recommen ded Rs.1.00 lakh No Not Applic able Event over Not recommend ed - 12 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place C37 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 250 International Workshop on œVeterinary Pharmacovigilance for Global Food Security (VPVGFS-2013) 21-02-2013 - 22-02-2013 , at Madras Veterinary College Chennai Tamil Nadu C38 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 057 24th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARASITOLOGY 27-04-2013 29-04-2013 , at Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (Indian Council of Medical Research) RMRC Complex, Nagpur Road P.O. Garha, Jabalpur Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Pharmacovigilance Laboratory for Animal Feed and Food Safety Directorate of Centre for Animal Health Studies Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Madhavaram Milk colony Chennai sarathchandrag@tanu ;gsarathchandra@redi Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals Jabalpur Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (Indian Council of Medical Research) RMRC Complex, Nagpur Road P.O. Garha, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh482003 m ;rmrctjabalpur@rediff DR.G.SARATHC HANDRA, PROFESSOR AND HEAD sarathchandrag n ;gsarathchandr m 1200000 Dr. P V Barde, Scientist C pradip_barde@ ;pradipbarde@ 3120000 Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 600000 None No 200000 None No UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee - Recommen ded Rs.2.00 lakh - Recommen ded Rs.1.50 lakh - 13 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C39 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 283 Seminar on SCIENCE EXPO 2013 28-02-2013 - 02-03-2013 , at Rushikonda Gandhi Nagar Campus GITAM University Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Rushikonda Gandhi Nagar Campus GITAM University , Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh 530045 ;potharaj2@rediffmail .com Prof N.Lakshmana Das, Principal & Dean, Institute of Science principal_scienc ;nldas9@gmail. com C40 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 281 Conference on Dissemination of Vermicompost technology among the small and marginal Farmers of vidhrba 01-04-2013 - 02-04-2013 , at SANT TUKARAM MAHARAJ GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST, DESAIGANJ C/OMAHESH ZARKAR RAJENDRA WARD DESAIGANJ (WADSA) DISTRICT GADCHIROLI MAHARASHTRA STATE desaiganj Maharashtra SANT TUKARAM MAHARAJ GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST, DESAIGANJ C/OMAHESH ZARKAR RAJENDRA WARD DESAIGANJ (WADSA) DISTRICT GADCHIROLI MAHARASHTRA STATE -441207 desaiganjtrust@gmail. com ; m MR MAHESH ZARKAR, PRESIDENT desaiganjtrust ;zarkartrust@g Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 890000 150000 "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 150000; "Ministry of Earth Sciences" : Rs 390000; "Ministry of Food Processing and Industries" : Rs 50000; "Council for Scientific and Industrial Research" : Rs 150000; Yes 192000 152000 None No UC/SE status for previo us grant Submit ted Not Applic able Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee Lack of scientific program details Not recommend ed No hardcore Biotechno logy Not recommend ed - 14 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT 225000 115000 "ISRO" : Rs 20000; "DRDO" : Rs 40000; Yes Dr. Waheeta Hopper, Professor & Head waheetahop@y ;waheetahop@ 991400 991400 None No DR.S.VIJIKUMA R, DIRECTOR tnsroindia@gm ;ijonstnsro@gm 292500 292500 None No S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C41 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 244 National Conference on Science: emerging scenario and future challenges 08-032013 - 10-03-2013 , at Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Bajhol, Solan Himachal Pradesh Dr. Kamal Dev, Associate Professor kdb_nih@yaho ;kamaldev@sho oliniuniversity.c om C42 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1300 020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEXT GENERATION BIOINFORMATICS 25-02-2013 27-02-2013 , at Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), Kancheepuram District. Tamil Nadu - 603 203 Chennai Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Bajhol, Solan , Himachal Pradesh -173229 khoslapk_2001@redif ; SRM University Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), Kancheepuram District. Tamil Nadu 603 203 -603203 C43 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 261 National Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies for Sustainable Food Security 22-03-2013 - 24-03-2013 , at Conference Hall,Pudukkottai Multi Social Service Society(PMSSS),Alangudi Pudukkottai,Tamilnadu TAMILNADU SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ORGANISATION(TNSR O) 39,MURA BAHAVAN,KOODAL NAGAR,RAJAGOPALAP URAM POST PUDUKKOTTAI622003, m ; m Total Budget UC/SE status for previo us grant Submit ted Remarks Recommenda tion of the committee Lack of scientific program Not recommend ed Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.1.50 lakh Not Applic able - Recommen ded Rs.0.75 lakh - 15 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S. No. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C44 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1201 254 Conference on Genes, Circuits and the Development of Behaviour 28-03-2013 - 31-032013 , at Department of Biological Sciences 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400005 Dr. Maithreyi Narasimha, Reader (F) maithreyi@tifr. ; 3000000 Assistanc e requested from DBT 1000000 Amount Requested/Recei ved/Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT None No UC/SE status for previo us grant Not Applic able Remarks - Recommenda tion of the committee Recommen ded Rs.2.00 lakh - 16 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise B) Travel Support Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme International Workconference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2013) Science Faculty of university of Granada (Spain) Granada Spain 18-032013 - 20-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Serum YKL-40:A possible biomarker in bronchial asthma?" No All India Institute of Medical Sciences Department of Medicine, Room No.-4079,Teaching Block, ,New Delhi-110029; PITTCON 2013 Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA Philadelphia PA USA 1703-2013 - 21-03-2013 All India Institute of Medical Sciences Department of Medicine, Room No.-4079,Teaching Block,AIIMS,New Delhi110029 -110029; PITTCON 2013 Pennsylvania Convention Center Philadelphia PA USA 1703-2013 - 21-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Biochemical, histopathological & DNA damage studies to assess acute oral toxicity of combination of Triazophos and Butylatedhydroxyanisol e (BHA) in Rats tissue" Poster "Lead author" "Combination of the organochlorine Endosulfan & the pyrethroid Cypermethrin-induced oxidative stress, histological alterations and apoptosis in Rats tissue" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T1 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 047 Ms.Sarla Naglot , 28 years, PhD student sarla_naglot2007 ;sanabrown133 Department of Biophysics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi-110029 Email: 110029 n T2 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 237 MOHINEESH , 28 years, PhD Student mohineesh123@ ;mohineesh123 T3 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 236 Jaya , 29 years, SRF jaya687@rediff ;jayar687@rediff Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 77948 None DST,ICMR,CS IR - Rs. 119022.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 74124 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 74124 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 17 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme 10th International Congress of Andrology Melbourne convention and and exhibition centre, South Wharf, Melbourne VIc South Wharf Melbourne Australia 23-02-2013 26-02-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Sperm DNA damage and oxidative stress: Role in recurrent spontaneous abortion following assisted reproduction technique" Yes International Stroke Conference International Stroke Conference Greenville Avenue Dallas Texas United States of America 06-02-2013 08-02-2013 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Muscat Dubai 24-022013 - 26-02-2013 SPIE, PHOTONICS WEST The moscone centre SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA USA 02-022013 - 02-07-2013 Poster "Lead author" "A three year follow up of Mesenchymal stem cell in chronic stroke" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T4 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 045 Dr Rima Dada , 56 years, Additional Professor rima_dada@redi ;rima_dada@yah All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110029 T5 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 238 Dr Ashu Bhasin , 31 years, Pool Officer / Research ashu.bhasin@gm All India institute of medical sciences, New Delhi AIIMS Ansari nagar , Delhi -110029 T6 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 270 Mr.R.Selvaraj , 28 years, Assistant professor selvarajibt84@g Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Then Mathur, Tiruvannamalai , Tamil Nadu -606603; T7 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 263 Ms. B.PADMAVATHY , 27 years, Ph.D STUDENT padmavathy.s.b AU-KBC Research Centre, Anna University, MIT Campus, Chromepet, chennai AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600044 Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 70798 "AIIMS",0 1-042011,Rs.9 0000.00; None Yes PC004 Not recom mende d. No 81606 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Oral "Lead author" "Enhanced production of Bacteriocin from probiotics using Response Surface Methodology" No 17460 None DST - Rs. 34960.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Poster "Lead author" "Cell phone based fluorescence dipstick reader for rapid diagnosis of salmonella pathogens in water and beverages" No 80000 None CSIR - Rs. 75000.00 Requested DST - Rs. 120000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 18 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme T8 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 253 Dr Sarika Amdekar , 32 years, Research Fellow ananyasarika@g ;vsingh3@rediff. com Barkatullah University Hoshangabad Road, , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh 462026 3 rd Annual International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology (BioTech 2013) Hotel Fort Canning, 11 Canning Walk Singapore 178881, SINGAPORE Singapore Republic of Singapore 18-03-2013 19-03-2013 Oral "Co-author" "Hotel Fort Canning, 11 Canning Walk Singapore 178881, SINGAPORE" No T9 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 247 Birla Institute of Technology and Science , Pilani , Rajasthan -333031 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 024 International conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics Starhotels Metropole, Rome , ITALY central Rome Rome ITALY 2402-2013 - 25-02-2013 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems. Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA Chicago IL USA 0804-2013 - 10-04-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Cloning and characterization of protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) like promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana" T10 Mrs Purva Bhalothia , 27 years, Research Scholar purvalohan@gm ;njain.bits@gmai DrHetalkumar , 40 years, Assistant Professor swamihetal@gm ;hj_panchal@sp Oral "Co-author" "COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DATA GENERATED BY STRUCTURAL ANNOTATION OF THE GENOME FOR IDENTIFYING THE UNIQUE PARAMETER RESPONSIBLE FOR PATHOGENIC PROPERTY OF Helicobacter pylori." BRD School of Biosciences, Sardar Patel University , Vallabh Vidyanagar , Gujarat -388120 Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 26596 --- None Yes -- Reco mmen ded. No 61502 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 77200 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 19 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme T11 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 038 Ms SREEJA KARATHEDATH , 28 years, JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW sreejak@cmcvell ;sreeja18k@gma Christian Medical College , Vellore , Tamil Nadu 632002 ; Poster "Co-author" "ABC transporter expression in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Association with in vitro cytotoxicity and Prognostic markers" Yes T12 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 061 CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, M.G. Marg, Post Box 80 , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226001; Poster "Lead author" "Cr(VI) induced suppression of Drosophila cellular immune response: protection by sod overexpression" T13 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 035 Ms PRAGYA PRAKASH , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow pragya@iitr.res.i n ;pragya.biotech Dr. Mukesh Kumar Meghvansi , 32 years, Scientist 'C' mk_meghvansi@ ;mkmeghvansi@ ABC transporter expression in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Association with in vitro cytotoxicity and Prognostic markers Shanghai International Convention Center 2727 Riverside Ave Pudong, Shanghai Pudong Shanghai CHINA 23-03-2013 - 2403-2013 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Washington DC, USA Marriott Wardman Park 2660 Woodley Road, NW Washington, DC 20008 Washington, DC Washington USA 03-042013 - 07-04-2013 3rd Annual International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology (Biotech 2013) Hotel Fort Canning 11 Canning Walk Singapore 178881 Singapore 18-03-2013 19-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "APPLICATION OF VERMIWASH ENHANCES GROWTH OF NAGA CHILLI AND OKRA IN ACIDIC SOIL" DEFENCE RESEARCH LABORATORY, POST BAG 2 , TEZPUR , Assam -784001 Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 35929 None None Yes PC006 Not recom mende d. No 103000 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 30000 None None Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Amount request ed from DBT - 20 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T14 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 069 Poster "Lead author" "Antidiabetic activity of standardised extract of Andrographis paniculata in rodents" No DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 058 Department of Pharmaceutics, Banaras Hindu University Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 Department of Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002 ; 2nd International Conference "PharmaNutrition 2013" MAX Atria, the new convention wing at the Singapore EXPO 15-04-2013 - 17-042013 T15 Mr Ajit Kumar Thakur , 28 years, PhD Research Scholar ajit.thakur.phe09 ;ajitjan@yahoo.c DR RAJAT JAIN , 29 years, SENIOR RESIDENT rajat.jain@docto 27370 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Poster "Lead author" "OPTIMIZATION OF MRI PROTOCOL IN IMAGING OF PERIANAL FISTULAE" T16 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 278 Dr Anurag Mishra , 29 years, Senior Resident anurag.alok@gm ;anurag_alok@g Department of Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002 -110002 ; 16th Congress of the ASEAN Association of Radiology Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld BANGKOK THAILAND 21-03-2013 23-03-2013 SUFU 2013, Society of Urodynamics, female pelvic medicine and urogenital reconstruction Caesars Palace LAS VEGAS NEVADA USA 26-022013 - 02-03-2013 No 23381 None None Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Poster "Lead author" "VARICOCELE DUE TO INFERTILITY: IS SURGERY THE ANSWER?" No 81830 None None Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Amount request ed from DBT - 21 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Molecular Med Tri Con2013 Molecular Med TRI-CON 2013 Moscone North Convention Center ¢San Francisco, CA San Francisco Californai United States of America 11-02-2013 - 15-02-2013 Poster "Single author" "In silico studies of Rhamnolipids" No 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology-SOT 2013 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Centre San Antonio Texus USA 1003-2013 - 14-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "In vivo lead toxicity in mice is reversed by a molluscan C-reactive protein purified from Achatina fulica (Bowdich)" World Soybean Research Conference The Durban International Convention Centre(ICC), Durban KwaZulu-Natal South Africa 17-02-2013 - 2202-2013 Oral "Lead author" "MULTIPLY PRIMED ROLLING CIRCLE AMPLIFICATION (MPRCA) OF YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS GENOME FROM INFECTED SOYBEAN IN CENTRAL INDIAN REGION DIVULGES IT AS MUNGBEAN YELLOW MOSAIC INDIAN VIRUS[SB] AND ITS S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T17 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 004 Tejas , 25 years, Laboratory Technician tg.oza1987@gm ;tg.oza1987@ya T18 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 040 Mr Sandip Mukherjee , 29 years, PhD student sandipmukherje Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. To, The head of Department, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot , Gujarat -360005; m Deptartment of Zoology, Visva Bharati University Birbhum, Santiniketan731235 , West Bengal sandipmukherjee05@gmai T19 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 271 Dr. RAMESH S V , 33 years, SCIENTIST rameshsvbio@g ;rameshsv2k@re Directorate of Soybean Research (ICAR) Directorate of Soybean Research, Khandwa Road , INDORE , Madhya Pradesh -452001; Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 60000 None CSIR - Rs. 30000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Reco mmen ded No 80000 None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 85223 None Department of Science and Technology Rs. 123064.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 70000.00 Requested None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 22 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Amount request ed from DBT Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee IMPLICATIONS FOR RNAI MEDIATED VIRUS RESISTANCE" T20 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 048 Ms Shilpi Mittal , 27 years, Research Scholar shilpimittal86@g ;ramakadamb@g Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhi; American Association for Cancer Research 2013 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount vernon place Washington, DC America 06-04-2013 10-04-2013 Poster "Co-author" "p53 activation through stress induction mediates differential regulation of target genes" No 76377 None None Yes PC006 Not recom mende d. T21 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 036 Ms.Rama Kadamb , 27 years, Research Scholar ramakadamb@g ;shilpimittal86@ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus) Delhil - 110007 Delhi -110007; American Association for cancer research Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Washington, America 06-04-2013 10-04-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Studying the significance of human p53-Sin3B interaction under the condition of DNA damage" No 76377 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. T22 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 269 Mr. Kumar Pranaw , 30 years, Senior Research fellow kpranaw@gmail. com ;kumarpranaw03 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (pusa campus), new delhi -110012 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering Toshi Center Hotel 2-4-1 Hirakawa-cho Chiyodaku Tokyo 15-03-2013 17-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Purification and characterization of extracellular serralysin type metalloprotease enzyme produced by Xenorhabdus indica." No 45906 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. - 23 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Organization Name, Address, Email ID S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation T23 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 235 Dr. K. K. Mondal , 44 years, Sr. Scientist mondal_kk@redi Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (pusa campus), new delhi -110012 T24 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 017 Dr. Sathees C. Raghavan , 43 years, Associate Professor sathees@bioche ;sathees.raghava Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 T25 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 011 Mrinal Srivastava , 28 years, Ph.D. student mrinal@bioche ;mrinal.srivastav m Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology Beijing International Convention Center (BICC), No.8, Beichen Dong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China Beijing China 2508-2013 - 30-08-2013 Genomic Instability and Repair Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta, Canada Banff Alberta Canada 03-03-2013 03-08-2013 Oral "Lead author" "XopN-T3SS effector of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae modulates cell-wallassociated immune response to induce bacterial blight in pomegranate" No 70000 None IARI - Rs. 50000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Poster "Lead author" "Homology and Enzymatic Requirements of Microhomologymediated Alternative End-Joining" No 97260 --- None Yes PC004 Not recom mende d. Genomic instability and DNA repair Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta, Canada Banff Alberta Canada 03-032013 - 08-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "A Novel Inhibitor of Nonhomologous DNA End Joining: Implications in DNA Double-strand Break Repair and Cancer Therapeutics" No 97260 None CSIR - Rs. 97260.00 Requested DST - Rs. 137000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 24 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Society of Toxicology 52nd Annual Meeting Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio Texas USA 1003-2013 - 14-03-2013 Poster "Co-author" "Differential alternate splicing of L-type calcium channel in brain regions: implication in Parkinson™s disease" No Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 11th International Conference on Parkinson™s and Adua, 1-50123 Firenze Florence Province of Florence Italy 06-032013 - 13-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF Aβ42 MEDIATE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN PRIMARY CORTICAL NEURONS" Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism & Function Hotel Galvez Galveston, TX Galveston texas USA 27-01-2013 - 01-022013 Poster "Co-author" "Serine/Threonine/Tyro sine Protein Kinase Phosphorylates Oleosin, a Regulator of Lipid Metabolic Functions" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T26 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 029 Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 T27 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 031 T28 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 272 Ms Aditi Verma , 25 years, Graduate Student ;aditiverma17@ Dr. Kinnari Sathe , 31 years, Postdoctoral fellow ksathe@cns.iisc. ;kinnuzzz@gmail .com MR.IYAPPAN.R , 29 years, PhD SCHOLAR iyappan@bioche ;iyappanbiochem Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 109000 None None Yes PC006 Not recom mende d. No 74320 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 100600 None GRC - Rs. 57000.00 Sanctioned Yes PC006 Not recom mende d. Amount request ed from DBT - 25 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme IIT Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016; The 28th Interntaional Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management Department of Civil Engineering, Widener United States of America 10-03-2013 13-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "An integrated approach for Madhuca indica (Mahua) seed cake utilization" No Dr. P. Babu , 37 years, Research Scientist babup@ncbs.res .in ;ponbabu@gmail .com Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine NCBS-TIFR Campus,GKVK Post,Bellary Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560065; Glycobiology - Gordon Research Conference Ventura Beach Marriott Ventura California United States of America 03-03-2013 08-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Novel, polyfucosylated Lac-diNAc glycanreceptor interactions essential for regeneration of Hydra magnipapillata" Dr. T. Shantibala , 43 years, Scientist-B shantibro@yaho ;shan.ibsd@nic.i n Institute of Biotechnology and Bioresources Development Takyelpat Imphal-795001 Manipur, India -795001; 6th BACSA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE building Value Chains in Sericulture ISERICA 2013 Padua, Italy, hotel San Marco, Via Santuario 130, 35031, Abano Terme (Padova) Padua Padova Italy 0704-2013 - 12-04-2013 Poster "Lead author" "SERI-BIODIVERSITY OF MANIPUR, NORTHEAST INDIA: VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation T29 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 010 Ms Aditi Gupta , 27 years, Ph.D. Scholar 29.aditi@gmail.c om T30 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 012 T31 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 070 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 88470 None IIT Delhi - Rs. 20000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Not recom mende d. No 104700 None Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerativ e Medicine Rs. 53156.00 - Sanctioned Yes - Reco mmen ded. Yes 67216 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 26 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme T32 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 046 Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 No DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 052 4th World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence: Pharmaceutical R & D Summit Double Tree by Hilton Beijing 168 Guang An Men Wai District, China Beijing China 20-05-2013 - 2205-2013 RNA Silencing Whistler Conference Centre Whistler British Columbia Canada 1903-2013 - 24-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Comparative bioequivalence, safety and performance evaluation of novel matrix type oxybutynin transdermal patch" T33 Poster "Lead author" "Role of Mammalian RNAi in regulating Dengue viral Infection" T34 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 055 Mr. Achyut Sharad Khire , 27 years, Ph.D.(Tech) Student khireachyut@gm ;khireachyut@ya Mr Pavan Kumar Kakumani , 25 years, Senior Research Fellow kakumani.icgeb ;kakumani@icge Ms Neha Munjal , 29 years, PhD student munjal_neha84 ;nehamunjal@ic Precision Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology: Designing Genomes and Breckenridge Colorado United State of America 17-03-2013 - 22-03-2013 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Native pathway engineering in E. coli for production of bioethanol from pentose and hexose sugars" International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi -110067 International Centre for Genetic Engineering an Biotechnology Aruna Asaf ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi -110067 Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 59965 None CSIR - Rs. 59965.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Yes 96531 None None Yes -- Reco mmen ded. No 80000 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 27 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T35 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 044 Athar Ali , 32 years, Research Scholar atharbiotech@g ;sadiq36@gmail. com Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 n 12th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals Oxford Conference Center, 102 Ed Perry Blvd, Mississippi USA 15-04-2013 - 18-042013 T36 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 001 Sadiq Umar , 28 years, Research Associate sadiq36@gmail.c om ;sumar36@yaho Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 n T37 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 025 Ms.Shanmuga Priyaa Madukaran , 29 years, PhD scholar mspriyaa11@gm JAWAHARLAL NEHRU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES (JNIAS) 6TH FLOOR BUDDHA BHAWAN, M.G ROAD, SECUNDERABAD , Andhra Pradesh -500016 sujathagangadhar@gmail.c om; Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity Novotel Budapest Congress, Alkotas Utca 63-67, 1123, Budapest ,Hungary Budapest 0404-2013 - 06-04-2013 15th World Congress on Human Reproduction Sestiere Giudecca, 810, 30133 Venice, Italy Venice Italy 13-03-2013 - 1603-2013 Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Poster "Lead author" "Development and validation of a simple RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of three therapeutically active compounds in polyherbal formulation: Habb-e-Irqun-Nisa" Poster "Lead author" "Boswellia serrata intake attenuates oxidative stress and inflammation associated with collagen induced arthritis" Poster "Lead author" "SURFACTANT PROTEIN A AND D ALTER LPS MEDIATED PROINFLAMMATORY EFFECTS ON DECIDUAL MACROPHAGES AND COULD BE RELEVANT IN" No 82311 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 59768 "ICMR",25 -012012,Rs.5 185.00; None Yes PC009 Not recom mende d. No 86000 None Jawaharlal Nehru Institute for Advanced Studies - Rs. 40000.00 Sanctioned Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 28 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme T38 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 274 Mr. Deshpande Rohan Deepak , 28 years, Research Scholar rohan11in@gma JSS Medical College Sri Shivarathreeshwara Nagar , Mysore , Karnataka 570015; Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials Hilton Sorrento Palace Via S. Antonio, 13 80067 Sorrento (NA) ITALY Sorrento Naples Sorrento 03-03-2013 07-03-2013 No T39 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 019 Ms Fiona Olvitta DSouza , 28 years, Research Assistant fiona.dsouza@m ;fiona838@gmail .com kasturba medical college Madhav Nagar, Manipal , Karnataka -576104 The Third International Congress on Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissue and Organs (CRYO) Andel's Hotel Berlin, Landsberger Alle 106, 10369 Berlin, Germany 21-03-2013 23-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Design of Modified Release Spheroids for Treatment of Type-II Diabetes Mellitus Patients Associated with Dyslipidemia using Locust Bean Gum as Release Modifier and Studying the Influence of Tableting on Drug Release" Poster "Lead author" "DNA integrity in oocytes and granulosa cells subjected to ovarian tissue cryopreservation by slow freezing and vitrification." No Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 73400 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. 109238 None Department of Science and Technology Rs. 146468.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 109238.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 29 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme kasturba medical college Madhav Nagar, Manipal , Karnataka -576104 The Third International Congress on Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissue and Organs (CRYO) Andel's Hotel Berlin, Landsberger Alle 106, Berlin, Germany. 21-03-2013 - 23-032013 Poster "Lead author" "PVP based sperm immobilization medium induces in situ DNA fragmentation during ICSI" No Mrs. Atulya M , 30 years, Research scholar atulyam@gmail. com ;jesilmathew@g Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University Campus , Karnataka -576104; Poster "Lead author" "Aminoglycoside antibiotics in the treatment of biofilm mediated S. aureus infections: an in-vitro study." Mr. Hitesh Vitthal Jagani , 27 years, PhD research scholar hiteshjagani@g ;heet_hitesh@g Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University Campus , Karnataka -576104; Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2013 Sheikh Rashid Hall, Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Dubai. Dubai UAE 1003-2013 - 12-03-2013 DUPHAT 2013 (Dubai International and Technologies Conference & Exhibition) Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre,Sheikh Zayed Poster "Lead author" "Cationic liposomal formulation of siRNA for silencing antiapototic Bcl-2 gene in HeLa (human cervical carcinoma) cells" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation T40 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 018 Ms Shubhashree Uppangala , 26 years, Lecturer shubha@manipa ;shubha0226@g T41 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 273 T42 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 241 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 109238 None Indian Council of Medical Research Rs. 137589.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 100000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 16185 None N.A - Rs. 0.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 25529 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 30 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Amount request ed from DBT Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Indiian Council of Medical Research Rs. 143255.00 Requested Council for Scientific & Industrail Research Rs. 109238.00 Requested None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Road, Dubai Central Business District Dubai, UAE DUBAI UAE 10-032013 - 12-03-2013 T43 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 030 Mr Sachin Honguntikar , 29 years, Junior Research Fellow sachin.dh@mani ;sachinmbhg@g Manipal Life Sciences Center, Manipal University. , Karnataka -576104 ksatyamoorthy@manipal.e du; m The Third International Congress on Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissue & Organs (CRYO) Andel's Hotel Berlin Landsberger Allee 106 Berlin Germany 21-032013 - 23-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Effect of different ovarian tissue cryopreservation methods on oocyte methylation status" No 109238 None T44 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 256 Mr Zahoor Ahmad Pir , 27 years, Research Scholar zahoor7887@ya Mata Jijabai Govt P.G Girls College Motitabela Indore Madhya Pradesh -452004 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering Toshi Center Hotel, 2-4-1, Hirakawa-cho Chiyodaku Tokyu Tokyu Japan 15-03-2013 - 17-032013 Oral "Lead author" "Ecological assessment of Narmada river with special reference to diversity of Molluscans." No 95860 None - 31 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T45 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 268 Ms JAGRANI MINJ , 27 years, Research Scholar jagrani.ndri@gm ;arani_2020@ya National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana -132001 6th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes CNIT Paris La Defense 2 place de la 92800 Puteaux Hauts-de-Seine FRANCE Paris France Europe 2702-2013 - 02-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "œProbiotic Potential Of Lactobacillus rhamnosus RSI3 Isolated From Traditional CerealBased Fermented Dairy Product (Raabadi)" No 126598 None DST - Rs. 126597.73 Requested CSIR - Rs. 126597.73 Requested ICMR - Rs. 126597.73 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. T46 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 067 Mr. Abhishek Aich , 27 years, PhD Scholar abhishekaich@ni ;anekleiptos@g National Instititute of Immunology Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, , New Delhi , Delhi 110067; Poster "Lead author" "Presequences and mitochondrial protein import: a kinetoplastid story" T47 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 059 Dr. Aghila Rani KG , 32 years, Post-doctorate Fellow aghilarani@yaho National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra -400012; EMBO conference: From structure to function of translocation machines Hotel Valamar Lacroma Iva 34 Dubrovnik Dubrovnik-Neretva Croatia 13-04-2013 17-04-2013 15th World Congress on Human Reproduction Hilton Molino Stucky, Sestiere Giudecca, 810, 30133 Venice, Italy Venice Italy 13-03-2013 - 1603-2013 No 48820 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Oral "Lead author" "DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF PATTERN RECOGNITION MOLECULES ON HUMAN ENDOMETRIAL MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS" No 86000 None Postdoctorate Fellowship Contingency grant - Rs. 25000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 32 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra -400012; Epigenetics and Chromatin:Interactions and Processes Harvard Medical School Boston, USA Boston Massachusetts United States of America 1103-2013 - 13-03-2013 Yes Dr. Nafisa H. Balasinor , 53 years, Scientist D balasinorn@nirr ;nbalasinor@red National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra -400012; 2nd Congress on Steroid Research Westin Chicago River North Hotel, Chicago, USA Chicago Illinois USA 10-03-2013 - 1203-2013 Poster "Lead author" "DNA methylation analysis at imprinted locus and global methylation in spermatozoa of normozoospermic individuals of idiopathic Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriage" Poster "Lead author" "Embryo loss due to paternal tamoxifen treatment and the associated epigenetic mechanisms" Mr. Karmase Aniket Ashok , 28 years, SRF aniketkarmase84 ;aniketkarmase National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab -160062 245th ACS meeting and Exposition New Orleans, LA, USA New Orleans Los-Angeles USA 07-04-2013 - 1104-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Evaluation of lipolytic effect of pehnyl propanolamine derivatives in adipocytes" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation T48 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 039 Mr. Mandar Ankolkar , 28 years, PhD student mankolkar@yah ;mankolkar@gm T49 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 014 T50 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 286 Organization Name, Address, Email ID Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 120000 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 109267 None ICMR - Rs. 100000.00 Requested DST - Rs. 198267.00 Requested Yes - Recom mende d. No 113270 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 33 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Tumor Metabolism Keystone Resort, Keystone, Colorado, U.S.A. Keystone Colorado USA 24-022013 - 01-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Cross-talk between histone phosphorylation and DNA methylation regulates hyperglycemia induced proliferation in breast cancer cells" No National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab -160062 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition New Orleans, Louisiana (LA), United States New Orleans Louisiana (LA) United States 07-042013 - 11-04-2013 Poster "Lead author" "N-fused imidazoles as novel anticancer agents that inhibit catalytic activity of topoisomerase IIα" National Institute of Plant Genome Research NIPGR, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Campus, New Delhi 110067 -110067 '3rd International Conference on Proteomics & Bioinformatics' (Proteomics-2013) DoubleTree by Hilton, Philadelphia Center City, 237 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191075686 USA. Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 1507-2013 - 17-07-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Comparative Proteomics of DehydrationResponsive Changes in the Nucleus Reveals Genotype-Specific Adaptation" Organization Name, Address, Email ID S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation T51 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 231 Ms. Chanchal Gupta , 29 years, Ph.D. Student niper.chanchal@ ;chanchu_1984 National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab -160062 T52 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 284 T53 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 288 Mr. Ashish Triambak Baviskar , 28 years, Ph.D Scholar (SRF Fellow) ashubaviskar@g ;ashubaviskar@y Dr. Doel Ray , 35 years, Project Investigator (DBT™s BioCARe“RGO Programme) ray.doel@yahoo. com Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 111557 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 113270 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 83025 None OMICS Group (Organizing Committee) - Rs. 35750.00 Sanctioned Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 34 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T54 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 021 Dr. Monidipa Ghosh , 40 years, Assistant. Prof. gmonidipa@yah ;monidipa.ghosh National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Mahatma Gandhi Avenue Durgapur - 713209 West Bengal -713209 in; swapan.bhattacharya@cse Poster "Lead author" "Comparative In-silico genome analysis of L.donovani: Identifying its species specificity." No T55 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 068 Mr Vineet Kumar Gupta , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow vineetkgupta@ni ;vineetibu@gmai NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 WORLD IMMUNE REGULATION MEETINGVII Davos Congress,Davos Klosters · Talstrasse 41 · CH-7270 Davos (Schweiz)Switzerland. Davos Pltz Davos Switzerland 13-03-2013 - 16-03-2013 Tuberculosis: Understanding the Enemy Whistler Conference Centre Whistler British Columbia Canada 1303-2013 - 18-03-2013 59000 None National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Rs. 85000.00 - Sanctioned Yes - Reco mmen ded. Poster "Lead author" "The PPE14 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulates production of TNF α and IL12 in human macrophages." No 82878 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. T56 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 275 Ms Leena Rawal , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow leena.rawal7@g ;leena_rawal@y NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 34 Annual Lorne Genome Conference Mantra Erskine, Lorne Victoria Melbourne Australia 17-02-2013 19-02-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Organization and Expressional Dynamics of the GGAA tagged transcripts in water buffalo Bubalus bubalis" Yes 40528 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 35 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Lorne Genome Conference 2013 Mantra Erskine, Lorne Victoria Melbourne Australia 17-02-2013 19-02-2013 Poster "Co-author" "Organization and Expressional Dynamics of the GGAA tagged transcripts in water buffalo Bubalus bubalis" Yes NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society The Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA 0202-2013 - 06-02-2013 NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 Keystone symposia "Antibodies as drugs" Keystone symposia "Antibodies as drugs", Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Vancouver British Columbia Canada 26-01-2013 01-02-2013 Poster "Lead author" "N-PROPANOL BASED SOLUBILIZATION BUFFER ENHANCES REFOLDING YIELD OF INCLUSION BODY PROTEIN BY POPULATING INTERMEDIATES TO THE FOLDING PATHWAY" Poster "Lead author" "Humanization of murine monoclonal antibodies neutralizing H1N1 influenza virus by grafting of CDRs, vernier zone and interchain packing residues" S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID T57 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 276 NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 T58 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 249 Dr. Monal Sharma , 34 years, Research Associate mons2179@gma ;monusharma21 Anupam Singh , 27 years, PhD Scholar anupamsinghsls ;anupamsingh@ T59 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 240 Nachiket Satish Shembekar , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow, PhD Scholar nachiket.shembe ; Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 40582 None None Yes PC006 Not recom mende d. No 78395 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Yes 120000 None DST - Rs. 160000.00 Requested ICMR - Rs. 160000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 36 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T60 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 027 Mr Shubham Misra , 29 years, Ph.D Student shubham.misra2 Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh -160012 Poster "Lead author" "Neuroprotective Potential of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles of Sesamol: Possible Brain Targeting Strategy" No T61 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 233 Mr K BALAKUMAR , 33 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR bala.k.2006@gm ;balakumar_27@ PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 ; Oral "Lead author" "Design, Formulation and Evaluation of Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System for Nisoldipine" T62 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 232 Mr.Tamilselvan. N , 26 years, Research Scholar tselvan24@gmai ;tamilmpharm@ PSG College of Pharmacy PSG Hospital Campus Avinashi Road, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 ; 11th International Conference of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease (ADPD 2013) Firenze Fiera, Piazza Adua, 150123, Florence Tuscany Italy 06-032013 - 10-03-2013 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems HiltonChicago/Northbr ook 2855 N. Milwaukee Ave. Northbrook, IL60062 Chicago, USA Tel: 1-847-480-7500 Fax: 1-847-480-0827 Chicago Illinois USA 0804-2013 - 10-04-2013 Pharmaceutics &Novel Drug Delivery Systems Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA Hilton chicago Chicago United States 08-04-2013 - 10-042013 82410 None ICMR - Rs. 120000.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 83631 None None Yes -- Reco mmen ded. Poster "Lead author" "Targeted delivery of Rivastigmine loaded PLGA Nanoparticles into the brain for treating Alzheimer™s disease" No 83631 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 37 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T63 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 043 Dr B.S. Gill , 44 years, Plant Breeder gbalwinder@hot ; World Soybean Research Conference-IX The Durban International Convention Centre (ICC), South Africa Durban South Africa 1702-2013 - 22-02-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Genotypic and environmental influences on nutritional and antinutritional factors in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill.)" No T64 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 009 Rajnish , 28 years, Research Scholar rajnishjangra@g ;rajnish_thinkbig PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, LUDHIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY , Ludhiana 141002; Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh 160014 m; 75000 None None Yes - Recom mende d. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans Louisiana USA 07-042013 - 11-04-2013 Poster "Lead author" "3D QSAR CoMFA and CoMSIA studies for design of potent human steroid 5α-reductase inhibitors" No 111555 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. T65 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 008 Deepika Sharma , 29 years, Research Scholar d_sharma84@ya ;pharma.dream Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh 160014 m; 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans Louisiana USA 07-042013 - 11-04-2013 Poster "Lead author" "Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of a series of 4,6ˆ’diaryl substituted 3(2H)ˆ’pyridazinones as safer antiˆ’inflammatory agents" No 111555 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 38 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T66 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 266 Mr. Binil Raj S S , 32 years, Senior Research Fellow binilraj@rgcb.res .in ;tobinil@gmail.c om Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Thycaud PO, Poojappura Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014 Kerala, India -695014; 6th Pulmonary Vascular research Institute (PVRI) Workshops & Debates, Istanbul, 2013 Ritz Carlton Hotel Elmadag/Sisli Istanbul Turkey 21-01-2013 - 2501-2013 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Expression of ELAV-like protein, HuR is increased in lungs of rats with left ventricular hypertrophy associated pulmonary vascular remodeling" No 58158 None Indian Council for Medical Research Rs. 61458.00 - Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. T67 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 064 Ms Pooja Chauhan , 34 years, Research Scholar chauhan.pooja1 School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , , New Delhi 110067; EMBO Conference Series Chromatin and Epigenetics European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg Germany 08-05-2013 - 12-052013 Poster "Lead author" "SG2NA is regulated by alternative RNA processing mechanisms that is important for cellular proliferation and differentiation" No 58438 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. T68 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 003 Mr. Prashant L. Pingale , 30 years, Assistant Professor prashlp218@gm ;prashant.pingal School of Pharmacy and technology Management SVKM's NMIMS University MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI , Maharashtra 400056 4th Conference of The Union Asia-Pacific Region International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Kiet street, Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi Vietnam 10-04-2013 - 13-042013 Oral "Co-author" "Effect of Piper nigrum and Ocimum sanctum on the characteristics and release of isoniazid from oral microsphere formulation" No 79546 None None Yes - Reco mmen ded. T69 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 229 Dr.Mrinal Pahwa , 31 years, senior resident drmrinalpahwa ;drarchnarautela Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Sir Ganga Ram Marg Rajender Nagar New Delhi -110060; SUFU WINTER MEEETING 2013 Caesars Palace Las Vegas, NV LAS VEGAS NEVADA USA 26-022013 - 02-03-2013 Oral,Poster "Lead author" "A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DORSAL BMG SUBSTITUTION URETHROPLASTY BY DORSAL URETHROTOMY No 81830 None sir ganga ram hospital - Rs. 15000.00 Committed Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Amount request ed from DBT - 39 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Amount request ed from DBT Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee -- None Yes - Reco mmen ded. "Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)",2 5-032012,Rs.1 00000.00; CSIR - Rs. 130000.00 Requested Yes PC009 Not recom mende d. APPROACH VERSUS VENTRAL SAGGITAL URETHROTOMY APPROACH" T70 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 071 Dr. AMIT MASIH , 34 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR amitmasih10@r ;amitmasih10@y St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE (PG), GORAKHPUR -273001, UP , Uttar Pradesh; dominicrajkumar1@gmail. com T71 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 287 Ms Shalini Verma , 26 years, Research Scholar (PhD Student) shaliniverma@tif ;shalini461987@ Tata Institiute of Fundamental Research 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400005 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Odors and Air Emissions Jointly Held with 10th Conference on Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control Hotel Hyatt, San Francisco, California, USA San Francisco California USA 04-03-2013 - 0703-2013 Keystone Symposia Meeting on Fairmont Banff Springs 405 Spray Avenue PO Box 960 Banff, Alberta T1L 1J4 Canada Banff Alberta Canada 03-03-2013 08-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Seasonally dependent trends of PAHs in aerosol at an agricultural site in the north central part of India" No 60000 Poster "Lead author" "p53 suppresses BRCA2 stimulated ATPase and strand exchange functions of human RAD51" No 129032 - 40 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T72 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 041 Tata Memorial Hospital Dr E Borges Marg Parel, Mumbai -400012 , Maharashtra -400012 102nd USCAP ANNUAL MEETING BALTIMORE CONVENTION CENTER, ONE WEST PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE MARYLAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 02-03-2013 10-03-2013 Poster "Lead author" "VARIABILITY IN HER2NEU TESTING:VALIDATION STUDY IN SEARCH OF ECONOMIC SOLUTION FOR INDIA." No T73 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 022 Tata Memorial Hospital Dr E Borges Marg Parel, Mumbai -400012 , Maharashtra -400012 102nd USCAP ANNUAL MEETING BALTIMORE CONVENTION CENTER, ONE WEST PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE MARYLAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 02-03-2013 08-03-2013 Poster "Single author" "A retrospective study of correlation of morphological patterns, MIB1 proliferation index and survival analysis in 134 cases of Plasmacytoma" T74 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 065 DR. TRUPTI D PAI , 28 years, SENIOR RESIDENT, SURGICAL PATHOLOGY trupti2007_777 ;paitrupti777@g DR. KIRAN ASHOK GHODKE , 28 years, SENIOR RESIDENT drkiranghodke@ ;kiranghodke@r Mrs Garima Joshi , 34 years, Research Scholar garima_ojha28@ 115725 None Tata memorial hospital - Rs. 50000.00 Requested Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. No 115725 None None Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Near Foods Drugs Lab, Fatehgunj , Vadodara , Gujarat -390002; m 4th International conference on nanotechnology, medicine and biologyBIONANOMED 2013 Danube University, Krems, Austria Krems Lower Austria Austria 13-03-2013 - 15-032013 Poster "Lead author" "Orally delivered polymeric nanoparticles of Gemcitabine HCl" No 58540 None DST - Rs. 81740.00 Requested Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 41 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee T75 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 032 Mr. Akhilesh S. Dhanani , 28 years, Ph.D. Student akhileshdhanani ;akhileshdhanani The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Near Foods Drugs Lab, Fatehgunj , Vadodara , Gujarat -390002; m Poster "Lead author" "Evaluating adhesion and immunomodulatory potential of Lactobacillus strains isolated from food and human origin" Yes T76 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 279 Mr. Md. Hashim Reza , 28 years, PhD Student dreamzhashim90 The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Near Foods Drugs Lab, Fatehgunj , Vadodara , Gujarat -390002; m 7th International Yakult Symposium on The Intestinal Microbiota and Probiotics: Exploiting Their Influence on Health The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Broad Sanctuary, Westminster London The United Kingdom 22-04-2013 - 23-042013 27th Fungal Genetics Conference Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove Monterey California USA 12-032013 - 17-03-2013 56830 None Yakult Europe B. V. (Organizer) Rs. 3566.69 Committed Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. Oral,Poster "Lead author" "CorA Magnesium transporters are key regulators of growth and pathogenicity in the rice blast fungus M. oryzae." Yes 94000 None Yes - Reco mmen ded. No 64124 None Department of Science and Technology Rs. 121000.00 Requested CSIR - Rs. 94000.00 Requested DST - Rs. 35000.00 Requested T77 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 006 Mr.Arun G , 26 years, Lecturer in Biotechnology, Ph.D research Scholar btarungk@yaho ;melaninarungk Thiagarajar College 139, Kamarajar Salai, Madurai 625 009 , Tamil Nadu 625009 ; Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Hybrid Materials 2013) Hilton Sorrento Palace Via S. Antonio, 13 80067 Sorrento (NA) ITALY Sorrento Naples ITALY 03-03-2013 - 0703-2013 Poster "Lead author" "1. Characterization and Application of Aspergillus niger conidial Melanin Nanoshells. 2. Screening, Biosynthesis, Characterization and Potential applications of Silver Nanoparticles produced by Yes - Reco mmen ded. Amount request ed from DBT - 42 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Amount request ed from DBT Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Mushroom Fungi" T78 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 285 T79 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1201 243 T80 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 005 Ms NEESHMA JAISWAL , 34 years, POST DOC FELLOW neeshversity@g ;philonym@gmai Dr. Deepak K Yadav , 27 years, Research Associate deepakanu123@ ;deepakmedche Mrs. Munmun Biswas , 31 years, Research Scholar biswas_munmun University of Allahabad Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh 211002; Aquaculture 2013 Nashville Convention Center Nashville, Tennessee Nashville Tennessee USA 21-022013 - 25-02-2013 Oral "Lead author" "MOLECULAR AND BIOECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISCTICS OF FISH PARASITIC BIOINDICATORS" No 89496 None None Yes PC007 Not Recom mende d. University of Allahabad, Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh 211002 ; 6th, Advanced Technologies & Treatment for Diabetes- ATTD-2013 France, Paris Paris France 27-02-2013 - 0203-2013 Poster "Lead author" "THE GLYCEMIC PHYTOELEMENTAL PROFILE OF SESAMUM INDICUM KHALI: AN ALTERNATIVE TOOL FOR DIABETES MANAGEMENT" No 65000 None None Yes PC008 Not recom mende d. University of Calcutta Department of Biotechnology, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road , Kolkata , West Bengal 700019; pollution, Restoration and Management Hanoi,Vietnam Hanoi Vietnam 04-03-2013 08-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Arsenic-Induced Oxidative Lung Damage: Amelioration by Vitamin C" No 48711 None None Yes PC007 Not recom mende d. - 43 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise S.N o. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Wheth er the finding s being presen ted are results of DBT project /progr amme Amount request ed from DBT Travel assistance received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for/ receiving from other sources Letter of accep tance uploa ded Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee None University of Pune - Rs. 80000.00 Requested Yes --- Recom mende d. None Yes -- Reco mmen ded T81 DBT/ CTEP/ 02/20 1300 026 Dhananjay Bhole , 31 years, centre coordinator drbhole@unipun ;dhananjay.bhol University of Pune Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 , Maharashtra; yogita.deshmukh2@gmail. com 28th international conference on technology and persons with disabilities Manchester grant hayat hotal San Diago California USA 25-022013 - 02-03-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Bioinformatics accessibility for blinds" No 90000 T82 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2013 0007 7 Dr. Munish Sharma , 26 years, Junior Resident drmunish110@ Neurobiochemistry Neuroscience Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi -110029 svivek_aiims@yahoo. com 65th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road NW Washington, DC District of Columbia USA 1802-2013 - 23-022013 Oral "Lead author" "Issues in Age Estimation: our experiences in a tertiary care hospital in India" No 86511 None - 44 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise C) Exhibition S. No. Proposal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation E1 DBT/CTEP /03/20120 1246 E2 DBT/CTEP /03/20130 0060 Dr. Sudershan Kumar 55 years Senior Scientist & Coordinator Bioinformatics Mr. Ravi Boratkar 49 years Jt. Managing Director Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the exhibition National Botanical Research Institute, Ran Pratap Marg , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226001 BTIS-Net Exhibition on Bioinformation Products at NBRI Lawn , Lucknow on 01-02-2013 - 02-02-2013 MM Activ Sci Tech Communications Pvt. Ltd. 2 Kamdhenu Building II Floor Senapati, Bapat Road , Pune , Maharashtra -411016 ; Bangalore India Bio – 2013 at Hotel Lalit - Ashok, Kumara Krupa High Grounds Bangalore, Karnataka on 04-02-2013 06-02-2013 Stall Rate Per Square meter (In Rs.) 2000 12000 Stall Space Options Remarks Recommendation of the committee Not given. - Not recommended. 27 sqm Late submissi on Not recommended. D) Popular Lectures S. No. P1 Proposal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID DBT/CTE P/04/201 201239 DR.S.VIJIKUM AR 40 years DIRECTOR TAMILNADU SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ORGANISATION(TNSRO) 39,MURA BAHAVAN,KOODAL NAGAR,RAJAGOPALAPURAM POST PUDUKKOTTAI, Tamil Nadu -622003 ; Title & Date of Lecture(s) Title/Topic Date Medicinal Plants Biotechnology for Human Health Care 4/2/2013 Plant Tissue Culture Technology and Plant Genetic Engineering 5/2/2013 Bioinformatics in Medical Biotechnology 6/2/2013 Expect ed No. of Audien ce 875 Previous grants received from DBT No Amount Request ed from DBT Remarks Recomme ndation of the committee 24000 It’s not a popular lecture Not recommen ded. - 45 PC 001-Lacks scientific merit; PC 002-Not supported for any training courses/programmes; PC 003-Paper Acceptance letter not found; PC 004-Senior Scientist is not supported for poster Presentation; PC 005-Approval of HoD/Lead author and supervisor not found; PC 006-Co-author in a poster presentation is not supported; PC 007-No Novelty and work proposed is of routine nature; PC 008-No hardcore biotechnology R&D component; PC 009-Received grant in last 3 years; PC010-Not a mandate of DBT; PC011-Lacks relevant Expertise