Anne Richards, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.F.B.Ps.S., C.Psychol.
Department of Psychology
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
Tel (work): 020 7631-6208
Fax: 020 7631-6312
Tel (home): 020 8293 9597
Mobile: 07738262531
E-mail: a.richards@bbk.ac.uk
2004 -
Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Polytechnic of East London
London E15 4LZ
Research Fellow
Department of Psychology
St. George's Hospital Medical School
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 ORE
Staff Demonstrator
Department of Psychology
University of Nottingham
University Park
University of Leicester
B.Sc. Honours (Psychology) 2(i)
(Awarded 1985)
University of Leicester, Ph.D.
Thesis: Models of Cerebral Hemisphere Asymmetry
Experimental Psychology Society
American Psychological Society
International Society for Research on Emotions
Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society
Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society
Mathematical and Statistical Section of the British Psychological Society
Member of the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive
Member of Institute for Learning and Teaching
My research interests are primarily in the area of emotion and cognition,
particularly anxiety. My research has involved both normal and clinical
populations. I am interested in standard behavioural techniques to delineate
the different components of anxiety. I am also actively involved in
investigating the neurobiological correlates of cognition and emotion. My
research includes neurophysiological (ERPs, eyetracking),
psychophysiological (SCR, EMGs) and hemodynamic (fMRI) measures. My
track record is in the behavioural components of emotion but my research is
increasingly moving in the neurobiological direction. Having a background
in cognitive psychology enables me to bring the rigour of experimental
design and understanding of cognitive processes to the neurobiological
I currently have a lab at Birkbeck where my two post-doc research
assistants and my three postgraduate students are based. One student is
jointly supervised with Professor Marty Sereno and one with Dr Naz
Derakshan. I also have two MSc students attached to the lab. I hold a grant
(jointly with Dr Holmes) from the BIAL Foundation to examine ERP and
behavioural correlates of conscious and non-conscious processing in
anxiety. I also have a grant from the Leverhulme Trust (sole recipient) to
examine individual differences in Inattentional Blindness. Dr Holmes and I
are awaiting the outcome of a grant application on ERPs and emotional
facial recognition from the ESRC.
I am involved in three fMRI projects and several behavioural studies
examining the effects of emotion on ambiguity resolution; conscious and
non-conscious emotion; emotional influences on processing emotional facial
expressions; automatic and strategic influences in the interpretation of
ambiguity; attention and emotion.
I have attended many courses on neuroanatomy, EEG, fMRI, in order that I
develop my research in this area.
Collaborations include: In addition to my collaborations within Birkbeck, I
have additional contacts with Dr J Hadwin, (University of Southampton),
Professor Nick Donnelly (University of Southampton), Dr Frank Ryan (CNWL
NHS Trust), Dr M Vitkovitch (University of East London), Dr I Blanchette
(University of Manchester), Professor L Melnyk (Western Ontario), Dr C
Hirsch (Institute of Psychiatry), Dr A Holmes (Roehampton University)
BSc Psychology
(1) Year 4: Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
(2) Year 4: Project supervision
(3) Year 3: Advanced Research Methods
(4) Year 3: Mini-Projects
In previous years I have taught on many other courses, including:
Year 1 & 2: Cognitive Psychology
Year 4: Critical analysis
Year 3: Abnormal Psychology
Year 2: Social Psychology and Personality
Year 1: Introduction to Research Methods
I have also run several statistics and programming workshops, lead
seminars and tutorials.
MSc in Research Methods
Lectures on and workshops in statistics, research methods, E-Prime and
other on-line computer packages, affect and information processing.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows
2008-2010 Dr Emily Hannon, funded by Leverhulme Trust
2008-2010 Emily Bethell, funded by BIAL Foundation
2005-2007 Victoria Hamilton, funded by BIAL Foundation
1999-2001 Dr Isabelle Blanchette, funded by SSRC, Canada
1993-1994 Dr John Reidy, funded by ESRC
1993-1994 Dr Paul Wilson, funded by MRC
PhD Students Supervised
(All submitted within 4-years)
John Reidy, MRC funded, PhD awarded, 1994
Paul Wilson, (PT), Self-Funded, PhD awarded, 2000
Amanda Holmes, MRC funded, PhD awarded, 2001
Kirsten Perkins, School funded, PhD awarded, 2005
Carolyn Rice, School funded, PhD awarded 2006.
Emily Hannon, School funded, PhD, awarded 2007
Cornelia Reinhard, (PT), School funded (2002-2009)
Tehereh Anasari (FT) ESRC (Second supervisor) (2006-2009)
Philip Pell, (FT) ESRC funded (2007-2010)
MSc Students Supervised
Roberta Herrick (2004-2006)
Victoria Bradshaw (2007-2009)
Louise Shepheard-Walwyn (2007-2008)
PhD Examining
University of Oxford (2008); University of Western Australia (2008);
University of Kent (1999, 2007); University of Cambridge (2000, 2005);
University of Sheffield (2005); University of Southampton (2004); Middlesex
University (2003); University College London (2003; 2007); Goldsmiths
College (2006); Institute of Psychiatry and University of Cambridge (2001);
Royal Holloway, University of London (1997, 1998, 2001, 2006; 2007);
Institute of Psychiatry and University of Cambridge (2001a, 2001b); St
George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London (1995)
I have a heavy administrative load within the School. I am on the School’s
Management Committee and I am chair of the Learning and Teaching
Committee, and a member of many other committees. I am also highly active
at the College level, being a member of the College Learning and Teaching
Committee, Science Degree Committee, and Quality Assurance Committee. I
have been on numerous Internal Review Panels within the College. I am a
member of the College ELQ (Equivalent Level Qualification) Working Party.
The new ELQ policy is a major threat to graduate students wishing to
retrain in Psychology, and I am responsible for organising new courses for
our ELQ students. In addition, I was responsible for our Internal Review
that took place in July, and I am heavily involved in the accreditation of the
BSc in Psychology by the BPS. I have also been on the School and College
Research Committees and appointment/promotion panels.
School Committees
2006 School Management Committee
2005 Chair of School Learning and Teaching Committee
2005 - 2006
Chair of Ethics Committee (cover for sabbatical leave)
- 2005
- 2005
- 1997
School Resource Committee
School Computer Committee
School Research Committee
Chair of Laboratory Teachers Group
Organisation of Demonstrators
Admissions tutor for undergraduate course.
Responsible for Sona Participant Panel.
College Committees
2007Quality Assurance Committee
Science and Social Sciences Degrees Committee
2008Science Degrees Committee
2005 College Learning and Teaching Committee
2008Quality Assurance Panel for Internal Review of Spanish
and Latin American Studies
2006 Quality Assurance Panel for Internal Review of Economics
2005 Quality Assurance College Team for Institutional Audit
2005 Quality Assurance Panel for Internal Review of
Organisational Psychology
2000 - 2003
Clerical, Craft and Manual Staff Review Panel
2000 Academic Board
1997 - 2005
Faculty of Science Representative on College Research
2005 2005 1998
- 2000
- 1999
- 2000
1994 -1999
1992 -1994
1992 -1995
Consulting Editor for Emotion
Co-ordinating Examiner for British Psychological Society’s
Qualifying Examination.
European Congress of Psychology Scientific Committee
Associate Editor for British Journal of Clinical Psychology.
External Validator for the London Semester Programme
Chair of Advisory Committee for Diploma in
Psychology/Diploma in Applied Psychology.
Co-ordinating Examiner for British Psychological
Society’s Qualifying Examination
Ordinary Examiner for British Psychological
Society’s Qualifying Examination.
Visiting Examiner at Royal Holloway and Bedford New
Articles in Refereed Journals (45 publications, 29 SSCI)
Hadwin, J.A. Donnelly, N., Richards, A., French, C.C., & Patel, U. (in press).
Childhood anxiety and attention to emotion faces in a modified Stroop
task. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. (SSCI)
Derakshan, N., Ansari, T., & Richards, A. (in press). Effects of anxiety on
task-switching: Evidence from the mixed antisaccade task. Cognitive,
Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Hannon, E. & Richards, A. (in press). Inattentional Blindness and the
Effects of Working Memory Capacity and Processing Speed - An
Individual Differences Approach. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight
Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science
Society: Delphi, Greece, May, 2007.
Richards, A., Blanchette, I., Hamilton, V., & Lavda, A. (in press). Cognitive,
Emotional and Physiological Components of Emotional Stroop using
Associative Conditioning. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society:
Delphi, Greece, May, 2007.
Blanchette, I., Richards, A., Melnyk, L., & Lavda, A. (in press). Reasoning
about emotional issues following shocking terrorist attacks: A
comparison of three samples. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Richards, A., French, C.C., Nash, G., Hadwin, J. & Donnelly, N. (2007). A
comparison of selective attention and interpretation processing biases
in typically developing children high and low in self-report trait
anxiety. Development and Psychopathology, 19, 481-495. (SSCI)
Blanchette, I.,
Richards, A., & Cross, A. (2007). Anxiety and the
interpretation of ambiguous facial expressions: The influence of
contextual cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 60,
1011-1116. (SSCI)
Richards, A., Blanchette, I., & Munjiza, J. (2007). Contextual influences in
the resolution of ambiguity in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 21, 879890.
Holmes, M., Richards, A., & Green, S.E. (2006). Anxiety and sensitivity to
eye gaze versus neutral faces. Brain and Cognition. 60, 282-294. (SSCI)
Davelaar, E.J., Hannon, E., & Richards, A. (2005). Strategy use in the
operation span task. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society:
Stresa, Italy.
Richards A., & Blanchette, I. (2004). Independent manipulation of emotion
in an emotional Stroop task using classical conditioning. Emotion, 4,
275-281. (SSCI)
Blanchette, I., & Richards, A. (2004). Reasoning about emotional and
neutral materials: Is logic affected by emotion? Psychological Science,
15, 1:745-752. (SSCI)
Keogh, E., Bond, F.W., French, C.C., Richards, A., & Davis, R. (2004). Test
anxiety, susceptibility to distraction and examination performance.
Advances in Test Anxiety Research,17, 241-252.
Blanchette, I., & Richards, A. (2003). Reasoning about emotional and nonemotional contents: A study of conditional reasoning. In: R. Alterman
and D. Kirsh (Eds.). Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference
of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society: Boston, MA,
Blanchette, I., & Richards, A. (2003). Anxiety and the interpretation of
ambiguous stimuli: Beyond the emotion-congruent effect. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 132, 294-309.
Hadwin, J.A., Donnelly, N., French, C.C., Richards, A., Watts, A., & Daley,
D. (2003). The influence of children's self-report trait anxiety and
depression on visual search for emotional faces. The Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 44, 432-444.
Richards, A., French, C.C., Calder, A. J., Webb, B., Fox, R., & Young, A. W.
(2002). Anxiety-related bias in the classification of emotionally
ambiguous facial expressions. Emotion, 2, 273-287. (SSCI)
Vitkovitch, M., Bishop, S., Dancey, C., & Richards, A. (2002). Stroop
interference and negative priming in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Neuropsychologia, 40, 1570-1576. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C.C., Keogh, E., & Carter, C. (2000).Test anxiety,
inferential reasoning and working memory load. Anxiety, Stress and
Coping, 13, 87-109.
Richards, A., Richards, L.C., & McGeeney, A. (2000). Anxiety-related Stroop
interference in adolescents. Journal of General Psychology, 127, 327333. (SSCI)
Richards, A. (1999). The effects of cueing target location and response mode
on interference and negative priming using a visual selection
paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52A, 449463. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C. C., Adams, C., Eldridge, M., & Papadopoulou, E.
(1999). Implicit memory and anxiety: perceptual identification of
emotional stimuli. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 11, 6786. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C. C., & Harris, P. (1998). Mistakes around the clock:
Errors in memory for the orientation of numerals. Journal of
Psychology, 132, 42-46. (SSCI)
Tower, R. K., Kelly, C., & Richards, A. (1997). Individualism, collectivism
and reward allocation: A cross-cultural study in Britain and Russia.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 331-345. (SSCI)
Reidy, J., & Richards, A. (1997). A memory bias for threat in high-trait
anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 23, 653-663. (SSCI)
Reidy, J., & Richards, A. (1997). Anxiety and memory: A recall bias for
threatening words in high anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy,
35, 531-542. (SSCI)
Hadwin, J., Frost, S., French, C.C., & Richards, A. (1997). Cognitive
processing and anxiety in mainstream children: Trait anxiety and
interpretation bias. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106, 486-490.
Richards, A., French, C. C., & Randall, F. (1996). Anxiety and the use of
strategies in the processing of a sentence-picture verification task.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105, 132-136. (SSCI)
Richards, A,. French, C. C., & Harris, P. R. (1996). Does clock-watching
make you clockwise? Memory, 4, 49-58. (SSCI)
French, C. C., Richards, A., & Schofield, E. J. C. (1996). Hypomania, anxiety
and the emotional Stroop. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35,
617-626. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C. C., & Dowd, R. (1995). Hemisphere asymmetry and
the processing of emotional words in anxiety. Neuropsychologia, 33,
835-841. (SSCI)
French, C. C. & Richards, A. (1993). Clock this! An everyday example of a
schema-driven error in memory. British Journal of Psychology, 84,
249-253. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C. C., & Reynolds, A. (1993). Anxiety and the spelling
and use in sentences of threat/neutral homophones. Current
Psychology Research and Reviews, 12, 18-25
French, C. C., & Richards, A. (1992) Word association norms for a set of
threat/neutral homographs. Cognition and Emotion, 6, 65-87.
Richards, A., & French, C. C. (1992). An anxiety-related bias in semantic
activation when processing threat/neutral homographs. Quarterly
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45, 503-525. (SSCI)
Richards, A., French, C. C., Johnson, W., Naparstek, J., & Williams, J.
(1992). Effects of mood manipulation on performance of an emotional
Stroop task using mixed and blocked presentation. British Journal of
Psychology, 83, 479-491. (SSCI)
Eysenck, M. W., Mogg, K., May, J., Richards, A., & Mathews, A. (1991). The
interpretation of ambiguity related to threat in anxiety. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 100, 144-150. (SSCI)
Richards, A., & French, C. C. (1991). Effects of encoding and anxiety on
implicit and explicit memory performance. Personality and Individual
Differences, 12, 131-139. (SSCI)
French, C. C., & Richards, A. (1990). The relationship between handedness,
anxiety and questionnaire response patterns. British Journal of
Psychology, 98, 57-61. (SSCI)
Richards, A., & French, C. C. (1990). Central versus peripheral presentation
of stimuli in an emotional Stroop task. Anxiety Research, 3, 41-49.
Richards, A., & Whittaker, T. M. (1990). Effects of anxiety and mood
manipulation in autobiographical memory. British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 28, 145-153. (SSCI)
Mathews, A., Richards, A., & Eysenck, M. W. (1989). The interpretation of
homophones related to threat in anxiety states. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 98, 31-34. (SSCI)
Richards, A., & Millwood, B. (1989). Colour-identification of differentially
valenced words in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 3, 171-176.
Richards, A., & Beaumont, J. G. (1988). Mixed-list presentation and visual
field asymmetry: attempts to differentially activate the two
hemispheres. Behavioral Brain Research, 30, 135-143.
Richards, A., & French, C. C. (1987). The effects of independently validated
strategies on visual hemifield asymmetries. British Journal of
Psychology, 78, 163-181. (SSCI)
Book Chapters
Richards, A. (2004). The resolution of ambiguity and anxiety. In J. Yiend
(Ed.) Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology: Theoretical, empirical
and clinical directions (Festschrift in honour of Andrew Mathews).
Cambridge University Press.
Book Reviews
Richards, A. (1997). Review of ‘Current Controversies in the Anxiety
Disorders’. By R.M. Rapee (ed.) British Journal of Clinical Psychology,
36, 155.
Richards, A. (1993). Review of "Mood and Memory". By D. Kuiken (ed).
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 7, 87-88.
Richards, A. (1992). Review of "International Review of Studies of Emotion
(Vol 1)." By K. T. Strongman (ed.) The Psychologist, 5, 367-368.
Richards, A. (1989). Review of "Applied Cognitive Psychology." By P. Barber,
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 3, 352-353.
Richards, A. (1989). Review of "Introduction to Neuropsychology." By J. G.
Beaumont. Biological Psychology, 29, 205-206.
Articles Submitted for Publication
Richards, A & Blanchette, I. (submitted). Associative conditioning and
anxiety: nonconscious and conscious effects of emotion.
Blanchette, I. & Richards, A. (submitted). Psychophysiological correlates of
conditioned emotional processing.
Richards, A. & Blanchette, I. (invited paper and chapter). Interpretation,
judgment and reasoning in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion. Invited
paper for special journal issue and a book.
Richards, A. & Blanchette, I. (Invited paper and chapter). Cognitive and
physiological correlates of anxiety.
Hannon, E. & Richards, A. (near submission). Inattentional Blindness:
behavioural and phenomenological aspects.
Conference Papers and Invited Talks
Richards, A., & Blanchette, I. Cognitive and psychophysiological aspects of
emotional processing in anxiety. STAR conference, 2008, Birkbeck
College, July.
Richards, A. & Holmes, A. Event-related brain potential correlates of
conscious and non-conscious processing in anxiety. Abstract
presented at BIAL Foundation. Porto, Portugal, 26-29th March, 2008.
Richards, A., Blanchette, I., Hamilton, V., & Lavda, A. The emotional Stroop
effect: Cognitive, emotional, and physiological aspects. Invited paper.
BIAL Foundation. Porto, Portugal, 26-29th March, 2008.
Richards, A., Blanchette, I., Hamilton, V., & Lavda, A. The emotional Stroop
effect: Cognitive, emotional, and physiological components. Poster.
BIAL Foundation. Porto, Portugal, 26-29th March, 2008.
Richards, A. Anxiety and context in the resolution of ambiguity. Special
workshop on cognition and emotion interactions in human and nonhuman animals. Centre for Research in Evolutionary Anthropology
and Centre for Research in Cognition, Emotion and Interaction.
Roehampton University, 21st February, 2008. Invited paper
Anasari, L., Derakshan, N., & Richards, A. Effects of anxiety on task
switching: Evidence from the antisaccade task. (Poster) Society for
Psychophysiological Research, Savannah, Georgia, 17-21 October,
Hannon, E. & Richards, A. Inattentional Blindness and the Effects of
Working Memory Capacity and Processing Speed - An Individual
Differences Approach. Cognitive Science Conference (Joint European
Meeting), Delphi, Greece, May, 2007.
Richards, A., Blanchette, I., Hamilton, V., & Lavda, A. Cognitive, Emotional
and Physiological Components of Emotional Stroop using Associative
Conditioning. Cognitive Science Conference (Joint European Meeting),
Delphi, Greece, May, 2007.
Blanchette, I., Richards, A., Melnyk, L., & Lavda, A. Reasoning about
terrorism: Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning following the London
bombings. 2nd annual NET Meeting, September, 2006.
Lavda, A., Blanchette, I., Richards, A. & Hamilton, V. Facial expressions are
better predictors of the Stroop interference than explicit emotional
ratings. Poster, BPS, September, 2006.
Richards, A. Time-course of ambiguity resolution and anxiety. Dynamics of
information processing: choice, attention, emotion. Birkbeck Affective
Cognitive Science Symposium, June 30th, 2006
Richards, A., & Blanchette, I. Anxiety and the resolution of ambiguity.
Invited paper in symposium Clinical Cognition: biases in interpretation,
attention and working memory. BABCP Conference, Warwick 19th –
21st July, 2006
Richards, A., & Blanchette, I. The emotional Stroop effect: Cognitive,
emotional and physiological aspects. Abstract, BIAL Foundation, 6th
Symposium. 29th March - 1st April, 2006.
Blanchette, I., Richards, A., Melnyk, L & Lavda, L. Logic and emotion after
the London terrorist attacks: A tale of three cities. The Association for
Psychological Sciences: 18th Annual Convention. New York, 25th to 28th
May, 2006.
Hannon, E., & Richards, A. Individual differences in inattentional blindness.
BPS Cognitive Section, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2005.
Davelaar, E.J., Hannon, E., & Richards, A. Strategy use in the operation
span task. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society: Stresa, Italy,
Richards, A. & Blanchette, I. Anxiety and the resolution of ambiguous facial
expressions within congruent and incongruent contexts. European
Congress of Psychology, Granada, July, 2005.
Richards, A., & Blanchette, I. Independent manipulation of emotion in an
Emotional Stroop task. 1st CERE conference. Amsterdam, May14-17,
Keogh, E., Bond, F. W., French, C.C., Richards, A. & Davis, R. E. Test
anxious worry, distraction and examination performance. 25th Stress
and Anxiety Research Society Annual Conference, Amsterdam, July
Blanchette, I. & Richards, A. The effect of emotion on conditional reasoning.
25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. July 31 –
August 7, 2003, Boston.
Richards, A. ‘The resolution of ambiguity and anxiety’. Invited talk, MRC
Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, 2nd June, 2003.
Richards, A., French, C.C., Zanelli, J., Calder, A., & Young, A.W.
Interpretation and context effects associated with anxiety. Invited
Paper. BPS Cognitive Section, University of Kent, Canterbury, 2002.
Richards, A., & Blanchette, I. Interpretation of ambiguous facial expression:
Effect of anxiety and contextual information. XII Conference of the
ISRE. July 20-24, 2002, Cuenca, Spain.
Blanchette, I. & Richards, A. The effect of emotion on conditional reasoning.
BPS Cognitive Section, University of Kent, Canterbury, 2002.
Blanchette, I. & Richards, A. Anxiety and the interpretation of ambiguous
information: Beyond the mood congruent effect. XII Conference of the
ISRE. July 20-24, 2002, Cuenca, Spain.
Hawkes, N., Brown, G., & Richards, A. It has to be perfect: Anxiety, Attitude
and Belief Scale factor structure, psychometric properties and validity
in an anxious population. BABP Annual Conference, June, 2000.
Holmes, A., & Richards, A. Anxiety-related emotional Stroop colour-naming
interference. Pre-conscious processing. BPS Cognitive Section. York,
September, 2000.
Holmes, A, & Richards, A. Processing of affectively valenced words in
anxiety: An RSVP study. Experimental Psychology Society, University
of Nottingham, 6th-7th April, 2000.
Keogh, E., Richards, A., French, C.C., & Carter, C. Test anxiety, inferential
reasoning and working memory load. 29th Annual Congress of the
European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Dresden
University of Technology, Germany September 23 - September 26,
Richards, A., French, C.C., Webb, B., Fox, R., Young, A., & Calder, A.
Anxiety-related bias in interpretation of emotionally ambiguous facial
expressions. VI European Congress of Psychology, Rome, July 4th-9th,,
Holmes, A., & Richards, A. The influence of negatively valenced words on the
attentional blink in individuals differing in trait anxiety. VI European
Congress of Psychology, Rome, July 4th-9th,, 1999.
Holmes, A., & Richards, A. Attentional bias in anxiety: An RSVP study.
(Poster) Cognitive Section, British Psychological Society, York,
September, 1999.
Wilson, P., & Richards, A. Concept cohesiveness in spider phobics. V
European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, Ireland, 6-11 July, 1997.
Richards, A. Anxiety and Information Processing. Invited talk. Royal
Hospital for Neuro-disability, Putney, 17th December 1996.
Richards, A. Negative priming and interference from distractors in a visual
selective ignoring paradigm. XXVI International Congress of
Psychology, Montréal, Canada, 16-21 August, 1996. (Abstract in The
International Journal of Psychology, 31, 3368).
Richards, A. Experimental investigations of cognition and emotion. Invited
Talk. Department of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, 20th
February 1997.
Tower, R., Kelly, C., & Richards, A. Individualism, collectivism and reward
allocation: a cross-cultural study in Russia and Britain. The British
Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section, Glasgow, 16-18
September, 1996. (Abstract in Proceedings of The British Psychological
Society 1997).
Richards, A., French, C.C., Randall, F., & Wilson, P. Information processing
strategies and anxiety. IV European Congress of Psychology. Athens,
Greece, 2-7 July, 1995.
French, C. C., Richards, A., & Scholfield, E. Is the hypomania-related
emotional Stroop effect mediated by anxiety? British Psychological
Society London Conference. 19-20 December 1994.
Reidy, J., & Richards, A. Explicit memory bias in high-trait anxiety. British
Psychological Society London Conference. 19-20 December 1994.
Richards, A., & French, C. C. What does 'mean' mean? Studies of anxiety
and lexical ambiguity. Experimental Psychology Society Conference,
Oxford, 1-3 April, 1992.
Richards, A. Experimental Cognitive Approaches to Emotion. Invited talk.
Department of Psychiatry, Hôspital Laënnec, Paris, June, 1992.
Bell, C., & Richards, A. Autobiographical memories of competing in
Mastermind. International Conference on Memory. Lancaster, 15-19
July, 1991.
Richards, A. Cognitive aspects of anxiety and depression. Invited talk.
Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths College, University of London,
March 1991.
Richards, A. Cognitive components of anxiety. Invited talk. Central
Polytechnic, March 1991.
Richards, A. Anxiety and the processing of threat/neutral homographs.
Invited talk. Goldsmiths College, University of London, April 1991.
Richards, A., French, C. C., Johnson, W., Naparstek, J., & Williams, J.
Mixed vs blocked presentation in an emotional Stroop task. British
Psychological Society Annual Conference. Swansea, 5-8 April, 1990.
(Abstract in The British Psychological Society 1990 Abstracts, 75).
French, C. C., Richards, A., & Smith, D. The development and application of
word association norms for a set of threat/neutral homographs.
British Psychological Society Annual Conference. Swansea, 5-8 April,
1990. (Abstract in The British Psychological Society 1990 Abstracts,
Richards, A. Cognition and emotion. Invited talk. Experimental Psychology,
University of Sussex, February, 1989.
French, C. C., & Richards, A. A critique of the simple strategies model of
hemisphere asymmetry. British Psychological Society London
Conference. 18th December, 1986. (Abstract in Bulletin of the British
Psychological Society, 40, A13).
MacLeod, C., & Richards, A. Inferential processes in anxiety. BAPB Annual
Conference, Manchester University, 6th July, 1986.
Richards, A., & Beaumont, J. G. Mixed-list presentation and visual field
asymmetry: attempts to differentially activate the two hemispheres.
IBBS workshop on hemispheric specialization and interhemispheric
communication. Rotterdam, 20-21 March, 1986.
Richards, A., & French, C. C. Information processing strategies and
hemisphere asymmetry. British Psychological Society London
Conference. 18th December, 1986.
£67,660 Leverhulme (7/7/2008 to 7/1/2010) from Leverhulme Trust for a
project titled “Dual routes to inhibition: Limited resources or
inhibition?” Sole recipient.
€50000.00 (1/10/2007 to 31/08/2009) from BIAL Foundation for a project
titled “Event-related brain potential correlates of conscious and nonconscious processing in anxiety.” Awarded jointly with Dr A Holmes,
Roehampton University
€49348.50 (1/1/2005 to 31/01/2007) from BIAL Foundation for a project
titled “The emotional Stroop effect: Cognitive, emotional, and
physiological aspects.” Awarded jointly with Dr Isabelle Blanchette of
University of Manchester.
£33,970 (1/10/93 to 30/9/94) from the ESRC for a project titled "Effects of
anxiety on subliminal processing of threat/neutral homographs".
Awarded jointly with Dr C C French of Goldsmiths' College.
£29,456 (1/10/93 to 30/9/94) from MRC for a project is titled "Anxietyrelated biases in semantic activation and memory". Awarded jointly
with Dr C C French of Goldsmiths' College.
£4,684 (1/11/92 to 31/7/93) from College Research Committee for a project
titled "Effects of trait and state anxiety on implicit memory".