Weathering and erosion booklet instructions

Geology Class Project (little book)
Constructive/Destructive forces
Task: To construct a little book about weathering and soil
You will make a little book and place on each page the following requirements:
Book 1. Weathering and soil:
Page 1 Title, Name, Date, Period and a definition of weathering and soil with illustration
Page 2 Mechanical weathering: define Frost wedging, thermal expansion and contraction, biological mechanical
weathering, abrasion and exfoliation this should have labels connected to page 3
Page 3 Illustrations/ examples of Frost wedging, thermal expansion and contraction, biological mechanical weathering,
abrasion and exfoliation
Page 4 Chemical Weathering: Define: biological chemical weathering, hydrolysis chemical weathering, dissolution (man
made) ex: acid rain, dissolution (natural) ex: karst and oxidation
Page5 Illustration of the Biological chemical Weathering, Hydrolysis, and dissolution (man made) ex: acid rain,
dissolution (natural) ex: karst and oxidation
Page 6 What are the most important factors that will effect the rate of weathering?
Page 7 Define soil and illustrate its composition pie chart page 50 in book
Page 8 Illustrate map of soil types in the United States page 55 in book
Geology Book 1 Weathering and Soil
Core___________________score _________%
Page 1 Cover (10)
Page 2 (10) defined Mechanical weathering: define Frost
__defined Weathering
__defined Soil
wedging, thermal expansion and contraction, biological
mechanical weathering, abrasion and exfoliation this should
have labels connected to page
__ image of Weathering
__Image of Soil
___/10 Definitions
___/10 Definitions
Page 3 Mechanical weathering illustration W/
Page 4 Chemical Weathering (10) Define: biological chemical
weathering, hydrolysis chemical weathering, dissolution (man
made) ex: acid rain, dissolution (natural) ex: karst and oxidation
___/10 definitions
___/10 Definitions
Page 5 Page5 Illustration (with labels)of the
Page 6 What are the most important factors that will effect the
Biological chemical Weathering, Hydrolysis,
and dissolution (man made) ex: acid rain,
dissolution (natural) ex: karst and oxidation
rate of weathering?
__/10 illustration
____/ 10
Page 7 Define soil and illustrate its composition Page 8 Illustrate map of soil types in the United States page 55
pie chart page 50 in book
in book
__/10 definitions
__/10 illustration
_____/10_ Neatness /creativity(10)
Overall grade
____/10__ Spelling and grammar
Book 2. Erosion and Deposition:
Page 1 Title, Name, Date, period, definition of erosion and deposition with illustration
Page 2 Define mass movement and landslides, mudflows, slump, and creep with Illustrations/ examples of landslides,
mudflows, slump, and creep
Page 3 define: wave erosion, wind erosion, and illustrate waves and wind
Page 4 Define water erosion: rivers waterfall/ rapids, V shaped valley, stream, tributary, floodplain, meander,
bluff, delta and beaches and with connections to page 5
Page5 Illustration of a river and then label its parts: waterfall/ rapids, V shaped valley, stream, tributary,
floodplain, meander, bluff, delta and beaches Check
Page 6 Define glacial landforms: fiord, arête, cirque, horn, glacial lake, U shaped valley, moraine, kettle lake and
Page 7 Illustrate the glacial landforms: fiord, arête, cirque, horn, glacial lake u shaped valley moraine kettle lake and
Page 8 Connecticut Geological map See the attached image
Geology Book 1 Weathering and Soil
Geology Book 2 Erosion and Deposition
Core____________________ score _________%
Page 1 Cover (10)
Page 2 mass movement(10) defined w/illustration
__defined erosion
__defined deposition
___/5_ definitions
___/5 illustrations
__erosion image
__deposition image
Page 3 Wave / wind erosion (10)defined with illustration Page 4 define parts of a river(10)
___/5_ definitions
__/10 definitions
___/5 illustrations
Page 5 Illustration of a river(10)
Page 6 define glacial landforms (10)
____/10 illustrations
___/10 definitions
Page 7 illustration of glacial landforms (10)
Page 8 Connecticut geological map(10)
___/10_ Ct geological map
____/10 Illustration of glacial landforms
_____/10_ Neatness /creativity(10)
Overall grade
____/10__ Spelling and grammar