COURSE NAME AND NUMBER TERM AND YEAR Instructor’s Name Class Time & Room Office & Office Hours Email Phone Class Description (*use catalog description found at Texts/Supplies (include 13-digit ISBN) Course Learning Outcomes (*Ask your chair or dean for the course’s standardized outcomes.) Points for Grading: Assignment/Project/Test % Assignment/Project/Test % Assignment/Project/Test % Assignment/Project/Test % Assignment/Project/Test % Assignment/Project/Test % Grading Scale: A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F Below 60% An incomplete grade is available for nonacademic reasons only and only when the student's request is made before grades are I due. An I must be completed during the next semester, or it becomes an F. (Students may petition for one additional semester.) Students may not re-register for the class. Class Policies Attendance: (*If you have an attendance policy, state it here. Examples: Students who miss more than four classes may be withdrawn from this class. ONLINE: Students who fail to complete assignments for one week may be withdrawn from this class.) Promptness: Students who are tardy will be (put your policy here if you have one). Late Assignments: Late assignments will be (put your policy here if you have one). Classroom Conduct: (*Example) You are expected to treat your fellow students and instructor with respect and fairness and to refrain from any disruption to the learning community. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, talking while the instructor is talking, coming in late, gathering belongings before class has been dismissed, and bringing anything disruptive to the classroom, such as pets, children, or phones. (Please inform your instructor of any special circumstances, however.) Withdrawal before Midterm: Once the Drop/Add period has ended, a student may withdraw from a course by the designated midterm date published in the College calendar. Students who officially withdraw by the midterm date will receive a "W" grade for the term. The "W" grade is not computed in the student's grade point average but may affect a student's eligibility for financial aid. To officially withdraw from a course, students must file the appropriate paperwork with the Admissions & Records office. The deadline to drop/withdraw from classes with a course grade of “W” is the midpoint of the semester as published in the College calendar. Withdrawal after Midterm: Withdrawal after midterm will result in an automatic "WF" unless a "W" is approved by the instructor and the vice president for Academic Affairs for a non-academic hardship. ADA Statement: The college is committed to providing accessibility to all students in accordance to ADA/504 guidelines. Students should contact Disabilities Services and Testing at 229-248-2579, regarding accessibility. Incompletes: An “I” (incomplete) grade is available only for nonacademic reasons. A student must secure permission for an incomplete PRIOR to the ending of the semester. Students must complete the missed assignments/tests during the next semester or the grade becomes an “F” automatically. Students may not re-register for the class, and they must be able to finish the work without returning to the classroom. Turnitin: Bainbridge College has a license agreement with, a service that helps prevent plagiarism by comparing student papers with Turnitin's database and Internet sources. Students who take this course agree that all required papers may be submitted to While student privacy is protected, papers submitted to Turnitin do become source documents in Turnitin's reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on Turnitin's website. Bainbridge College is committed to preserving academic integrity as defined by the Academic Integrity--Policies and Procedures. See the Student Handbook for honesty policies. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICIES & PROCEDURES All cases of academic dishonesty are handled according to the procedures outlined in your Student Handbook under "Academic Integrity - Policies and Procedures." See that section for the full explanation of the following policies. Bainbridge College defines academic dishonesty in the following way: 1. 2. 3. 4. Receiving or providing unauthorized assistance for an academic course. Procuring or providing unauthorized material for an academic course. Reusing one's own work produced for another course. Plagiarizing. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in failure of the assignment and, depending upon the importance of the assignment and the egregiousness of the instance, may result in failure of the course and the assignment of an "FX" (failure due to academic dishonesty) to the student's record. The instructor will determine the nature of the infraction; however, the student has the right to appeal any infraction affecting his/her standing in the course through the appeals process, described in the Student Handbook. Unintentional Academic Dishonesty: In a case of unintentional dishonesty—stemming from the student's lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of correct policies or procedures—a zero will be given for the assignment; however, the instructor may allow for the resubmission of the corrected assignment. Intentional Academic Dishonesty: Submitted work involving intentional academic dishonesty will receive a zero and cannot, under any circumstance, be resubmitted or replaced. An FX may result if the instructor determines the instance to be particularly egregious or detrimental to the student's academic standing in the course. Two-Strike Clause: After having been notified of a first infraction, if the student cheats a second time, he or she will receive an FX for the course. Retroactive FX: If a student is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty after a final grade has already been assigned, the institution retains the right to retroactively apply a grade of FX to the student's record. Removal from Class for Academic Dishonesty: The instructor has the right to order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in academic dishonesty. Changes to the Syllabus: This syllabus is intended to provide structure for the semester and will be followed as closely as possible. However, the professor reserves the right to make changes as course needs arise. Schedule DATE CLASS TOPICS/CLASS ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK With my signature, I certify that I have read the syllabus and that I understand it is a contract between the instructor and me. I realize that I am responsible for my performance and progress in this class and that I need to talk with the instructor if I experience difficulties. I also understand that this class will require 2 to 3 hours a week of preparation outside class for each credit hour. Signature______________________ Date ____________