City of Sarasota Division 2. Unofficial Zoning Code 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Single Family Zone Districts Section VI-201. Intent and Purpose A. Intent and Purpose. The intent and purpose of the Residential Single Family (RSF) Districts is to preserve land for housing and provide housing opportunities for individual households. The regulations are intended to create, maintain and promote the development and redevelopment of these neighborhoods while preserving their existing residential character. The regulations preserve the character of neighborhoods by providing six (6) different densities and development standards. These zones allow some non-household living uses but not to such an extent as to sacrifice the overall image and character of the neighborhood. The regulations promote desirable residential areas by addressing aesthetically pleasing environments, safety, privacy, and recreational opportunities. The site development standards allow flexibility of development while maintaining compatibility within the City’s various neighborhoods. In addition, the regulations provide clarity to property owners, developers, and neighbors about the limits of what is allowed. B. List of the Single Family Zone Districts. The full names, short names, and map symbols of the single-family zone districts are listed below. When this Code refers to the single-family zones, it is referring to the zone districts listed here. When this Code refers to the residential zones, it is referring to both the multi family zones in Division 3 and the single-family zones in this Division. Full Name Residential Single Family Estate Residential Single Family 1 Residential Single Family 2 Residential Single Family 3 Residential Single Family 4 Residential Single Multiple 9 units per acre Residential Transition District 9 units per acre VI, D2 - 1 Short Name/Map Symbol RSF-E RSF-1 RSF-2 RSF-3 RSF-4 RSM-9 RTD-9 City of Sarasota C. Unofficial Zoning Code 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Characteristics of the Zones. Note: The photos are not intended to represent a requirement for any particular style of architecture. 1. RSF E, 1 and 2 Zones. The RSF E, 1, and 2 zones are low-density single-family zones, which allow 2, 2.9 and 4.3 dwelling units per acre respectively. One and two story single-family detached houses will characterize allowed housing. 2. RSF 3 and 4 Zones. The RSF 3, and 4 zones are moderate density single-family zones, which allow 5.8 and 8.7 dwelling units per acre respectively. One and two story single-family detached houses will characterize allowed housing. 3. RSM-9 Zone. The RSM-9 zone is a moderate density single-family zone, which allows up to 9 dwelling units per acre. One and two story single-family detached houses will characterize allowed housing. However, in contrast to the other RSF districts above, the RSM-9 district also allows attached single-family units, clustered single-family units and garage apartments which are compatible in scale to the single-family detached houses. VI, D2 - 2 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 4. 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts RTD-9 Zone. The RTD-9 zone is a moderate density single-family zone, which allows up to 9 dwelling units per acre. One and two story single-family detached houses will characterize allowed housing. However, in contrast to the other RSF districts above, the RTD-9 district also allows accessory dwelling units (e.g. garage apartments) and non-residential uses that contribute to the residential attributes of the neighborhood and provide a means by which to preserve and enhance the residential character of the district. (Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 3 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota Section VI-202 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Uses A. Definitions. Certain specific uses are defined in Article II Division 2. The use categories are described in Article II Division 3. B. Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the Single Family Zones are listed in Table VI-201 with a “P”. These uses are allowed if they comply with the development standards and other regulations of this Code. C. Conditional Uses. Uses allowed in the Single Family Zones, if approved through the Conditional Use review process, are listed in Table VI-201 with either a “C”, if the use is a Major Conditional Use, or an “MC”, if the use is a Minor Conditional Use. These uses are allowed provided they comply with the conditional use approval criteria, the development standards, and any other regulations of this Code. D. Use Limitations. Uses allowed that are subject to limitations are identified with bracketed numbers ( ) in Table VI-201. The limitations that correspond to the bracketed numbers are stated at the end of Table VI-201. These uses are allowed if they comply with the use limitations, development standards and other regulations of this Code. E. Accessory Uses. Common accessory uses are listed as examples with each use category. Accessory uses are allowed by right, in conjunction with the primary use, unless stated otherwise in these regulations. Also, unless otherwise stated, they are subject to the same regulations as the primary use. See Article VII, Division 9 for specific accessory use standards. F. Prohibited Uses. Uses listed in Table VI-201 without any symbol (i.e. blank space) are prohibited. Existing uses in categories listed as prohibited may be subject to the regulations of Article V-Vested Rights and Non-conformities. VI, D2 - 4 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Table VI-201 Primary Uses Allowed in the Single Family Zones RSF-E Use Categories P= Permitted Use RSF-1 C= Major Conditional Use RSF-2 RSF-3 MC= Minor Conditional Use RSF-4 RSM-9 RTD-9 blank = Prohibited Use Residential Use Categories Household Living Group Living Community Residential Home COMMERCIAL USE CATEGORIES P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1) P (1) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P (2) Only uses listed Office uses for RTD-9; architects, accountants, engineers, planners, lawyers, insurance agents, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, travel agents, data processing, graphic design, interior design, computer services, doctors, acupuncturist, chiropractor Retail sales and service for RTD-9; Personal Service Oriented - beauty and barber shops; tailors or dressmakers; shoe repair; interior decorators; massage therapist Sales Oriented - retail establishments for the sale of baked goods, jewelry, flowers, books, music, stationery, antiques, gift shop goods; art galleries; art or framing gallery; art or craft supplies; photography studios/stores; dance and music studio Entertainment Oriented - bed and breakfast; restaurant Repair Oriented - None. Adult use establishments – None. P (3) P (3) Only uses listed INDUSTRIAL USE CATEGORIES Artisan uses for RTD-9; painter, sculptor, potter, weaver; P (3) Institutional Use Categories Basic Utilities Fire Stations C C C C C C C C P C P C P C P C P C P MC P P P P P P P P C C C C C C C C C C C C MC C C C C C C MC C C C C C C C Colleges Community Services Day Care Family Day Care Centers Medical Centers Park and Open Space Private Clubs Yacht / Country Club Religious Institutions Schools Elementary Schools OTHER USE CATEGORIES Aviation and Surface Passenger Terminals Detention Facilities Radio and Frequency Transmission Facilities Commercial Wireless Telecommunication Towers Rail Lines and Utility Corridors VI, D2 - 5 City of Sarasota Unofficial Zoning Code 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Use Limitations for Table VI-201 (1) Household Living Limitation. Housing types are limited to those defined in Table VI-202. (2) Group Living Limitation. Housing types are limited to those defined in Table VI-202. Community residential homes for up to 6 residents are allowed as a Permitted Use, subject to Section VII-602(AA). (3) RTD-9 Non-Residential Use Limitations. a. Non-residential uses shall not exceed any total combination of 600 square feet within the first story of a primary structure or any portion of the accessory building. Bed and breakfast uses are exempt from the 600 square foot limit. b. An owner-occupant or tenant shall reside on the subject property in order to utilize any non-residential use. c. No more than two non-resident employees shall work on the premises at any one time. d. Exterior displays shall be limited to artisanal uses and permitted only during public operating hours. e. Public operating hours shall be limited between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM. f. Any use not listed shall be prohibited. (Ord. No. 06-4663, 3-20-06; Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 6 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota Section VI-203 A. 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Residential Use Development Standards Residential Structure Types Allowed. Residential structure types are limited in the Single Family zones to maintain the overall image and character of the City’s single-family neighborhoods. However, the regulations allow options, in certain districts, to increase housing variety and opportunities, and to promote affordable housing. The kinds of residential structure types allowed in the Single Family zones are stated in Table VI-202. The residential structure types are defined in Article 2, Division 2. Table VI-202 Residential Structure Types Allowed in the Single Family Zones Structure Type RSF-E RSF-1 P = Permitted C= Major Conditional Use Accessory Dwelling Unit See VII-602 (cc) Attached Duplex Attached Single Family Cluster Housing Development See VII-602 (m) Detached Single Family P P Duplex / Two Family Group Living Structure P P Manufactured Home Manufactured Home Park Mobile Home Modular Home P P Multi-Dwelling Development Multi-Dwelling Structure Triplexes / Three Family Live / Work Unit Mixed Use Development RSF-2 RSF-3 RSF-4 MC= Minor Conditional Use RSM-9 blank = Prohibited P P MC C P C P P P MC P P P P C C P P P P P P P (Ord. No. 06-4682, 7-26-06; Ord. No. 07-4720, 5-21-07; Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 7 RTD-9 P MC P P Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota B. 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Density. 1. Purpose. Density standards serve several purposes. For example, they match housing density with the availability of public services and the carrying capacity of the land. In addition, density standards promote development opportunities for housing and promote urban densities in less developed areas. Density regulations are one tool to judge equivalent compatibility of projects. 2. C. D. Maximum Density. The maximum density (dwelling units) allowed is stated in Table VI-203. Accessory dwelling units, if allowed, shall not be included in calculating maximum density. Zoning Lot Size. 1. Purpose. Zoning lot size limits help to preserve the overall character of developed neighborhoods by assuring that new houses will generally have the same size zoning lots as the surrounding built-up environment. They also assure that development on a zoning lot will, in most cases, be able to comply with all applicable development standards. 2. Land Divisions. All new zoning lots created shall comply with the zoning lot size standards of Table VI-203. For sites which are proposed to be developed, an ownership made up of several zoning lots may not be subdivided or boundary adjusted into zoning lots that do not comply with the standards of Table VI-203 (See Section VI-103). 3. New Development on Conforming Zoning Lots. New development on zoning lots that comply with the minimum zoning lot size standards in Table VI-203 is allowed in accordance with the standards of this code. 4. New Development on Non-conforming Zoning Lots. New Development on zoning lots which do not conform to the minimum zoning lot standards in Table VI-203 are subject to regulations of Article V-108, non-conforming zoning lots. (Ord. No. 09-4888, 11-2-09) Height. 1. Purpose. The height standards serve several purposes: they promote a reasonable building scale and relationship of one residence to another; they promote options for privacy for neighboring properties; and they reflect the general building scale and placement of houses in the City’s neighborhoods. 2. Maximum Height. The maximum height allowed for all structures is stated in Table VI-203. 3. Extensions Above the Maximum Height. Extensions above the maximum height of structures are detailed under Height Limitations in Section VI-102 (P). VI, D2 - 8 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota E. 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Setbacks. 1. Purpose. The setback regulations for buildings serve several purposes: they maintain light, air, separation for fire protection, and access for fire fighting; they reflect the general desired building scale and placement of houses in the City’s neighborhoods; they promote a reasonable physical relationship between residences; they promote options for privacy for neighboring properties; they require larger front setbacks than side and rear setbacks to promote open, visually pleasing front yards; and they provide adequate flexibility to site a building so it may be compatible with the neighborhood, fit the shape of the site, allow for required outdoor areas, and allow for architectural diversity. 2. Required Setbacks. The required setbacks for buildings are stated in Table VI203. The minimum setbacks for institutional uses are stated in Table VI-204. Other setbacks may apply to specific types of development or situations. For example, setbacks for parking areas are stated in Article VII Divisions 2 and 3. (Ord. No. 04-4538, Sec. 6, 6-7-04) 3. Extensions (encroachments) into Required Building Setbacks. Allowable encroachments into required building setbacks are stated in Article VII Division 12. (Ord. No. 06-4682, 7-26-06) F. G. Building Coverage. 1. Purpose. The building coverage standards, together with the height and setback standards control the overall bulk of structures. Additionally, the standards help define the character of the different zones by limiting the amount of building allowed on a site. They work in conjunction with the zoning lot size standards to determine how built-up a neighborhood appears. 2. Building Coverage Standards. The maximum combined building coverage on a zoning lot is stated in Table VI-203. Impervious Coverage. Note: Non-profit organizations constructing housing sold to low to moderate income families (under 80% of median income in Sarasota County) may apply to use Housing Partnership Funds, administered by the Office of Housing and Community Development, to offset the costs to comply with these requirements. 1. Purpose. The impervious coverage standards are designed to help protect trees and other desirable vegetation and enhance the overall appearance within the yard area of single-family neighborhoods. The standards reflect the historic development pattern of single-family homes built 20 to 50 years ago that generally have large lawn areas. VI, D2 - 9 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 2. H. 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Impervious Coverage Standards. The maximum impervious coverage standard on a zoning lot is stated in Table VI-203. The owner / applicant for building permits shall submit information requested by the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services which demonstrates the percentage of the total area existing or proposed to be covered by impervious surfaces. The Director of Neighborhood and Development Services may require, upon receiving the recommendation of the Building Official, an impervious surface plan prepared and sealed by a professional engineer meeting the requirements of this section. See definitions for “impervious surfaces” and “run-off coefficient” in Article II Division 2. Design Standards in the RSM-9 Zone District, 1. Purpose. The design standards preserve and enhance the residential character of the district. Table VI-203 identifies the zone district(s) where this regulation applies. 2. Requirements. All new construction shall be carried out in accordance with the following mandatory design standards. a. Utilities. Utility "house feed" lines shall be placed underground. b. Building Facade. The front of buildings must face the street and include a front door as a primary entrance. The design of the front entry door shall also incorporate a window. c. Front Porch. The main entrance on principal buildings shall include a porch, deck or similar open-air covered main entry feature. The porch, deck or similar feature shall have a minimum depth of 6 feet and comprise a minimum of 30% of the width of the principal building’s front façade (not including the garage) or 8 feet whichever is larger. d. Garage/Carport Placement. Garages and carports, attached and detached, must be set back at least 15 feet from the front facade of the primary building and must be set back at least 25 feet from the front lot line. If there is more than one front lot line, this standard applies to the front yard that contains the front entry. The width of any attached garage or carport area may not exceed 50% of the primary building's front facade. (Ord. No. 04-4514; Sec. 4, 1-20-04) e. Fences, Hedges and Walls. New fences shall not exceed four feet in height in the front yard (See section VII-1101, fences, hedges and walls for additional standards). VI, D2 - 10 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts (Ord. No. 04-4573; Sec. 6, 6-20-05) f. I. Building Elevation. Where it is necessary to elevate a building above grade, fill may not be used to elevate the lot above the grade of any adjacent lot. In such cases where the building is elevated, a stem wall foundation shall be used and openings beneath the structure shall be screened with materials consistent with the design of the building. (Ord. No. 06-4663, 3-20-06; Ord. No. 10-4912, 6-7-10 ) Design Standards in the RTD-9 Zone District, 1. Purpose. The design standards preserve and enhance the residential character of the district. Table VI-203 identifies the zone district(s) where this regulation applies. 2. Requirements. All new construction shall be carried out in accordance with the following mandatory design standards. a. Utility Lines. All new “house feed” utility feed lines shall be placed underground. b. Front Entry. All new primary buildings shall face the street and include a front door as a primary entrance facing a street and not more than 6 feet recessed back from the face of the front façade. Accessory dwelling units may face an internal walkway, driveway or alley. The design of the front entrance of the primary building shall also incorporate a glazing. c. Front Windows. The first story façade on all street frontages shall be a minimum of 15% glass. Windows in garage doors shall not count but windows in a garage wall shall count towards meeting the standard. d. Front Porch. All new primary buildings shall include a porch, deck or similar open-air covered entry feature that is accessed directly from a street or pedestrian easement and must be visible from the street. Front porches must have a minimum depth of six feet and comprise a minimum of 30% of the width of a building's primary front facade (not including the garage) or 8 feet whichever is larger. Porches may extend 6 feet into the front setback plus an additional 2 feet for eaves. VI, D2 - 11 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts e. Garage / Carport Placement. All new garages and carports shall be set back at least 15 feet from the front facade of the primary building. In situations where there is more than one wall on the front facade (e.g. rooms jutting out from the front facade), the measurement shall be taken from the wall closest to the street. If there is more than one front lot line, this standard applies to the front yard that contains the front entry. The width of any attached garage or carport area may not exceed 50 percent of the front of the primary building. f. Fences and walls. The maximum height of new fences and walls located between the front façade of the primary building and the front lot line shall not exceed 4 feet in height. Ornamental decorations and light fixtures not exceeding 18 inches in height above the maximum 4 feet may be allowed on pillars or supports for any fence or wall. g. Building elevation. Where it is necessary to elevate a new building above grade, fill may not be used to elevate the lot above the grade of any adjacent lot. In such cases where the new building is elevated, a stem wall foundation (with or without a crawl space) shall be used. If there are openings beneath the structure the openings shall be screened with materials consistent with the design of the building. (Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 12 Unofficial Zoning Code City of Sarasota 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Table VI-203 Residential Development Standards in the Single Family Zones Standard RSF-E RSF-1 RSF-2 RSF-3 RSF-4 Detached Maximum Density See Sect. VI-203(B) Minimum Zoning Lot Size: See Sect. VI-203(C) - Min. lot area - Min. lot width Maximum Height See Sect. VI-203(D) - Feet - Stories Building Setbacks: See Sect. VI-203(E) - Min. front - Max. front - Min. side - Min. rear Maximum Building Coverage See Sect. VI-203(F) Maximum Impervious Coverage See Sect. VI-203(G) Design Standards Apply See Sect. VI-203 (H ) or (I) Use Limitations See Footnotes for Table VI-201 Other Regulations RSM-9 Attached RTD-9 2.0 DU per acre 2.9 DU per acre 4.3 DU per acre 5.8 DU per acre 8.7 DU per acre 9.0 DU per acre 9.0 DU per acre 21,780 sq.ft. 100 ft. 15,000 sq.ft. 100 ft. 10,000 sq.ft. 80 ft. 7,500 sq.ft. 70 ft. 5,000 sq.ft. 50 ft. 4,840 sq.ft. 50 ft. 2,420 sq.ft.(1) 25 ft. 4,840 sq. ft 50 ft. 35 ft. none 35 ft. none 35 ft. none 35 ft. none 35 ft. none 30 ft. 2 30 ft. 2 35 ft. none 30 ft. none 8 ft. 20 combined 15 ft. 30 ft. none 8 ft. 20 combined 15 ft. 20 ft. none 8 ft. 20 combined 15 ft. 20 ft. none 6 ft. 15 combined 15 ft. 20 ft. none 6 ft. 15 combined 15 ft. 5 ft. 20 ft. 5 ft. (4) 5 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft (2, 4) 5 ft. (4) 5 ft. (4) 20 ft. (6) none 0 ft./ 10 ft combined 15 ft (4) 30% 30% 35% 35% 35% 35% 50%(3) 75% 60% 70% 75% 75% 75% 75% none 75% No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes VI-203 (H) Yes 9.0 DU per acre (5) Yes VI-203 (H) Yes VI-203 (I) Yes Yes The regulations in this division state the allowed uses and development standards for the base zones. Sites with overlay zones are subject to additional regulations. The official zoning maps indicate which sites are subject to these additional regulations. General standards that may be applicable are found in division 1 of this article (e.g. see the additional development standards applicable to single-family dwelling in Sec. VI-102, U.). Specific uses or development types may also be subject to Article VII – Regulations of General Applicability. (Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 13 City of Sarasota Unofficial Zoning Code 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts Notes for Table VI-203: (1) Average zoning lot size for attached unit developments shall be at least 4,840 sq.ft. per dwelling unit. Side and Rear Setbacks on Corner Lots-Attached Housing (2) Applies only to the end perimeter of attached unit developments on an interior lot. On a corner lots, either the rear setback or the non-street side setback can be reduced to zero. However, the remaining non-street setback must comply with the requirements for a standard rear setback. See illustration at right. (3) Applies to the entire attached unit development. The maximum building coverage for an individual zoning lot in an attached unit development is 60%. (4) Minimum side and rear yard for accessory buildings shall be three (3) feet. RTD-9 notes (5) Accessory Dwellings. One (1) accessory dwelling unit per lot is permitted subject to the design standards in VII602(cc). Accessory dwelling units shall not be included in calculating the maximum density. (6) Front setback exception. The Director of Neighborhood and Development Services is authorized to decrease the maximum front setback to allow the preservation of existing trees. Compliance with EDCM, Part 5, Sec. D.8.b. Visibility at intersections is required. (Ord. No. 03-4429, sec. 6, 1-21-03; Ord. No. 09-4888, 11-2-09; Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 14 City of Sarasota Unofficial Zoning Code Section VI-204 Institutional Use Development Standards 2002 Edition ARTICLE VI: Zone Districts A. Purpose. The general base zone development standards are designed for residential buildings. Different development standards are needed for institutional uses that may be allowed in single family zones. The intent is to maintain compatibility with and limit the negative impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods. B. Use Categories to Which These Standards Apply. The standards of this section apply to uses in the Institutional Use Categories group, whether allowed by right, or subject to a conditional use review. C. The Standards. 1. The development standards are stated in Table VI-204. Specific uses or development types may also be subject to article VII, regulations of general applicability. (Ord. No. 04-4573, Sec. 8, 6-20-05) 2. Exterior Storage. Exterior storage of materials and equipment is prohibited. 3. Mechanical Equipment. Mechanical equipment located on the ground, such as heating or cooling equipment, pumps, or generators shall be screened from the street and any abutting residentially zoned properties by walls, fences, or vegetation tall enough to screen the equipment. Mechanical equipment on roofs shall be screened from the ground level of any abutting residentially zoned properties. Table VI-204 Institutional Development Standards in the Single Family Zones Standard Maximum FAR Maximum Density Minimum Zoning Lot Size: - Min. lot area - Min. lot width - Min. lot depth Maximum Height - Feet Building Setbacks: - Min. front - Max. front - Min. side - Min. rear Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Coverage Other Regulations RSF-E RSF-1 RSF-2 RSF-3 RSF-4 0.5 NA 0.5 NA 0.5 NA 0.5 NA 0.5 NA 10,000 sq.ft. None None 10,000 sq. ft. None None 10,000 sq.ft. None None 10,000 sq. ft. None None 10,000 sq. ft. None None 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. RSM-9 RTD-9 0.5 NA 0.5 NA 10,000 sq.ft. None None 10,000 sq. ft. None None 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 5 ft. 30 ft. none none none none none 20 ft. None 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 20 combined 20 combined 20 combined 20 combined 20 combined 20 combined 20 combined 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 65% 65% 65% 65% 65% 65% 65% The regulations in this division state the allowed uses and development standards for the base zones. Sites with overlay zones are subject to additional regulations. The official zoning maps indicate which sites are subject to these additional regulations. General standards that may be applicable are found in division 1 of this article (e.g. see the additional development standards applicable to single-family dwelling in Sec. VI-102, U.). Specific uses or development types may also be subject to Article VII – Regulations of General Applicability. (Ord. No. 09-4888, 11-2-09; Ord. No. 10-4915, 6-7-10) VI, D2 - 15