The Definition Paragraph

The Definition Paragraph
The definition paragraph is a definition sentence which has been expanded into a paragraph. The
definition sentence becomes the topic sentence. Each category is expanded into major supporting
sentences, and minor supporting sentences are added.
The topic sentence will be a dictionary definition. It can be created by using the following
formula: term + class + description
For example, Lemonade (term) is a type of drink (larger class) that is made from lemons,
sugar and water and ice (description).
You could then follow this topic sentence (definition) with supporting sentences that
explain how lemonade is used or served. For example, you could discuss how lemonade
is a warm weather drink served at outdoor parties. Or how some people serve warm
lemonade in the winter or use it to soothe sore throats.
Assignment: Write a definition paragraph on a slang term you or your friends use.
Begin with a topic sentence that is your dictionary-style definition of your slang term.
Then support this topic sentence with examples of how this term is used in conversation,
Our topic sentence should follow the formula discussed above and included below.
Topic Sentence: ____ is a slang term my friends use that means ___.
Your finished paragraph should be five to seven sentences in length.