Here is how to use the utility LIBRARY-TO-EVENTS. There are two steps. First start up the standard pc-nqthm image and execute the following form, with an appropriate pathname. >(load "/local/src/pc-nqthm-1992/misc/purify.lisp") or, load a compiled version of the file. Then do: >(library-to-events "foo") (or substitute anything for "foo" that is a reasonable argument for NOTE-LIB -- so in this case we expect "foo.lib" and "foo.lisp" to be around). This will create an events file called "" that can be played in ordinary nqthm, unless you use pc-nqthm features in a "significant" way (more on that below). Then the second step is to start up Nqthm or Pc-Nqthm (without any patches) and: >(load "") which will cause a proveall to be done, resulting in files "foo-replay.lib" and "foo-replay.lisp". The general form of a call of LIBRARY-TO-EVENTS is: (LIBRARY-TO-EVENTS filename &OPTIONAL event-filename events-list-name &REST forms) where the arguments are NOT quoted and NIL may be used for event-filename and events-list-name if the defaults are desired. The defaults for event-filename and events-list-name are respectively obtained merely by sticking "" and "-replay" onto the ends of filename. The forms argument includes, for example, any number of LOAD commands -- that is where the additional files loaded are made explicit. Here is an example where the filenames are made explicit. >(library-to-events "proofs" "" "proofs-replay" (setf si::*multiply-stacks* 4) (setq reduce-term-clock 2000))