WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ____________________ GPC-SIF/Doc. 5.5 (18.II.2003) _________ COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS WORKSHOP OF GLOBAL PRODUCERS OF SEASONAL TO INTERANNUAL FORECASTS ITEM: 5.5 Original: ENGLISH Geneva, 10-13 February 2003 The IRI's Climate Forecast System; Future Outlook for System Advances (Submitted by Mr Anthony G. Barnston) GPC-SIF/Doc. 5.5 The IRI's Climate Forecast System; Future Outlook for System Advances Overview of Current State of Affairs The International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI) makes forecasts near the middle of each month for the global temperature and precipitation for four overlapping future 3-month periods extending to 6.5 months in advance. The forecasts are based mainly on ensembles of predictions from each of five dynamical atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) whose behaviors are governed largely by predicted global sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. The forecast procedure begins with SST anomaly prediction. Two versions of SST forecast are used: (1) an evolving SST prediction based on a dynamical tool for tropical Pacific and statistical tools for the other ocean regions, and (2) an SST forecast based on SST anomalies persisted from the most recently observed month. These SST predictions are then used, in a second tier of the process, as a basis for prediction of the climate over land. The historical skill of the atmospheric models in hindcast mode, and of real-time forecasts over 4 recent years, are known. The hindcast skills using perfectly known SST forcing are used to form the weights of the five models for real-time forecasts in a multi-model ensemble setting. In addition to the dynamical tools, simple empirical tools are also sometimes used, such as composites of climate anomalies based on years having ENSO conditions similar to what is currently expected for a given season. Final forecasts are expressed as probabilities of tercile categories (below, near, and above normal) whose definitions are based on observed data over a recent 30-year period. More Detail on the SST Prediction The dynamical model given the most weight for tropical Pacific SST predictions is the coupled ocean-atmosphere model of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The NCEP forecasts cover the area from 30N to 25S, and 70W to 120E. Predictions from other dynamical models, such as the COLA model, the simpler Lamont-Doherty model, and the model run at the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), are also viewed, but have been given little weight. Plans are being designed to allow these additional models to contribute to a multi-model SST forecast that would be weighted by the relative expected accuracies of the input models. Forecasts of the tropical Atlantic SST are made using the statistical canonical correlation analysis (CCA) by CPTEC/INPE in Brazil, using the tropical Atlantic and Pacific SST fields as predictors. Similarly, forecasts of the Indian Ocean are presently done at the IRI using a CCA, using as predictors the most recent 1-month mean observed Indo-Pacific SST anomalies, and the forecasts of the Pacific SST field. For all extratropical latitudes, the SST anomalies of the most recent month are damped toward climatology with an e-folding time of 3 months More Detail on the Global Climate Predictions As of mid-2003, five models are run for each forecast: (1) The MRF9 from the NCEP in Washington, DC, U.S.A.; (2) the ECHAM4.5 from Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, Germany; (3) the CCM3.2 from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.; (4) the NSIPP model run at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A., and (5) the COLA2 model run at the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) in Calverton, Maryland, U.S.A. The NCEP model is presently run in Queensland, Australia; the ECHAM4.5 and CCM3.2 models are run by IRI personnel at the IRI and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, respectively, the NSIPP at GSFC, and the COLA2 model at COLA. Most of these models are run at T42 spatial resolution, and using about 18 vertical levels. A minority of the models are run at T63 resolution and converted to T42 resolution at IRI. Use of models from other modeling centers is being considered. Examples are CPTEC’s AGCM and GPC-SIF/Doc. 5.5, p.2 CPC/NCEP’s current model (not the same as the MRF9). Ensembles of 10 runs or more are produced from each of the currently used models, where the ensemble members are exposed to the same predicted (or persisted) SST but initialized with differing atmospheric initial conditions. The atmospheric initial conditions are not those observed, but are restart files that are updated as new observed SSTs become available in real-time. Because the first period being forecast starts about two weeks following the time of the forecast, lack of use of real initial atmospheric conditions is not believed to appreciably affect forecast skill on average. In total, there are thus at least 50 runs from the original five models, and 70 for the first forecast target period if the persisted SST runs are included also. (The persisted SST scenario is run only for the ECHAM4.5 and CCM3.2 models— the ones that are run by IRI staff.) The flow of the IRI’s forecast system is shown in Fig. 1. IRI DYNAMICAL CLIMATE FORECAST SYSTEM HISTORICAL DATA Extended simulations PERSISTED GLOBAL SST Observations GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC MODELS 24 10 ECHAM4.5(MPI) FORECAST SST CCM3.2(NCAR) TROP. PACIFIC (NCEP dynamical) NCEP(MRF9) TROP. ATL, INDIAN (statistical) NSIPP(NASA) EXTRATROPICAL (damped persistence) Persisted SST Ensembles 3 Mo. lead COLA2.x POST PROCESSING -Statistics 24 Forecast 10 SST 10 Ensembles 10 3/6 Mo. lead 10 AGCM INITIAL CONDITIONS -Multimodel Ensembling -graphics REGIONAL MODELS UPDATED ENSEMBLES (10+) WITH OBSERVED SST Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the IRI's 2-tiered seasonal forecast operational system. The numbers on the arrowheads indicate the actual numbers of runs of each model contributing to the multi-model ensemble. Format of Forecast Output The forecasts are issued on a 2.5 x 2.5 degree latitude/longitude grid for precipitation, and on a 2 x 2 degree grid for temperature. These grids are used because the data sets used for verification are on compatible grids. Forecasts are only issued over land areas, including small islands if they produce observations for verification. Precipitation forecasts are issued only over regions whose climatological precipitation exceeds 30 mm for the 3-month period in question. Probabilities of the three terciles are given in multiples of 5% (e.g. 40%, 35%, 25% for below, near, and above normal categories), except for the climatology forecast which is labeled as 33%, 33%, 33%. Improving the Estimate of the Expected Skill of the Atmospheric GCMs GPC-SIF/Doc. 5.5, p.3 An ongoing effort is underway to gain more realistic estimates of model skill in retrospective hindcasts, in which observed SST information is not permitted once the model run has begun. So far, long hindcast runs have been conducted for ECHAM4.5 using SST anomalies persisted from the observed SST the previous month. Skills indicated from these hindcasts are generally somewhat lower than those from “perfect” observed SSTs. Skill of the IRI's Real-Time Precipitation Forecasts since Late 1997 The IRI has been issuing real-time forecasts for only about 5 years since their first set of forecasts for October-November-December 1997 For verification, the precipitation observations used are those of the CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) on a 2.5 degree grid (Xie and Arkin 1996). Temperature forecasts are verified using the New data from University of East Anglia (New et al. 2000), which are converted from a 1.0 degree grid to a 2.0 degree grid. Because the IRI’s forecasts are issued in a probabilistic format, the verification is done using a probabilistic measure of skill. The verification measured used for the probability forecast is the ranked probability skill score (Epstein 1969; Wilks 1995), defined as: 3 RPS = ( Fi Oi) 2 i 1 where Fi is the cumulative forecast probability up to category i, and Oi is the cumulative observation up to category i. The rank probability skill score, or RPSS, is then calculated using climatology forecasts as the reference for comparison: RPSS = 1 - (RPSf / RPSc) where RPSf is the RPS for the forecast, and RPSc is the RPS of the climatology forecast. It should be noted that the RPSS appears to be a harsh skill score. RPSS skills of 0.10 are regarded as respectable in the business of seasonal precipitation forecasting, and skills of 0.20 as very good. The RPSS skill for the IRI’s precipitation forecasts for the first season over the globe during the 1997-2001 period has been compared with the skill for some individual constituent forecasts tools: (1) probability forecasts in accordance with historical probabilities associated with the ENSO state, (2) the climate category observed in the previous 3-month period is used as the forecast, with a 100% probability given to the given category and 0% for the other two categories, and (3) probabilities from the error-corrected ensemble distribution of the ECHAM3.6 model which was the best individual AGCM used during the 1997-2001 period. Of the four sets of forecasts, the IRI’s final forecast had the highest overall skill, a skill that still, however, is modest in many locations. During specific regions and seasons, however, such as those known to be under ENSO influence, skill was respectable. Examples are Jan-Feb-Mar for the southern U.S., southern Africa and Indonesia, Apr-May-Jun in northeast Brazil, Jul-Aug-Sep in the Sahel and parts of India, and OctNov-Dec in southeastern South America, eastern equatorial Africa and Indonesia/Philippines. These real-time skill results will soon be published in Goddard et al. (2003). GPC-SIF/Doc. 5.5, p.4 Future Goals The IRI is working toward a more robust system of forecasting tropical SST for the forecast periods. This system will use several dynamical models as input, and will probably generate several SST forecast scenarios from these (not literally those of the individual input SST forecasts). Use of a mixed layer model for forecasting outside of the tropical Pacific is a possibility. Providing access to individual model forecasts to other global climate forecast producers is progressing at a good rate. Currently the IRI’s data library contains historical simulations of the five AGCMs, and access to real-time forecasts is currently permitted on a password basis. Real-time forecasts can be viewed on the web. A plan is to remove password protection; we are working out how to field users’ inquiries. IRI is increasing the use of post-processing of model forecast output using multivariate statistical corrections based on CCA on a region-by-region basis. This has already been shown to increase skill appreciably for many models, regions and seasons. A wholesale correction process would be desirable. Some corrections use just the local region of model forecast as the predictor, while others reach to the model’s prediction in regions more remote from the area being corrected. A newly initiated probabilistic ENSO forecast is now posted monthly by the IRI out to 8 months in advance. A goal is to increase the objective component of this forecast—i.e. rely more confidently on a selected set of objective dynamical and statistical prediction tools. References Epstein, E. S. (1969). A scoring system for probability forecasts of ranked categories. J. Appl. Meteor., 8, 985-987. Goddard, L., A. G. Barnston and S. J. Mason, 2003: Evaluation of the IRI’s “Net Assessment” Seasonal Climate Forecasts: 1997-2001. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 84, accepted (to appear in middle to late 2003). New, M., M. Hulme and P.D. Jones, 2000: Representing twentieth-century space-time climate variability. Part II: Development of a 1901-96 monthly grid of terrestrial surface climate. J. Climate, 13, 2217-2238. Wilks, D. S., 1995. Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences. International Geophysics Series, Vol. 59, Academic Press, San Diego, 464 pp. Xie, P. and P. A. Arkin (1996). Analyses of Global Monthly Precipitation Using Gauge Observations, Satellite Estimates, and Numerical Model Predictions. J. Climate, 9, 840 -858.