New areas we could get into - Carlingford Adventure Centre

Option 1: The Dragons Den Challenge
60 Participants Max, This is All Water Option!!
Design, Marketing, Testing, Production….. its all here and we will even get you to race the final product.
The Currach build is your product from first ideas, designs, marketing presentation and sales pitch including
jingles. Then build of your currach and finally you will enter a race against your rival teams. Leadership,
communication and team work will all be tested throughout this task but only the strongest team will win our
Currach Build Challenge.
Stage 1: Conceptualise, Plan, Purchase and Market
During this stage the Currach is designed, marketing plans made, jingles produced and business plans
drawn up.
Stage 2: Constructing & Testing your Currach
Teams construct a Currach and then test it ready for the final Challenge.
Stage 3: The Sales Pitch!
Your team now need to persuade the Dragons to invest in the product and business plan, will your plan float
or sink!
The Dragons Den Challenge
Arrive Carlingford Adventure Centre. Welcome Tea/ Coffee and
Biscuits. Meet Programme Director and get into teams.
Conceptualise, Plan and Market - Planning phase of the Currach
build, the teams will go to our purpose built Boat House conference facility and receive
the brief for the build. The teams will also receive the materials needed to build the
Currachs. The teams will need to produce a marketing plan, costs and budgets, and
sales pitch.
Lunch @ Carlingford Adventure Centre
Constructing & Testing your Currach - The building and racing of the Currachs at the
Boat House is only half the challenge. Once the teams have raced their Currachs the real
test starts, they need to get the Dragons to support their business plan in the Dragons
Den meets Apprentice style boardroom.
Debrief/Slide Show & Depart Carlingford Adventure Centre
Option 2: Ultimate Team Siege Challenge
100 Participants Max, This is All Land Option!!
The Year is 50BC, your team is part of the Roman Garrison laying siege to the last bastion of Irish
resistance. Can your team successfully complete all the challenges that are necessary to collect all
the parts needed to construct the ultimate weapon that will guarantee that the enemy will finally
Utilising the natural surroundings, this course involves a variety of challenges designed to explore and
develop positive team behaviours. Upon completion of each challenge, teams are encouraged to review
and discuss their progress
On successful completion of each challenge the team will earn a vital piece of equipment which will be used
to construct the Ballista (Ancient Roman Weapon used to hurl rocks at enemy encampments) which will
spell the final doom of the Irish Encampment.
The Ultimate Team Siege Challenge is run in three stages:
Stage 1: Challenge Course, Planning Phase!
Time needed:
1 Hour
During this phase the overall challenge is planned. Your team will receive the main brief, this will give your
team enough information to plan which challenges will give you the best chance at accruing The most CAC
Dollars to negotiate for all the equipment needed to construct the Ballista.
Your team will be given the Ballista plans which are needed to successfully construct the weapon.
Stage 2: Challenge Course Execution Phase
Time Needed:
3 Hours
The teams will have to overcome great odds to complete the challenges and earn as much currency as
possible to negotiate for all the parts needed to build the weapon.
Stage 3: The Negotiation, Construction and Battle Phase!
Time Needed:
2 Hours
Teams now need to use their hard earned currency to buy all the required parts at the CAC Ballista Parts
shop. Beware, you need to buy wisely to have all the parts needed to construct your Ballista and fire upon
the enemy encampment, the team that are the most accurate will emerge victorious.
Ultimate Team Siege Challenge
Arrive Carlingford Adventure Centre. Welcome Tea/ Coffee and
Biscuits. Meet Programme Director and get into teams.
Challenge Course, Planning Phase! - During this phase the overall challenge
is planned. Your team will receive the main brief, this will give your team enough
information to plan which challenges will give you the best chance at accruing all
the equipment needed to construct the Ballista. Your team will be given the
Ballista plans which are needed to successfully construct the weapon.
Challenge Course Execution Phase! - The teams will have to overcome great
odds to complete the challenges and earn all the parts needed to build the
Lunch @ Carlingford Adventure Centre
Stage 3: The Construction and Battle Phase! - Teams construct their Ballista
and fire upon the enemy encampment, the team that is the most accurate will
emerge victorious.
Debrief/Slide Show & Depart Carlingford Adventure Centre
Option 3: Team Wilderness Survival Full Day
30 Max Participants, This is a All Land Option!!
This dynamic and demanding programme is designed for teams who need a cutting edge to their
performance, challenging the way a group works in order to accomplish the task. Decision- making
in a survival situation has clear consequences and this challenge is no different.
With a selection of survival problems and a must for impeccable teamwork, you will be amazed at
what your team can achieve.
Wilderness Survival
Your aircraft has crash-landed in a remote range of mountains! Your team has survived the emergency
landing and now face the prospect of surviving in the wilderness until help arrives or until you can make
good your escape!
This team building event takes place in the Cooley Mountains. Teams initially decide on priorities
and then set out to recover essential survival equipment that has been airdropped into the area by a
rescue team. Of course, what one team regards as essential is a needless luxury to a different team!
Team Wilderness Survival
Arrive Carlingford Adventure Centre. Welcome Tea/ Coffee and
Biscuits. Meet Programme Director and get into teams.
Team Wilderness Survival - Your aircraft has crash-landed in a remote area of the
Cooley mountains! Your Team has survived the emergency landing and now face the
prospect of surviving in the wilderness until help arrives or until you can reach safety!
Packed Lunch on the Mountain
Team Wilderness Survival – The challenge continues, can your team overcome the
many challenges and reach safety?
Debrief/Slide Show & Depart Carlingford Adventure Centre
Option 4: The Prison Breakout
36 Max Participants, This is All Land Option!!
Your Team must overcome all the challenges that are thrown at you to collect all the points needed
to scale the heights of the 30 foot structure and escape to freedom.
Your Team will start off on CAC’s purpose built Challenge Course, here your team will compete to accrue
as much CAC Dollars as possible, this will enable you to purchase all the knowledge and equipment you
will need to successfully complete the afternoon challenge and break your team out of the maximum
security prison. You and your team then need to conquer the 30 foot structure which is your only route to
freedom (High Ropes Course). Compose mind and body to complete the tasks that await you. With 5 main
elements you and your team will be tested as a group right to the very edge
Prison Breakout
Arrive Carlingford Adventure Centre. Welcome Tea/ Coffee and
Biscuits. Meet Programme Director and get into teams.
Initiative Team Challenge - Utilising the natural surroundings, this course involves
a variety of challenges designed to explore and develop positive team behaviors.
Upon completion of each challenge, teams will earn equipment and knowledge vital to
the second half of the challenge, does your team have what it takes to break out of the
concentration camp.
Lunch @ Carlingford Adventure Centre
Escape to Freedom – Using the equipment and knowledge earned this
morning, you team needs to traverse the Inclined Log, scale the Jacobs Ladder and
finally Leap to Freedom!
Debrief & Depart Carlingford Adventure Centre
Option 5: Robinson Crusoe Challenge
100 Participants Max, This is Half Land and Half Water Option!!
Your team has been ship wrecked on a deserted Island. You need to overcome all the challenges to
get all the equipment you will need to construct the raft that will save your team and carry you
safely to safety!!
Initiative Team Challenge
Utilising the natural surroundings, this course involves a variety of challenges designed to explore and
develop positive team behaviors. Upon successful completion of each challenge, teams earn CAC Dollars
which will be needed in the afternoon to negotiate for the parts required to construct the Raft.
Raft Build Challenge
A water based challenge that requires teams to design, build and race a raft whilst also completing a series
of initiative tasks on the water at the same time. Has your team accrued enough CAC Dollars to buy the
vital equipment needed to build a raft and paddle to safety? Co-operation, communication, team motivation
and a keen sense of fun are the keys to success.
Robinson Crusoe Challenge
Arrive Carlingford Adventure Centre. Welcome Tea/ Coffee and
Biscuits. Meet Programme Director and get into teams.
Initiative Team Challenge - Utilising the natural surroundings, this course involves
a variety of challenges designed to explore and develop positive team behaviors.
Each successfully completed task will give the team access to vital pieces of equipment
needed to build the raft in the afternoon and escape the Island forever!
Lunch @ Carlingford Adventure Centre
Raft Build Challenge – The team now have to use all the equipment earned during the
morning session to design, construct and paddle the raft to safety!
Debrief/Slide Show & Depart Carlingford Adventure Centre