Mathematics Why choose this subject? Because you love Mathematics and are so good at it. You might have an interest in exploring mathematical ideas from an early age; your curiosity and interest may have been sparked by the world around you. You may be considering a career for which mathematics is needed or for which it may be useful. The good news is that even if you do not know what you wish to do at the moment, mathematics fits well with both arts and science subjects and is well regarded by higher education institutions and employers. Recent studies have shown that those who have taken A Level Mathematics increase their earning potential whatever their choice of degree. Studying Mathematics at AS and Advanced GCE will enable you to extend your knowledge of such topics as algebra and trigonometry as well as learning some brand new ideas such as calculus. If you enjoyed the challenge of problem solving at GCSE using such mathematical techniques, then you should find the prospect of this course very appealing. It has been a popular and successful choice at Loxford. Entry requirements: A GCSE Grade A from the higher tier of entry. Combine this course with: Computing, a Science, a Language, English Literature, Design and Technology, Economics, Geography. Essential if you go on to: Continuing Education: Degrees in Mathematics and Science will almost certainly require an ‘A’ Level in Mathematics. Careers: Medicine, Statistical, Scientist, Engineer, Teacher, Surveyor etc. Course Content: Sixth Form mathematics at AS and A level follows the Edexcel modular course. All the modules are equally weighted and six modules make an A level. An AS level is three modules, roughly equivalent to half an A level. There is no coursework or practical work in the mathematics course. Each module is tested in a single 90-minute written examination. YEAR 12 Units (Core): C1-Introduction to Advanced Mathematics C2-Concepts for Advanced Mathematics YEAR 13 Units (Core): C3-Methods for Advanced Mathematics C4-Applications for Advanced Mathematics Unit (Applied): Unit (Applied): M1- Mechanics 1, D1- Decision Mathematics S1 – Statistics, M1 – Mechanics, M21 or S1-Statistics 1 Mechanics 2, S2- Statistics 2 or D1-Decision Mathematics 1 Assessment: YEAR 12 ASSESSMENT C1-Exam in January/June C2-Exam in June M1/S1 -Exam in June YEAR 13 ASSESSMENT C3-Exam in January C2-Exam in June M2/S2/D1 -Exam in June Course Description AS Level Mathematics This course aims to build on work already successfully completed at GCSE. Modules are available in Core Mathematics, Mechanics, Statistics and Decision Mathematics. While studying mathematics you will be expected to: use mathematical skills and knowledge to solve problems; solve quite complicated problems by using mathematical arguments and logic; understand and demonstrate what is meant by proof in mathematics; simplify real-life situations so that you can use mathematics to show what is happening and what might happen in different circumstances; use the mathematics that you learn to solve problems that are given to you in a real-life context; use calculator technology and other resources (such as formulae booklets or statistical tables) effectively and appropriately; understand calculator limitations and when it is inappropriate to use such technology. A2 Mathematics Further modules are available in Core Mathematics, Mechanics, Statistics and Decision Mathematics, These allow for application of knowledge, skills, understanding and modeling techniques to solve problems set in a real-life context. Assessment of course is by examination in each of the three modules chosen by the candidate. This choice will reflect the candidate’s skills, knowledge and understanding. This course aims to build on work already successfully completed at AS level. AS/A2 Further Mathematics This course is unusual in that it is an extension of the usual A Level Mathematics course and can only be studied by those already doing A Level Mathematics and wishing to study Mathematics, Physics or Engineering at University. Further Mathematics provides more opportunity to see how mathematics is applied and supports many other subjects with mathematical based content. Course Description In addition to AS/A2 Mathematics, pupils can also follow as AS/A2 award in Further Mathematics. This requires that a further 3 modules are completed for the AS and a further 3 module are studied for A2. What will I learn on this course? There are many good reasons for students to take Further Mathematics: students taking Further Mathematics overwhelmingly find it to be an enjoyable, rewarding, stimulating and empowering experience; for someone who enjoys Mathematics, it provides a challenge and a chance to explore new and/or more sophisticated mathematical concepts; it enables students to distinguish themselves as able mathematicians in the university and employment market; it makes the transition to a mathematics-rich university course easier A typical distribution of modules for pupils studying Further Mathematics is: Title AS Mathematics AS Further Mathematics Compulsory units C1, C2 FP1 Optional units One of M1, S1 or D1 Two of D1, S1 or M1 Title A2 Mathematics A2 Further Mathematics Compulsory units C3, C4 FP2 Optional units One of M2, S2 or D2 Two of D2, S2 or M2 Entry requirements: A GCSE Grade A/A* in Mathematics and also be taking A Level Maths