Definition: A phrase structure grammar is a 4-Tuple G(V,,P,S) Where V=Total Vocabulary =Terminal Alphabet (finite) S =Start Symbol V-=N set of non-terminal symbols P=finite set of Production rules of the form , Where VNV V Notation: Upper Case: Nonterminals Lower Case: Terminals .X. ={a,b}, N= {A,S} S ab, SaASb, AbSb ASbSb, Ae, aASAbaa. Definition: “ Directly Generates” relation() 11, where , V* iff 1=a1a2, 1= a1a2 and P .X. Sab SaASb abSbSb, Notation SabSbsb Definition * called the reflexive transitive closure Sentential forms of G, S(G)={ V/S} The language generated by grammar: L(G)=S(G)={w /Sw} .X. SABC AB0AD AB1AE DCB0C ECB1C D00D D11D E00E E11E ABe Ce 0BBQ 0BB0 Definition: Right linear Grammar Rules of Form: AB A, A,B N .X. G:SaS/a, L(G)=a+ then L(G)={xx / x {0,1}} .X FSAGrammar a L(A)=aba. b Q2 Q1 a G: Q1aQ1 Q1bQ2 Q2aQ2/e since Q2=final state Algorithm: If A=(Q,,q1,F) F.S.A. Then corresponding Grammar G=(V,, P q1) The alphabet = is the set of terminal symbols, the states Q= is the non terminal symbols P={qa(q,a)/(q,a) Qx} {qe/q F} Grammar N.F.S.ADFSA G: q1abq1 q1bq2 q2bq2 q2a L(G)=(ab) baa ab q q1 b a q2 qq b Algorithm: If G=(V,,P,S) right linear grammar Then C=(Q,, ,{S},F) the corresponding FSA Where Q=(V-) {q}, q V F={q}, =(qi,u,qj) / qiuqj. P} {(qi,u,q) / qi u P} Note: not every linear grammar is regular [Regular=left linear or right linear] For example , SA AaB/e BAb cannot be converted to right linear grammar (language = {a nbn} Redundancies in Context free Grammar ( N0 Proofs) (CFG: every rule in form: A, A in N, V*) .X useless symbols Definition: T N useless iff ¬ : T EE+E/T/F E E+E/F FFE/(T)/ F F*E/a TE-T ( T Useless if use TE-T never can get rid of T) How to get rid of useless symbols G=(V,,P,S) G1=(V1,,P1,S) with no useless symbols Algorithm (to find useful symbols) W1={ A N= V-Σ / A x is in P for some x } Wk+1= Wk { A N / A is in P for some ( Wk) } Stop when Wk+1= Wk For previous example: W1= { F } W2= EF Useless=N-{usefull} Once useless are found, eliminate any rules that contain a useless symbol. Unreachable Symbols Definition G=(V,,P,S ) Context free, A N=V- Σ, B V Then B is reachable from A iff A B, , V S aBa BSb/bCC Cabb DC (D is unreachable) Algorithm to Eliminate Unreachable symbols 1. Find reachable symbols. W1(A)= {A} Wk+1 (A)=Wk(A) { c V / , V, B WK(A) : B C in P} .X. for previous example: W 1={S}, W2={S,B,a}, W3(S)={,S,B,b,C}, W4=W3 Lemma 3.3.1 ti n , =a1….an and i i, then ti= and ti , i i=1 .X. E E+T/T T TF/F F /(E) E + T E+ + a1 a2 a3 b 1 b 2 T b3 a1 b1, a2 b2, a3 b3 Theorem: If L is a CFL (Context free Languages) then LT is CFL Proof: G=(V,,P,S), L=L(G), GT=(V,,PT,S) Where PT ={ AT / Where A in P} 1 If A G 1 A T GT 2 2 1 A 2 iff A 2T ( if A 1=u1 G GT G 1 A1u2 u1B1u2, A1 N, u1,u2 ) GT 1 1 A 1T=u2T A1 u1T u2T B1T u1T= 2T GT GT Therefore i for I+1 Class A ., V iff A T G GT A b G 1 If A =u1A1u2A2……unAn, ui ,Ai N G 1 A T=un+1TAnunTAn-1….u2Ta1u1T GT ti ti =u11u22….un1un+1, Ai i , ti r Ai iT G GT So A Un+1T An UnT…. A1U1T Un+1T nT….1TU1T=bT Chomsky Normal Form The productions of any context free grammar G with e L (G) Can be written in the form : ABC, A,B,C N A, To convert to CNF: 1) Eliminate rules and Chain rules -rules : A v .X G:ETE1 E1+TE1/ same as E E+T /T Algorithm to Eliminate e-Rules (if L(G) it will not work) W1={ A / A} Wk+1=Wk { A/A is in P for same WK } Stop when Wk+1=Wk If AWn A @ L(G) iff S Wn Construction of the Productions: P1= { A 12….n if A A1A2…An is in P, where i=Ai or if Ai Wn } .X. ETE1 E1+TE1 / W1={E1}, W2={E1} P1={ ETE1/T E1+TE1/+T } .X. AA1A2A3 A2/ A3b/ A1C W1={A2,A3} AA1A2A3 AA1A3 AA1A2 AA1 A2 A3b Definition: Chain Rule: is rule of form AB, A,B N Eliminate Chain Rules: .X EE+T/T TTF/F F(E)/ P1: EE+T/TF/(E)/ TTF/(E)/ F(E)/ eliminate rules, chain rules 2nd Whenever a right hand side more than 1 terminal or nonterminal STbT --------- convert to non terminals TTT/C as: STBT STT1 T1BT Bb TTAT TTT2 T2AT A TCA Cc Greibach Normal Form A a, a , N .X. ABCD (1) no left recursion –good GNF, (2) used in operators precedence (compilers) Grammar Chomsky Greibach Lemma 4.6.1 A1 B 2 Then can replace by A1b12/../1b12 Bb1/b2/…./bn Lemma 4.6.2 AA1/../An Ab1/../bs Then can replace by non-left recurs set of productions Ab1z/../bsZ/b1/b2/ Z1Z/../1Z/1’../s .X. AA1/b1 } same as Ab1z/b1 Z1Z/1 W * IF LG(w)=n takes n steps to device w G.N.F A1A2A3 A2A1A2/1 A3A1A3/0 A1A2A3 A2A1A2/1A2A2A3A2/1 Not in order ,change it So now A1A2A3 A21Z1/1 Z1A3A2Z1/A3A2 A3A1A3 A3 A2A3A3/0 A31Z1A3A3/1A3A3/0 So now A1A2A3 A11Z1A3/1A3 A21Z1/1 G.N.F Z1A3A2Z1/ A3A2 A3 1Z1A3A3/ 1A3A3/ 0 . G.N.F Now if not in GNF A BCD B after A in order Z1 1Z1A3A2A2Z1/ 1A3A2Z1/ 0A2Z1 /1Z1A3A3A2/1A3A3A2/0A2 Greibach Normal form also called m Standard form iff Aa, lg() m av Given m standard form , m 3 then we convert CFG in m-standard form into (m-1) standard form in 2 standard form have rules of form : Operator precedence Grammar .X.: A AB ABC Algorithm to convert m-standard into (m-1) standard (i) (ii) A will be in P1 if it is also in P and lg() m. (since =BCD.. # of non-terminals is m-1) AB1B2…….Bn-1Bm let B1n-1 Bn @1 add the rule if : Bn-1 add : Bn-1Bm, now if lg() m-1 m- Nonterminals is so adding Bm lg()=m m- 1 Nonterminals: then B1m-1B1B2….(Bm-1Bm) Lg()=m+1 Bm-1BmB1B2….(,)(,) group two of these .X: 3-form A1aA1A2A3 A2bA1A4 A3cA4 A4dA4 A1aA1(A2A3) (A2A3)bA1A4A3 A2bA1A4 A3cA4 A4dA4 A4dA4 A4dA4 A1aA1(A2A3) (A2A3)bA1(A4A3) (A4A3)d(A4A3) A3cA4 A4dA4 A1aA1(A2A3) (A2A3)bA1(A4A3) A2bA1A4 A3cA4 (A4A3)d(A4A3) Operator Grammar (Context free grammar) with productions having right hand side with no two adjacent non-terminals. .X ABcD Valid ABCD not valid AabCd Valid Convert CFG to operator Grammar advantages for compilers 2-Standard into Operator 1) Replace each productions of the form AaBC by Aa[BC] where [BC}is the one Non-terminal 2) After replacing all productions of the form AaBC as above , first we generate productions for [BC] as follows: If B, C [BC] 2-form .X AaBC BbCD Cc Dd Aa[BC] Bb[CD] Step1 Cc Dd Now B is unreachable so erace C,D Step 2 : [BC]b[CD]c L(G1)= abcdc [CD]cd so L(G) = L(G1) _____________________________________________________________________ Push Down Automata (N.P.D.A accepts C.F language but D.P.D.A not accept all C.F languages P.D.A is a 7 Tuple A=(Q,,,,q0,z0,F) Q=Final set of states =finite non-empty input symbols =finite non-empty push down symbols q0 Q initial state zo the initial symbols on stack F Q set of final states : Q ( ) Q Transitions: (q,,z)=(q1,b) means if in state q and read “a” from input tape , replace z by b on top of stack. Enter state q 1 .X. (q, a, b)=(q1,e) is a transition which pops b. (q, a, e)=(q1,b) is a transition which pushes b. Definition: The P.D.A M accepts string w(on input tape) Iff derivation (s,w,e) |--….|-- (p,e,e) , where P F = final state Start symbol, initial state Theorem: Any FSA is equivalent to a PDA EXAMPLES: 1) Design PDA for { wcwT/ w {a,b}} states k={S,F} ={a,b,c}, F={f}, ={a,b} : { (s,a,e) (s,a) (s,b,e) (s,b) (s,c,e) (f,e) (f,a,a) (f,e) (f,b,b) (f,e) } .X feed it with “abbacabba” 2) { wwT/w {a,b} } (s,a,e) (s,a) (s,b,e) (s,b) (s,c,e) (f1,e) (f,a,a) (f,e) (f,b,b) (f,e) .X try “abba” Theorem: G=C.F grammar , W then S * W iff S *L W using left derivations Definition: Context free grammar (Type 2 in Chomsky Hierachy) A, A N, V {an bn} regular but is context free: grammar Se/aSb) Theorem: C.F language its accepted by a PDA ALGORITHM: C.F grammar P.D.A let M= ( {p,q},,V,p,{q}) where : (p,e,e) (q,s) (p,e,A)(q,x) rule Ax (q,a,a)(q,e) a .X Given: V=(S,(,),[,]) =( (,),[,] ) R:= Se/SS/[S]/ Construct a PDA??? .X L={an bm an / n,m 1} {an bm cn / n,m 1} PDA: A=(Q,,,,qo,c,{q2}) Q={qo,q1,q2} =={a,b,c} (q0,a,c)(q0,ac) (q0,a,a)( q0,aa) (q0,b,a)(q0,ba) q0,(b,b)( q0,bb) (q0,a,b)=(q1,e) (q1,e,b)=(q1,e) (q1,a,a)=(q1,e) (q1,e,c)=(q2,e) (q0,c,b)=(q2,e) (q2,c,b)=(q2,e) (q2,e,a)=(q2,e) (q2,e,c)=(q2,e) .X 1) give a grammar for { am bn / mn} SaS/aSb/e PDA (p,e,e)(q,S) (q,e,S)(q,a,S) (q,e,S)(q,aSb) (q,e,s)(q,e) (q,a,a)(q,e) (q,b,b)\(q,e) 2) { am bn cp dq / m+n=p+q } PDA ? (In this example it would be easier to built a PDA than the grammar ) SaSd/M/N/e MaMC/T/e NbNd/T/e TbTC/e 3) G: SaSa/bSb/C, L(G)={ WCWR} P.D.A ? M={( {p,q},,V,,p,{q} ) with = { ((p,e,e),(q,S) ) ((q,e,S),(q,aSa)) ((q,e,S),(q,bSb)) ((q,e,S),(q,c)) ((q,a,a), (q,e)) ((q,b,b),(q,e)) ((q,c,c),(q,e)) } DEFINITION: M=PDA is simple iff (q,u,b), (p,r) | b | 1 And ((Q,U,E),(,R) (( q,u,A), (p,r,A) , A start symbol Theorem: if M is PDA then there is a simple PDA which accepts same language Proof: 1) if Transitions ((q,u,b),(p,r) with | b | 1 replace it by a sequence of transitions which sequentially pop the symbols of b i.e, replace ((q,u,b),(p,r) by : if b=B1…Bn (q,e,B1),(t1,e) (t1,e,B2),(t2,e) ((tn-2,e,Bn-1)(tn-1,e)) ((tn-1,u,Bn),(p,r)) 2) Add to The transitions (q,u,A)(P,rA) whenever (q,u,e)(p,r) A Simple PDA Grammar G=(V,,P,S) where F={f} Where V= (QQ) S=(q0,zo,f) P: let A=(Q,,,,q0,Zo,F) States Stack Symbol Intial state Initial symbol where F={f} Without loss of genaraility can assume that only one final state 1) u 1, {e}, Z,Z1……,Zk and q,p,q1,……..qk Q if (q,a,z)=(p,z1…,zk) then (q,Z,qk) (p,Z1,q1)(q1,Z2,q2)….(qk-2,Zk-1,qk-1)(qk-1,Zk,qk) 2) if (q,a,Z)=(p,e) then (q,Z,p) L={an bn) S={qo ,e , q1 ) PDA: (qo,a,e)=(q0,a) (q0,e,e)=(q1,e,e) simple ={a} (q1,b,a)=(q1,e) simple (q0,e,q0)a(q0,a,q0) (q0,a,e)=(q0,a) (q0,e,q1)a(q0,a,q1) (q0,a,a)=(q0,aa) (q0,a,q0)a(q0,a,q0)(q0,a,q0) (q0,a,q0)a(q0,a,q1)(q1,a,q0) (q0,a,q1)a(q0,a,q0)(q0,a,q1) (q0,a,q1)a(q0,a,q1)(q1,a,q1) (q0,e,e)=(q1,e) (q0,e,a)=(q1a) (q0,b,a )=(q1,e) (q0,a,q1)e (q0,a,q0)e(q1,a,q0) (q0,a,q1)e(q1,a,q1) (q0,a,q1)a(q0,a,q0)(q0,a,q1) SaA/e (q0,a,q1)a(q0,a,q1)(q1,a,q1 BaC CD/aaCA/aAE Eb Pumping lemma for C.F.Languages Let G= C.F Grammar Then K: each String W L(G) with length(w) can be written as: W=uvxyz in such a way that either u or y And u vn x yn z L(G) n0 .X Prove { an bn cn : n0 } C.F G.C.F @1 H.C.F G H C.F ? G compliment C.F ? NO: .X G={ anbncm / m,n 0 } H={ ambncn / m,n 0 } C.F But GH C.F If G.C.F *-G C.F ? *- ( *-G ) ( *-H) = G H if C.F G H contracdiction. PDA: 1) SaSa/bSb/C L(G)={ WCWT / W {a,b}} q0 start state z0start symbol of stack (q0,d,z0)(q1,z0,d) (q0,c,z0)=(q3 , z0) if A { a,b} (q1,d,A)(q1,A,d) d { a,b,c} (q2,d,d)(q2,A) (q2, ,Z0)(q3,z0) q3:final state 2) SaSa/bSb/ L(G)= { WWt/ W {a,b}} CA {a,b} (q0,c,z0)={(q0,z0,c} (q0,C,A)=(q0,AC) (q0,,z0)=(q1,) (q0,c,c)={(q0,c,c),(q1,)} (q1,c,c)=(q1,), (q1,), (q1,,z0)=(q1,) Accepted Language 1) T(A) = { w / (q0,w,z0) (q1,,), for some qF, } 2) N(A)={ w / (q0,w,z0) (q1,, ), for some qQ 3) L(A)= {w / (q0,w,z0) (q1,,), for some qF, qF} Deterministic PDA 1) (q,,z) 1 2) if (q,,z) (q,a,z)= , a Algorithm to Construct PDA from grammar (q,,Z)= { (q,t)/Z is in P} , (q,,)={(q,)} (i) (ii) .X SaSb/ S if top Stack Nonterminals replace it by Corresponding rule remain same state State always contain sentential form a S if next input symbol a (q0,,S)={(q0,bSa),(q0,)} (q0,,)={(q0,)} (q0,b,b)={(q0,)} if grammar is in G.N.F then Algorithm reduces to : (q,,Z){(q,,t)} where Za in P Given PDA construct grammar Basic Idea (q1,z1,q2) is a nonterminal in grammar iff{(q1,,z1) |-- (q2,) {(q1,Z1,q2) , } S = (q0,Z0,f) (q,a,Z) = (P,ZkZk-1) then (q,z,qk)(p,z1,q1)(q1,z2,q2)…. ….(pk-2,zk-1,qk-1)(pk-1,zk,qk) .X 1) A: (q0,1,z0)={(q,)}, L(A)={1} (q0,z0,q1)1 S b 2) (q0,1,z0)={(q0,z0,z1)} (1) (q0,1,Z1)={(q0,)} (2) (q0,0,Z0)={(q0,)} (3) D L (q0,Z0,q0)0 (q0,Z1,q0)1 (Q0,Z0,Q0)1(Q0,z1,Q0)(Q0,z0,Q0) CLOSURE of CFL 1) 2) 3) 4) Union: Concatenation Kleene , Not closed under SS1/S2, Si start symbol for Gi SS1S2 SS1S/ .x {aibici/i1} not CF {aibicj/j, I 1} CF {cibjcj/ i1,j1} CF 5) not closed under complementation __ __ __ __ L2L1 = L1L2, L1L1 = L1L2 If L= (deterministic)(unambiguous)CFL @1 R is regular then LR is CFL (deterministic)(unambiguous) Proof: P=PDA, A=FSA ~P1=L(P)L(A) P1 simulates moves of P on without changing state of FSA (q,q1) state in P1 where q P, q1 A (q,a,Z)=(q1,a) for P A(q1,a)=q1 for A P1 accepts when both P,A accept Theorem: L is CFL, R regular L-R is C.F.L _ Proof: L-R=LR= CFL TURING MACHINES Definition: A Turing machine T T=(Q , , Q0 , Final set of states = transform function. : (Q-{H} * Q * * {L,R,S} ) tape alphabet initial state .X (Q,X)=(Q1,X1,L) means replace X by X1 @ move reader to head to left. a # b c # Q0 ↑ Q1 Q2 Machine Stops if : 1) reaches the halting state H (machine halts) 2) says move to ptr to left @’ it’s already on the leftmost cell or there exits cancel instruction to move the machine at that input (machine hangs). Notation: 1) [ Q4, ab, #, c ] a a b # whats on left of header c header is here Q4 (Q,X)=(Q1,X1,L) 2) X/(X1,lRs) Q Q1 .X Def Let L be a language of alphabet @1 #, $ L is Turing recognizable Turing machine T: 1) the tape alphabet of T contains { $,#} 2) if @1 on tape [Q0,$ ] then if σL the machine will halt at [H,$,Y] if σ L, T will halt at [ H,$N] .X Built T to recognize {1n/n=1,3,5…} Tape Symbol 1 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 $ (Q1,$,R) (Q2,1,R) (Q1,1,R) (Q3,#,L) (Q4,#,L) # $ / ($,R) (Q5,$,R) (Q6,$,R) Q1 x $ / (#,L) Q2 1 / (1,R) N (Q3,#,L) (Q4,#,L) (Q4,#,L (Q4,#,L (H,N,L) (H,Y,L) 1 / (1,R) Q0 Y Q6 Q4 # / (#, L) $ / ($ , R) # / (#, L) # / (Y, L) # / (N, L) $ / ($, R) Q3 Q5 H X $ / (#, L) {anbncn/ n=0,1,2,3,…}≠ context free [ does not exist PDA] but there exists Turing Machine Exercise: $/($,R) a/(a,R) a) What does this do ? #/(#,S) Move all the way to the right B/(b,R) b) Given x/(X,R) $/($,R) x/(X,R) # / (#,R) Input tape What is the final Configuration? Go all the way to right @1 stop at 2 blanks in a row #/(#,S) $ X X # #…… Notation: M1M2 where Mi=Turing Machine When M1 halts, q0 to M2 M1M2 if M1 halts @’ header is at X, Start M2 x M2 M1 x M3 Notation: X,y,z w if Current Input =x,y or Z machine should proceed With W=↓ to what is present X,y .X W M1 M2 Means is after M2 executes and Current Symbol =equal as when M2 was reduced , go @’ repeat M1. Useful Machines: x/(x,R) x/({x,L) R: L: y/(y,L) Y/(y,R) #/(#,R) (Goes ones to the right) (Write an X in present position) (Goes ones to the left) #/(#,L) x/(x,S) y Rx: (Go right until find “X “) R Y/(y,S) X: # #/(#,S) y x R┐x: R (Go right until find Character X) Lx: - L # x L┐x:L X,y SR: # w x,y L L R R#R#W ( Shift string to right ) σ RσL #xyyxx# #yxy##xxy# xy#yx## ##xyyx# # #yxy#xxy# xy##x## Erase y if # on left of y x,y SL: # R x,y σ w R L LσR # L L#L#W .X Transform #W# to #W#W# W{x,y} X,y R#R#L#L# w R #R#R#WR#L#L#W Machine for {xnynzn} L# X # R y,z y z SL #,z SL # SL Z,# Grammar for {XnYnZn} Non CF SxyNSZ Se yNxxyN yNzyz yNyyyN Turing Machine $ Rs R R x,# R # L # x,# A b a a Q0 Q1 Steps if 1) reaches “halt” state or 2) attempt to move off left end of state Turing Machine: (K,,,S) Where K=finite set of States( h does not belong to K) =alphabet ( # ) s k= Initial state : K * (K {h}) * ({L,R}) (q,a)=(p,b) means: if in state q @’ scanning ‘a’ in input tape go to state p @1 if b rewrite a as b if does not belong to , b=L move head left, b=R move head right .X Erases a’s on Tape a) M=(K,,,S) K={q0,q1} ={a,#} s=qo Trace: (q0,aaa)(q1,#aa)(q0,#aa…………. Q0 a (q, σ) (q1,#) Q0 Q1 Q1 # a # (h,#) (q0,a) (q0,a) σ Q Notation: Configuration: a Assume: Input surrounded by blanks #: a b a # # # a b a b # # # When start : Tape head positioned on blank following Input M halts on Input w iff (S,#w#)(h,anything) (otherwise hangs) Definition: Let f:1: f(w)=u. A Turing Machine M=(K,,,S) computes f iff 0,1 is a subset of @’ if f(w)=u then (S,#w#)(h,#u#) [ f is called Turing Comutable] .X f:{a,b}{a,b}:ww=replace a’s with b’s @’ b’s with a’s M=(K,,,S) K={q0,q1,q2} ={a,b,#} S=q0 : Trace: q Q0 Q0 Q0 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 σ a b # a b # a b # (q,σ) (q1,L) (q1,L) (q1,L) (q0,b) (q0,a) (q2,R) (q2,R) (q2,R) (h,#) (q0,#aab#)..(h,#bba#) to compute fuctions: f:NN\ represent nN as a string of n 1’s 5:11111 etc .X. f(n)=n+1 M=(K,,,S) K={q0} =(I,#} S=q0 : q σ (q,σ) Q0 I (h,R) Q0 # (q0,I) .X (q0,#II#)…(h,#II#) f(n)=2n (q0,$)(q0,L) (q0,#)(q0,L) (q0,1)(q1,$) (q1,$)(q1,R) (q1,#)(q0,$) Def: Let y,N does not belongs to 0 L is a subset of 0 is Turing Computable iff XL:{Y,N} is turing computable w 0 Y, if w L N, if w does not belongs to L Xl(ww)= .X 0={a}, L={W0/|W|=even} M=(K,,,S) , K={q0,……,q6} , ={a, y , N,#} : Q Q0 Q1 Q1 # (q,σ) (q1,L) (q2,#) (q4,R) Q2 # (q3,L) Q3 # # Y N # (q6,R) (q5,Y) (h,R) (h,R) Q5,N) Q3 Q4 Q5 Q5 Q6 σ # (q0,#) Definition: a) Turing Machine M Accepts string w iff M halts on input W b) Turing Machine M accepts a language L is a Subset 0 iff L={w0 /M accepts W} c) language L is Turing Computable iff there exists Turing Machine M which accepts It Turing Decidable Turing acceptable Theorem: .X L={w{a,b} / w has at least one a } L accepted by M : q σ L also decidable by M (q,σ) q σ (q,σ) Q0 a (h,a) Q0 a (h,Y) Q0 b (q0,I) Q0 b (q0,L) Q0 # (q0,L) Q0 # (q0,L) Combining Turing Machines Basic Machines 1) there exists symbol writing machine for each symbol in for a:W = (K,,,S), K={q}, S=q, (q,b)=(h,a), b 2)VL=L head moving mahines VR=R K={q},S=q, L (q,a)=(h,L), a M3 b in tape , apply machine M1. Start with input When M1 halts , apply Ma2 to whatever is left on tape , if current tape symbol is a. M1 symbol is b, apply machine M2M3 If Current tape a b > R Machine starts on tape square, moves to right until it finds A blank;”#”,@’halts c c a, b, # > R R Move right, if see a or b # move right again . > R R Move right, two squares Unlabelled arc≡all assumed as labels or RR > R # means > R σ≠# What does this do? σ≠# . > R Lσ # R#: >R Scans right till it finds a non-blank, goes left, copies nonblank to its square . Lσ≡Lσ # Find 1st blank to right of current space. L#: >L # R#: >R L#: >L # find first nonblank to the right of current square # (Copying machine) . X. Built machine e # W# #W#W# # >L# R#R#L#L# R # R# (halts here) Try #abc# Left shifting machine. #W#W# (assume W has no blanks) σ≠# SL: : >L# R LσR # L# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SR: Right shifting machine #W###W# (assume W contains no blanks) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prove f:0*0*: f (w)=ww is computed by C SL (copy followed by shift left) C SL #W# #W#W# #W#W# Machine to compute: f:0*0*: f (W)=WWR . >L σ≠# #R#σL#σ # R# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L={W{a, b}*: W=WR} #W# a#W erase symbols from left, right of W as long as match. If empty left replace a by Y else by N >SRLaRR σ≠# #R#L σ #L# # # Z≠σ, # __ # #L L##R Y R # L##R N R 0={a, b, c} L={Wo*/W has equal #’s of a’s, b’s, c’s} Go through left to right 3 times, 1st searching for a 2nd searching for b 3rd searching for c If it finds them, it then replaces them with 3 d’s. If no more a’s, b’s, c’s halt. (all d’s). a d >L dR# b, c,d b,c a a,c,d L $ b dR #L $ halt RYR # a,b,d c dR #L # RNR Turing machines with K-tapes or with ∞ tapes on both ends are equivalent to standard Turing machines. F: N+N+ is Turing compatible Iff Э Turing machine T: [θ0, $ 11…11] n 1’s * [11, $ 111…. 11] f (n) 1’s . X f (n)=2n b/(b, R) a/(a, R) 1/(1,R) b/(b, R) $/($, R) > X≠$/(X, L) 1/(a, R) Q0 Q1 Q2 #/(b,c) Q3 #/(#, L) $/($, R) $/($, S) Q4 H X≠$/(1,L) Algorithm ≡ Turing machine Church-Turing thesis (not proved) Turing Machine for {Xn Yn Zn} ≠# L# X y R z SL # SL x x SL y y L z y R y, z R ≠# #, z R #,z #,x #,x A non-context free grammar for {Xn Yn Zn} SxyNSZ/e yNXxyN yNZyZ YNyyyN f(n)=2n is Turing Compatible. b/(b, R) a/(a, R) $/($, R) 1/(1,R) b/(b, R) 1/(, R) x≠$/(x,L) #/(b, L) > $/($, R) #, (#, L) $/($, S) halt X≠$/(1,L) Pascal, C, etc are context free . X If C1 then C2 else C3. Grammar 1: <statement>IF <condition> then <statement>/ IF <condition> then <statement> else <statement>/<statement2> <statement2><symbol1><operation><symbol2> IF C=0 then IF 0=1 then A=3 else A=4 can have 2 derivation trees.(2 ways to parse it) <statement> IF C=0 then <statement> IF D=1 then A=3 else A=4 (OR) <statement> IF C=0 then else A=4 <statement> IF D=1 then A=3 Therefore two different meanings 1) Given grammar G, Э’ algorithm to decide if its ambiguous or not. 2) Halting problem is undecidable. Note: Its possible that G ambiguous, G’ unambiguous but L (G)=L (G’) . X. for if. …then …else: <statement>S1/S2// <other kind of sentence> S1IF<condition> then S1/ IF<condition> then S2 else S1/ <other kind of sentence> S2IF <condition> then S2 else S3/ <other kind of sentence> Only 1 way to parse <statement> IF C=0 then S1 IF D=1 then S2 A=3 else S1 A=4 Parsing Construct derivation tree for a sentence in language, or say cant be parsed Question: a sequence of productions uniquely defines the tree? . X 1) 2 distinct productions can give same tree. 1 EE+T 2 ET 3 TTxF 4 TF 5 F(E) 6 Fa 1, 2,4,6,4,6a+a E 1,4,6,2,4,6a+a E ≠ but same tree E E + T T F F a a 2) Same sequence of productions gives different trees. SA AAOA A1 1 2 2 3 3 3 SAAOAAOAOA10AOA1010A10101 1 2 2 3 3 3 SAAOAAOAOAAOAO1AO10110101 But trees different. If both derivations are left most then no problem with 2. Definition: A left parse of a string σ is a left most derivation of σ. Parsing Top down parsing Bottom up parsing S ……. a1 A 2 AN Definition: top-down parsers using left derivations ≡LL parsers . X SaAS/b AbSA/a parse σ = abbab S ???? a b b Assume string σ ends with a $ sign. Let G=(, N, S, P) grammar. A top-down parser for G is a non-deterministic PDA. M with only one state Q, and an output tape. Tape input for M=, $ =stack alphabet =, N, # a b a1 a2 ------- ai ai+1 rj ------- an $ ---------- Program . . r1 n1 na ------ nk # Stack output tape Notation: [ aiai+1,…. An$, rjrj-1….r2r1# ,n1n2…nk ] Tape stack output Initial configuration of parse is [ a1a2…an$, $#, e ] The parser works as follows: 1.If XN is on top of stack 1 on input tape. Replace X by 1---t where X1---tP (1 on top of stack) at same time parse writes on output tape the # of the production. Input header pointer doesn’t move. 2.If X on top of stack, a≡ current input symbol. Then if X=a, pop X from stack, move header to right, if X≠a, while Reject on output tape, halt. (σέ<(b)). 3.If # on top of stack, @’header points to $ while ACCEPT on output tape @’ halt. Note: What to do in each situation depends only on the symbol γ on stack top @’ current input symbol so could describe parse with parse table. .X. G: SaAS/b AbSA/a Input symbol x a Stack b $ S SaAS (1) Sb (2) REJECT A Aa (4) AbSA (3) REJECT a POP REJECT REJECT b REJECT POP REJECT # REJECT REJECT ACCEPT Construction of parsing tables Can’t construct deterministic parser C.F. grammar but if grammar is simple can do it. DEF. G=(, N, S, P) simple iff (i) (ii) Every rule is of form A x b, X, b any string. (maybe empty) If AX1b1, AX2B2 are two rules, then x1≠X2. Theorem: If G simple Э top-down parser for G, M (i, j)=parse table Namely M (X, X)=POP,X M (#, $)=ACCEPT Rule Ab, set M [A, X]= rule AXb M [γ, X]=REJECT, for all other cases. . X SOA AOAB/ B Give its parse table. We will give an algorithm, which produces a top-down parser for any given grammar. If the parser for any given grammar. If the parser is deterministic, we are done. If not, we should try to transform the grammar to an equivalent one so that it has deterministic parser. (Next chapter). Another possibility is to parse it using back track or recursive descent parsing. If Э 2 rule in an entry in parse table, apply one, see where it goes, if necessary backtrack: (complicated). A third way is to make decision which rule to apply based not only on the value of the top of the stack @’ current input symbol, but also on next input symbol (γ,x,y) 3-D matrix. . X G: SaA SaB Aa Bb M [S, a] in table contains SaA @’ SaA @’ SaB but in 3D M (S, a, a) contains SaA so parser is M (S, a, b) contains SbA deterministic Definition: A grammar is LL (2) iff using next symbol too, to determine M (γ.X) we get deterministic parser. Define what is LL(R) grammar? Note: We can construct a parser for a C.F grammar if we know the sets FIRSTS () for a sentential @’ FOLLOW (A) for all non-terminals A. (Parser is not necessarily deterministic) Definition: Let G=(, N, S, P) C.F grammar, $ έ U N. If (UN)+, AN First ()={X/ Э derivation *xb} U {e/if * e is legal} FOLLOW (A)= {X/ Э derivation S*Axb} U {$/if Э derivation S*A} We’ll give algorithms to construct FIRST () FOLLOW (A) But first an example: G: SA AaA/e BDC CbDC/e DcSc/d FIRST (BA)=? {c, d} BADCACscCA BADCAdCA FIRST (aBA)={} FIRST (e)={e} FIRST (bDC)={b} FIRST (DC)={c, d} FIRST (cSC)={c} FIRST (d)={d} FOLLOW (S)={$, c},since SA and $ in S BADCACScCA FOLLOW (A)={$, C} S BA, S BADCACScCAcBAcCA FOLLOW(C)={$, a, c} FOLLOW (D)= {$, a, b, c} Algorithm (LL parser construction) Given a G C.F grammar If γUNU {#} stack symbol. XU {$} input symbol. Then M (γ, X) is given by: 1) M (X, X)=POP, X 2) M (#, $)=ACCEPT 3) Production X of G do: a) Terminal yFIRST () set Set M (X,y)=[X] b) If eFirst (), set M (X, y)={X},y FOLLOW (X). 4) M (X, y)=REJECT, in all other cases . X G as above SA AA/e DC CbDC/e DcSc/d FIRST=? input a a b c POP b POP c POP d Stack POP S A SBA AaBA B C D d Ce CbDC SBA Ae Ae BDC BDC Ce Ce DcSc Dd $ # ACCEPT If more than one empty in table we have a conflict. . X SaA/aB, Aa, Bb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition: Grammar G is LL (1) iff –conflict in its parsing table. Compute FIRST, FOLLOW: 1) Determine all terminals that can appear in front after one substition of the leftmost nonterminal. 2) Determine all terminals that can appear in front if we make 2 substitutions etc. The procedure will terminate in finite steps. FIRST () Part I: Calculate FIRST (X), XUNU {e} as follows: 1.FIRST (e)={e} 2. FIRST (X)=(X), X 3.Let A1, -----,Ap be the non-terminals of G. (a) Define sets N (A1)=---------=N (Ap)=ø @’ N (X)=X, (b) Go through productions of G in some arbitrary but fixed order @’ production modify sets N (A1), -----N (Ap) as follows: (i) If rule is of form AX, for x Add X to N (A). (ii) If rule is of form Ae add e to N(A) (iii) If rule is of form AY1,Y2----Yk, where Y1N,k>=,YjUNU{e} Then two cases: Apply it for: same grammar as above: .X. SBA AaBA BDC Ae DcSc CbDC FOLLOW (X): XN 1) Let Nonterminals be S,A1,A2, ---,An. Dd Ce Define sets M (Ai): M (S)=M (A1)=$ M (A2)=------=M (An)= ø 2) Go through rules in arbitrary but fixed order @’ for each rule perform following changes on sets M: a) If the rule has only terminals or e on right side do nothing. b) If rule has nonterminal on right side, then XN express the rule as AiXb @’ do following: (i) Add all terminals of FIRST (b) to M (X) (do not add e) (ii) If eFirst (b)add all symbols of M (Ai) to M (X). (iii) If any of M sets changes in step 2,repeat 2.else set Follow (Ai)=M (Ai), I=1,2—n. (*) a smallest index 1< j <K such that e έ N (Yj). In this case, add all the non terminals of N (Y1)----, N(Yj) (**) ’ such j, i.e.each one of N (Y1)---, N (Yk) contains then add all the elements of N (Y 1), -----, N (Yk) to N (A) C) If any of the sets N (A1), ------, N (Ap) are modified during the execution of step 3,go back and execute 3(b) again. If however, none of sets N (A1), -----, N (Ap) where modified then set: FIRST (A1)=N (A1), ---, FIRST (Ap)=N (Ap). PART II: Let =Z1,Z2,---Zm,ZiUN>Assume m>2 2 possibilities. (otherwise = e (m-2) or N @’ we know values of FIRST() 1) smallest index 1<=j<=m: e ‘FIRST (Zj) @’ In this case set: FIRST ()={FIRST (Z1) U FIRST (Z2) U…. U FIRST (Zj)}-{e}. 2) ’ such index j (i.e.) e FIRST (Zj) j=1,2, -----, m. Then set FIRST ()={FIRST (Z1) U…U FIRST (Zm). Compute FIRST, FOLLOW FIRST () Part1. Calculate FIRST (X), X U N U {e} as follows: 1.FIRST (e)={e} 2. FIRST (X)={X}, X 3.Let A1,……., Ap is the non-terminals of G. (a) Define sets N (A1)=…=N (Ap)=§ and N (X)={X}, X (b) Go through productions of G in some arbitrary but fixed order and for each production modify the sets (N (Ai)’s as follows: (i) If rule is of form AX , for X then add X to N (A). (ii) If rule is of form Ae, then add e to N (A). (iii) If rule is of form AY1, Y2…Yk Where Y1N, k>2,YjU N U {e} then there are two cases: Case 1: (*) There is a smallest index 1< j <k such that e ‘N (Yj) then add all terminals of N(Y1)……N(Yj) to set N(A). Case 2: (**) There is no such j, (i.e.) each of N (Y1),….., N (Yk) contains e, then add all elements of N (Y1)… N (Yk) to N (A). (c) If any of the sets N (A1)…N (Ap) were modified in step 3(b), then go back and repeat step 3(b). Otherwise set FIRST (A1)=N (A1)…FIRST (Ap)=N (Ap). Part II. Let =Z1,Z2,….Zm,Zi UN, M>=2 There are two possibilities 1) There is a smallest index 1<=j<=m:e ’ FIRST(Z1) then set FIRST()={FIRST(Z1)U……U FIRST (Zj)}-{e} 2) eFIRST (Zj) for all j=1,2,….,m then set FIRST()={FIRST(Z1)U….U FIRST (Zm) FOLLOW (X), XN 1) If nonterminals are S,A1,A2,…..An Define M (S)=M (A1)={$} M (A2)=…=M (An)=ø 2) Go through rules in arbitrary but fixed order and for each rule following changes to sets M: a) If the rule has only terminals or e on right side, then do nothing. b) If rule has Nonterminals on right side, then for every XN express the rule as AjXb and do the following (i) Add all terminals of FIRST (b) to M (X) (ii) If eFIRST (b), then add all symbols of M (Ai) to M(X). 3) If any of the M sets changed in step, Then repeat step 2 else Set FOLLOW (Ai)=M (Ai), I=1,2… Turing machine for {Xn yn zn} # L# # R x SL y SL z SL # L x y, z #,z x y y R y z R #, z #,x #,x ≠# R A non-context free grammar for {xnynzn} SxyNSz/e yNxxyN yNZyz yNyyyN f (n)=2n is Turing computable b/(b, R) a/(a, R) $/($, R) 1/(1,R) b/(b, R) 1/(, R) #/(b, L) $/($, R) #, (#, L) $/($, S) halt X≠$/(1,L) x≠$/(x, L)