INTRODUCTION - Sports Québec

Home Study Course
« Competition - Introduction – Part B»
Program Outline
This option used in particular circumstances, allows the coach to obtain its accreditation by working at home under the
supervision and advised of a Learning Facilitator.
The home study course is designed to provide an alternative training and evaluation method for active coaches who could not,
otherwise, continue their training.
Any request to register for Home study course must be addressed to SPORTSQUÉBEC. Reasons given by coaches to justify
this option are usually distance from the location where courses are held, the lack of course availability in their area, or lack of
time during the weekends.
To register for this course, the coach must:
have succeeded the « Competition - Introduction – Part B» and
be actively involve in the coaching of athletes, preferably, in the new Competency based NCCP.
The coach’s request must be approved by Sports-Québec.
Registration fees for this course are 185 $. Administrative costs for this course include the following:
- reference material of the « Competition - Introduction – Part B »
- coach Workbook – Home Study of the « Competition - Introduction – Part B »
- correspondance, data processing, royalties and also
Learning Facilitator:
- honoraries
It should be noted that long-distance phone calls to the Learning Facilitator are at the coach’s expense.
Home Study Course
« Competition - Introduction – Part B»
Program Outline
Upon registering, the coach agrees to the following conditions in the event of his withdrawal from the course:
 an amount of 100 $ will be refunded if the coach withdrawals after receiving the material and prior to the first phone call to
the Learning Facilitator.
 After that, no refund will be granted but a makeup form will be sent so the coach can do the course another time within
twelve (12) months from the original registration date.
Requirements for the Home Study Course are as follows:
 successful completion of the integrated exercises in the Coach Workbook and
 be in contact at least three (3) times with his Learning Facilitator.
The evaluation process relies on the following principles and elements:
 the main objective of the Home study course is to offer coaches the opportunity to continue their training while profiting from
the support of a Learning Facilitator;
 the evaluation is an integral part of the learning process and should not be an insurmountable obstacle for anyone who has
studied the course content and handed in the required assignments;
 the candidate registered to the Home study course has the possibility to rewrite or complete one or several sections as
 the key concept of the evaluation of the Home study course is to ensure that all the NCCP outcomes are completed.
It is difficult to evaluate with precision the exact duration of the coach’s involvement due to many interacting factors. On an
informative basis, here is a look at the course workload:
Reading and studying of the Reference Material book
Time devoted to complete the Coach Workbook
Experimenting different tasks with athletes
Communications with the Learning Facilitator
15 -20 hours
15-20 hours
2-3 hours
90 minutes
Total estimated
30-45 hours
The coach has a period of ten (10) weeks to complete the Home Study course. However, in special circumstances, the coach
may ask for an extension. The length of the extension is subject to agreement with SPORTSQUÉBEC. The request can be made
by phone at (514) 252-3114 ext. 3722 or by writing by email at, outlining the reasons for the request
and the time needed.
Home Study Course
« Competition - Introduction – Part B»
Program Outline
1. The coach completes the registration form and sends it to SPORTSQUÉBEC along with a cheque, made out to
SPORTSQUÉBEC, covering the registration fees.
Once the request is accepted, SPORTSQUÉBEC sends to the coach:
 the Reference Material « Competition - Introduction – Part B »;
 the Coach Workbook « Competition - Introduction – Part B »;
 a video (VHS or DVD) that has to be returned with the Coach Workbook and
 information about the assigned Learning Facilitator and the time limit to complete the course.
Upon receiving the documents, the coach must contact the assigned Learning Facilitator at least three (3) times:
The first communication must be in the following week of the reception of the documents. This call is to obtain
clarifications, if needed, and to agree to a support and consultation schedule. The Learning Facilitator will take the
opportunity to go over the course information and outline some of the requirements and the teaching methods.
The two other communications will take place during the completion of the Home Study Coach Workbook. The
coach must communicate with the Learning Facilitator to outline his progress up to date, and obtain explanations if
needed. Remember that the Learning Facilitator is there to guide the coach during is studying and to give outlines to
complete the Coach Workbook.
After the third communication, the coach has to return his Coach Workbook to SPORTSQUÉBEC. We advise the
coach to make a copy of the Coach Workbook before sending it for marking at Sports-Québec.
The Learning Facilitator has a period of thirty (30) days to grade the Coach Workbook and return it to SPORTSQUÉBEC
with the result.
Once the Coach Workbook has been returned to SPORTSQUÉBEC, we will return the Coach Workbook and will inform the
coach that:
a) The coach has satisfied to all the requirements of the course or,
b) The coach has to rewrite one or several sections of the Coach Workbook within a thirty (30) day period. The coach
must return his revised Coach Workbook with a 10 $ cheque (made out to SPORTSQUÉBEC) to cover the fees of
the second marking. Again, we advise the coach to make a copy of the modifications.
If a coach cannot satisfy the pre-requisites of the course after having rewritten the incomplete section(s), the Learning
Facilitator will make a recommendation to SPORTSQUÉBEC as to the possibility of the coach to:
a) start the process from the beginning or,
b) register to a regular course.
Home Study Course
« Competition - Introduction – Part B»
Program Outline
Please complete this form in print letters and mail it with your cheque to :
SPORTSQUÉBEC c/o Provincial Coordinator of the NCCP
4545 av. Pierre-De Coubertin, C.P. 1000, Succ. M, Montréal (Qc) H1V 3R2 (514) 252-3114 ext. 3722
First and last name of the candidate:
Gender: M  F 
NCCP passport No CC
Date of birth :
Postal code :
Please tell us why you need to take this alternative course : (i.e. Home Study Course) :
 Enclosed are the 135 $ registration fees for the « Competition - Introduction – Part A » Theory Home Study Course.
 Enclosed are the 185 $ registration fees for the « Competition - Introduction – Part B » Theory Home Study Course.
a video, that you’ll have to return*, will be sent to you. Please specify your preference:  VHS or  DVD
* Fees of 20$ will be charge to you if the video is not included with your workbook when you send it back to us.
 The cheque or money order must be made out to SPORTSQUÉBEC.
 You must submit your workbook to the address indicated at the top of this page.
 Inscription accepted
 Inscription refused
Deadline to complete the course :
Month Year
Phone: (
February 2010
Coach’s registration no :