Thomas F. Harlow August 28, 2014 Curriculum Vitae Thomas F

Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Thomas F. Harlow III
Personal Data
104 Lynn Ave
Greeneville, TN 37743
Work: 423-636-7300 ext. 5284
Home: 423-638-4290
University Degrees
Ph. D., August, 1993, University of Georgia, Department of Psychology
M. S., August, 1989, University of Georgia, Department of Psychology
B. A., June, 1986, University of Georgia, Department of Psychology
Teaching Experiences
Associate Professor. Tusculum College (Associate Professor--May 2010 to Present; Assistant
Professor August--2006 to 2010)
Courses taught: Essentials of Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology,
Theories of Personality, Independent Research, Theory and Practice of Citizenship,
Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Honors 101: The Quest for Meaning. Supervisor: Dr.
Brian Pope, Psychology Department Chair (423) 636-7300 ext. 5135
Assistant Professor. Missouri Valley College (August 2003 to May 2006)
Courses taught: General Psychology, Social Psychology, Child Psychology, Adolescent
Psychology, Adult Psychology, Psychological Measures, Psychology of Learning,
Experimental Psychology, History of Psychology, and Senior Research Seminar.
Supervisor: Dr. Gerardo Acay, Dean of Social Science (660) 831-4160
Adjunct Instructor Keiser College (October 2002 to March 2003)
Course taught: General Psychology
Supervisor: Sara Malmstrom, Dean of Academics (321) 255-2255
Professor of Psychology. Brevard Community College (August 1999—August 2002)
Courses taught: General Psychology (I & II) and Developmental Psychology
Supervisor: Connie Culbreth, Department Chair of Social Sciences (321) 632-1111
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Teaching Experiences (cont'd)
Visiting Assistant Professor. University of North Florida (August 1998-August 1999)
Courses taught: Research Methods and Social Psychology
Supervisor: Russell Jones, Psychology Department Chair (904) 620-2807
Assistant Professor. University of South Carolina at Salkehatchie (August 1993-August 1998)
Courses taught: Introductory Psychology, Health Psychology, Research Methods,
Applied Psychology, Individual Differences, Statistics, Social Psychology, and Freshman
Supervisor: Bob Group, Department Chair Humanities & Social Sciences (803) 584-3446
Visiting Instructor. Potsdam College State University of New York.(August 1992-August 1993)
Courses taught: Introductory Psychology and Experimental Methods.
Supervisor: James Terhune, Psychology Department Chair (315) 267- 2615
Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor University of Georgia. (September 1987-June 1991)
Courses taught: Social Psychology and Experimental Methods in Social Psychology
Responsible for demonstrating methodological procedures and grading lab reports in a
Social Psychology Methods Course and an Experimental Methods course.
Supervisor: Leonard Martin, Major Professor (706) 542-3694
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Introductory Psychology
Child Psychology
Adolescent Psychology
Adult Psychology
Research Methods
Social Research Methods
Statistics in Psychology
Senior Research Seminar
Senior Seminar in Psychology
Independent Research
Individual Differences
Psychological Measures
Theories of Personality
Social Psychology
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Psychology of Learning
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Undergraduate Courses Taught Cont.
History of Psychology
Health Psychology
Applied Psychology
Freshman Seminar (based on Freshman Year Experience at U. South Carolina)
Theory and Practice of Citizenship
Honors 101: Quest for Meaning
Rosen, S., Mickler, S. E., McIntosh, W. D., Cheuk, W. D., Harlow, T. F., Rawa, P., & Cochran,
W. (1996). Recipient need and efficacious caring as moderators of helpers' reactions to
rejections and acceptance. Current Psychology, 15, 99-112.
McIntosh, W. D., Harlow, T. F., & Martin, L. L. (1995). Linkers and nonlinkers: Goal beliefs as
a moderator of the effects of everyday hassles on rumination, depression and physical
complaints. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 1231- 1244.
Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. F. (1993). There's more to
self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.
Martin, L. L., Achee, J., Ward, D. W., & Harlow, T. F. (1993). The role of cognition in the
experience and use of emotion. In R. S. Wyer & T. K. Srull (Eds.), Advances in Social
Cognition, (Vol. 6, pp. 147-157). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.
Martin, L. L., Harlow, T. F., & Strack, F. (1992). The role of one's own bodily sensations in the
perception of others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 412-419.
Martin, L. L. & Harlow, T. F. (1992). Basking and Brooding: The motivating effects of filter
questions in opinion surveys. In N. Schwarz & S. Sudman (Eds.) Context effects in social
and psychological research. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Posters Presented at Professional Meetings
Arrowood, R., Stover, L., Harlow, T. F., and Pope, J.B. (2013, March). The Relationship of
Religiosity to Psychopathology in College Students. Presented at the 59th
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Posters Presented at Professional Meetings Cont.
Pope, J. B. , Strauss, J., Jones, K., Rice., L. , & Harlow, T. F. (2012). Earworms in Musicians
and Non-Musicians. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the
Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA
Pope, J. B. , Strauss, J., Jones, K., Garris, W., & Harlow, T. F. (2012). Measures of Epistemic
Cognition in College Undergraduates. Presented at the 58th Annual
Meeting of the
Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA
Pope, J. B., & Harlow, T. F., Crawley, K. & Sims, S. (2011). Objectified Body Consciousness:
Personality Traits and Gender Differences. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the
Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL
Harlow, T. F., Pope, J. B., Sims, S. & Crawley, K. (2011). Preparation Strategies among
Collegiate Athletes. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL
Collins, D., Eidson-Kelly, L., Strauss, J., Pope, J. B. & Harlow, T. F. (2010). Predicting
Relationship Quality as a function of Self-Monitoring, Authenticity, Self-compassion, and
Trust. Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
Psychological Association, Chattanooga, TN
Harlow, T. F., Eidson-Kelly, L., Strauss, J., & Pope, J. B. (2010). Can Self-compassion and
Forgiveness Moderate the Effects of Cognitive Dissonance? Presented at the
56th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Chattanooga, TN
Dembna, A., Harlow, T. F. Bell, E. & Pope, J. B. (2009, February). How implicit theories and
cognitive strategies about athleticism affect preparation. Presented at the 55th Annual
Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Henninger, K., Harlow, T. F. & Pope, J. B. (2009, February). Test anxiety, implicit theories, and
self-efficacy. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Coapstick, K., Pope, J. B., & Harlow, T. F. (2009, February). Development and validation of the
mental music scale. Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the
Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Posters Presented at Professional Meetings Cont.
Steinle, A., Pope, J. B., & Harlow, T. F. (2009, February). Predicting musical preferences.
Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New
Orleans, LA.
Pope, J. B. & Harlow, T. F. (2008, June). Predicting support for civil liberties restrictions and
surveillance measures. Presented at the 7th Biennial Convention of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues. Chicago, IL.
Harlow, T. F., Harris, J. & J. B. Pope (2008, March). Investigating the relation between
rumination and mindfulness on measures of well-being. Presented at the 54th Annual
Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Charlotte, NC.
Harris, P., Pope, J. B., & Harlow, T. (2008, March). Employment as an academic selfhandicapping strategy in college students. Poster session presented at the meeting
of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Charlotte, NC.
Harlow, T. F., Horton, J. L., Fortes, V. Causey, M., Mertz, D. L., & Pope, J. B. (2007,
February). Effects of mortality salience and self-monitoring on ad preference. Presented
at the 53rdAnnual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans,
Harris, J. E., Pope, J. B., Mertz, D. L, & Harlow, T. F. (2007, February). Relation of religious
orientation and religious fundamentalism to prejudice. Presented at the 53rd Annual
Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Pope, J. B., Salinas, D. Mertz, D. L, & Harlow, T. F. (2007, February). Right-wing
authoritarianism, conservative worldview threat, and civil-liberties restriction. Presented
at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans,
Close, J., Mertz, D., Pope, J. B., & Harlow, T. (2007, February). Personality factors in
anomalous experiences as a function of mirror gazing. Presented
at the 53rd meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Lewis, R., Pope, J. B., Mertz, D., Starnes, J., & Harlow, T. (2007, February). Mate selection: A
look at homosexual preference. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Armstrong, D. N. Eidson-Kelly, L. E., Kyker , A., & Owenby, (2009, September). Finding
Benefit from a Stressful Experience: An Analysis of Student Writing Samples. Poster
session presented at the ACA-UNCA Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Ashevelille, NC.
Pope, J.B, Harlow, T. F., & Colombo, A. (2008). Benefit finding, expressive writing, and stress.
$7500 (total) Appalachian College Association and UNC-Asheville sponsored
Undergraduate Research Grant.
Papers Read at Professional Meetings
Antonelli-Carter, L., Del Col, J., Harlow, T., Merritt, R., and Ring, J. (2012, October). A place
for Honors Programs in 21st Century Appalachian Colleges: A panel discussion.
Presented at the XV annual Summit of the Appalachian Colleges Association. Knoxville,
Harlow, T. F., Arrowood, R., Barford, K. Grant, J. Ockstadt, C. & Pope, J. B. (2012). Predicting
well-being from Buddhist inspired constructs: Linking, mindfulness, and self-compassion.
Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological.
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Martin, L. L., Harlow, T. F., & McIntosh, W. D. (1993). Goal beliefs as a moderator of the
effects of everyday hassles on rumination, depression, and physical complaints. Paper
presented in a symposium on rumination at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Martin, L. L., Ward, D., Achee, J., Harlow, T. F. (1992, June). Mood as input. Nag's Head
Conference on Emotion and Cognition, Highland Beach, FL.
Martin, L. L., & Harlow, T. F. (1991). A process model of context effects in marketing decisions.
Presented to the annual convention of the American Marketing Association, Orlando, FL.
Martin, L. L., & Harlow, T. F. (1990). The motivating effects of filter questions in opinion
surveys. Colloquium at Yale University. New Haven, CT.
Thomas F. Harlow
February 16, 2016
Papers Read at Professional Meetings Cont.
Martin, L. L., & Harlow, T. F. (1990). The use of mood in memory. Invited address at the first
European meeting on Social Cognition. Ringberg, Germany.
Martin, L. L., & Harlow, T. F. (1989). Filter questions can determine the magnitude and
direction of context effects in opinion surveys. Presented at Nag's Head Conference on
Cognition and Survey Research, Kill Devil Hills, NC.
Martin, L. L., & Harlow, T. F. (1989). A set/reset analysis of the mood-memory link. Presented
at Nag's Head Conference on Social Cognition, Kill Devil Hills, NC.
Cheuk, W., Mickler, S., Cochran, W., Harlow, T., McIntosh, W., Rawa, P., & Rosen, S. (1989,
August). Hindsight Bias and other coping reactions of rejected helpers. Presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.
Martin, L. L., Harlow, T. F., & Strack, F. (1988, April). Polarization and reversal of emotional
reactions as a function of facial expression and levels of arousal. Paper presented at the
Midwestern Psychological Association convention, Chicago, Ill.
Rosen, S., Cheuk, W. H., Harlow, T. F., & Rawa, P. (1988, August). Self-buttressing attributions
of rejected helpers. Paper presented at the XXIV International Congress of Psychology,
Sydney, Australia.
Graduate Coursework
Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Theories of Attitude Structure, Formation, and Change
Human Memory
Survey Sampling Methodology
Advanced Experimental Psychology
Multivariate Statistics
Statistics in Psychological Research
Seminar in the use of SYSTAT (System for Statistics)
Individual Differences
Interpersonal Processes
Psychology of Speech
Learning and Motivation
History of Psychology
Systems of Psychology
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February 16, 2016
Graduate Coursework Cont.
Personality and Social Development
Seminar on Consciousness
Seminar on the influences of Affect on Social Interaction
Seminar on Self-Perception Processes in Affective Responses
Teaching Seminars Attended
ACA Summer Teaching and Learning Institute, Brevard, NC (June, 2009)
ACA Summer workshop training in SAKAI, Berea, KY (July, 2008)
Using the Inquiry Method in the College Classroom S&PD Seminar Cocoa, FL
(Spring 2001)
Training Seminar for teaching University 101: Freshman Seminar, Columbia, SC
(January, 1994, and January, 1997)
National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL
(January, 1995 and January, 1996)
Workshop for Teaching First Year Students, Columbia, SC (February, 1995)
Computer Skills
Membership in Professional Organizations
Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)
Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP)
Psi Chi
Psi Beta (Faculty Co-Sponsor 1995-98)
Thomas F. Harlow
Dr. J. Brian Pope
Chair of Psychology
Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Rd.
Greeneville, TN 37743
636-7300 ext. 5135
Jeff Lokey
Director of Commons Program
Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Rd.
Greeneville, TN 37743
636-7300 ext 5283
Dr. Leonard Martin
Department of Psychology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-3694
February 16, 2016