Publications Books Elementary Logic Acumen UK 2012 (forthcoming) 2nd Edition of What is this thing called Metaphysics? Routledge, March 2011 (3rd edition projected for 2014). Spanish translation of What is this thing called Metaphysics? Alianza Editorial, Madrid 2010 Metafisica (Portugeuse translation of What is this thing called Metaphysics?) Artmed Sao Paolo 2008 What is this thing called Metaphysics? (1st ed) Routledge, UK, 2006 Personal Identity and Self-Consciousness, Routledge, UK, 1998 Edited Books 1993: B. Garrett & K. Mulligan (eds.) Themes from Wittgenstein (RSSS Monograph Series #4) 1992: B. Garrett & P. Menzies (eds.) Proceedings of the ANU Metaphysics Conference (RSSS Monograph Series #2) Articles, Discussion Pieces, Book Reviews 2012 ‘Response to Goldstein’ Analysis 2012 ‘A Comment on McCall’ Analysis 2012 2009 ‘Personal Identity’ (2000 words) Encyclopedia of the Mind (Sage Publications, ed H Pashler), forthcoming 2007 ‘Trolleys and Transplants: Killing and Letting Die’ Prajna Vihara The Journal of Philosophy and Religion 2004 ‘Johnston on Fission’ SORITES December 2004 pp. 87 - 93. ‘Some Comments on a Modal Ontological Argument’ Prajna Vihara The Journal of Philosophy and Religion Vol 5, No. 2, pp. 22 – 27. 2003 "Some Thoughts on Animalism," in Klaus Petrus (ed.), On Human Persons, Ontos-Verlag: Frankfurt / London 2003 (Metaphysical Research, Vol 1), 41-45 ‘Bermudez on Self-consciousness’ Philosophical Quarterly January 2003 2002 ‘Cartesianism and the Private Language Argument’ Sorites, October 2002 2001 ‘How to reply to the Sceptic’ Prajna Vihara The Journal of Philosophy and Religion ‘Wittgenstein’s Private Language Arguments’ Proceedings of the 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium, August 2001 Contribution to Symposium on L. Rudder Baker’s book Persons and their Bodies A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind (, 2001 1999 ‘A sceptical tension’ Analysis, July 1999 1998 'Personal Identity' (7500 words) and 'Persons' (2500 words) - both entries completed in 1994 - in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Ed.) E. Craig (1998) 1997 Review of E. E. Savellos & U. D. Yalcin (eds) Supervenience: New Essays Mind 106 1997, pp. 201 – 3 'Anscombe on 'I'’ Philosophical Quarterly, October 1997, pp. 507 - 512 Review of Carol Rovane’s The Bounds of Agency, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1997 1996 Entries on Parfit and Nozick (300 words each) in T. Mautner (ed.) The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy Penguin 1996, and 'Personal Identity' (300 words) 'Hamilton's New Look - A Reply' Philosophical Quarterly, April 1996, pp. 220 - 226 1995 'Wittgenstein and the First Person' Australasian Journal of Philosophy September 1995, pp. 347 - 356 'Extrinsic/intrinsic' (1000 words) in J. Kim & E. Sosa (eds.) A Companion to Metaphysics Oxford, Basil Blackwell 1995 Review of D. Oderberg, The Metaphysics of Identity, Australasian Journal of Philosophy June, 1995, pp. 306 – 7 1994 'Anscombe and the First Person' Critica 1994 'Vagueness, Identity, and the World' Logique et Analyse 1994, pp. 349 - 358 1993 'Wittgenstein on Solipsism and Avowals' in B. Garrett & K. Mulligan (eds.) Themes from Wittgenstein (RSSS Monograph Series #4) 1993, pp. 86 - 106 1992 'Keeping Track of Nozick's Trackers' Ratio, June 1992, pp. 91 - 93 'Reductionism and Self-Reference' in B. Garrett & P. Menzies (eds.) Proceedings of the ANU Metaphysics Conference, (RSSS Monograph Series #2) 1992, pp. 23 - 31 'Persons and Values', Philosophical Quarterly Prize Essay, July 1992, pp. 337 - 344 Review of H.W. Noonan, Personal Identity Nous, March 1992, pp. 128 - 130 1991 'Personal Identity and Reductionism', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, June 1991, pp. 361 - 373 (Reprinted in J. Skorupski (ed.) International Research Library of Philosophy, Dartmouth Press 1993) 'Vague Identity and Vague Objects', Nous, June 1991, pp. 341- 351 (Reprinted in J. Skorupski (ed.) International Research Library of Philosophy, Dartmouth Press 1993) 1990 'Personal Identity and Extrinsicness', Philosophical Studies, June 1990, pp. 177 - 194 (Reprinted in J. Skorupski (ed.) International Research Library of Philosophy, Dartmouth Press 1993) 'Persons and Human Beings', Logos, Vol. 11, 1990, pp. 47 - 57 (Proceedings of the Santa Clara Conference on Personal Identity) 1989 'Reply to Savellos', Philosophical Quarterly, April 1989, pp. 228 - 230 Review of Persons and Personality, A. Peacocke & G. Gillett, (eds.) Mind, January 1989, pp. 154 - 160 1988 'Vagueness and Identity', Analysis, June 1988, pp. 130 - 134 'Identity and Extrinsicness', Mind, January 1988, pp. 105 - 109 'Best-Candidate Theories and Identity', Inquiry, March 1988, pp. 79 - 85 ''Thank Goodness that's Over' Revisited', Philosophical Quarterly, April 1988, pp. 201 - 205 (Reprinted in L. N. Oaklander & Q. Smith (eds.) The New Theory of Time, Yale University Press 1994.) Review of A. Donagan, Choice: The Essential Element in Human Action, Times Literary Supplement, September 1988, p. 948 1987 'A Further Reply to Noonan', Analysis, October 1987, pp. 204 - 207 1986 Critical Notice of G. Forbes, The Metaphysics of Modality, Philosophical Books, April 1986, pp. 65 – 72 1985 'A Note on Substance Concepts', Analysis, June 1985, p. 176 'Noonan, Best-Candidate Theories and the Ship of Theseus', Analysis, October 1985, pp. 212 - 215 1984 'More on Rigidity and Scope', Logique et Analyse, March 1984, pp. 97 - 101 'Nozick on Knowledge - a rejoinder', Analysis, October 1984, pp. 194 - 196 Review of P. van Inwagen, An Essay on Free Will, Philosophical Quarterly, April 1984, pp. 171 - 172 Review of C. McGinn, The Character of Mind, Mind, July 1984, pp. 461 - 463 1983 'Nozick on Knowledge', Analysis, October 1983, pp. 181 - 184 'Identical Truth Conditions'Analysis Competition Prize Winner, October 1983, pp. 117 - 118 'Grayling on Internal Structure', Analysis, March 1983, pp. 78 - 80