Table S2 – Detailed list of 51 neuromuscular disorders (16 mapped and 28 with a cloned gene) characterized by neurological symptoms such as epilepsy, spastic paraplegia, ataxia, etc. Entries are listed in alphabetical order but those that have an OMIM number are indicated first, followed by those that have appeared only in PubMed publications. All entries indicated in red are allelic to the most common or first described condition, i.e. due to mutations in the same gene (e.g. spastic paraplegia 2 and Baar-Gabriel are due to mutations in the PLP1 gene, just like the Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease). If a condition was not mapped by linkage analysis but through a cytogenetic abnormality (translocation, microdeletion, duplication), this fact has been indicated in the notes column. OMIM /Ref. Name Locus Gene Notes Description 1 2 #300100 #300578 Adrenoleukodystrophy Xq28 Aldred - Xp11.3 deletion Xp11.3 syndrome ABCD1 *300371 microdeletion (see description) enzyme deficiency Spastic quadriparesis, impaired vision, ataxia, dementia Retinitis pigmentosa, microcephaly microdeletion including RP2 (*312600), SLC9A7 (*300368), CHST7 (*300375), ZNF674 (+300573) and ZNF673 (*300585) genes, and 2 genes encoding microRNAs (MIRN221, *300568; MIRN222, *300569). learning disabilities, retinal dystrophy, and short stature Severe hypotonia, joint contractures, spastic paraplegia, severe muscular atrophy, nistagmus, high serum T3 and FT3 spastic tetraparesis, slowly progressive Early death, hypotonia, ataxia, deafness, loss of vision, recurrent infections Pseudobulbar palsy with dysarthria and oropharyngoglossal dysfunction, epilepsy with atonic and tonic-clonic seizures, polymicrogyria with simplified 4-layered or unlayered cortex (Spino)cerebellar ataxia, nystagmus, dysarthria, mild MR or learning disability nonspecific MR (MRX60) Motor-sensory neuropathy, formerly listed as Ionasescu (Family 1) 3 #300578 #300523 Lugtenberg Allan-Herndon-Dudley Xq13.2 SLC16A2 / MCT8 *300095 4 309640 #301835 Davis Arts Xq22.3 PRPS1 *311850 5 %300388 Bilat. Perisylvian Polymicrogyria Xq28 SRPX2 *300642 6 #300486 Cerebellar ataxia Xq12 OPHN1 *300127 7 %302801 8 %310490 9 #300352 10 11 #300257 (309660) #310200 12 %300088 MRX CMTX2 / Charcot-MarieTooth X-linked 2 CMTX4 / CowchockFishbeck Creatine transporter deficiency Danon disease Bergia Duchenne muscular dystrophy EFMR 13 14 309560 #300491 Fitzsimmons Garcia Xp22 Xq24q26.1 Xq28 Motor-sensory neuropathy and deafness SLC6A8 *300036 Xq24 LAMP2 *309060 Xp21.1-2 DMD *300377 Xq21.3q22.2 Xp11.23 Seizures, midface hypoplasia, unfolded helices, stub thumbs, hyperextensible joints [K8085] vacuolar hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, proximal muscle weakness Cardiomyopathy (lethal), scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy, myopia Pseudohypertrofic muscular dystrophy dominant, males spared SYN1 *313440 Mental retardation and epilepsy in females only, males spared Spastic paraplegia, pes cavus, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis Epilepsy, learning difficulties, macrocephaly, and aggressive behavior 15 *305915 GRIA3 inactivation see ref.[1] %309555 Gustavson Xq25 #307000 #303350 #303350 Xq28 19 20 HSAS MASA Spastic paraplegia 1 / SPG1 #304100 Agenesis of Corpus Callosum, partial #300607 Hyperekplexia and see ref.[2] epilepsy #300322 Lesch-Nyhan #300067 LISX / SCLH 21 22 +309850 +300005 MAO-A deficiency MECP2 duplication %300260 Lubs [3,4] Pai (MRX64) 23 #252010 24 #304700 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy Mohr-Tranebjaerg 25 26 27 #311150 #310400 +310600 %311050 Jensen Myotubular myopathy Norrie OPA-2 28 #311250 OTC deficiency 29 30 311400 #312080 Paine / Seemanova Pelizaeus-Merzbacher #312920 Spastic paraplegia 2 / SPG2 Baar-Gabriel PGK1 deficiency Plott Pyruvate DH complex E1 subunit deficiency 16 17 18 31 32 33 (312890) *311800 308850 *312170 GRIA3 *305915 t(X;12)(q24;q15) in one female Xq25-q26 Optic atrophy, hearing loss, epilepsy, spasticity, restricted joint mobility, early death Hydrocephalus with stenosis of the aqueduct of Silvius mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait, adducted thumbs spastic paraplegia L1CAM *308840 Xq22.1 ARHGEF9 *300429 Xq26.2 Xq23 HPRT *308000 DCX *300121 enzyme deficiency Xp11.3 Xq28 MAOA +309850 MECP2 duplication (+/-L1CAM) enzyme deficiency duplication (always includes MECP2) duplication (always includes MECP2) duplication (always includes MECP2) enzyme deficiency Xq24 NDUFA1 *300078 Xq22.1 TIMM8A/DFN1 *300356 Xq28 Xp11.3 Xp11.4p11.21 Xp11.4 MTM1 *300415 NDP +310600 Xq22.2 OTC *300461 PLP *300401 bipolar disorder, epileptic seizures in infancy partial agenesis of corpus callosum, Hirschsprung disease, spasticity, short broad hands, facial anomalies permanent hypertonia heightened by the slightest stimulus, sensory hyperarousal, tonic seizures provoked by tactile stimulation Cerebral palsy, choreoathetosis, self-distructive biting Lissencephaly and epilepsy in males, subcortical laminar heterotopia in some females Aggressive behaviour, disturbance in monoamine metabolism hypotonia, recurrent infections, spasticity and inability to walk, absent speech, seizures, no microcephaly congenital hypotonia, recurrent infections, early lethality Epicanthus, high nasal bridge, small mouth, seizures, early lethality Complex I deficiency Hearing loss, visual impairment, ataxia, spastic paraplegia Opticoacoustic nerve atrophy with dementia Severe hypotonia, areflexia, generalized muscle weakness Blindness, hearing loss Optic atrophy, abnormal reflexes, dysarthria, tremor enzyme deficiency often gene duplications Xq21.1 PGK1 *311800 enzyme deficiency Xp22.1 PDHA1 *312170 enzyme deficiency Hyperammonemia Spastic diplegia, myoclonic seizures, cerebellar hypoplasia Spasticity, cerebellar ataxia, parkinsonism Spastic paraplegia uncomplicated or complicated with nystagmus and optic atrophy Athetotic spastic paraplegia Myoglobinuria, epilepsy, hemolytic anemia Laryngeal abductor paralysis Lactic acidosis, ataxia 34 35 #312750 Rett Xq28 MECP2 +300005 dominant, lethal in males #300055 #300279 PPM-X / MRXS13 MR with progressive spasticity MRX Reyniers/MRXS10 Xp11.22 HADH2 *300256 enzyme deficiency #300458 #300220 #300438 Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, type II SCAX2 36 302600 37 38 301790 %300266 39 %311510 40 41 #308350 #308350 #300432 #309510 #300215 SCAX3 / Schmidley SPG16 (formerly SPG7) Xq11.2q23 Waisman-Laxova Xq27.2qter West, infantile spasms Xp22.13 West, infantile spasms Xp22.11 Myoclonic epilepsy Partington /MRXS1 Berry-Kravis (XLAG) #300004 Proud 42 %314580 Wieacker-Wolff 43 #300423 XMRE Xp11.3q13 Xp11.4 44 45 46 [5] [6] [7] Arena Bertini Goldblatt (Xq22-q25) Xp22.3 Xq22 47 [8] Hamel BCD 48 [9] Hildebrand 49 [10,11] Passos-Bueno Xp11.3q21.3 Xp11.3q21.3 Xp11.3q21.1 50 [12] Tranebjaerg II loss of language and purposeful movements, ataxia, autism, dementia, microcephaly Psychosis, pyramidal signs, macroorchidism facial hypotonia, sialorrhea, spastic paraplegia, seizures, absent language nonspecific MR (MRX16, MRX79) Choreoathetosis, dysarthria, retinal degeneration & near-blindness, epilepsy, psychosis ataxia, head tremor, unilateral sixth nerve palsy, spasticity and extrapyramidal rigidity, cerebellar atrophy, early demise Hypotonia, ataxia, sensorineural deafness, optic atrophy, early demise Quadriplegia, motor aphasia, reduced vision, dysfunction of bowel and bladder Parkinsonism, seizures, apparent basal ganglia degeneration STK9 *300203 ARX *300382 ATP6AP2 *300556 allelic to PLP ? allelic to PLP ? (quoted in SPG2 #312920) ? Infantile spasms, hypsarrythmia Infantile spasms, hypsarrythmia myclonic epilepsy, spasticity, developmental delay from birth Dysarthria, dystonic hand movements, ataxia, seizures Lissencephaly with frontal pachygiria and posterior agyria, agenesis of corpus callosum, neonatal intractable epilepsy and severe hypotonia, hypothalamic dysfunction with frequent hypothermia, ambiguous genitalia Microcephaly, agenesis of corpus callosum, arthrogryposis, renal dysplasia, hypospadias Contractures, distal muscular atrophy, dyspraxia of ocular and facial muscles Generalized tonic-clonic and atonic seizures, moderate MR, normal electromyography and nerve conduction Spastic paraplegia, ataxia, titubation, iron deposits in basal ganglia Ataxia, hypotonia, recurrent infections spastic paraplegia, nystagmus, optic atrophy, muscle hypoplasia Blindness, convulsions, hypomyelination, spasticity, early death severe congenital deafness, no dysmorphism, normal growth allelic to AHD #300523? Spastic paraplegia, muscle hypoplasia, severe MR Dyspraxia, ataxia, seizures, pes equinovarus, macroorchidism 51 [13] Vles L1CAM? Corpus callosum agenesis, spastic quadriparesis, irregular lining of lateral ventricles References for Table S2: [1] Wu Y, Arai AC, Rumbaugh G, Srivastava AK, Turner G, Hayashi T, Suzuki E, Jiang Y, Zhang L, Rodriguez J, Boyle J, Tarpey P, Raymond FL, Nevelsteen J, Froyen G, Stratton M, Futreal A, Gecz J, Stevenson R, Schwartz CE, Valle D, Huganir RL, Wang T (2007) Mutations in ionotropic AMPA receptor 3 alter channel properties and are associated with moderate cognitive impairment in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:18163-18168. [2] Marco E, Abidi FE, Bristow J, Dean WB, Cotter PD, Jeremy RJ, Schwartz CE, Sherr EH (2007) ARHGEF9 disruption in a female patient is associated with X linked mental retardation and sensory hyperarousal. J Med Genet, in press. 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