DR. JOHN WARNER HOSPITAL CLINTON, ILLINOIS 61727 POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE WINTER STORM PLAN PAGE 1 OF 3 DEPARTMENT SAFETY DATE REVISED 10/02/07 PREPARED BY PAT DANISON ORIGINAL DATE 09/21/00 POLICY #: SFTY-2258 REVISES AND SUPERCEDES: Winter Storm Plan with an original date of 4/93. POLICY: It is the policy of Dr. John Warner Hospital to activate the Winter Storm Plan in the event weather conditions prevent staff from traveling to/from the hospital. Reference should be made to the Inclement Weather Policy # HR-2386 to define DJWH policy concerning staff attendance during periods of inclement weather and directly related consequences immediately thereafter, and staff responsibilities under the Winter Storm Plan Policy. STAFF: All personnel EQUIPMENT, FORMS & LOCATIONS: N/A DEFINITIONS: Winter Weather Advisory: Winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous, especially to motorists. Winter Storm Watch/Warning: A watch means a storm is possible. A warning means a storm is occurring or will soon occur in the area. Blizzard Warning: Snow and strong winds combined will produce blinding snow, near zero visibility, deep drifts and life-threatening wind chill. Frost/Freeze Warning: Below freezing temperatures are expected. PROCEDURE: 1. Authorization to activate the Winter Storm Plan will be made by the Chief Executive Officer or Administrator On-Call. 2. Employees should be familiar with winter storm terms and the names of the counties in which they live and work. County names are used to identify areas at risk. -2POLICY AND PROCEDURE – WINTER STORM PLAN 3. During a severe winter storm, employees requiring transportation to the hospital should notify their department of the need for transportation. 4. The department manager or designee will: a. Determine if the employee requesting transportation is essential to the operation of The department. b. Provide names, addresses, telephone numbers and directions for employees requiring transportation to the CEO/Administrator On-Call. 5. The CEO/Administrator On-Call will notify the Sheriff’s Department of the need for essential employee transportation which will only be provided if the Police Department is available. In the event any staff is unable to return home due to weather-related or hospital-related needs, every attempt will be made to provide sleeping areas. 6. 7. On call personnel must remain available pursuant to the on-call policy # HR 2011 WORKING OUTDOORS: 1. Working outdoors during a severe winter storm should be avoided whenever possible. 2. Employees working outdoors should wear loose-fitting, layered clothing, hat and gloves. 3. Lungs can be protected from extremely cold air by covering your mouth. 4. Frequent rest periods are encouraged to avoid overexertion and sweating. 5. Watch for symptoms of frostbite (loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance in fingers, toes, nose or ear lobes). 6. When shoveling, use a proper snow shovel and lift with your legs, not your back. 7. When using a snow blower: a) Do not unclog the snow blower chute while the engine is running. b) Do not wear clothing (i.e., scarf) which may get caught in the snow blower. DOCUMENTATION: N/A REFERENCES: “Fact sheet: Winter Storms”, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September, 1993 “Backgrounder, Winter Storms”, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September, 1993 “Winter Storm Preparedness”, Illinois emergency Management Agency, 2002 “Fact sheet, Winter Storms”, CDC, May 12, 2004 “Weathering Winter”, Illinois Department of Public H -3- POLICY AND PROCEDURE – WINTER STORM PLAN COPIES SENT TO: Administration – Original All Departments 04/93 – Original Date 08/28/07 - Revised ____________________________________ SAFETY OFFICER DATE INITIAL AND DATE REVIEWED ________ ________ ________ ____________________________________ CEO/ADMINISTRATOR DATE ________ ________ ________