Lesson Activities

Google Image from questgarden.com
Contributors: Kim Olsen, Lori Turner, Nancy Cotter
How does energy flow in an ecosystem's food chain? What are the feeding relationships between the
different component organisms in a food chain?
The purpose of this lesson is to develop students’ research skills in relation to exploring how energy
moves through a specific ecosystem. Students will develop understanding that ecosystem roles are
based primarily on the way organisms obtain and transfer energy. Students will begin the activity by
using a food chain simulation game to apply their prior knowledge of the trophic levels found within a
specific ecosystem. Student pairs will then be provided with a specific ecosystem on which to conduct
research, leading to a graphic representation of a food chain found within the ecosystem. Finally,
student pairs will orally present their findings and their graphic depiction to their peers.
Lesson Concept:
Ecosystem roles are based primarily on the way organisms obtain energy.
Science Standards:
Students know energy entering ecosystems as sunlight is transferred by producers into
chemical energy through photosynthesis and then from organism to organism through
food webs.
 Students know matter is transferred over time from one organism to others in the food
web and between organisms and the physical environment. 5c. Students know
populations of organisms can be categorized by the functions they serve in an
Investigation and Experimentation
 Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, and
display data.
CyberQUEST Dissemination Workshop October 2013
Eating 1
Communicate the steps and results from an investigation in written reports and oral
ISTE NETS Standards
Creativity and Innovation
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
Communication and Collaboration
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.
Cyberinfrastructure Tools:
Interactive web-based food chain simulations found at:
Prezi is a Web-based application found at: http://prezi.com/
The following food chain simulation is used for the extension activity:
The following food chain simulation may be used as differentiation for accelerated learners/early
finishers: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/blueplanet/webs/flash/weboflife.swf
The following URL is used to promote career-preparedness in connection with the lesson topic.
Lesson Activities
Prior to Day 1 of the lesson:
1. The teacher will introduce Food Chains to the students including using these Web sites:
2. The teacher will ensure that all student computers are connected to the Internet.
3. Students have received instruction on digital citizenship to define and explain the issues of
appropriate technology use and to make appropriate choices when using technology.
4. Students have previous knowledge of biomes and know the difference between an ecosystem
and a biome.
CyberQUEST Dissemination Workshop October 2013
Eating 2
5. Students have previously worked with the Prezi presentation tools; however, there will be a
brief review of Prezi skills during the lesson. Prezi is a web-based presentation application that
uses a single template rather than individual slides: http://prezi.com/
6. Students also have previous knowledge of Popplet, a presentation tool used to visually
represent connections between concepts: www.popplet.com
Students will use the URL for BrainPop: http://www.brainpop.com/games/foodchaingame/ (There are
elements on BrainPop that teachers and students may use free of charge).
The lesson spans two days: Day 1 consists of students preparing a presentation for Day 2. The Extension
activity may be implemented on another day (Day 3).
ENGAGE (Total time: 60 mins.)
DAY 1: Teacher Does (1 min.)
DAY 1: Student Does (7 mins.)
Use of Technology
The teacher asks students to log onto their
computers to prepare for the lesson. Ideally,
there are two students per one computer to
promote collaboration and discourse. Teacher
provides the URL for BrainPop and students log
on to activate prior knowledge of food chains;
producers; level 1, level 2, and level 3 consumers;
decomposers; and energy from the sun. The main
focus is for students to interact with the food
chain simulations on The Food Chain Game.
e/ (1 min)
Use of Technology
Student pairs access the BrainPop URL. Students
ensure that their start screen matches the
teachers screen projected on the front board.
Students proceed to interact with the Food Chain
Game. Each student should have a turn with the
simulations and experience the review before
exploring their own food chain in the next part of
the lesson.
The teacher brings students’ attention to the
front board and tells them that their screen
should match the teacher’s screen projected on
the front board. Tell students that they should
not look for BrainPop through a Google search.
Students ensure that their computer screen
matches the teacher’s screen.
Students ask clarifying questions.
The teacher formatively assesses student
progress while they are engaged in BrainPop
Assessment: Have students take and save a
screenshot at the end of the quiz which will show
the results of their simulation score
When each student completes the game, he/she
will take and save a screenshot of his/her results
on the computer documents folder. Students are
reminded to use their first initial and last name to
label the file. (10 mins.)
CyberQUEST Dissemination Workshop October 2013
Eating 3
Teacher Does (7 mins.)
Student Does (45 mins)
Use of Technology
The teacher projects directions on the screen for
the student pairs to read in preparation for the
next activity:
Use of Technology
Student pairs read the projected directions for
the next activity from board. (2 mins.)
1. Students receive one card with the name of a specific biome listed.
2. Students will identify the following trophic levels: One producer; one each of levels 1, 2, and 3
consumers; one decomposer; and the sun.
3. Students will conduct Internet research about their specific biome.
4. Students create a food chain based on what was determined from the research.
5. Students will create a short Prezi or Popplet presentation for their class peers.
6. The presentation will consist of a brief description and graphic depiction of how energy flows
through each of the organisms in the student pair’s specific food chain.
The teacher asks, “Why do we include the sun?”
The teacher asks if there is anything that needs to
be clarified.
Students respond to why the sun will be included
in all food chains.
Students ask for clarification.
The teacher reviews basic Prezi skills: (Inserting
images, labeling images)
The teacher will:
 limit template choices
 remind students that copyrighted images
cannot be uploaded
 review digital citizenship in regards to
incorporating copyrighted photos and
other images into their Prezi or Popplet.
Students follow along on their computers with
the teacher.
NOTE: The teacher needs to demonstrate how to
research an ecosystem to identify organisms
found within the ecosystem.
Students view images prepared by the teacher of
unconventional placement of animals in the same
ecosystem: Students indicate why the nonexample food-chains do not make conceptual
For example, plankton would not be found in the
desert, or penguins are not found in a tropical
rainforest; possums will not be able to eat
poisonous dart frogs since dart frogs are found in
tropical rainforests; the sun is missing in the Prezi.
The teacher provides non-example food chains
and discusses why the chains do not make sense.
Using the document camera, the teacher will
show specific food chain components
(requirements) that student pairs need to
research in relation to their ecosystem
Students respond to questions about copyright
rules and digital citizenship.
Students ask specific clarifying questions about
copyrighted images.
Students confirm to the teacher that they
understand the required components for their
specific food chain.
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Eating 4
Teacher will pass out a card to each student pair
that indicates a specific ecosystem (e.g., desert,
marine, coniferous forest, for students to
Student pairs will confirm their ecosystem and
decide how to begin their research to identify the
required components. Students will identify the
following components from their Internet
research: one producer, one decomposer, one
The teacher highlights the academic vocabulary in Level 1 Consumer, one Level 2 Consumer, one
the lesson: ecosystem, trophic levels, food chain,
Level 3 Consumer, the Sun
levels of consumers, producer, decomposer, sun.
The teacher requests students to create a rough
draft of their specific food chain on paper as they
conduct their research before finding images of
consumers to ensure that they are accurate
representations of the specific ecosystem.
Students create a rough draft of their specific
food chain as they conduct their research to
ensure they identify appropriate images that
accurately reflect their specific food chain.
The teacher requests students to create a short
presentation using Prezi or Popplet to
demonstrate how energy flows through their
food chain.
In their groups, students will discuss and come to
consensus about what elements are included in
their food chain and which tool to use to develop
their presentation from either Prezi or Popplet.
Students will research each member of their food
chain and begin to develop their presentation.
The teacher states that an oral presentation
rubric will be used to assess student
comprehension of the science topic, science
content accuracy, students’ grasp of the topic,
presentation formatting requirements, and
Students create a short presentation using either
Prezi or Popplet to give a brief but clear
description of how energy flows through their
specific food chain. (30 Mins)
The teacher provides a rubric to each student to
place in his/her individual notebook.
Students review the presentation rubric to ensure
alignment with the required criteria and the
specific performance indicators.
Formative Assessment
The teacher circulates among the students to
formatively monitor their progress and to support
their research and successful use of the
presentation tools.
The teacher provides immediate support to any
students needing help.
Formative Assessment
Students consult with the teacher to confirm that
their food chain components are accurate and
that all task requirements are met.
The teacher brings all students to attention to
briefly report out on their current progress.
The teacher formatively assesses progress by
Based on your specific ecosystem:
Give an example of a level 1 consumer.
Give an example of a level 2 consumer.
Students report out on the progress of their work.
Students ask clarifying questions as needed.
Students raise their hand to provide examples of
level 1 and level 2 consumers from their specific
ecosystem food chain.
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Eating 5
The teacher reassesses student understanding of
energy flow through their food chain.
Student pairs explain the meaning of energy flow
in a food chain. They use academic vocabulary in
the lesson: trophic levels, ecosystem, food, chain,
levels of consumers, producer, decomposer, and
the sun.
The teacher gives instructions for students to
save work on their personal flash drive, close
programs, log off, and shutdown computers.
Student pairs indicate that they have completed
and finalized their work and save it to their
individual flash drive.
The teacher requests that each student pair email their presentation to the teacher’s
Gmail account for storing and assessing for a final
Student pairs email their presentation URL to the
teacher to prepare for their oral presentation to
their peers.
The teacher asks student pairs to prepare to
share their presentations the next class day.
The teacher requests students to present clearly
and to take no more than 5 minutes for their
respective presentation.
The students confirm that they will be well
prepared to present.
The teacher tells students that she will project
The students write their presentation order in
their presentations the next day when they
their science notebooks.
present to their peers and provides each pair with
a presentation order number.
EXPLAIN (Total time: 60 mins.)
DAY 2: Teacher Does
DAY 2: Student Does
Use of Technology
The teacher reminds students of the order in
which they will present.
Use of Technology
Student pairs confirm their presentation order.
Summative Assessment
The teacher accesses students’ presentations
from the Gmail account as student pairs present
to their peers.
Summative Assessment
Student pairs share out their findings on their
respective food chain using their chosen
presentation tool.
The teacher takes observation notes on each
student pair’s presentation so that a presentation
rubric is ultimately filled out for each student
(concurrent time lapses with student
Students explain how energy flows between one
level and the next within their food chain.
CyberQUEST Dissemination Workshop October 2013
Eating 6
EXTEND (Total time: 45 mins)
Teacher Does (2 mins.)
Student Does (43 mins)
Use of Technology
Teacher instructs students to go to a food chain
simulation tool and place organisms (rabbits,
foxes, plants) in the given ecosystem and
observing the effects over 50 years of the changes
in populations in the ecosystem
Use of Technology
Student pairs use the simulation tool on the
shared computer by observing the effects over 50
years of the number of rabbits, foxes, and plants
placed in the ecosystem.
Students are asked to record their findings in
their science journals.
Students record their observations and findings in
their science journals.
The teacher requests students to share out their
observations in whole class discussion.
Students share out their findings with their peers.
For differentiated tasks for accelerated learners,
the teacher will provide the following URL to
extend their learning in relation to a coral reef
ecosystem and the food chains, food webs, and
energy pyramids found there.
Accelerated learners will access the URL and
explore the coral reef ecosystem and the transfer
of energy that occurs in that environment.
Students explore the interconnectedness of all
the biotic factors in the coral reef ecosystem.
They will record observations and findings in their
science journals (electronic or hard copy).
Teacher Does (1 min.)
Teacher will instruct students to go to the article
below and read about a scientific career that
studies ecosystem food chains and food webs.
Student Does (44 mins)
Student pairs will read the section of the article
describing scientists who examine ecosystems,
food chains, and food webs within their field of
study. Students will briefly share out what they
learned about the scientist with their peers.
Note: This activity may also be used as a basis for
students to practice using Prezi and/or Popplet
digital presentation applications.
CyberQUEST Dissemination Workshop October 2013
Eating 7