A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 1/8 A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application By Li Shuo1 Abstract How to quantify the macro capacity of an urban road network is a new approach to studying urban total road network capacity in the recent years. A French scholar Mason(1989) has provided the magnitudes of time and space usage of city road network occupied by traffic bodies. This theory simply shows the inner effectiveness of various traffic models in terms of traffic bodies occupation of time of road network space or of space of road network time in the form of quantity, as well as investigates in convenience the intrinsic potentials of urban road traffic infrastructures (inclusive of static and dynamic ones), for example, parking, motorway, bikeway, pedestrian and etc. On the other side, it can further prove and compute the urgent economic costs of time and space usage of road net, and its economic revenues produced by that usage. This paper amends the concept of time and space usage of road net on the basis of Mason’s, especially taking the density of urban road network into the consideration, and it mostly represents the reality. Although the model is a little bit complicated, it can be more effective if the methods provided by this paper are used. This can be verified by the case study of Zhuzhou City, Hunan province. This paper uses Zhuzhou data given in 1990 as a pilot study city. All the process and results have shown that the ways given in the paper are useful, rational and efficient. The Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network The Concepts of Macro Capacity and Space-Time Usage Macro Capacity It is the maximum number of pedestrians and vehicles accommodated in a limited road space during a certain period. Road traffic facilities are stable and limited during a given period, but the traffic flow is stochastic and dynamic, which will use the space and time of road network. According to Mason, if C stands for the total capacity of urban road traffic facilities, it can be computed as: C=A·T (m2.h) (1) where: A = the effective area of urban road facilities, T = the effective traveling time. The space-time usage of unit traffic body can be converted into the number of total traffic bodies accommodated during a given period: Cv=C/Civ=A·T/ Civ (2) where: C = total capacity of urban traffic facilities given by equation (1); Cv= vehicles accommodated by road facilities;Civ = one vehicle’s normal space-time usage. Due to the limitation of length, this paper will only discuss the capacity of vehicle that can be accommodated, while that of pedestrian will be not discussed in the paper. Space-Time Usage Space-time usage means road space occupied by unit traffic body during a certain period, in 2 m ·h/v or m2·h/p. It can be defined and evaluated according to the different traffic bodies, types, periods and situation. To a vehicle, its space-time usage equals the road space needed during travel multiplied by traveling time, which is: Civ=Sd·tv (3) where: Sd = the road space needed by vehicle, during travelling, Sd=dd·Ld; dd = lateral safety width needed by vehicle, approximate equaling the width of one lane, (m); Ld = the minimum safety space headway between vehicles (m); tv = the average traveling time of vehicle (h). The Influence of Density (D) of Road Network for Calculating C The wider isn’t always the better for road. The capacity of a road with 60m wide isn’t larger than that of two roads with 30m wide. This is because the former road density is smaller than the latter. The capacity is different among roads with same effective areas and the different densities. So the influence of density must be considered when C is computed. 1 Assoc. Prof., Dept of Civil Eng., Hunan University, Changsha, HN 410082, China A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 2/8 Let us make Do (km/km2) the standard density, and its relevant modified coefficient of road density kD=1.0;As D>Do, kD>1.0; otherwise, kD<1.0. Here, the modified effective area of road network is as follow: A*=KD·A (4) In this equation, the total capacity is computed on the base of the concept of “space-time-density usage”. The Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Algorithm The macro capacity model of urban road network that based on the concept of "space-timedensity usage" is as follow: N=A*·T/C (5) where: N = macro capacity of road network, in equivalent vehicles; A* = the modified affective operation areas of road network; T = the effective operation time of traffic facilities; C = the average space-time usage of vehicles in traffic flow; In view of the integrated influence of actual classification, distribution, use frequency, portrait and lateral disturb, delay of intersections, pedestrian and so on, the actual macro capacity of road network can be calculated as: N=(60SnKDK1K2K3K4K8)/(atnK5K6K7) (6) where: K1 = the modified coefficient of road grade; K2 = the average frequency coefficient of road usage; K3 = lateral disturb coefficient; K4 = integrated influence coefficient of intersections; K5 = traffic flow ratio during peak hour; K6 = unbalance time coefficient during peak hour; K7= vehicle type coefficent; K8 = peak hour factor; a = space occupied dynamically by unit traffic body; t = average time usage of traveling of unit traffic body; Sn = modified network areas of road facilities; Kd = modified density coefficient of road network; Confirmation of Technique Parameters Sin = S×αi. "αi " stands for the proportion of road type i, which means motorway if i=1, bikeway if i=2, and walkway if i=3.To motorway, the arterial road area is defined as standard, and all others should be converted to it. Consideration of driver familiarity, preference, location and so on, K2 is generally assumed 0.7~0.8. K3 is generally assumed 0.7~0.85.The effective operation time (T) of urban road is usually computed in peak hour, while the most serious influence during peak-hour is in intersections. So a converted coefficient must be taken according to the factors of intersection type, traffic organization, traffic control, etc. Generally, the coefficient (K4) is assumed 0.7~0.85, and the effective operation time during peak-hour is computed as: T = 60K4 (min) (7) The space-time usage of unit traffic body during peak-hour is computed as: C = atnK5K6K7/K8 (8) where: a = the dynamic occupied area of unit traffic body, which is defined by the size of plane projection, the speed and the mental need of traffic safety, in m2; t = the average traveling time usage of traffic body, which needs to be confirmed by survey, and relates with the city scale, road network and distribution, etc, in hours; n = the average travels of unit traffic body in a day, derived by the travel-survey, in trips; K5 = the flow ratio of peak-hour,derived by the travel-survey; K6 = unbalance time coefficient during peak hour, assumed 1.1~1.3; K7 = modified coefficient of vehicle type, in which car is standard; and A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 3/8 K8 = peak-hour coefficient, achieved by traffic volume survey. Analysis and Calculation on Macro Capacity of Road Network of Zhuzhou This paper is part of primary study of “the Total Capacity’s Theory and its Application of Urban Road System” (No: 97SSR2037) worked by the writer. The data applied in the paper are achieved from Li(1990), which are the road-survey material of Zhuzhou in 1989. The macro capacity calculation aims at analyzing the total road capacity of the time in Zhuzhou, and pave the ground for comparing with the present. The Modified Effective area (A*) of Road Facilities in Zhuzhou Datum A* is from A-the effective area of road facilities, which is the area that ensures the safety and natural use of traffic body, in this paper only area used by vehicles is involved. According to Li(1990), the total road area of Zhuzhou in 1989 is 2,065,843 m2. In which, motorway area is 1,000,309 m2, bikeway area is 639,348 m2, walkway area is 426,186 m2; they occupied 48.42%, 30.95% and 20.63%, respectively. The Modified Road Class Coefficient K1 To motorway, let the arterial area be standard, and other areas must be converted according to one lane’s capacity and their proportions are as follows: K1=ga+(Ns/Na)·gs+(Nl/Na)·gl (9) where:Na, Ns, Nl are the possible capacities of arterial road, subarterial road or lateral road respectively, and ga, gs, gl are the proportion occupied of them, in %. The motorway area of arterial road, subarterial road, and lateral in road system of Zhuzhou is 520583m2, 120850 m2, and 358876 m2 respectively, while the proportion of them is 52.04%, 12.08% and 35.88% respectively. The calculation of Ns/Na and Nl/Na is related with lane width, lateral clearance, grade, sight distance, disturb alongside, and the influence from bike. Most of the width of arterial road of Zhuzhou is more than 3.65m。Provided the standard width is more than 3.65m, all that less than 3.65m must be converted (as table 1 shows). The average weighted width of Zhuzhou’s arterial road (Wa) equals 3.398m, the Table 1 giving the converted coefficientδwa= 0.8992; while Ws=3.295m, δws=0.8691 and δwl=0.9268. Table 1. The Converted Coefficient [δ] of Lane-width Lane width (m) 2.75 3.00 3.35 3.65 0.76 0.81 0.88 1.00 δ The road network of Zhuzhou appears as belt-shape and center-radiation. Most road can meet the sight distance. It has basically been urbanized alongside, and the roads are comparatively smooth. So it hasn’t been done to modify lateral clearance, grade and sight distance. Part segment of three arterial road out of eight are equipped the division-facilities. By the actual observation of above mentioned during peak hours, half motorway areas are occupied by bike, and these arterial road without divisionfacilities occupied 22.3% of total. So the influence coefficient on arterial road by bike can be computed as: δna=1-22.3%·1/2=0.8885 (10) Most type of eight subarterial roads is one-board cross-section. The observation to them shows that half motorway area is occupied by bike, and the influence coefficient on subarterial road of bike is computed as: δns=1-1/2=0.5 In this city, there are 50 lateral roads. There exists serious mixed traffic, and pedestrian produce a lot of disturbs, 2/3 motorways being occupied, So δnl=1-2/3=0.3333.According to all above: A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 4/8 Ns/Na = (δns·δws)/(δna·δwa)=(0.5/0.8691)/(0.8992·0.8885)=0.5439 Nl/Na = (δnl·δwl)/(δna·δwa) =(1/3·0.9268)/ (0.8992·0.8885)=0.3867 From equation (9), the road class influence coefficient (K1) can be computed as: K1=52.04%+0.5339·12.08%+0.3867·35.88%=0.7249 To bikeway, K1 is given 1.0. (11) (12) (13) The Average Frequency Coefficient of Road Usage (K2) This paper describes the average frequency coefficient of road usage with unbalanced quality of load-degree of network, which means if distribution and arrangement of road is reasonable, its loaddegree will be balanced, and so is the average road usage. But the traffic volume of Zhuzhou has almost centralized in arterial roads like Xinhua and Honggang Road (east-west orientation), Jianshe, Hongqi, Renming and Lusong Road (south-north orientation). According to the data of 1990,the volume of south-north orientation is obviously larger than that of east-west orientation. Let the load2 degree (V/C) of arterial i be xi, the average x =∑xi/n, and its difference S ( ( x1 x ) ) /( n 1) . Substituted with the data given (Li,1990), S/ x =0.515. The result reflects the unbalance of frequency of used road. So K2=1-S/ x =1-0.515=0.485.K2 stands for the reasonability of distribution and arrangement of road network and unbalanced quality of volume distribution. The Lateral Disturb Coefficient K3 Market is the most important factor that results in road occupied. The whole Zhuzhou has 17 markets, which occupied 23076 m2 of walkway and 9719 m2 of motorway. They also occupied 4681 m of road, while total length of road of Zhuzhou in 1989 is 89287 m. So K3=1-4681/89287=0.9476 The Effective Operation Area (A) of Road Facilities From: Ai=Sin·Ki1·Ki1·Ki2·Ki3, (i=1 means vehicles, and i=2 means bikes) ,we get A1=2065843·48.42%·0.72448·0.485·0.9476=333064 (m2) A2=2065843*30.945%*1.0*0.485*0.9476=293836 (m2) The Modified Effective Area of Road Facilities of Zhuzhou A* It is essential to define the density of road network correctly to modify A. Ten large Chinese city’s relative data have been shown as table 2. The writer thinks that the density of road network is decided by the number of vehicles and bikes possessed. Provided a duality linear regression formula with latter two independent variables namely x1and x2 and the density of road network variable namely y, and y=a+b1x1+b2x2. A duality linear regression formula (the standard density function) can be resulted as: y=5.8864347+0.008564671x1-0.0060753964x2 (2-13) The plural relative coefficient of formula above R=0.90642587, residual standard differentce S=0.7336519. Data of Zhuzhou in 1990 shows that there are 9625 vehicles possessed. And x1=9625/89.3=101.79, while x2=786.0694. So the standard road density of Zhuzhou is computed as:D0=5.886435+0.00856467 · 107.79-0.006753 · 786.069=2.034016 (km/km2). The actual road density of Zhuzhou (D) is 1.83 km/km2. And its modified coefficient is computed as: KD1=D/D0=1.83/2.034=0.899705 * 1 Therefore: A1 =A1·KD =333064·0.899705=299659.35(m2); A2*=A2=293836 (m2). Table 2 Chinese Ten Large Cities’ Roadnet Density(1985) City Name Road net Density (km/km2) VehicleRoad Density (Vehicle/ km) Density (Bikes/ km) Beijing Shanhai Tianjin Shenyang Wuhan Guangzhou Harbin Chongching Nanjing Xi’an Average 6.93 5.62 3.94 5.95 6.91 2.45 4.56 3.52 5.60 3.52 4.90 56.32 84.51 75.24 45.37 19.30 19.30 53.67 112.10 61.26 79.44 79.82 183.90 240.78 392.10 179.32 634.65 634.65 113 15.80 98.04 190.0 195.07 A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 5/8 Effective Operation Time of Road Network of Zhuzhou The intersection influence coefficient of effective time during peak hours can be measured in two methods. Saturation Flow Rate Modify Coefficient This method computes modified coefficient with the usage of intersection as: K4=fw·fHV·fg·fa·fRT·fLT·fn; Where: fw = lane width modified coefficient; fHV = modified coefficient of heavy vehicles in traffic flow; fg = grade modified coefficient of entrance lane; fa = region type modified coefficient;fRT = right-turn vehicles modify coefficient; fLT = left-turn vehicles modify coefficient;fn = modified coefficient of disturb on motor of bike. Take the intersection of Jianshe Road and Chezhan Road for example. It is an important one of arterial road and subarterial road. Its traffic flow during peak-hour is showed as table 3. Table 3 The Flow of Jianshe Road and Chezhan Road Intersection east entrance left Motor 67 Bike 114 Pedestrian south entrance west entrance straigh right subtotal left straight right subtotal t 63 117 234 383 7700 364 614 0 0 663 721 145 379 360 808 1100 north entrance left straigh right subtotal left straight right subtotal t 33 78 167 213 52 256 1400 252 547 219 256 874 737 29 63 825 1122 1056 Impedance Factor, p According to the relative Tables in Li(1990), Xu(1992), and HCM (1984), the modified coefficient of north entrance in table 3 was as follows:fw=0.81, fHV=0.93, fg=1.00, fa=0.9, fRT=0.98, fLT=0.864. At last, fn was computed in two instances: 1) Bikes and motors used one lane, and the former occupied part of capacity 2) Conflict happened among bikes, pedestrians and turning.motors fn=1.0, for there are not mixed traffic volume. This resulted :K4n=0.81·0.93·1.00·0.90·0.98·0.864·1.00=0.574. And the other three entrances’ K4 was 0.598, 0.5029, 0.661, respectively. Accept the average of them: K4=0.584. The other type is intersections without signals, which mainly consideration of the impedance factor of minor direction and related to the load degree (in %) arousing block flow, seeing fig 1. Accepted Capacity, % Fig 1 The Relationship between the Impedance Factor and Traffic Congestion Take T-shape intersection without signals of Jianshe Road and Park Road for example: there are 178pcu/h vehicles left turn on Jianshe Road (main stream), speeding at average of 31km/h; and 613pcu/h vehicles left turn on Park Road, with four-lane. Further more, bikes’ influence must be taken A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 6/8 into consideration, with converted coefficient of 0.2. So the number of main road’s left-turn vehicles converted is 178+334·0.2=245pcu, while that of minor road’s is 613+275·0.2=668puc. The critical intermission is 5.26s given by the relative tables in HCM(1984), while the capacity of main road’s left-turn is 600pcu/h. The load degreeV/C=244/600=0.4083, and the impedance factor is 0.67 by checking up Fig.1. So K4=(0.67+1.00)/2=0.83 The cross intersections can be analogized like this. When it was used in roundabout intersections, the exit flow is regarded as the main one, while enter one the minor. After calculated all main intersections, their K4 are between 0.5 and 0.93, and the average one is 0.754. Calculating K4 of Intersection with Average Delay It’s unreasonable to assume that there is not any impedance on main stream of no-signal intersections. This paper suggests a simple method to calculate K4. Delay is a crucial indicator of intersection, almost relating with all factors of intersection. Vehicle’s delay is caused by the factors of geometry condition, signal time assignment, linkage response, mixed traffic, etc. Operation efficiency of intersections was showed in table 4. Take the Jianshe-Chezhan Roads intersection for example, its average delay is 24s, and Table 4 The Relationship Between Average Delay and Service Level of Intersections Service level Average delay(s/v) K4 computed in the method of saturation flow ratio A <10 0.9 B 10~15 0.8 C 15~20 0.7 D 20~30 0.6 E >30 0.5 K4=0.6, which is closely to the K4=0.5840 computed in the method of saturation flow ratio modified coefficient. The average converted coefficient (K4) of all intersections in Zhuzhou is 0.7310 with this method. Because of the difference of time-period peak-hour appears, the time-period that has the most frequency of appearance was chosen as the standard peak-hour period. Generally, its between 8:45 and 9:45am, and its effective operation time T=60·0.7310=43.86(min). The Analyses on Space-Time Usage of Unit Traffic Body of Zhuzhou during Peak-Hour Vehicle’s Space-Time Usage Provided car as standard type. Its static width is 1.8m, while its dynamic width is 1.8+2·0.25 =2.3m. The average speed given is 30km/h; then its minimum safety portrait space headway is computed as: L0=V/3.6b+V2/254∮+5+2=30/(3.6·1)+302/(254·0.44)+7=23.39 And the average dynamic space usage of vehicle av=2.3·23.39=53.797 (m2). The survey shows that average trips time of vehicle in Zhuzhou is 25.8 min/t, and average daily trips nv=1.14(times). Bike’s Space-Time Usage The static width of bike is 0.6m, and dynamic one is 0.6+2·0.25m. Its minimum safety portrait space headway is 7.26m, so its dynamic area ab=(0.6+2·0.25)·7.26=7.986(m2). The survey shows that average traveling time of bike of Zhuzhou is 25.8 min/t, and average daily trips is 1.48(times). The Modified Space-Time Usage Coefficient 1) The modified flow ratio during peak-hour. Survey provides: K5n=19.7%, K5v=18.9%; 2) The unbalanced time coefficient during peak-hour is 1.2; 3) Vehicle type’s modified coefficient K7. Whole Zhuzhou have 13341 vehicles in 1989, which corresponds to 20205pcu standard cars. So K7v=20205/13341=1.5145, while K7b=1.0; 4) Peak-hour modified coefficient. The average peak-hour coefficient K8=0.9998. A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 7/8 The Calculation of Macro Road Capacity of Zhuzhou Table 5 shows the result of calculation. Table 5 The Calculation Results ITEMS VEHICLES BIKES Total areas of road network , S(m2) 2065843 2065843 Proportion of motor v.s. bike way, 48.42 30.95 Road class modified coefficient, K1 0.7249 1 Average usage frequency of road , K2 0.485 0.485 Lateral disturb coefficient , K3 0.9476 0.9476 Net Road areas Sn (m2) 1000309 639348 Effective areas of road facilities, Ai (m2) 333064 293836 Modified coefficient of Ai ,KD 0.8998 1 The modified effective areas of road facilities, Ai*(m2) 299659 293836 The integrated converted coefficient of intersections, K4 0.731 0.731 The effective operation time during peak-hour, T(min) 43.86 43.86 Average dynamic areas of unit traffic body , a(m2) 53.797 7.986 Average time usage of unit traffic body (min/t) 25.8 17.68 Average daily travels of unit traffic body (t/v) 1.14 1.48 Flow ratio during peak-hour , K5 0.189 0.197 1.2 1.2 Vehicle type modified coefficient, K7 1.5145 1 Peak-hour factor, K8 0.9998 0.9998 Average space-time usage of unit traffic body during peak-hour, Ci(m2.min/v) 543.926 49.4092 13143044 12887647 Macro capacity of road network, N(standard car) 24163 260835 Actual vehicles possessed (standard-car) 20205 262191 Load degree of road network (v/c, %) 83.62 100.52 Unbalanced time coefficient during peak-hour, K6 Space-time capacity of network during peak-hour, C(m2.min) The fact can be found from table 5 that the bike traffic is in over saturation state, especially in peak-hour. The vehicle traffic is near saturation, where the through traffic hasn’t included. There are six main exits and entrances as table 6. This table shows that the net increase of traffic during peak-hour is 170 vehicles. If this number is added, the load degree is 84.32%, closer to saturation. As mainly traffic mean of dwellers, bike traffic is in over saturation. And there aren’t special bikeway system and independent bikeway. There is serious mixed traffic in most road, which makes the vehicle traffic jam worse. Further more, there are many factors resulting in traffic difficult like complex composition, narrow pavement, lower standard, A Study on the Macro Capacity Model of Urban Road Network and Its Application 8/8 unreasonable plane layout of intersection and so on. So transportation planning, construction and management must accord to the macro capacity. Table 6 The Peak-Hour Flow of Exits and Entrances of Zhuzhou Exit and entrance In flow Out flow zhuyi road 479 273 zhuchang road 149 164 zhulu road 185 211 zhuli road 201 190 Zhuliu road 108 107 zhuheng road 88 95 Total 1210 1040 Conclusions: This paper tries to study macro capacity of road network primarily. The calculation example proved that the method suggested in the paper is feasible. It can be used to calculate and analyze the total capacity of road network in the macro view, and provide a mathematics tool for transportation planning and assessment. It’s sure that the method is cursory, and needs amending a lot. Combined with the item of science commission of Hunan province, the writer will calculate the macro capacity of road networks of Changsha and Zhuzhou carefully. A more reasonable method will be suggested to improve the theory of space-time usage through calculating the standard density of road classes and macro capacity of jam and unjam regions, and so on. APPENDIX. 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