EXTRADEPARTMENTAL, INDEPENDENT STUDIES, RESEARCH BIO 2082, BIO 3082, BIO 3681, BIO 4291, BIO 4391 A. Requirements for Graduation with Distinction in Biology In order to be considered by the Biology Research Committee for recommendation to CST for graduation with Distinction in Biology a student must be pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree (not a B.A.) and : 1. Carry out an independent research project under the Biology Research Program for a minimum of two (2) semesters in Senior Research (Biology 4291 or Biology 4391). 2. Submit to and have accepted by the Research Committee a formal report on the research project. The report shall be written the style of a scientific paper, embodying sections on introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion, with proper referencing. The report must be submitted to the Research Committee by April of the senior year, in time for the CST recommendations deadline. 3. Have an evaluation of his/her research presented to the Research Committee by the research project supervisor at the time the paper is submitted. 4. A presentation of the research before the faculty will take place in the semester prior to the graduation. 5. Students must also maintain a 3.2 GPA in the Biology major. B. BIOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAM: 1. Recruitment of undergraduates into the Biology Research Program will be facilitated each fall by the Research Committee Chairman, assisted by the undergraduate Biology advisor and the Biology Society. Students will be familiarized with the Biology faculty and their research through informal seminars, “open laboratories”, or other appropriate means. 2. Students will apply to the Research Committee for admission to the program by submitting an application form bearing the signature of the proposed research advisor. 3. Students may begin research in the program in any semester. For those students who do not begin their research (Biology 4291 or Biology 4391) until their senior year, an adjustment will be made to allow extending their research into their final semester. The required research report will be submitted at the end of the second semester of senior research. 4. All research courses may receive credit toward graduation. Only two continuous semesters (a minimum of six credit hours) of Biology 4391 may count as one required elective credit toward the BS degree in Biology. 5. A maximum of two research courses may receive letter grades. Students enrolled in additional research courses will receive grades of credit/no credit upon the advice of their research advisor(s). BIOLOGY RESEARCH COURSES: Semester Hours 2-4 1-4 Independent Study I Independent Study II Biology 2082 Biology 3082 Cooperative Research Biology 3681 2-4 Extradepartmental Research Biology 4291 1-4 Accelerated Research in Biology Biology 4391 1-4 D:\106739833.doc INDEPENDENT STUDIES, EXTRADEPARTMENTAL & ACCELERATED RESEARCH 2082, 3082, 3681, 4291, 4391 NAME: __________________________ TUid#:_______________________ TEL#: __________________________ EMAIL: __________________________ Expected date of graduation: _________ Present Class: ______________ GPA Science: _______________ GPA Overall: ________________ CHECK ONE: Fall 20_____ SUMMER 20 _______ ______ 2082 ______ 3082 _____ 3681 _____ 4291 ______ 4391 SPRING 20 _______ INDEPENDENT STUDY I INDEPENDENT STUDY II COOPERATIVE RESEARCH EXTRADEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH ACCELERATED RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY Courses completed Grade _Biology 1111______________________________________ ______________________ _Biology 2112_____________________________________ ______________________ _Biology 2227_____________________________________ ______________________ _Biology 2296_____________________________________ ______________________ _Biology 3096___________________________________ ______________________ Special interests, future plans, background in science: On back or attach separate sheet Committee Action: 1. ______________________________ Approved Disapprove Dr. Ralph Hillman-room 159 Mentor/Primary Investigator who will supervise your research project 2. ___________________________________________________ Print Name ______________________________________ __________ Mentor/ Faculty Member’s Signature _________________ Date Mentor’s Email Address ___________________________________ Tel #: _________________________ D:\106739833.doc Mentor/Faculty Member: Please answer the following questions. Please indicate the number of hours which the student will be expected to be in lab or involved in research. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate the number of credit hours the student will be registering for. (Generally Speaking 3 hours in the lab would equal 1 credit hour) ____________________________ Will this student be taking this course for a grade or pass/fail? ___________________ What additional requirements will the student have in terms of their course grade? (For example: Paper, poster, exam) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any materials which the student will be working with or health hazards which the student will be exposed to, which require special safety training prior to starting their research in the lab? (yes or no) Please circle. If so, will you provide the training or will the student need to contact EHS? _______________________________ Is the student required to have any particular vaccinations or boosters prior to starting in your lab? (yes or no) Short Description of Research Project: Student: Please answer these additional Questions Are currently or are you planning to work in any additional labs? _______________________________________ If so, where or in whose lab? ____________________________________________________________________ Will you be able to attend the Monday Seminar Series offered in the biology department?___________________ Student: _______________________________ Print _______________________________ Signature Mentor: ______________________________ Print _______________________________ Signature D:\106739833.doc PETITION FOR TWO SEMESTERS OF BIOLOGY 4391: RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY TO COUNT AS ONE BIOLOGY ELECTIVE (AND POSSIBLE DISTINCTION IN THE MAJOR). Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Application: ____________________ Date of Expected Graduation: ____________ Address: _______________________________________________ Telephone No.: ___________________________________________ GPA (science) ____________________ GPA (overall)______________________ Grade Biology 1111______________________________________ ______________________ Biology 2112_____________________________________ ______________________ Biology 2227_____________________________________ ______________________ Biology 2296_____________________________________ ______________________ Biology 3096___________________________________ ______________________ Elective Courses Elective #1_________________________________________ Grade ____________________ Elective #2_________________________________________ ____________________ Elective #3_________________________________________ ______________________ Elective #4________________________________________ _____________________ Final approval is contingent upon successful completion of Biology 4391, submission of paper, presentation of a poster and satisfactory letter from the project advisor. Committee Action: (1) ___________________________________________ Approve Dr. Ralph Hillman Disapprove (2) ___________________________________________ Approve Mentor/Faculty Member supervising the Research Disapprove ______________________________________________ Print Name D:\106739833.doc