Avraham Ronen PRIVATE Date of Birth: July 4, 1935 Place of Birth: Jerusalem, Israel Family Status: Married, two children Office: Dept. of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel Home: 22 Hague Str., Haifa 34980, Israel EDUCATION 1956 1959 B.A., Archaeology and Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1960 1963 Ph.D., Prehistoric Archaeology, Laboratoire de Prיhistoire, Universit יde Bordeaux (Prof. Franחois Bordes) (Sciences.) ACADEMIC POSITIONS 1960 61 Scholarship of the French Government. 1961 64 Attach יde Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. 1963 Instructor at Tel Aviv University 1966 Appointed lecturer. 1968 Study in Quaternary Geology with Prof. K. Brunnacker, University of Cologne (Two months, on behalf of DAAD). 1970 Appointed Senior Lecturer. 1970 71 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, Arizona State University. 1971 Chair, Division of Prehistory, Dept. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University. 1975 Joined the Faculty of Haifa University, Depts. of Eretz Israel Studies and of Maritime 1976 Civilizations (Chairperson of Prehistory). Appointed Associate Professor of Prehistory 1976 77 Elected Chairman of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 1977 78 und Fruhgeschichte, Universitat Nurnberg, Germany. Erlangen 1979 82 Chair, Dept. of Eretz Israel Studies 1983 Visiting Associate Professor, SUNY Binghamtom. 1984 Professor of Prehistory 1985 88 Dean, Faculty of Humanities 1988 1998 Founder and Head, Zinman Institute of Archaeology. 1988 Visiting Scholar, CNRS Meudon, France. 1989 Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Archaeology, Cambridge, England. 1990 4th Rudolph Virchow Lecture, Romisch Germanisches Zentral Museum, Neuwied 1991 93 Chair, Dept. of General Studies. 1993 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Durham, England 1994 Canada. 1998/9 Switzerland Visiting Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, The University of Basel, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The National Council for Archaeology, Ministry of Education and Culture. Steering Committee, the Archaeological Survey of Israel. National Committee for the Reconstruction of Ancient Sites. Committee for Excavation Permits. Member, Permanent Council, UISPP. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 1964-67 Coordinator, Archaeological Survey of Israel, Mount Carmel area 1967-72 Tabun excavations (director: Prof. A.J. Jelinek) 1970-72 Director, Sefunim excavations 1975Director, Tabun excavations 1978-81 Director, Evron excavations 1980 Organiser, International Symposium on "The Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the Origin of Modern Man," held at Haifa University. 1981-90 Director, Hatula excavations (with Dr. Monique Lechevallier, CNRS) 1978-83 Grant Stiftung Volkswagen, Coastal Plain Project (with Prof. Karl Brunnacker, Koeln) 1994 Director, Ruhama excavations (with Dr. Jan-Michal Burdukiewicz, Wroclaw) 1996 Organiser, International Symposium on “The Emergence of Modern Humans: Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 kyears ago”, at the University of Haifa 1997-1999 Grant German Israel Foundation, Coastal Plain Project (with Prof. Wolfgang Boenigk, Koeln) 1996-97 Eyal rescue excavations (50 workers) Other scientific projects include excavations at Nahal Reuel (Site 920 in Biquat Uvda rescue project) (1982), Yiron (1981, 1994), research in Cyprus (1991) and in the Maltese Islands (1998). Participation in numerous congresses, national and international. PUBLICATIONS Avraham Ronen Books 1963 L'Aurignacien en Dordogne, Contribution l'יtude de l'outillage lithique. Thטse Universit יde Bordeaux. 172 pp., 82 fig. (Unpublished). 1974 Tirat Carmel. A Mousterian Open Air Site in Israel. Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, Publ. No. 3, VI + 68pp., 6 Pl. (in collaboration with M. Davies). 1975 Introducing Prehistory. Cassell's Introducing Archaeology Series, London. 96 pp. 1977 Lamdan, M., D. Ziffer, J. Huster, A. Ronen. Prehistorical Archaeological Survey of Nahal Shiqma, 201 pp. Regional Council Shaar Hanegev (Hebrew). 1978 Ronen, A. and Y. Olami, Athlit Map. The Archaeological Survey of Israel, No. 1, Jerusalem, XV + 84 pp., 1 map 1: 20, 000. (Hebrew with English summary). 1982 Ronen, A. (ed.) The Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the Origin of Modern Man. British Archaeological Reports S151, XVI + 329 pp. 1983 Ronen, A. and Y. Olami. Haifa East. The Archaeological Survey of Israel, XXI + 72 pp., 11 maps. 1984 The Sefunim Prehistoric Sites, Mt. Carmel. Israel. British Archaeological Reports S230. Oxford XXIV + 537 pp. 1985 Lechevallier, M. and A. Ronen Le Site Natoufien Khiamien de Hatoula, prטs de Latroun, Israel. Cahiers du Centre de Recherche Franחais de Jיrusalem.1, 119 pp. 1994 Lechevallier, M. and A. Ronen (eds.), Le Site de Hatoula en Judee Occidentale, Israel, CNRS, Association Paleorient #8, Paris, 340pp. 2000 Ronen, A. and Evron-Weinstein, M. (eds.), The Emergence of Modern Humans: Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 kyears Ago. British Archaeological ReportsS800, Oxford. Articles 1964 Les grattoirs carטnes אencoches de l'Aurignacien. Bull. Soc. Prיh. Franc. 61: 147 149. 1965 Observations sur l'Aurignacien. L'Anthropologie 69: 465 486. 1967 Prehistoric sites on Mt. Carmel. Am. Phil. Soc. Yearbook: 626 28. 1967 Ronen, A., A. Yossef, J. Perrot. Une station Kיbrienne du Neguev: Le Point 104. Bull. Soc. Preh. Franc. LXIV: 261 78. 1968 Excavation at the Cave of Sefunim (Iraq el Barud), Mt Carmel, Preliminary Report. Quartar 19: 275 88. 1968 Flint implements in the Museum of Hanita. Museum of Hanita, Publ. No. 2, 16 pp., 13 fig., 5 pls. (Hebrew). 1970 Flint implements from Sinai. Pales. Explo. Quart. 102: 30 41. 1970 Des pointes de Quinson en Israel. Bull. Soc. Preh. Franc. 67: 274 76. 1970 La Station Moustיrienne de Tirat Carmel (Mt. Carmel). VII UISPP congress, Prague 1966: 275 80. 1970 The burins of Vogelherd Aurignacian (Germany) and those of the French Aurignacian: A comparison. Quartar 21: 47 55. 1970 Ronen, A and M. Davies. Un Atelier de Taille Nיolithique au Mt. Carmel: Le Point 355z . L'Anthropologie 74: 161 194. 1971 Tirat Carmel. Excavations in the Mousterian open air site. Am. Phil. Soc. Yearbook: 633 64. 1971 Post Pleistocene stony layers in East Mediterranean sites. Quartar 22: 73 93. 1972 Ronen, A., D. Gilead, E. Schachnai, A. Saul. Upper Acheulian in the Kissufim Region. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 116: 68 96. 1972 Ronen, A., B. Vandermeersch. The Upper Palaeolithic Industries of Qafza. Quaternaria 16: 189 202. 1973 New Radiocarbon Dates from Mt. Carmel. Archaeology 26: 60 62. 1973 Remarks on the Pleistocene of the Coastal Plain. Mitkufat Haeven 11: 43 47 (Hebrew). 1973 Review: Suzuki, Y. et al. Prehistoric Reconnaissance in Lebanon and Syria, Tokyo 1970. Paleorient 1: 135 136. 1974 Ronen, A., D. Gilead, P. Meller, G. Bruder. Notes on the Pleistocene Geology and Prehistory of the Central Dishon Valley, Upper Galilee, Israel. Quartהr 25: 13 23. 1974 Farrand, W.R. and A. Ronen. Observations on the Kurkar Hamra Succession on the Carmel Coastal Plain, Israel. Tel Aviv 1: 45 54. 1974 Ronen, A. and M. Lamdan. Pic sur rognon. L'Anthropologie 78: 719 21. 1974 Ronen, A. and A. Amiel. The Evron Quarry: A Contribution to the Quarternary Stratigraphy of the Coastal Plain of Israel. Paleorient 2: 167 173. 1975 Rיflexions sur l'origine, la gיnטse et la chronologie des grטs dunaires calcifiיs dites "premiטre" et "deuxiטme" chaמnes cפtiטres sur le littoral Israיlien. Bull. Soc. Prיh. Franc. 72: 72 77. 1975 Ronen, A. and D. Gilead. The Tabun Cave. Qadmoniot VIII: 18 20 (Hebrew). 1975 The Paleolithic Archaeology and Chronology of Israel, in Wendorf, F. and A.E. Marks (eds.), Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant. Dallas, pp. 229 248. 1975 Ronen, A., D. Kaufman, R. Gophna, P. Smith, N. Bakler. Hefziba Hadera, An Epi Palaeolithic Site in the Central Coastal Plain of Israel. Quartהr 26: 53 72. 1976 Ronen, A., D. Kaufman. Epi palaeolithic Sites near Nahal Hadera, Central Coastal Plain of Israel. Tel Aviv 3: 16 30. 1976 The Upper Palaeolithic in Northern Israel: Mt. Carmel and Galilee. IX UISPP congres, Nice, Colloque III: 153 186. 1976 The Skhul Burials: An Archaeological Review. IX UISPP congres, Nice, Colloque XII: 27 40. 1977 Mousterian Sites in Red Loam in the Carmel Coastal Plain. Eretz Israel 13: 183 0. 1977 Gilead, D. and A. Ronen. The Acheulean Industries of Evron, Western Galilee Coastal Plain, Israel. Eretz Israel 13: 56 86. 1977 Olami, Y., and A. Ronen. Prehistoric Sites on Mt. Carmel. Quartar 27: 147 151. 1977 Fuchs, C., D. Kaufman, A. Ronen. Erosion and Artifact Distribution in Open Air Epi Paleolithic Sites on the Coastal Plain of Israel. J. Field Archaeology 4: 171 179. 1978 The Northen Coastal Plain of Israel in the Prehistoric Research, in: Coast and Sea, Hakibbutz Hameuhad, pp. 31 36 (Hebrew). 1979 Ronen, A. and M. Prausnitz, Excavations in a Palaeolithic Hunters' Site in the Evron Quarry. Qadmoniot XII: 51 53 (Hebrew). 1979 Paleolithic Industries in Israel. In: Horowitz, A. The Quarternary of Israel, pp. 296 307. Academic Press, New York. 1980 Ronen, A., M.Y. Ohel, M. Lamdan, A. Assaf. Acheulian Artifacts from two Trenches at Mayan Barukh. Israel Explor. J. 30: 17: 33. 1980 Ronen, A. and Y. Olami. The Prehistory of Mount Carmel. Atlas of Haifa and Mount Carmel, University of Haifa, pp. 32 33. 1980 The Origin of the Raised Pelecypod Beds along the Mediterranean Coast of Israel. Paleorient VI: 165 172. 1981 Ronen, A.M., Inbar, M. Klein, K. Brunnacker. Artifact Bearing Gravels Beneath the Yiron Basalt. Israel J. Earth Sciences 26: 221 26. 1981 Review: C. Perles. Prיhistoire du Feu. Quartar 31: 232 233. 1981 Ronen, A. and G. M. Barton. Rock Engravings on Western Mount Carmel, Israel. Quartהr 31: 121 137. 1981 Task and Locality specific assemblages in Middle Palaeolithic Cave Sites in Israel. X UISPP Congress, Colloque III, pp. 36 37, Mexico City. 1982 Mount Carmel Caves The First Excavations. in Ronen, A. (ed.) The Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the Origin of Modern Man. British Archaeological Reports. S151, pp. 7 29. 1982 Brunnacker, K., A. Ronen, W. Tillmanns, Die jungpleistozanen Aolianite in der sudlichen Kustenzone von Israel; Ein Beitrag zur zeitlich raumlichen Klimaentwicklung. Eiszeitalter u. Gegenwart 32: 23-48. 1983 Review: Hanihara, K. and T. Akazawa (eds.), Paleolithic site of Douara Cave and Paleogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria. Part III: Animal Bones and Further Analysis of Archaeological Materials. L'Anthropologie 89: 257 58. 1983 Les יtapes principales de la domestication en Mיditerranיe Orientale. L'Histoire א Nice. Actes du Colloque International, 1980, Tome I, pp. 7 16. Univ. de Nice. 1983 Late Quaternary Sea Levels Inferred from Coastal Stratigraphy and Archaeology in Israel, in: Masters, P.M. and N.C. Flemming (eds.), Quarternary Coastlines and Marine Archaeology: Towards the Prehistory of Land Bridges and Continental Shelves, pp. 121-134. Academic Press, London. 1983 Lamdan, M. and A. Ronen, The Prehistory of Galilee. In: The Galilee, Vol. I, pp. 201 212. Applied Scientific Research Co. University of Haifa (Hebrew). 1983 Review: Klausner, J. Prehistoric Man Principles of Anthropology. Warsaw, 1900. Festschrift Reuben Hecht, pp. 218 221, Koren Jerusalem. 1985 Ronen, A. and M. Lechevallier. The Natufian and Early Neolithic Site Hatula, near Latrun, Israel. Quartar 35/36: 141 164. 1985 Boenigk, W., K. Brunnacker, W. Tillmanns, A. Ronen. Die Aolianite in der nordlichen Kustenzone von Israel; Genese, Stratigraphie und Klimageschichte. Quartar 35/36: 113 140. 1985 Human Remains in Israel in their Archaeological Context, in: P.V. Tobias (ed.), Hominid Evaluation: Past, Present and Future, pp. 329 334. Alan R. Liss, New York. 1985 Milstein, S. and A. Ronen Flint Implements. In: Porath, Y. A Chalcolithic Building at Fazael. Atiqot 17: 11 13. 1986 Prausnitz, M. and A. Ronen, The Evron Quarry Sitie. in: Yedaya, M. (ed.), The Western Galilee Antiquities, pp. 33 36. Defence Ministry Publications (Hebrew). 1987 Kaufman, D. et A. Ronen, La Sיpulture Kיbarienne Gיomיtrique de Neve David, Haifa, Israel. L'Anthropologie 91: 335 342. 1987 The Levantine Neolithic Revolution Rate of Change. XII INQUA Congress, p.254 (Abstract). 1987 Review: Gabori, M. Les Civilisations du Palיolithique Moyen entre les Alpes et l'Oural; Esquisse Historique, 278pp., Budapest 1976. Quartהr 37/38: 273. 1988 Galili, E., M. Weinstein Evron, A. Ronen, Holocene Sea Level Changes Based on Submerged Archaeological Sites off the Northern Carmel Coast, Israel, Quaternary Research 29: 36 42. 1988 Lechevallier, M., D. Philibert, A. Ronen and A. Samzun, Une Occupation Khiamienne et Sultanienne אHatula (Israel)? Palיorient 15/1: 1 10. 1989 Review: Neev, D., N. Bakler and K. O. Emery, Mediterranean Coasts of Israel and North Sinai. Holocene Tectonism from Geology, Geophysics and Archaeology. Intl. J. Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration 128/3: 263 65. 1989 Lechevallier, M. and A. Ronen, L'occupation post Natoufienne de Hatoula, en Judיe Occidentale, et sa place dans le cadre rיgional. In Bar Yosef, O. and B. Vandermeersch (eds.), Prיhistoire du Sud Levant. British Archaeological Reports S497: 309 21, Oxford. 1989 Lamdan, M. and A. Ronen, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Blades in the Levant. in Hershkovitz, I. (ed.), People and Culture in Change. British Archaeological Reports S508: 29 36, Oxford. 1989 Review: Henry, D. O. From Foraging to Agriculture. The Levant at the End of the Ice Age. Antiquity 18: 263 65. 1989 Unger Hamilton, R., A. Ronen and M. Lechevallier A Preliminary Microwear Analysis of Borers from Hatula, Israel. Quartar 39/40: 17 25. 1989 Brunnacker, K., W. Boenigk, G. Bruder, G.G. Hahn, A. Ronen, W. Tillmanns, Artefakte im Altquartהr von Obergalil כa (Nordisrael). Eiszeitalter u. Gegenwart 39: 109 20. 1990 Ronen, A. and Lamdan, M. The Prehistory of the Sharon. In: Degani, A., Grossman, D. and Shmueli, A. (eds), The Sharon Between Yarkon and Carmel, pp. 149 20. 1990 Ronen, A. and Lamdan, M. The Prehistory of the Sharon. In: Degani, A., Grossman, D. and Shmueli, A. (eds), The Sharon Between Yarkon and Carmel, pp. 149 160. (Hebrew), ††††⁍ 楮楳瑲 Ministry of Defence Publishing, Tel Aviv. 1990 Neandertaler und fruher Homo sapiens im Nahen Osten. Jahrbuch RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz 37: 3-17. 1991 The Biblical Garden of Eden and Humanity. Studia Judaica I, pp. 25 28. (Cluj). 1991 Ronen, A. and Lechevallier, M. The Natufian of Hatula. In: The Natufian Culture in the Levant, pp. 149 160. (eds.) Bar Yosef, O. and Valla, F.R. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor. 1991 Tabun Cave The 1991 Season. Mitekufat Hae †楍整畫慦⁴ 慈even 24: 149 151. 1991 The Lower Palaeolithic Site Evron 151. 1991 The Lower Palaeolithic Site Evron Quarry in Western Galilee, Israel. Festschrift Karl Brunnacker, Kæլn 82: 187 Quarry in Western Galilee, Israel. Festschrift Karl Brunnacker, Kצln 82: 187 212. Geological Institute Geological Institute 1991 The Yiron 212. 1991 The Yiron Gravel Lithic Assemblage: Artifacts Older than 2.4 My in Israel. Archäologisc桥桥桥潲 ches Korrespondenzblatt 21: 159 164. 1991 Ronen, A., Bentur, A. and Soroka, I. A Plastered Floor from the Neolithic Village, Yiftahel (Israel). Palטorient 17/2149 : 155. 1992 The Emergence of Blade Technology: Cultural Affinities. In: Akazawa, T., Aoki, A. and Kimura, T. (eds.) The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia, pp. 217 228. (eds.) Hokusen Sha, Tokyo. 1994 Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. The Lithics of the Early Neolithic at Hatoula, in: Gebel, H.G. and Kozlowski, S.K. (eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, pp. 395-406. 1994 Tchernov, E., Kolska-Horwitz, L., Ronen, A., and Lister, A. The Faunal Remains from Evron Quarry in Relation to Other Paleolithic Hominid Sites in the Southern Levant, Quaternary Research 42, 328-339. 1995 Un nouvel objet d'art probablement natoufien: la t ךte humaine de Hatoula. L'Anthropologie 99: 484-488. 1995 Core, Periphery and Ideology in Aceramic Cyprus. Quartär 45/46: 177-206. 1995 The Levallois Method as Cultural Constraint. In: Dibble, H.L. and Bar-Yosef, O. (eds.), The Definition and Interpretat潩景䰠 ion of Levallois Technology, pp. 293-304. Prehistory Press, Madison. 1995 Ronen, A. and Tsatskin, A. New interpretations of the oldest part of the Tabun Cave sequence. Mount Carmel, Israel. In: Ullrich, H. (ed.), Man and Environment in the Palaeolithic, ERAUL 62, 265-281. 1995 Tsatskin, A., Weinstein-Evron, M. and Ronen, A. Weathering and Pedogenesis of Wind-Blown Sediments in the Mount Carmel Caves, Israel. Quaternary proceedings, 4: 83-93. 1996 The "Agricultural Revolution" and Pre-Pottery Neolithic A. Eretz Israel 25, 257263. 1996 The Earliest Hominids in Israel. in: Beinhauer, K., Kirsten, E. and Wagner, G. (eds.), Homo erectus heidelbergensis von Mauer, pp. 99-102. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen. 1997 Ronen Avraham and Winter Yuval, Eyal 23 - A lower palaeolithic site in the eastern Sharon, Israel. Quartהr 47/48, 177-188 . 1997 Ronen Avraham and Winter Yuval, Pebbles as Artifacts. Neo-Lithics 3/97, 7-8. 1998 Domestic Fire as Evidence for Language. In: Takeru Akazawa, Aoki Kenichi and Bar-Yosef, Ofer (eds.), Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, pp. 439-447. Plenum Press, New York. 1998 Ronen Avraham and Winter Haim, Fowl and Fishes: Prelude to Domestication. Rivista di Antropologia (Roma), Suppl. 76, 17-32. 1998 Ronen, A., Burdukiewicz, J.M., Laukhin, S.A., Winter, Y., Tsatskin, A., Dayan, T., Kulikov, O.A., Vlasov, V.K., and Semenov, V.V. The Lower Palaeolithic Site Bizat Ruhama in the Northern Negev, Israel. Archaeologisches Korrespondenzblatt 28, 163173. 1999 Ideology-Dependent Subsistence in the Aceramic of Cyprus. In: Ullrich, H. (ed.), Lifestyles and survival strategies in Pliocene and Pleistocene hominids, pp. 505-516. 1999 Ronen Avraham and Lechevallier Monique, Save the Khiamian! Neo-Lithics 2/99, 6-7. 1999 Ronen Avraham, Tsatskin Alexander and Stanislav A. Laukhin, The Genesis and Age of Mousterian Paleosols in the Carmel Coastal Plain, Israel. In: Davis William and Charles Ruth (eds), Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic, pp. 135-151. Oxbow Books, Oxford. 1999 Ronen Avraham, Milstein Shulamit and Lamdan Modi, The Spatial Organization of the PPNB Site Nahal Reuel, Israel Neo-Lithics 3/99, 15-17. 1999 Winter Yuval, Neber Alexander and Ronen Avraham, The Lower Palaeolithic Site Eyal 23 (Israel), 1997 Excavations. Terresstrische Quartהrgeologie, pp. 466-475, Kצln . 1999 Tsatskin Alexander and Avraham Ronen, Micromorphology of a Mousterian paleosol in aeolianites at the site Habonim, Israel. Catena 34, 365-384. Albert Rosa M, Lavi Ofer, Estroff Lara, Weiner Steve, Alexander Tsatskin, Ronen Avraham and Lev-Tadun Simcha, Mode of Occupation of Tabun Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israsel During the Mousterian Period: A Study of the Sediments and Phytoliths. J. Archaeological Science 26, 1249-1260. Laukhin, S.A., Pospelova, G.A., Ronen, A., Ranov, V.A., Sharonova, Z.V., Volgina, V.A., Burdukiewicz, J.M. and Tsatskin, A., Earliest Paleolithic Human Migrations from Africa to Eurasia along the Mediterranean Coast: Paleomagnetic Evidence. Doklady Earth Sciences 369A, 396-399. 2000 Mercier, N., Valladas, H., Froget, L., Joron, J.-L. and Ronen, A., Datation par thermoluminescence de la base du gisement palיolithique de Tabun (Mont Carmel, Israכl). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 330, 731-738. Nahal Reuel, A Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site in the Negev, Israel. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 2, 65-76. 2000 Biesieged by Technology. Scientific American Discovering Archaeology 2, 92-97. 2000 Engelmann Anette, Neber Alexander, Frechen Manfred, Boenigk Wolfgang and Ronen Avraham, Luminescence chronology of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene aeolianites from Netanya South - Sharon Coastal Plain, Israsel. Quaternary Science Review 20, 799-804. 2000 Frechen Manfred, Dermann Birgit, Boenigk Wolfgang and Ronen Avraham, Luminescence chronology of aeolianites from the section at Givat Olga, Caostal Plain of Israel. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 805-809. Shifroni Anat and Ronen Avraham, The “Tabun snap” from the Yabrudian/Acheulean interface at Tabun. Praehistoria 1, 109-116. Winter, Y., Neber, A. and Ronen, A., Geoarchaeoligical studies of the Lower Palaeolithic site Eyal 23, Israel. Quaternary International Abstracts 63/64, 164. 2000 Laukhin, S.A., Ronen, A., Ranov, V.A., Pospelova, G.A., Burdukiewicz, J.M., Sharonova, Z.V., Volgina, V.A., Kulikov, O.A., Vlasov, V.K., and Tsatskin, A., New Data on the Paleolithic Geochronology in Southern Levant. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 8, 498-510. Ronen Avraham, Shifroni Anat, Laukhin Stanislav and Tsatskin Alexander, Observations on the Acheulean of Tabun Cave, Israel. ERAUL 95, 209-224. Ronen Avraham and Adler Dan, The walls of Jericho were magical. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 2 (6), 97-103. 2001 Ronen Avraham, Milstein Shulamit, Lamdan Modi, Vogel John C., Mienis H Henk .K. and Ilani, Shimon, Nahal Reuel, a MPPNB site in the Negev, Israel. Quartär 51/52, 115-156. 2001 2001 אילת, כנס החברה הגיאולוגית הישראלית.כרונולוגיה של קו החוף הישראלי )(תקציר IV שכבת חלוקים בנחל גלים – טרסה או מבנה? כנס מחקרי כרמל, אברהם וגלילי אהוד,רונן .) (תקציר36 , 2001 2002 Porat, Naomi and Avraham Ronen, Luminescence and ESR Age Determinations of the Lower Paleolithic Site Evron Quarry, Israel. Advances in ESR Applications 18, 123-130. Rink, W.J., J. Bartoll, P. Goldberg, A. Ronen 2003 ESR datinf of archeologically relevant authigenic terrestrial apatite veins from Tabun Cave, Israel. J. Archaeological Sciences 30, 1127-1138. Ronen, A., 2003 Grinding Tools as Grave Goods. In: Derwich, E. (ed.), Préhistoire des Pratiques Mortuaires. Eraul 102, 63-68. A. Ronen, A. Golik, A. Neber, A. Tsatskin, W. Boenigk and A. Beiles, (submitted) Pleistocene and Holocene Pattern of Sand Migration Along the Mediterranean Littoral of Israel. בדפוס מיפוי פוטוגרמטרי סיפרתי כאמצעי לשיחזור תהליכי, דב ואברהם רונן,צביאלי . ספר אביאל רון.בלייה פנימיים במערת טבון Rink, W.J., H.P. Schwarcz, A. Ronen and A. Tsatskin, nd Confirmation of a Middle Pleistocene age for the Yabrudian industry at Tabun Cave, Israel. Frechen, Manfred, Alexander Neber, Alexander Tsatskin, Wolfgang Boenigk and Avraham, Ronen, nd Chronology of Pleistocene Sedimentary Cycles in the Carmel Coastal Plain of Israel. Videofilm 1986 Threshing-Sledge Flint Knapping in Cyprus (18 minutes). 1995 Prehistoric stone tools. Multimedia teaching series (13 parts, 210 minutes). 2001 The Origins of Sedentism and Domestication in the Levant (20 minutes).