Text - YashaNet

Alert: This is a formal class on principals underlying the Torah as found in the classic text, Derech Hashem. Questions
should be related to the text - limit to 30 seconds each Class is each Wednesday nights at 9pm eastern.
YehoshuaBA: hi
BEHANU: we be
on in a bit
YehoshuaBA: ok
janice64: shalom
janice64: is there going to be
YehoshuaBA: planning on it
a teaching tonight
janice64: ty
YehoshuaBA: shalom
Alert: An admin joined the room: David_42
YehoshuaBA: class should be starting
YehoshuaBA: shalom sue
YehoshuaBA: there she
KosherSue: shalom!
Isibel: Shalom
Isibel: Just
getting started
Isibel: Sick child
Isibel: Doing ok
tstudy84: shalom
troy_gs: 1
KosherSue: 1
Strider_100: 1
Strider_100: shalom
SHeMABruce: lol
SHeMABruce: i
want some somoans? or mints
SHeMABruce: the ones with coconut
SHeMABruce: love them
YehoshuaBA: --luminous_spirit: right
on time
sharonah: goodevening
janice64: shalom
luminous_spirit: shalom
janice64: hey
shalom everyone
janice (from one to another)
The Bear Jew: gthe
only israel on the earth today is the jewish people
DoublEdgedSword: Define
The Bear Jew: the
children of Avraham itzak and yakov
SHeMABruce: please
don't be lured into conflict.
jeffisdaname: FIGURES
David_42: this
is a class. please keep the discussions to the text.
DoublEdgedSword: Define Israel correctly you will then begin to see who is Israel.
The Bear Jew: only
the jews survive of israel
The Bear Jew: the other tribes are LOST
DoublEdgedSword: God easily defines Israel in scripture.
Taz_Aharon: double is christian who comes into rooms to
The Bear Jew: he
janice64: is
who fights with hashem
lost i.e. disobeying G-d?
luminous_spirit: please
be respectful.. do not distract from the live teaching
DoublEdgedSword: Taz,
Israel: one that wresles with God and man and overcomes. Yes,
a Christian to distrupt this world to show more of who God is.
Taz_Aharon: doubledged,
The Bear Jew: what
Taz_Aharon: thanks
this is a study room, not a christian preaching room
is the topic please?
luminous_spirit: listen
SHeMABruce: Derech
David_42: Derech
DoublEdgedSword: and I just taught you something.
SHeMABruce: By
Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
The Bear Jew: why
are we studying the teaching of chabab is the christian
The Bear Jew: chabab
Taz_Aharon: double,
is a unbelieving cult
the only thing you have taught is that you cannot read. This is
Derech Hashem study
Alert: The Bear Jew reddotted by: David_42
luminous_spirit: "we"
are studying.. "you" are distrupting our study
David_42: Chabad follows HaShem.
DoublEdgedSword: Maybe you can not
The Bear Jew: chabab
read: SECTION: Christianity.
denies moshiach yeshua and has no place in this
Alert: The Bear Jew unreddotted by: David_42
Alert: The Bear Jew reddotted by: David_42
SHeMABruce: We
are learning how to follow christ. Christ as 100 percent
pro-torah; thus, studying this makes us more christlike. (at least that's
my purpose)
David_42: we
are not Chabad
DoublEdgedSword: As
the Word became flesh, we are suppose to take out flesh and
exchange it to the Word of
DoublEdgedSword: God
SHeMABruce: someone
SHeMABruce: dot
needs to do Bear and doubledged
SHeMABruce: sorry
SHeMABruce: oops
luminous_spirit: lol
Alert: DoublEdgedSword reddotted by: David_42
luminous_spirit: finally
Taz_Aharon: double,
Taz_Aharon: this
hebrewtorah: im
no one here cares about your opinion
is a study
fascinated by women teachers!
teach better than men
hebrewtorah: some
SHeMABruce: i'm
facinated by women.
The Bear Jew: new
flash menachem schneersomn is still in sheol nbut
yeshua is risien
hebrewtorah: lol
hebrewtorah: lol
luminous_spirit: lolol
David_42: The Bear Jew was bounced from the room by David_42. If you want to learn more about the rules for this
room, read the room rules on the groups page or contact the owner: BEHANU
luminous_spirit: we
are an enigma.. or so i've heard
SHeMABruce: good bounce.
SHeMABruce: so
janice64: is
there a spirituality connected to the sense of smell
SHeMABruce: only
if it smells like pizza
a jackass for Bilaam: yes
the sense of smell is the sense most closely related to memory
luminous_spirit: lol
hebrewtorah: the
Taz_Aharon: im
pizza MUST be kosher hahaha
suprized doubledged is still here
Taz_Aharon: lol
David_42: we can
let him listen
is why we smell spices at the end of shabbat
a jackass for Bilaam: this
SHeMABruce: good
point: (effort is rewarded) odd how so many don't
seem to see the obvious truth there.
Taz_Aharon: wha?
a jackass for Bilaam: at
Taz_Aharon: mishnah
and gerama is not torah
Taz_Aharon: gemara
janice64: incence was
burned twice a day in the temple
hebrewtorah: do those spices "awaken"
Alert: cyberhippy reddotted by: David_42
Taz_Aharon: dont agree with thart
you from your shabbat?
Taz_Aharon: heh
tstudy84: oh, but
janice64: i
i do
wonder what G-d thinks when he smells incence
SHeMABruce: He
don't have a nose.
luminous_spirit: lol
a jackass for Bilaam: no
shaylee_binne: incense*
Taz_Aharon: there
SHeMABruce: If
is 1 torah
He does, I don't want to be around when He sneezes.
a jackass for Bilaam: they leave us with the memiry of the sweetness
janice64: the smell of food cooking stimulates the desire to eat
of Shabbat
tstudy84: without the oral torah, my
a jackass for Bilaam: all Torah is oral
understanding of the written torah is flawed
janice64: i wonder what the smell of
a jackass for Bilaam: only certain parts
incense does
were written down so that they might be left
SHeMABruce: so
true isibel
luminous_spirit: suggesting
a jackass for Bilaam: the
that the oral parts are constantly changed?
baraita (oral Torah) is oral and spoken in the vernacular
SHeMABruce: my
boss walked in today JUST as I brought up the talmud on
the web. OOPS!
tstudy84: maybe
it causes to go into a swoon janice
luminous_spirit: lol
a jackass for Bilaam: so
that it might change with the times
a jackass for Bilaam: in
luminous_spirit: tsk
a jackass for Bilaam: the written Torah is the
a jackass for Bilaam: therefore it is written
a jackass for Bilaam: in unchanging form
Taz_Aharon: jackass, you do incline to the
SHeMABruce: actually,
unchangeable Torah
I think it is THE loftiest thing a person can do.
a jackass for Bilaam: and what is the
Taz_Aharon: well ask the talmud
luminous_spirit: i
totally agree Isibel
stuff isibel
luminous_spirit: loft.. i could use one of those.. a private fort of sorts lol
SHeMABruce: good
a jackass for Bilaam: when one lives in a community he must follow the community rule
Taz_Aharon: the torah says not to incline after the majority, and the talmud tell you to
incline after the majority, which ones do you follow jackass?
a jackass for Bilaam: whether
one agrees is irellevant, if he wishes to remain in the
tstudy84: it is speaking about sinning with the majority Taz
Taz_Aharon: no
a jackass for Bilaam: he
must abide by the community rule
Taz_Aharon: it does not
janice64: bilaam that sounds
like a cult
he wishes to leave the community, then the community rule no
longer applies to him
a jackass for Bilaam: he has excommunicated himself
a jackass for Bilaam: it is common sense for a lawful citizen of any nation
a jackass for Bilaam: regardless of the nation or community
a jackass for Bilaam: he who rebels is a criminal
a jackass for Bilaam: if
SHeMABruce: yes
SHeMABruce: and
yet people still won't read it
janice64: bilaam what if the nation tells
a jackass for Bilaam: if he leaves and goes
a citizen to sin
to another community he is expected to follow
their rules as well
SHeMABruce: the
blessing of readily available Scriptural knowledge is
SOOOO much of a blessing
SHeMABruce: we are spoiled by God
tstudy84: spoiled
SHeMABruce: i
rotten bruce
am. i know it
a jackass for Bilaam: then if one violates his scruples
a jackass for Bilaam: no one will make him remain
he should leave
a jackass for Bilaam: but
most often it is simply the arrogance of the individual that
refuses to obey any law that does not suit his/her fancy
SHeMABruce: right.
the matrix
recent history, there was too little available for the
common man to fight about Now, sadly, God has poured out
SHeMABruce: Until
knowledge upon us and what do we do with it? Fight.
a jackass for Bilaam: very few sinners believe themselves to be so
a jackass for Bilaam: the Torah is not a democratic writ it is the commands
of a sovereign
Master to those whom He owns
a jackass for Bilaam: subjects of a kingdom
a jackass for Bilaam: it is not a republic
SHeMABruce: i
liked that part of the book
SHeMABruce: emphasis on being serious in studying God's instructions
instead of flippantly treating it as common
SHeMABruce: study for the sake of God not for the sake of self
Strider_100: this is a great evil ... a method of the jesuits
Strider_100: aka ... 'the end justifies the means'
Taz_Aharon: keeping
SHeMABruce: good
LevEchad: (sorry
mitzvot means nothing if it is not a delight toyou
am late, emergency here)
luminous_spirit: didn't
see ya down there Jon, shalom
ok Lev?
SHeMABruce: difficult to do in today's world
SHeMABruce: a no-fly zone around that guy
luminous_spirit: everything
tstudy84: lol
LevEchad: hi
lumi, yes now whew (later)
SHeMABruce: good
work, isibel
tstudy84: thank-you
thinking.. there's a concept lol
luminous_spirit: great
Isibel: thank
Isibel: Yes
troy_gs: isn't
Isibel: Labor
job as always Isi
you very much
the wife supposed to do the cooking and cleaning?
saving devices
luminous_spirit: i'd
like to know the answer to that one.. i've yet to figure
out how to balance everything properly
troy_gs: i
have an ipod too
luminous_spirit: troy!!
tstudy84: Question
Isibel: If a person is sinful, but still studies Torah, even though he
may not understand or grasp it, can it still influence or "feed" his soul even if it makes
no outward impact on him
luminous_spirit: i
missed parts of the teaching due to the ENORMOUS
distractions, noise here.. i am unable to comment.. nor could you hear
me over the noise here lol
janice64: i
think your are to teach your children torah when you rise, when you walk
along the way and when you lie down...i don't know we are to talk about torah 24/7
with everyone else
SHeMABruce: We
have today, right down the street or on the web, what
past generations would literally have died to have.
luminous_spirit: that's so true
SHeMABruce: Personally,
I think studying torah ALWAYS has an impact, it
just may not be perceptible to the outside observer.
SHeMABruce: i remember that guy
tstudy84: ty
janice64: not all knowledge is good..there is much
tstudy84: bruce's comment is also very good
that should be ignored
luminous_spirit: good
point Bruce.. and i would add that in MY opinion, if a
person is TRULY following Yeshua, and HIS WAYS, that his life will
reflect such even while he is learning and growing, little by little
SHeMABruce: but one must have knowledge to know what to ignore, and as
one's knowledge grows, what was once ignored may now be
janice64: i
still don't understand why believers study pagan religions
luminous_spirit: amein..
maggieyah: catholic
church.....adopted pagan rituas to draw people to their reglion
luminous_spirit: janice:
what do you mean? you mean intentionally study
pagan religions as a study? or out of interest?
maggieyah: today
they are so apart of our lives, society etc..........we are unaware they
are pagaon
janice64: either or luminous
maggieyah: tatootes are part of pagon rituals.............today it common place to get tats
SHeMABruce: knowledge
of the faith of others - pagan or not - is valueable
if they are to be reached by truth.
janice64: i
disagree bruce
SHeMABruce: rats.
I guess i won't be getting that menorah tat. darnit
luminous_spirit: personally, i don't have time to study as i'd like so i am
certainly not going to study anything but torah and the Bible, but
learning about other religions and why they believe as they do.. there's
many reasons why that could be valuable.. but again.. i prefer to focus
luminous_spirit: wow,
Bruce.. ya owe me a coke
SHeMABruce: it mixes with blood
SHeMABruce: the ink
SHeMABruce: i just figure since Hashem said no, that's the end of the
discussion. my simplistic reason
janice64: Exodus
23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and
make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
Alert: An admin left the room: BEHANU
luminous_spirit: now
luminous_spirit: lol
if only some children could adopt your simplicity Bruce
SHeMABruce: perhaps
because monkeys tatoo one another with the sap of
the yolobogagu tree.
janice64: torah
says not to even mention the names of other gods therefore why would
i study pagan religions
Alert: An admin joined the room: BEHANU
SHeMABruce: not
really. just making it up. there is no yolobogagu tree.
luminous_spirit: lolol
luminous_spirit: i
was bout to google that lol
SHeMABruce: just a little levity
SHeMABruce: sorry
LevEchad: lol
SHeMABruce: too
little perhaps
LevEchad: lol
luminous_spirit: lol
tstudy84: Is
there a connection between eating non-kosher food and strenghtening
("feeding" if you like) the yetzer hara?
SHeMABruce: i
think so for sure, tstudy
one of these days, i can learn and REMEMBER all
the hebrew terms
luminous_spirit: and what they mean
SHeMABruce: yolobogagu may be a hebrew term
luminous_spirit: lol
SHeMABruce: but probably ot
SHeMABruce: not
luminous_spirit: hopefully,
isibel,,i was a nurse almost 20 yrs..medsurg, pediatrics and oncology
sounds like a recipe
janice64: shema
SHeMABruce: shemabruce
maggieyah: lol
janice64: true
is a recipe for disaster
luminous_spirit: 1
part passion, 2 parts ornery?
luminous_spirit: lol
SHeMABruce: i
my life.
get mad with torah. mad that i found out about so late in
maggieyah: agree
with you bruce
janice64: haha
SHeMABruce: seriously.
MAD that i was lied to for so long and wasted over
half my probable life
tstudy84: i
get mad because of some of the weird things i was taught about torah when
i was younger
maggieyah: what is book series
tstudy84: example: the torah demands to knock out an eye if you knock out an eye
SHeMABruce: Steinsaltz
luminous_spirit: i
think most of us are in that same boat Bruce.. but time is
too short to stay mad.. we were lied to and deceived.. praise YHVH we
were chosen to be awakened
SHeMABruce: honestly.....i don't feel "chosen" at all
luminous_spirit: well.. neither do i .. honestly.. but we came to the truth for
a reason.. i believe
maggieyah: would
u perfer tro still be in darkness about this bruce
christianity not to see all this
maggieyah: i thank the Lord ; was not too far in
maggieyah: closer to Lord than to christianity
SHeMABruce: no.
i'm just not the "choice" worthy of being chosen. I don't
feel chosen at all.
tstudy84: Baruch
Hashem for the Oral Tradition
luminous_spirit: none
of us are a "worthy" choice.. that's the beauty of
Hashem's mercy and grace towards us
SHeMABruce: i agree, isibel
maggieyah: Moses did not either
maggieyah: Lord choices interesting
took the least of all people and made them the greatest nation i.e. what
is the boasting
janice64: G-d
luminous_spirit: somehow
i doubt any of US are interesting enough to G-d ..
luminous_spirit: for that to be the REASON for His choosing any of us
maggieyah: none
here are boasting
is something wrong with someones ego when he believes he is better
janice64: there
then others
luminous_spirit: agreed
tstudy84: good speach Isibel
janice64: i wonder if idolatry
home row: ego
elevates ones ego
is the nearest available idol
luminous_spirit: most
likely janice.. as "idols" (other gods) would be under
the power of the adversary.. hence that would elevate self and not
luminous_spirit: true home
janice64: luminous
pswjr: hello isibel
luminous_spirit: i
i don't even study other religions
gathered that janice
do i really
luminous_spirit: nor
pswjr: full
room tonight
home row: lev.
10 ch says 3 times that we are not to 'consider the ways' of
non torah keepers
luminous_spirit: no
time .. i must focus on torah and messiah.. but i would
not throw out the idea.. knowledge is good
tstudy84: The Talmud
Isibel: sound?
Isibel: no
helps you rid youself from the westernized mindset
its me
David_42: 1
luminous_spirit: i
wish i could stay folks but i really MUST do some damage
control here haha.. good night to y'all and shalom
luminous_spirit: ty Isibel for the study
Isibel: Shalom
luminous, thank you SO much
janice64: gn luminous
janice64: most
SHeMABruce: i
of my biblical studies are from judaism
think luminous had a wild 5 year old running around. lol
Isibel: lol
janice64: i
am selective regarding what i read...some knowledge i don't need to know
SHeMABruce: i
appreciate yours and behanu's strenuous efforts isibel.
Efforts that are truly for the sake of heaven. gotta go to bed. cya
Isibel: Shalom
LevEchad: tyty
janice64: ty