Weekly News 29th November 2015 A very warm welcome to our

Weekly News
29th November 2015
A very warm welcome to our services today. If you are new to St Luke’s or
just visiting please introduce yourself after the service. Coffee is served after
the 9.30 service and before the 11.15 service. Do join us.
Services this month
6th December
Second Sunday of Advent
Advent Sunday
Holy Communion
Advent Sunday Service
Christingle Service
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Communion
11.15am Informal Service
and Baptisms
6.30pm Group Evensong
at St Mary’s South
13th December
Third Sunday of Advent
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Morning Prayer (CW)
11.15am Informal Service with
Holy Communion
3.00pm Singing at Coombe
Grange Nursing Home
6.30pm Group Evensong
at St Nicholas,
20th December
Third Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Carols by Candlelight
21st December
Messy Christmas
9.30am Holy Communion – every Wednesday
For Your Prayers
Jan Miller, Joan Bagge, Kerrie Bartlett, Caroline Gilmour-White and Susan
The people named above are ill at this time. Others who also remain in need
of prayer are in the monthly prayer diary.
The Prayer Diary for December is available at the back of church.
Christmas Cards in aid of the Children's Society will not be available this
week but will be for sale on Sundays 6th and 13th December during coffee in
the Church Rooms.
Please Pray:
 Pray for all the planning and preparation going into our Christmas events and
services; in the community as well as in church. Remembering too the other
churches in our group and area: including, Neil Smart at Brockenhurst, Andrew
Neaum at Boldre and Lynda Mead at South Baddesley.
 Pray for the Pastoral Team at St Luke's as plans are made to work more
closely with the other caring organisations here in the Village. Pray for clear
thinking and confident expressions of the faith in God's love that will drive this
work forward.
Some Thank You’s …
I would like to thank you all for the prayers, love and cards. I am feeling much
better. Tricia.
Jonathan and Rosemary would like to thank everyone in the Church Family
who helped make the wedding of our daughter Laura go so swimmingly. Lots
of people did lots of things so it’s difficult to thank you all individually – but we
will as we meet you. It was a wonderful day and so many visitors so many
lovely things about the service and our Church. It was a wonderful day!
A Christmas Celebration - Saturday 5th December
7:30pm - St Luke's Church, Sway
Christmas is just a month away so why not get into the mood with SingSway's
Christmas Celebration. Your local choir will be entertaining with a mix of
popular Christmas music - with plenty of opportunity for you to join in too.
This year's celebration will feature talented local young singer Tara Howood think Brenda Lee with a dash of Celine Dion and you have an idea of how we
will be Rocking around the Christmas Tree
and letting the Christmas spirit ring.
Always popular this event marks the start of the Christmas season in Sway don't miss it!
TICKETS from St Luke's Church Office (Weekday mornings)
or Sway Newsagents
£10 for adults to include mulled wine and mince pies during the interval
School age children go free - but no mulled wine for them!
We’re planning next year’s Alpha course and looking for enthusiastic
helpers and leaders who will help to bring fresh sparkle to our team.
If you’d like to join us in this exciting and rewarding outreach, please
contact myself or the church office. Many thanks, John.
Also, start thinking and praying about who you would like to invite!
Christingle Service is
Today at 4.00pm .We are
serving tea and cake in the church rooms after the service
for the families that come along. It would be so good if we
could have some homemade cakes. If you are able to offer
one, please bring it along. We look forward to seeing you
there. Love Tricia
Helping Local Children Smile this Christmas
Alabaré Christingle Appeal.on 22nd December Alabaré Christian Care and
Support in Andover are hosting a Christmas meal at The Junction for its
Young People living in care homes. Interested in donating gifts? please
contact Bev Richardson tel: 07922 708173. Or email at sylvesterra@aol.com if
you would like to receive latest news about the Chaplaincy work Bev is
involved in at Alabaré.
Mission Christmas. Wave 105 radio station covers Hampshire, Dorset, Isle
of Wight and West Sussex and within this area there are 64,000 children and
teenagers living in poverty. Last year there were 54,000. The aim is that
every child/teenager will have a present to open on Christmas Day, it was
achieved last year. So, if you would like to make it possible to light up the face
of a child/teenager this Christmas and are able to donate a gift, there are
collection points in Sainsburys, Christchurch and Inspirations in Brockenhurst,
or leave your gift in the Church Office and Ann Etheridge will collect them and
deliver them to a collection point. With your help we can make it happen.
New Wine National Gathering 2016.
Book and Pay this weekend to enjoy the best discounts. Our church group
(between 25 & 35 people) are attending Week 1, which is Saturday 23 July –
Friday 29 July. We take tents or caravans to the Royal Bath & West
Showground, Shepton Mallet. If you aren’t up to that it’s possible to stay in B &
B and come in on day tickets. As well as superb worship and teaching in the
big tent there are separate programmes for all ages of children and youth:
and lots of time to chill, chat and relax… Discounted adult fee is £140.
Details on the web site: www.new-wine.org. Go to Summer 2016, week 1.
Michael & Merilyn Christian-Edwards
This week at St Luke’s
Please see the poster on the notice board for regular weekly events and activities.
Wednesday 25th
Holy Communion
Singing at Birchy Hill. All welcome
*** For your diary ***
Advent Service
Today at 3.00pm
Methodist Church, Avenue Road, Brockenhurst
Followed by tea and cakes in the Schoolroom.
Winchester Cathedral
Monday 30th November 2015, 7.30pm
Advent: a lifetime for all God’s people
With Dr Rowan Williams
For more information contact Southampton@christian-aid.org
Thursday 3rd December – Sway Over Sixties Club. Christmas carols with
Rosemary Elliott-Jones at the piano and readings by our members. For further
information, please contact Jennifer Clarke (682363).
Summary of PCC Meeting held on 9 November 2015
Feedback on new patterns of service has been very positive.
New church website is now up and running.
Sway Parish Mission Action Plan (pMAP) - now completed and submitted.
Gordon Randall will speak at January PCC about the Parish Giving Scheme
Reports were submitted from the Mission, Pastoral and Re-Ordering Teams
PCC have approved study leave for John, to run, June – August 2016
Following a Parochial Visitation Tony and Sheila have been working hard to
update the Terrier (fixed asset register); sort the filing, and compile a
‘calendar of reports’ to assist current and future Church Wardens.
Date of next meeting: Monday 11 January 2016
Donations: If you wish your donations to the church today to be gift-aided and you are
a tax-payer, white envelopes are always available at the back of church. Please ask
one of our welcoming team.
Weekly News is for you to take home and keep for reference.
Church Office 01590 682358 or email: stluke@sway72.freeserve.co.uk