EMISSION OF DIOXINS FROM INDUSTRIAL THERMAL AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSES AND ITS IMPACT : AN OVERVIEW BY PROJJAL BASU1,*, WONG POH WEI2, AZMAR BIN AHMAD1 SYNOPSIS Dioxin is a group of chlorinated compounds consisting over 400 types of compositions. Out of which, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) are extremely toxic, in particular. They affect the living organisms including human being. As the compounds possess different toxicity levels, an equivalent toxicity is usually calculated for the entire gas mixture and even a very low dosage can be fatal. Organic materials, with chlorine present in them, release these compounds during heating. Municipal incinerators, cement kilns, metallurgical plants, etc, employing different industrial heating processes, are often held responsible as the major contributors for this. Even though dioxin emission standards have been set for a few industries in select countries, the same for metallurgical industries is yet to be formulated. However, considering its impact even in minute quantities, this imminent and deadly evil must be managed and controlled before it takes its toll. This paper presents an overview of the characteristics, generation, impact on environment and health, abatement, and legislation regarding dioxins emanating from industries dealing with high temperatures. Keywords : Dioxin, Furan, PCDD, PCDF, I-TEQ, Toxic Emissions 1,*QATD Department, Southern Steel, 13600 Penang, Malaysia. 2School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, USM Engineering Campus, 14300 Penang, Malaysia. *Corresponding author Email : projjal.basu@southsteel.com Phone : (+60) 16 432 8874 BACKGROUND "Dioxin" is a shortened version of the technical chemical name given to some of the family member compounds. These compounds contain two oxygen atoms in their chemical structure, hence, "di" that refers to "two" and "ox" refering oxygen. They can travel long distances from the emission source and bio-accumulate in food chains. Human exposure occurs mainly through consumption of contaminated food. The effects are most sensitive with children, particularly breastfed infants. Their impact can be well realized from a series of books.( 1-5) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) are semi-volatile organic compounds and known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). One of their congeners, the 2,3,7,8-TCDD, e.g., was classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “known human carcinogen”(6). This led to the intensive investigations in recent years related to their formation, emission, transport, abatement, risk assessment, etc. Three mechanisms are known to be associated with PCDD/F formation(6) : 1. The high temperature gas phase formation (300-600oC) 2. The transformation of precursors with structures similar to PCDD/Fs, such as chlorophenols, polychlorinated diphenyl ethers, and chlorobenzenes, and 3. The “de novo” synthesis (meaning formation of complex molecules from relatively simple molecules) occurring at low temperature post combustion zones (200400oC) via interfacial catalysts on metals. The general structure of PCDD can be as follows (Fig.1). (a) (b) Fig.1 (a) PCDD general structure (n, m = 0 – 4) (a) The skeletal formula and substituent numbering scheme of dibenzo-1,4-dioxin, the parent compound of PCDD. Toxicity of the various congeners, however, varies widely. On the other hand, since they always occur together, it is necessary to evaluate a combined toxicity factor for the entire mixture. International Toxic Equivalent Factor (I-TEF) represents the effective combined toxicity and is widely accepted now (Table 1)(7). Table 1 : List of individual PCDD/F congeners and their respective I-TEF (International Toxic Equivalent Factor) values (as per EN-1948 EU standard)(7) PCDD i-congener 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-P5CDD 1,2,3,4,7,8-H6CDD 1,2,3,6,7,8-H6CDD 1,2,3,7,8,9-H6CDD 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDD OCDD I-TEF 1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.001 PCDF i-congener 2,3,4,7,8-P5CDF 2,3,4,6,7,8-H6CDF 2,3,7,8-TCDF 1,2,3,4,7,8-H6CDF 1,2,3,6,7,8-H6CDF 1,2,3,7,8,9-H6CDF 1,2,3,7,8-P5CDF I-TEF 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 PCDF i-congener 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDF 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDF OCDF I-TEF 0.01 0.01 0.001 EXPOSURE AND EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH In the general population, more than 95% of human exposure to PCDD/F and dioxin like PCBs typically occurs via food(8). Short term exposure to high levels of dioxins may cause persistent skin lesions known as chloracne and prolonged exposure causes a range of toxicity, including immunotoxicity, neurodevelopmental effects, and effects on thyoroid and reproductive function. Dioxins has a high solubility in fatty tissues and hence, once ingested, remains in the body with long half life period, often as long as seven years. In the year 2002, the Joint Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) established a provisional tolerable intake of 70pg/kg body weight/month for PCDD/Fs expressed as TEFs. However, no standard has been set for water because of their very poor water solubility. Guideline for air quality in terms of dioxin has also not been set because it constitutes only 1-2% of the total exposure.(9) The UK government has adopted a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 10pg/kg-bodyweight/day, calculated on the basis of toxic equivalent concentrations of PCDD/PCDFs and PCBs in order to protect the human health(10). Minh et al(11) presented a comparison of PCDD/PCDFs in soils from various countries (Table 2). Attempts have been made to assess and correlate the PCDD/Fs level in blood samples for municipal waste incinerators with the service conditions but no concrete pattern has been obtained.(12) In general, sources with tall stacks and/or high plume rise (e.g. copper smelter, cement kiln, sinter plant), only a small fraction (typically <10%) of PCDD/Fs is deposited locally (within 100km radius).(13) GENERATION AND EMISSION STANDARDS Dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin [PCDD] and polychlorinated dibenzofurans [PCDF] are not intentionally manufactured except in small quantities for research and as pure standard for chemical analysis. They are formed as trace by-products from chemical processes such as chloro-chemical industries, paper and pulp industry, chlorophenol usage, accidents such as Seveso, and in high temperature processes such as combustion.(14) Table 2 : PCDD/PCDFs concentration in soils from few selected countries(11) Country Year Philippines Cambodia India Vietnam Hanoi Ho Chi Minh Brazil 1999 1999 2000 2000 Greece (Crete) Spain (Barcelona) USA Ohio Michigan Indiana Japan Hong Kong Germany UK Norway 1999 1997 1996 1999 1995/6 1998 1996 1997/8 1996 1996/7 1990s 1997 PCDD/PCDF concentration, pg/g dry wt (av) Contaminated General site soil 61,000 57 30,000 130 7,400 32 I-TEQ, pg/g dry wt Contaminated site 546 402 52 General soil 6,100 370 13,900 102 2.7 1.1 1.27 370 190 1.9 0.22 20 37,000 700 410 11.85 15,700 458 230 2,000 3700 6,100 649 4,660 urban 324 rural 130 42.8 21 urban 1.9 rural The annual bonfire night in UK on 5th of November every year releases about 30g I-TEQ dioxin which is comparable to the annual total release from five sinter plants in UK (38g I-TEQ) with the mean waste gas PCDD/F concentration at 1.2ng I-TEQ (1998 data).(14) In a recent study in Taiwan, dioxin emission from secondary aluminum smelters was found to be far more potent than the same from EAFs even though the total annual release from these two sources were similar. Interestingly, the contributions from waste incinerators were found significantly lower (Table 3)(15). In a separate study conducted in Taiwan(16), it has been reported that total PCDD/F I-TEQ concentrations (ng I-TEQ/Nm3) in the stack gases from various sources are : municipal solid waste incinerator (3.352), crematories (3.003), medical waste incinerators (0.168), cement kilns (0.062), industrial waste incinerators (0.030 with bag house, 0.137 with cyclone and ESP). While investigating the PCDD/F release from various combustion and metallurgical industrial and thermal processes, Du et al(17) found that the TEQ concentration and mass concentration from metallurgical processes were 0.14-1.5ng/Nm3 and 0.565.8ng/Nm3 respectively compared to the same from combustion processes (0.0100.054ng/Nm3 and 0.025-0.15ng/Nm3). Table 3 : Dioxin release from incinerators and typical metallurgical industries, Taiwan(15) Source Secondary aluminum smelters EAF Sinter plants Medical waste incinerators, MWI Municipal solid waste incinerators, MSWI Release/Nm3, ng I-TEQ 3.3 0.28 Annual total release, g I-TEQ 18 20 45 0.37 0.74 Relative contribution 49 54 122 1 2 Chang et al(18) evaluated the PCDD/F emission from two EAFs in Taiwan as PCDD/F concentration in the stack gas (4.39 and 2.20 ng/Nm 3) and Toxicity (0.35 and 0.14 ITEQ/Nm3). More than 90% of the PCDD/Fs were found in the particulates and the overall concentration was found to be marginally more during the oxidation stage of EAF steel making. In another study in Poland (2004), maximum dioxin release from EAFs was found at 0.62μg I-TEQ/ton of steel produced whereas the same for iron ore sintering plant was found to be up to 1.47 μg I-TEQ/ton of sinter.(7) Taking as an example, the coastal city of Taranto in southern Italy has an alarmingly high level of dioxin. 92% of Italy's dioxin is produced in Taranto which is also 8.8% of the dioxin in Europe. In ten years, leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma increased by 30– 40%. Furthermore, dioxin accumulates over the years and so far at least 9kg of dioxin have been discharged into Taranto's air by its factories, i.e. three times the quantity discharged in the Seveso disaster (the one in 1976 where the Italian city Seveso was contaminated by dioxin)(19). The annual global emission of PCDD/PCDF puts Japan and USA far ahead of others.(14) Table 4 : Annual PCDD/PCDF fluxes for various countries (reference year 1995)(14) Country Japan USA France Belgium Emission (g I-TEQ) 3981 2744 873 661 Country UK Netherland Canada Hungary Emission (g I-TEQ) 569 486 290 112 In another study(20), it was estimated that the total dioxin emission in Japan in 1998 was 2900-2940g I-TEQ/year, of which 960g I-TEQ/year came from the industrial waste incineration, and 1340g I-TEQ/year contributed by the municipal solid waste incineration. Huang and Buekens(10) proposed that “de novo synthesis” can produce PCDD/Fs with PCDF/PCDD ratio >1, while “precursor formation” produces the same with the ratio <<1. They estimated the potential release of PCDD/Fs to land and water from various sources in UK(Table 5). The inventory puts total quantified releases to land at between 1500-12000g I-TEQ/year, significantly more than the releases to air (estimated at 1000g I-TEQ/year) or water. This is as expected, considering the nature of the processes that form PCDD/Fs and the propensity of PCDD/Fs to bind tightly to solid materials. In another assessment made in South Korea (21), secondary copper production has been found to be the largest contributor (Table 6). Table 5 : Release of PCDD/PCDFs to land and water from metal processes, UK(10) Processes Metal Iron ore sintering EAF Primary aluminum Secondary aluminum Secondary magnesium Copper Secondary lead Mineral Cement Lime Other processes Chemical Chlorine production PVC/EDC production Trichloroethylene production Pesticide production Waste incineration MSW (old plants) MSW (new plants) Chemical waste Clinical waste Sweage sludge Release to land, g TEQ/year Potential release to water, g TEQ/year (*) 0.020-0.060 59 0.082 29-230 0.38-3.20 24 95-220 N N L L/M L/M L/M L/M 0.00040-12 0.000060-1.8 Not quantified L L 6.0 25-80 350-630 8.9-2000 L M (0.07-0.40) M (0.07--.40) H (0.009-2.0) 510-2400 14-38 0.0058-2.0 12-37 0.98 M L H (0.018-1.1) M L (0.0020) (*) N = Negligible, L = Low, M = Medium The Waelz process is a proven method for recovering zinc from EAF dust and generates significant quantities of PCDD/F (22). In the flue gas downstream from the dust settling chamber (DSC), PCDD/F concentration was measured at 1223ng TEQ/Nm 3. In addition, the cyclone and bag filter can only remove 51.3% and 69.4% respectively of the PCDD/F in the flue gas, resulting in a high PCDD/F concentration of 145ng TEQ/Nm3 in the stack gas(22). The total PCDD/F discharge (stack gas emission plus ash discharge) while treating 1ton of EAF dust was found as 840ng TEQ/Nm 3. The PCDD/F TEQ flow in the Waelz plant investigated is shown in Fig. 2.(22) Yu et al(23) showed that the distribution of PCDD/Fs in the point source (stack) and area source (plant fugitives) of an EAF dust treatment plant were 2360 and 1080 ng I-TEQ h1 respectively. The sources had nearly the same extent of effect on the surrounding environment. Table 6 : PCDD/PCDF emission from major metallurgical industries, South korea (21) Metallurgical processes Ferrous industries Pig iron foundries Steel foundries Copper melting industries Primary production Secondary melting Lead production Zinc production Aluminum production Total emission Emission, ng TEQ/ton Emission, g TEQ/year 0.088 194 110 31.706 14 24,451 3140 166 1240 0.170 0.017 0.384 35.259 Fig.2 : PCDD/F TEQ flow in a Waelz plant.(22) Studies conducted at a sintering plant in UK showed that PCDFs are present in significantly larger amounts in both the dust and stack emissions and are the main contributors to the I-TEQ as shown in Table 7 below.(24) Table 7 : Total concentrations and I-TEQ of PCDD/Fs in ESP dust and main stack of a sinter plant(24) Total PCDD PCDF PCDD/PCDF Concentration Main stack, ng/Nm3 ESP dust, ng/kg I-TEQ Main stack, ng/Nm3 42.9 4.3 38.6 0.111 1.026 0.134 0.892 0.150 8634 1774 6857 0.259 ESP dust, ng/kg 253.2 25.5 237.8 0.107 Buekens et al(25) hypothesized the de novo formation at 250-400oC as the most plausible PCDD/Fs formation mechanism in thermal and metallurgical processes and proposed the estimated amount as : (565) x (u) x (v) x (w) g-PCDD/F/h (where, u = dust loading (g/Nm3), v = residence time (s), w = gas flow rate (Nm3/h). In a separate study by Fiedler(26), plants with emission far below 0.1ng I-TEQ/Nm3 were found to include blast furnaces, aluminum melting plants, zinc melting plants, vinyl chloride plant, etc. Total PCDD/F emission from Taiwanese EAFs was found to be 138g I-TEQ/year that was significantly higher than many other countries. Accordingly, 5.0ng ITEQ/Nm3 PCDD/F emission limit has been set for the existing EAFs from year 2004 and 0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3 in effect from year 2007. PCDD/F emission limit for newly built EAFs is set at 0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3 from year 2002(18). The emission limit set by the government of Taiwan in 2006 for PCDD/Fs from existing Waelz plants(27) is 1.0ng I-TEQ/Nm3 which is also the set limit for total PCDD/F content in secondary building materials (e.g. ash) in Taiwan(28). European Union directive for the emission limit for PCDD/Fs is at 0.1ng ITEQ/Nm3.(29) The Federal Environmental Agency in Germany is considering to bring down the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of PCDD/Fs recommended by WHO from its present value of 70pg I-TEQ/kg body weight/month to 30pg I-TEQ/kg body weight/month, taking into account that the present value is too high for children in the pre and post-natal stage.(30) ABATEMENT While treating EAF dust using the Waelz process, powder activated carbon (PAC) was used in exhaust gas to control PCDD/Fs. With PAC addition of 0.155%, 0.310%, and 0.387% of the total input raw materials (EAF dust, coke, sand), effective removal of PCDD/F could be achieved even though below 0.155% PAC addition, the removal efficiency was found rather poor (Table 8).(31) Table 8 : Effectiveness of addition of powder activated carbon (PAC) on the removal efficiency of PCDD/Fs from Waelz emissions(31) PAC addition No treatment 0.155% 0.310% 0.387% ng I-TEQ/Nm3 181.000 25.250 7.725 4.935 PCDD/F removal efficiency, % -86.05 95.73 97.27 In a separate study involving processing of EAF dust in a Waelz plant, the atmospheric PCDD/F concentration in the vicinity of the plant has been brought down to 48.9-130fg I-TEQ/Nm3 from 568-1465fg I-TEQ/Nm3 by employing suitable abatement methods. This well meets the emission limit set by the government of Taiwan for PCDD/Fs from existing Waelz plants (1.0ng I-TEQ/Nm3).(27) The operating conditions in an iron ore sintering plant in Taiwan were optimized from the present values (water content W c = 6.0-7.0%, suction pressure Ps = 10001400mmH2O, bed height Hb = 500-600mm) to Wc = 6.5%, Ps = 1000mmH2O, Hb = 500mm using Taguchi Experimental Technique that led to an effective decrease of total PCDD/F up to 62.8%.(32) As secondary aluminum smelters (SAS) release much higher PCDD/Fs compared to aluminum ingot smelters since they deal with a high amount of waste/recycled aluminum, powdered activated carbon injected at 110mg/Nm 3 in the emitted gases from a SAS was found effective to reduce PCDD/F by 70%.(33) The avoidance of chlorine contamination and the temperature range feasible for de novo formation have been found very effective to bring down the overall PCDD/F level. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) using V2O5-TiO2-based catalysts was found effective towards the abatement of PCDD/Fs emission from sinter plants even though gas velocity was found to affect the removal efficiency strongly.(34) Table 9 : Effect of temperature on the PCDD/F removal efficiency using selective catalytic reduction method(34) Catalyst Pt supported V2O5-WO3-TiO2 V2O5-WO3-TiO2 V2O5-WO3-TiO2 V2O5-WO3-TiO2 V2O5-WO3-TiO2 Reactor temperature, oC 300-400 150 210 230 280 300 Removal, % 66.7 99.9 90.0 99.9 97.0 >98.0 In large scale thermal processes, the PCDD/F concentrations have been found to increase with temperature in the range up to 280oC. The ESP temperature should thus be kept preferably within 180-200oC, where de novo synthesis is reduced and where PCDD/Fs are increasingly adsorbed on the fly ash.(35) CONCLUSION Efficacy of the evil effects of dioxin and dioxin like compounds has been well documented in the recent times. 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