SPECIES FACT SHEET Common Name: Bolander's cladidium lichen Scientific Name: Cladidium bolanderi Recent synonyms: Lecanora bolanderi, Lecanora thamnitis Division: Ascomycota Class: Lecanoromycetes Order: Lecanorales Family: Lecanoraceae Technical Description: Thalli variously described as crustose, subfruticose, "dwarf fruticose" (Ryan 1989), or fruticose. Photosynthetic partner (photobiont, phycobiont) is a green alga (Trebouxia). Thallus grayish olive to grayish greenish yellow, a compact mass of granules producing densely-packed, blunt, stiff, solid and cartilaginous, simple or dichotomous coralloid branches 0.5-1 mm wide and 5-10 (15) mm tall, the surfaces roughened (scabrid) but not granular, covered toward the tips with chalky white or yellowish surficial deposits (pruina). Algae of the thallus scattered in the medulla, not forming a definite layer. Apothecia frequent, on tips of the branches, adnate to sessile, the thick (to 0.5 mm) white rim contrasting with the pinkish, yellow, or yellowbrown disk, the disk with white pruina. Filaments surrounding the asci (paraphyses) unbranched, straight, distinct. Spores unicellular, (8) 10-14 (16) x (5) 6-8 µm. Older herbarium specimens turn orange, brown, or yellow-brown. Chemistry: Thallus K+ yellow, KC+ yellowish, with usnic and isousnic acids. Reports of arthothelin and thiophanic acid were errors based on Lecanora phryganitis (Ryan 1989). Distinctive characters: (1) Subfruticose thallus of short, white, densely packed coralloid branches, (2) apothecia with pink or yellow-brown disks, on (3) rocks of coastal bluffs. Similar species: Ochrolechia is white but (1) is crustose and lacks the subfruticose to fruticose branches, (2) has branched paraphyses, and (3) is usually C+ red. Lecanora phryganitis is (1) greenish-yellow to yellowish, has (2) branches soft, crumbly, and with a granular surface, (3) algae of the thallus in a definite layer, (4) apothecia lateral along the stems, and (5) the thallus KC+ red-orange, C+ orange, with thiophanic acid, zeorin, and usnic acid. Other descriptions and illustrations: Ryan 1989: 701-705; Tucker and Thiers 1998; Brodo et al. 2001: 385; McCune 2006; California Lichen Society 2007. Life History: Details for Cladidium bolanderi are not documented. Habitats are exposed to high winds and the subfruticose thallus may 1 enable vegetative dispersal by fragmentation in addition to dispersal of the fungal partner (mycobiont) by spores. Range, Distribution, and Abundance: Currently known from along the immediate coast of Alaska, Oregon, and California. Probably with a North Pacific or Amphi-Beringian distribution. Originally known only from California and Oregon (Ryan 1989; McCune et al. 1997). Ryan (1989) discounted an 1899 report from Alaska, although he did not examine the specimen. A recent report from the Bering Sea (Talbot et al. 2001), if correctly identified, confirms its occurrence in Alaska and potentially extends its range to the Russian Far East. National Forests: documented on the Siuslaw NF. BLM Districts: suspected on the Coos Bay and Salem districts. Rare, probably undercollected. Habitat: Forming small patches on a variety of rock types (sandstone, chert, granite, serpentine) on coastal bluffs and coastal grasslands (Ryan 1989; Robertson and Robertson (no date)). Presumably nitrophilous because of its occurrence where birds roost. Elevations from sea level to 1000 feet. In the Pacific Northwest, forest types are Quercus Umbellularia californica, Festuca ammobia (= F. rubra ssp. arenicola), and Picea sitchensis associations. Associated lichens include Arthonia phaeobaea, Buellia spp., Caloplaca coralloides, C. rosei, Collema spp., Lecanora muralis, L. pinguis, L. phryganitis, Lecidella asema, Niebla spp., Phaeophyscia spp., Physcia spp., Punctelia stictica, and Xanthoria candelaria (Ryan 1989). Threats: Rock climbing, trail or road work, mountain biking, and hiking are possible threats to Cladidium bolanderi locally but probably not over large areas of habitat. Some coastal bluffs receive heavy recreational use but others are inaccessible or seldom visited. Because of its subfruticose or fruticose thallus, air pollution may be a long-term threat. Its habitat is subject to fog interception and accumulation of aerosols. Long-term air quality monitoring could identify possible threats and impacts. Conservation Considerations: Consider revisiting all known localities and monitoring the status of populations. Search for new populations on federal lands. Protection of known sites from recreational activities, particularly trail or road work, hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing, will minimize risk to populations. Conservation rankings: Global: G3; National: NNR. Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center: List 2 (S1). 2 Preparer: John A. Christy, with edits by Daphne Stone and Rob Huff Date Completed: May 2008; updated April 2009 with the addition of Attachment 2 (Map of Oregon and Washington locations). ATTACHMENTS: (1) (2) List of References Map of locations of Cladidium bolanderi in Oregon and Washington Attachment 1 – List of References Links are provided below to guide you to additional information that may be helpful in understanding this species. Included are links to illustrations, photographs, maps and ranking information used to determine threats and status by State Heritage Programs. Brodo, I. M., S. D. Sharnoff and S. Sharnoff. 2001. Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. 795 pp. California Lichen Society. 2007. Photo of Cladidium bolanderi, Rocky Point field trip, Marin County. http://californialichens.org/fieldtrips/RockyPoint/judy/Cladidium_b olanderi_dscn3302.html Kristinsson, H., E.S. Hansen & E. Zhurbenko. 2006. Panarctic lichen checklist. CAFF-Flora Group. 53 pp. http://archive.arcticportal.org/276/01/Panarctic_lichen_checklist.pdf McCune, B. 2006. Key to the lichen genera of the Pacific Northwest. Online version, Oregon State University. http://oregonstate.edu/~mccuneb/pnw.PDF _______, R. Rosentreter & A. Debolt. 1997. Biogeography of rare lichens from the coast of Oregon. Pp. 234-241 in: T.N. Kaye, A. Liston, R.M. Love, D.L. Luoma, R.J. Meinke & M.V. Wilson (eds.). Conservation and management of native plants and fungi. Native Plant Society of Oregon, Corvallis. 296 pp. McDonald, L. 2001. Heritage rank status factors for Cladidium bolanderi. NatureServe Explorer. http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/servlet/NatureServe 3 Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center. 2007. Rare, threatened and endangered species of Oregon. Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center, Oregon State University. Portland. 100 pp. http://oregonstate.edu/ornhic/2007_t&e_book.pdf Robertson, J. & R. Robertson. (no date). Lichens of Bodega Marine Reserve and Bodega Bay area. University of California-Davis. http://www.bml.ucdavis.edu/bmr/lichenlist.PDF Ryan, B.D. 1989. The genus Cladidium (Lichenized Ascomycotina) Mycotaxon 34: 697-712 Talbot, S.S., S.L. Talbot, J.W. Thomson & W.B. Schofield. 2001. Lichens from St. Matthew and St. Paul Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. Bryologist 104: 47-58. Tucker, S. & H. Thiers. 1998. Key to crustose lichen genera of California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 5 (1). http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/rlmoe/cals5_1.html _______ & B.D. Ryan. 2006. Revised catalog of lichens, lichenicoles, and allied fungi in California. Constancea 84. University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley. http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/constancea/84/tucker_ryan.html USDA Forest Service National Lichens and Air Quality Database and Clearinghouse. http://gis.nacse.org/lichenair/index.php?page=query&type=communi ty 4 Attachment 2 - Map of locations of Cladidium bolanderi in Oregon and Washington 5