EDF 7463 Factor Analysis Write-Up 1 The purpose of this investigation was to explore the factor structure underlying the music item responses in the GSS data set. Factor analysis has as its key objective reducing a larger set of variables to a smaller set of factors, fewer in number than the original variable set, but capable of accounting for a large portion of the total variability in the items. Recall the adage, “Birds of a feather flock together”. The identity of each factor is determined after a review of which items correlate the highest with that factor. Items that correlate the highest with a factor define the meaning of the factor as judged by what conceptually ties the items together. A successful result is one in which a few factors can explain a large portion of the total variability and those factors can be given a meaningful name using the assortment of items that correlate the highest with it. In the context of this study, when such success is attained, we may say that we have validity evidence supporting the conclusion that the scores from this instrument are a valid assessment of a person’s musical preference. We can feel confident when adding similar items up for total scores to represent the different dimensions of one’s overall music preference (each factor represents a dimension). This kind of validity evidence is called internal structure evidence because it suggests that items line up in a predictable manner, according to what thematically ties them together conceptually. The descriptive statistics of the item responses are presented in Table 1. It may Table 1: Descriptive Statistics Bigband Music Bluegrass Music Country Western Music Blues or R & B Music Broadway Musicals Classical Music Folk Music Jazz Music Opera Rap Music Heavy Metal Music Mean 2.47 2.67 2.33 2.47 2.56 2.60 2.75 2.59 3.46 3.98 4.15 Std. Deviation 1.09 1.01 1.10 1.02 1.12 1.21 1.03 1.10 1.12 1.08 1.10 Analys is N 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 be observed that the standard deviations are smaller than the respective means and that no one standard deviation stands out upon gross observation as remarkably larger than the other variables. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure was used to extract the factors from the variable data. Kaiser’s rule was used to determine which factors were most eligible for interpretation because this rule requires that a given factor is capable of explaining at least the equivalent of one variable’s variance. This is not unreasonable given that factor analysis has as its objective reducing several variables into fewer factors. Using this rule, four factors were extracted (see Table 2). Together they are capable of explaining EDF 7463 2 Factor Analysis Write-Up Ta ble 2: Tota l Va riance Expl aine d Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 3.276 1.661 1.392 1.058 .728 .658 .566 .496 .421 .397 .348 Initial Eigenvalues % of Variance Cumulative % 29.779 29.779 15.098 44.876 12.651 57.527 9.620 67.147 6.619 73.766 5.978 79.744 5.150 84.893 4.510 89.404 3.823 93.227 3.608 96.835 3.165 100.000 Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % 2.802 25.473 25.473 1.101 10.005 35.478 .874 7.942 43.420 .551 5.010 48.430 Rotation Sums Totalof Squared 2.610a Loadings 1.781 1.354 .805 Ex trac tion Met hod: Maximum Likelihood. a. W hen factors are c orrelated, sums of squared loadings c annot be added to obtain a t otal variance. roughly 67.1% of all the variable variances. A plot of the eigenvalues is provided below. A review of the initial factor loadings suggests that the Scree Plot 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Eigenvalue 1.5 1.0 .5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Factor Number a proper solution was attainable through maximum likelihood, as it was capable of converging in 6 iterations. The computer printout does not warn that the results are nonpositive definite, so one important condition for proceeding with the interpretation has been met. Another portion of the EDF 7463 3 Factor Analysis Write-Up a Ta ble 3: Factor Matrix Factor Classical Music Broadway Mus icals Opera Bigband Music Folk Music Jazz Music Blues or R & B Music Bluegrass Mus ic Country W estern Music Heavy Met al Music Rap Music 1 .732 .671 .666 .624 .547 .524 .505 .374 2 .105 .346 -.454 -.277 .536 .502 -.250 -.289 3 -.341 -.208 -.241 4 .113 .334 .445 .416 .306 .199 .198 -.155 -.107 .126 -.176 .507 .419 Ex trac tion Met hod: Maximum Likelihood. a. 4 factors extrac ted. 6 it erat ions required. results to inspect before proceeding with an interpretation is the table of communalities. Communalities are interpreted like Multiple R2s in multiple regression. Communalities indicate the degree to which the factors explain the variance of the variables. In a proper solution, two sets of communalities are provided, the initial set and the extracted set. Sometimes when the maximum likelihood procedure goes awry (because of ill conditioned data), the values of one or more communalities can exceed 1.00, which is theoretically impossible because explaining more than 100% of a variable’s variance is impossible. In such a case further interpretation is impossible. In this study, the communalities were fine, providing further evidence that the results are appropriate for interpretation (see Table 4). Table 4: Communalities Bigband Music Bluegrass Mus ic Country Western Music Blues or R & B Music Broadway Musicals Classical Music Folk Music Jazz Music Opera Rap Music Heavy Metal Music Initial .392 .317 .235 .360 .448 .500 .345 .371 .422 .171 .146 Extraction .432 .608 .353 .541 .502 .666 .426 .616 .517 .306 .359 Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood. With greater confidence that the maximum likelihood solution is proper, interpretation of the results is permissible. Once the factors are EDF 7463 4 Factor Analysis Write-Up extracted using maximum likelihood, a linear transformation of the data is necessary so that the interpretation of the results can be easily accomplished. Among the various rotational procedures available, Promax was chosen because it assumes that nonzero correlations among the factors are theoretically tenable or at least plausible. When the results are generated, interpretation of the factor correlation matrix is to ensue (see Table 5). If the Table 5: Factor Correlation Matrix Factor 1 2 3 4 1 1.000 .466 .289 -9.15E-02 2 .466 1.000 .164 .164 3 .289 .164 1.000 -.152 4 -9.15E-02 .164 -.152 1.000 Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood. Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization. correlations are large enough given the educated judgment of the researcher then the Promax solution is further interpreted. If the researcher decides that the correlations are too low, then the results should be re-run using the varimax rotation. These correlations are large enough to justify retention of the Promax results from my perspective because two of the correlations exceed the value of .25. So, now I will proceed with an interpretation of the structure matrix is to ensue. Reviewing the structure coefficient matrix suggests that the four factors group the items in a theoretically understandable way (see Table 6). The coefficients suggest that the way in Ta ble 6: Structure Matrix Classical Music Opera Broadway Mus icals Bigband Music Folk Music Jazz Music Blues or R & B Music Bluegrass Mus ic Country W estern Music Heavy Met al Music Rap Music 1 .799 .710 .698 .598 .559 .356 .321 .277 Factor 2 .332 .318 .368 .418 .191 .775 .727 .208 .101 .199 3 .143 .180 .308 .472 .201 .773 .574 4 -.155 -.206 -.101 .171 .164 -.129 .599 .542 Ex trac tion Met hod: Maximum Likelihood. Rotation Method: Promax with Kais er Normalization. which people responded to the music items was very consistent for Classical Music, Opera, Broadway Musicals, Bigband Music, and Folk Music. How they rated their preference of Classical Music tended to be very similar to how they responded to the remaining variables mentioned. For example, if a EDF 7463 Factor Analysis Write-Up 5 person liked (or disliked) classical music, that person probably also liked (or disliked) Broadway Musicals, Opera, Bigband Music, and Folk Music. The variables together contribute most prominently to Factor 1. The structure coefficients for these variables suggests that Classical Music is correlated .799 with Factor 1, therefore sharing roughly 64% of the variance of that factor. All remaining coefficients may be interpreted in this way. The remaining factors, ascertained by the magnitude of the coefficients are identified in table 6 by the shading, where shaded coefficients are the largest coefficients for a factor. Names for the factors are as follows: Factor 1, Traditional Music; Factor 2, Mississippi River Music; Factor 3, Culturally Rural Music; and Factor 4, Music of the Younger Generation.