REDLANDS HASH HOUSE HARRIERS A DRINKING CLUB WITH A RUNNING PROBLEM! MISMANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Grand Master: Religious Adviser: Hash Cash: On Sec: Trail master: Hash Brew: Hash Flash: Hash Horn: Webwanker: Hash Trash: French Kiss Top Dog Touch Up & Hat Trick Tigger Whistle Blower One Stick & Red Breast Drop Bear Batman Whistle Blower Me THE HASH TRASHï€ RUN NO: HARE: #696 25/10/10 Drop Bear, (Halloween theme), 11 Raby Bay Boulevard, Cleveland Drop Bear, as usual, had the Halloween Lair set up beautifully and several hashers really got into the spirit of the occasion. Tigger, Squeaky Clean, I Forgot, French Kiss and Morning Glory were just a few of the hounds that were outstanding. There was certainly a great variety of costumes on show. Squeaky Clean was very impressed to be back in her beloved Redlands after too many outings in, wait for it, Brisbane. One of our number seems to think that our standard of alcohol is not up to scratch and brings her own supply – be careful or someone else might drink it when you’re not looking!! A number of members made a welcome return for this annual event. The trail was tricky, thanks Drop Bear, but enjoyable. The threatened thunderstorm did not eventuate and we all made it home safely. R Rated and Squeaky Clean asked a number of times on the trail if we were lost again, but the two of them were so busy gasbagging they would have had absolutely no idea where we were anyway! Matilda looked gorgeous in her outfit, and was coo cooed by a number of motherly types. Naturally the young lady took all this cooing in her stride and tolerantly smiled back at these people. Obviously Matilda takes after her mother in the tact and diplomacy stakes. Sir Vex found out that it is not worth while showing care and concern for hashers that have not been for a while (see below in down downs) and was generally sh*&*y. One Stick’s song at the regroup did make her laugh though and she had to be reminded not to repeat it at work today. Grade three student’s parents may not appreciate the lyrical qualities of the words. Sir Vex must have had lemons for breakfast yesterday as she even targeted Whistle Blower with the dregs of one of her down downs! The poor man had to wash his mask out when he got home. That could possibly be because Whistle Blower asked where the costume was when Sir Vex had her sorceress wig on, complete with horns. As noted before, one day that man will trip... Tigger was called to be drink provider as a punishment for talking in the circle. About time the powers that be, who need a shave, took some affirmative action on dissenters. OK down to business: DOWN DOWNS Hare: Drop Bear Run Report: Top Dog and Double Dick, these two are useless with words but the basic message was ‘great run’ Walk Report: Squeaky Clean, excellent trail, must be in Redlands!! Virgins: Fiona – Single Housewife. How can you be single and a wife? Dougwho hasn’t decided if he is single, double or hermaphrodite. Only time will tell. Returning Runners: Charge from Pink Bits Twat, Just Joan, TKHC, Snail Trail, Brown Eye and Cleo. French Kiss, seemed to have a problem with the bone structure in his costume. Charge from Someone: Teabags calling Lady Grey mum... Again! Charge from Top Dog: Shits Who for an embarrassing incident at airport security. Apparently Top Dog is unable to dress himself (or shave) and needs Shits Who to make sure his fly is done up. Oh Dear. Charge from French Kiss: Pink Bits (who reckons this is just pay back) for throwing red wine all over him at his birthday dinner. Achievements: Top Dog 50 runs, One Stick 600 runs- How old is she???, Tea Bags 100 runs, Tight As 100 runs – Took him long enough, Under Pressure 100 runs and French Kiss 250 Runs. Birthdays: Just Joan, Twat and French Kiss. Where is the birthday hat? If you have been awarded the hat recently please look at the bottom of your bag to see if it is still there. Dickhead Hat: Oral Sex for leaving out her wine for Squeaky Clean to get stuck into last week. Dummy Spit: Twat awarded it to Sir Vex for ‘whinging’ about his whereabouts in the trash. What a cheek!! Raffle: 1st Red Breast, 2nd Top Dog, 3rd, Sir Vex. Yes again Touch up! Sorry about that. The circle was followed by a delicious feast of silverside, veges, white sauce, salads, the list goes on. Dessert was also on the menu. On On, Sir Vex UPCOMING MONDAY RUNS: Run # 697 Run # 698 1/11/10, Double Dick (Melbourne Cup Run), 127 Bay Street Cleveland 8/11/10, Any Volunteers, Somewhere DATE CLAIMERS: Barefoot Bowls: 20th November at Camp Hill Bowls Club, in honour of Morning Glory’s birthday. $5.00 per head. You can wear Bare Feet?? socks or smooth soles. Boys please note: NO STILLETOS THANKS. Christmas Party: 27th November. Combined Christmas party (stay over) at Bushtuka’s. 134 Warriewood Street Chandler with Bayside, Halfway and South Side. Stay posted for further details. Lot’s more happenings on the website: Check it out – that’s what it’s there for!