Fast Contact Reduction for Dynamics Simulation

Fast Contact Reduction for Dynamics Simulation
Ádám Moravánszky and Pierre Terdiman - NovodeX AG,
A typical physics pipeline contains three distinct parts:
1. Collision detection detects collisions between the objects in a scene.
2. Contact generation creates contact points from the collision data.
3. Dynamics simulation enforces the non-penetration constraints represented by
contacts and updates the objects’ poses.
To simulate the interaction of bodies in contact, non-penetration constraints must be
expressed in a compact manner that permits efficient simulation of the resulting
dynamics. Contact points have been introduced and used for this purpose in robotics
literature since [Lozano-Perez83] and later in computer graphics literature with [Hahn88]
and others. Contact points represent the local non-penetration constraints between
colliding shapes. The number of emitted contact points has a direct influence over the
accuracy, stability and speed of the simulation. Creating a single contact point for each
pair of colliding shapes is usually not enough to produce high quality simulations. On the
other hand, too many contact points may lead to stability issues and / or poor
performance, depending on how the dynamics part of the pipeline has been implemented.
This Gem presents several contact reduction algorithms that diminish the number of
emitted contacts and their associated workload: contact preprocessing, contact clustering
and contact persistence.
Contact Reduction
Collision detection algorithms often work by decomposing meshes into triangles or
volume elements. Contact points are then generated independently for each of these
elements. In this way one quickly ends up with too many contact points when the results
from the many intersecting elements are combined, especially if the resolution of the
elements is high, and / or the interpenetration of the bodies is great.
Even if the created contact points succeed in adequately representing the local geometries
in contact, generating a large number of contact points has several disadvantages. First,
dynamics algorithms that solve for the true contact forces can have difficulty with
strongly overdetermined problems imposed by many contacts. These algorithms operate
in at least quadratic time in the number of contact points [Baraff92, Anitescu99]. In this
case having more contact points than absolutely necessary is clearly a bad idea.
Furthermore, a matrix representing such an overdetermined system is ill-conditioned.
Solvers that try to factor this matrix will have a hard time. Some iterative solvers may
also take more iterations to converge than for a problem with the same number, but
linearly independent constraints.
Fortunately this is becoming less of a practical problem because many approximate
algorithms used for interactive dynamics simulation scale linearly with the number of
constraints [Jakobsen01]. These inexpensive algorithms on the other hand are often
sensitive to the number of contact points used, because they typically apply some penalty
force or impulse at each contact, whose effects can become erratic when the number of
contacts varies. Solvers based on penalty methods are still commonly used in games.
Some of them use various constants and thresholds fine-tuned for the single contact case,
such as a sphere rolling on a plane. They work well in that ideal case. However, when the
number of simultaneous contacts increases, the simulation becomes less and less stable as
it moves away from the fine-tuned case. For example, imagine a torus resting on a plane.
If one contact is created at each vertex position, not only will the generated forces be far
from ideal, but they will also directly depend on tessellation. Reducing the number of
contacts helps to solve the stability problem [Kim02]. For these reasons the number of
contact points should be kept at a minimum without sacrificing the realism of the
simulation. We tackle this problem in two steps: by preprocessing the colliding shapes
and clustering contact points.
Overview of Preprocessing
There are at least two different kinds of contacts:
Contacts that can be discarded, because they have no influence over the
Contacts that can be merged into a single one, producing a possibly less accurate,
yet still plausible simulation.
Contact preprocessing takes care of the first kind of contact. The preprocessing step
examines all potential contacts of a given shape. This is not always possible, depending
on the shape at hand. However when it is, potential contacts that will not play a
significant role in the simulation are marked and discarded in advance. This is a powerful
approach since the best way to get rid of redundant contacts is not to generate them in the
first place.
Overview of Clustering
Contact clustering takes care of the second kind of contact by reducing a certain set of
contact points to a smaller set, which is only legitimate when it does not change the
nature of the non-penetration constraints. In the simplest case, such as an object resting
on a flat plane, all valid contact normals will be identical and equal to the plane normal,
and all the contact points will be on or below the plane. The distance of a contact below a
plane is the local penetration depth at that point. Disregarding penetrations, one can show
that all contact configurations with the same convex hull in the plane are equivalent for
the purpose of rigid body simulation.
Indeed, only three kinds of motions are possible for the body resting on the plane:
It may be receding from the plane, in which case the contact surface will vanish.
It may press against the surface, and may eventually slide along it.
It may ‘fall over’ by rolling around any of the edges of the convex hull.
Thus, the contact behavior is only influenced by the common contact normal direction,
and the edges of the convex hull of the contact points. All the contact points not on the
convex hull may be discarded without changing the nature of the non-penetration
It is often desirable to reduce the contact points on the hull even further, especially in
cases such as between the cylinder and the floor (Figure 1). We have developed an
algorithm that removes those hull vertices which cause a minimal decrease in hull area,
because in turn this minimizes the probability that the cylinder will fall over when it
should not. However, a straight implementation of this rigorous approach is too
expensive. Instead, a refined algorithm approximates the convex hull using the axisaligned bounds of the contact points. This approximate version works fairly well in
practice, on both single (Figure 1) or composite objects (Figure 4).
Figure 1: A set of contacts before and after reduction. The cylinder and torus are handled
as meshes, resting on a plane.
Overview of Persistence
After reducing the number of contacts, the algorithm makes them persistent. Contact
points regenerated from scratch in every simulation frame tend to have strong temporal
coherence, i.e. contact points generated in a sequence of frames will be quite similar.
Explicitly tracking this similarity over time has several benefits. First, some iterative
algorithms solving for the contact forces can be started from an arbitrary initial guess
force: the closer it is to the solution, the faster the algorithm will converge. This process
is called warm starting. We warm start the solver with the contact forces of the previous
time step, hoping that the contact forces of the current frame will be similar to the forces
of the last frame. But this is only possible if a correspondence can be found between the
previous and current contact points.
Another application of persistent contacts is to achieve the best possible simulation of
static friction between two bodies that must not slide at all relative to each other. We can
enforce this no-slip condition by making certain, in each time step, that the relative
tangential velocity at the contact points between the bodies is zero. If error accumulates,
the bodies slowly drift along the tangent plane of their contacts. The same problem
happens when we simulate joints between bodies with Lagrange multiplier based
techniques: pose space error will accumulate at the joint. To combat this error we must be
able to measure it. For joints, it is easy to compute the error because we know where the
joint is supposed to be attached in the local coordinate system of each body. For contacts,
it is not possible to do this unless we know where the contact was located when it was
created, or when static friction conditions have started to apply. Persistent contacts are a
solution to this problem.
Details on Preprocessing
The most efficient way to reduce contact points is not to generate them in the first place.
Putting this notion into practice depends on the exact type of collision detection
algorithm used, so a single example will be presented: the box-mesh contact generation
algorithm used to collide game objects against a mesh representing a static environment.
It is a common desire to perform collision detection with the same data set used for
graphics, and one of the most common graphics display formats is an indexed triangle
list. The triangles are assumed to be oriented (one of their sides is declared as the front
face—the one exposed to the world, while the other is the back face), but must satisfy no
other requirement. The efficiency of the method will decrease if the mesh contains many
non-manifold edges or t-intersections.
Given that the collision detection system reports all triangles of the mesh intersecting the
box, contact generation is performed between the box shape and each triangle separately.
This includes the testing of each of the triangle edges and vertices against the shape. Such
practice can lead to duplicate contacts along edges shared by two triangles that both
intersect the colliding shape.
The following types of mesh edges are not worth testing against at all, and can be marked
as inactive during preprocessing:
An interior edge is an edge between two triangles with identical normals. Such an
edge only serves to tessellate a planar polygon into triangles, and is not a real
geometrical feature, and can be safely ignored.
A concave edge is an edge between two triangles that form a concave angle with
their front faces. This edge cannot be touched by another object in a nondegenerate manner unless it also touches one of the two triangles, and thus also
does not need be tested.
This leaves us with two kinds of edges that the collision detection system must test:
boundary edges (edges not shared by two triangles), and convex edges (non-boundary
edges neither interior nor concave), see Figure 2. It is sufficient to test convex edges from
only one of the triangles that contain them. Non-manifold edges are treated as convex,
because it is assumed that they do not occur frequently enough to demand special
Some vertices can be ignored in a similar manner:
Declare all vertices connected to a concave edge to be concave, and ignore them.
This makes sense for the same reason that concave edges are ignored.
Declare all vertices connected to only interior edges to be interior, and ignore
Test against all other vertices in one of the potentially several triangles they are
connected to.
Making use of these rules can exempt a significant number of features from collision
detection computations, and thus reduce computation times while lowering the number of
emitted contact points.
These rules are best implemented in a preprocessing step: first, allocate six bits of
additional storage for each triangle. There is one bit for each of the triangle’s vertices and
edges, and any vertex or edge will only be involved in contact computations when the
corresponding bit is set. Initially, all six bits for all triangles are cleared. The mesh is
traversed and a record is created for each triangle edge. Each edge record contains two
vertex references and a triangle reference. The edges are then sorted so that two or more
edges involving the same two vertices become adjacent in the list. The sorted list is then
traversed. When the system encounters a run of edges between the same two vertices,
only one of the edges is examined: if it is a convex or boundary edge, set the three bits
corresponding to the edge and its two vertices in the edge’s triangle’s flag record. If the
edge is concave, mark its record in the sorted edge list as such, but take no other action.
Once all edges in the edge list are processed, perform a second pass: in this pass look for
the concave edges that were marked, and unflag both of their vertices in all of the
triangles they occur in. This procedure ensures that no vertex adjacent to a concave edge
ever gets tested.
Figure 2: Thick black edges are the only one tested for collision (game level courtesy of
Arkane Studios).
Details on Contact Clustering
The first step in our contact-clustering algorithm is to group the contact points according
to their contact normals. Some types of collision detection will generate all contact points
with an identical normal direction. Two examples are collisions between any types of
convex shapes (Figure 3), and between a plane and an arbitrary shape (Figure 1). In these
cases the normal group generation step is trivial and can be skipped. Otherwise at least
two approaches can be used: a cube map and a k-means based algorithm. The first is
suitable for contact sets involving a few distinct normal directions; the second is better
for smooth shapes where no two normals tend to be identical.
Cube Map Clustering
This algorithm starts from a given set of input contacts, and a discrete set of contact
clusters. Each cluster represents a group of contacts with similar normals. A cube map
lookup maps each contact normal to the corresponding cluster. This lookup is typically
faster than normal vector quantization. The six faces of the unit cube are subdivided in a
regular N*N grid, resulting in 6*N*N clusters. This mapping is similar to the one used
for normal masks [Zhang-Hoff97]. (Listing_1.txt) Contact clusters are never explicitly
allocated in order to save memory. Instead, we compute cluster indices on-the-fly and use
them to sort recorded contacts by cluster. We then process each cluster in order, reducing
them on the fly.
Figure 3: Two convex shapes in collision generate contacts with similar normal
K-means Clustering
The above cube map based algorithm performs well if the normals are very tightly
clustered. Otherwise a cluster of normals may fall into different cube map cells, and be
split. This can come up during collision detection between round shapes such as spheres,
and highly tessellated geometry. This case also leads to many contact points, and is an
ideal candidate for reduction. The k-means clustering algorithm is a well-known tool for
data analysis. Given a set of input vectors, and k, the number of clusters to be found, it
quickly maps the input vectors to k clusters. The cluster centers are also determined. In
our application the contact normals are the input vectors. It is difficult to know ahead of
time how many ‘natural’ clusters are formed by the normals, if any. In the case of a
sphere versus a high-resolution triangle mesh, three clusters give good results in practice.
Asking for a larger number of clusters leads to natural clusters getting split, and increases
the running time of the algorithm. Asking for a single cluster is the equivalent of simply
averaging all the normals, but this can lead to opposing normals canceling out.
In our experience, given input data in natural clusters, k-means converges in just three
iterations using arbitrary initial cluster placement. After k-means has identified the three
clusters, examine the resulting average normal of each cluster. If two of the three clusters
normals are within an epsilon of each other, we conclude that there were less than three
natural clusters and merge the clusters. Thus, there can be one, two, or three clusters
Cluster reduction
For each cluster, whether found using the cube map or k-means, compute a projection
plane as the average of all contact planes in this cluster. Then compute two orthonormal
vectors on the plane, forming a basis with the plane’s normal vector. Next, project all
contacts in the cluster onto the plane using simple dot products (Listing_3.txt), and record
extremal values along the two derived basis vectors. Also, record the contact with
greatest penetration depth. You can actually work with contact indices to avoid
manipulating the more expensive contact structures.
After all contacts in the cluster have been processed, at most five contacts are left:
 4 contacts located on the 2D AABB around contact projections in the plane.
 1 contact with greatest penetration depth.
It sometimes happens that the final list of five contacts actually contains the same contact
multiple times. A small O(n2) loop eventually removes redundant contacts from the list.
Remaining contacts are sent to the dynamics engine.
Figure 4: Composite objects also benefit from contact reduction.
Details on Persistence
If a physics engine does not already support contact persistence, it can be implemented
through hashing. During a simulation step, contacts are recorded in a double-buffered
contact vector. Double buffering ensures contacts from the previous step are still
available in the current step. The contact persistence code is then given the two lists of
contacts, to find correspondences between them.
Contact Identifier
The contact structure originally contains the two bodies in contact (either using handles,
or actual pointers). To implement contact persistence, a 64-bit contact ID is added to the
structure (Listing_4.txt). Contact generation routines, i.e. portions of code responsible for
filling the contact structure, are now also responsible for creating a unique identifier
describing each contact. Typically this 64-bit ID is composed of two 32-bit parts, each of
them encoding an object’s feature (vertex, edge, face) that was used to create the contact
(Listing_5.txt). These identifiers only depend on the contact generation code that created
them, and can be setup in any arbitrary way as long as they define a given contact in a
non-ambiguous way. A feature can actually be more than standard vertices / edges / faces
– for example a voxel index works as well.
First create hash values for all contacts of the previous step, and store them in a hash
table. Then loop through current contacts and hash them into the previous table, in search
of a similar contact. The key to the algorithm is the use of object and contact identifiers
in the hash value (Listing_6.txt). The advantages of this approach over one that actually
keeps persistent data for each active pair (i.e. a pair of colliding objects) are numerous:
It requires minimal modifications to integrate with an existing physics engine.
The main hashing part is about a page of code only, plus a few extra lines in each
contact routine to generate the IDs.
It is fast (experiments show an O(n) behavior).
It is robust since it does not examine positions or normals to match old contacts to
current ones.
It does not use complex memory management, contrary to a solution where each
active pair actually maintains a persistent contact array.
The primary disadvantage might be that if a vertex-face contact becomes and edge/edge
contact, persistence is lost.
This Gem presented an approach to reduce contact points by grouping them according to
normals before applying an approximate hull computation. Contact points are made
persistent using a feature based identification system. In our own work, friction forces are
computed once for each of the resulting reduced groups of contact points, instead of
separately at each contact as we did previously. The application of this algorithm did not
have a significant negative impact on performance, but managed to reduce contact points
when working with high detail geometry, which in turn lead to improved performance
and increased stability. The approximate nature of the aggressive contact removal did not
lead to a visible drop in simulation accuracy, primarily because the contact points with
the greatest penetration are never reduced.
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