Lesson ideas on food - Year 8

LinkedUp Project: Languages in Year 8
Lesson ideas on food
Students divided into 4 teams: A/B/C/D (about 7 students per team).
Each student picks up a slip of paper (on which the letter of the team is
Warm up activity
 Students pass a ball in a circle within their team, first slowly
and then faster (the teacher tells them when they have to
speed up).
 When they pass on the ball ,they have to mention an item of
food (“banane”)/an item of food with the right article (“la
cerise”)/a short sentence with an opinion (“j’adore les
fraises”)/a short sentence with a colour (“le beurre est jaune”).
The instructions are given by the teacher in English
(“fruit/vegetables”, “sentence with opinion”, “sentence with
colour”) and the teacher moves around to listen to them.
 Students dropping the ball or making mistakes are eliminated.
To be repeated until a team has won.
Resources needed: soft balls(x4).
Main activities
Students practising du/de la/des/de l’:
-Students each pick up 2 slips of paper on which an item of food is
drawn or written (it can be either a picture or an English word).
-They then say a sentence (e.g. “je mange du fromage”) and throw the
soft ball into the right box (according to whether it goes with du/de
la/des/de l’).
-Students choosing the wrong box are eliminated.
-To be repeated until a team has won.
Resources needed: 4 cardboard boxes (to be labelled with du/de
la/des/de l’)/small soft balls(x4)/ slips of paper.
Running dictation:
- Students (within their team) read an invitation and copy down the
whole text, each contributing in turn.
- Each student has to read, run and write at least one sentence
from the text.
- The first team who has copied down the whole text wins.
- Then they swap over and do the same with another invitation.
Resources needed: 4 laminated cards (4 different invitations)/sugar
paper(x8)/board pens (x4)/ blue tack.
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Plenary activity
Physical response:
- The teacher tells students what he/she likes eating, etc.
- If students hear a grammar mistake (e.g. “je mange de la
chocolat”) or if they think the sentence is false (les fraises sont
bleues), students sit down on the floor. They jump once if they
think the sentence is correct or true.
- Students responding incorrectly are eliminated.
- To be repeated until a team has won.
Don’t forget to keep a record of all the points won by each team
(sheet of paper and pen) The best team can be rewarded (sweets?).
You may need a whistle!
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme