Name: Lab #: Section: Lab – Reading a Topographic Map Directions: Using the Bath, N.Y. U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangle and note sheets as needed, answer the following questions. Questions should be answered on this paper and need not be in complete sentences. Topographic Maps: 1. When studying a topographic map you will notice many different colors, what does each of the following colors represent? a. Blue: b. Black: c. Brown: d. Green: e. Red (pink): 2. Note the information on the bottom of the map: a. When was the first edition of this map made? b. Has the map been revised since then? c. If so, when? d. If it was revised, why do you think it had to be? e. f. g. h. What is the contour interval? What is the map scale? How many inches are there per mile on this map? What are the longitude coordinates? East Boundary West Boundary i. How many degrees and minutes wide is this map? j. What are the latitude coordinates? North Boundary South Boundary k. How many degrees and minutes “long” is this map? 3. As you look at the map North is at the top, South is at the bottom, while the left side is west and the right side is east. a. How many miles is it from the southwest corner to the northeast corner? b. In which direction does the Cohocton River flow? c. In which direction is: i. From ii. From iii. From 4. Approximately how many miles is it from the Dudley Settlement to Unionville? 5. What is the name of the 7.5 minute quadrangle (map) which lies directly north of this map? 6. What is the area, in square miles, covered by this map? 7. What is the name of the lake located near 42o 20’ Latitude, and 77o 17’ 30” Longitude? 8. A Gravel Pit is located west of Magees Hill, what is the approximate Latitude and Longitude? Name: Section: Lab #: 9. Locate a marsh on this map, does a creek flow out of it, if so which direction? 10. Draw the symbol used to represent: a. Railroad tracks b. House c. church d. Swamp 11. Sometimes a United States Geological Survey field team will check a location’s elevation above sea level and mark the spot with a permanently mounted bronze metal plaque. Such a bronze plaque is called a BENCH MARK. A bench mark is located in the southwest corner of the map in Cameron. Draw the symbol for a bench mark. a. What is the elevation of this bench mark? b. What is the elevation of the Radio Tower (KEB 394) in the northeast corner of the map? 12. How many churches and schools are located within the town of Bath, NY? a. Churches: b. Schools: 13. In a developed area, why are some of the buildings shown in black and others shown in purple? 14. What township is Bonny Hill located in? 15. What is the surface elevation of Lake Salubria? 16. What do the dashed lines with black dots on the map represent? (hint: pick one and follow it for awhile) 17. Permanent creeks are creeks that flow all year-round and are symbolized with solid blue lines. Name two permanent creeks: 18. Intermittent creeks are creeks that flow only during periods of rainfall and are symbolized with broken blue line. Are there any intermittent creeks on this map, if so name them? 19. If I was standing at the spot elevation of 1798 in the southeast corner of the map, would I be able to see a structure located at the spot elevation of 1685 exactly northwest of my position? Explain: 20. Based on its topography, why would you not want to build a housing development on the north end of Sharps Hill? 21. The gradient (slope) of the land can be determined by the spacing of the contour lines. Which area of this map is the steepest? 22. Determine the gradient from Look Cem. (south center of the map) to Stocking Creek: 23. Something has been added as a result of the 1978 revision northwest of Bonny Hill at an elevation of 1700ft. What is it? 24. What is the highest possible elevation of Hickory Hill located in the northwest portion of this map? 25. How many trailer parks/campgrounds have been added to this map as a result of the 1978 revision?