February 26, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Dr. McGehee at 3:00 p.m. 36 faculty members were
Dr. McGehee introduced Dr. Kristen Sterba and asked her to give a report on her
recruitment activities.
Dr. Sterba stated she attended twelve undergraduate colleges and universities and 5
conferences. They included the UTK/SAEOPP McNair Conference, Heartland McNair
Conference, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Society for
the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americas in Science and Texas McNair
Conference. She stated she has made 5 recruiting presentations and also gave a seminar
at the GRE Prep course in conjunction with the Center for Diversity Affairs and INBRE.
Dr. Sterba stated Career Day was a success with 64 undergraduate faculty and students
and 22 graduate student and postdoctoral fellows. Fourteen undergraduate schools were
represented including 2 out of state. The next Career Day is tentatively scheduled for
October 30, 2008. Dr. Sterba commented on additional recruiting activities targeting
students who take the GRE, those identified through, UAMS
summer research undergraduates, Career Day participants, students from Graduate Fairs
and conferences, McNair Scholars, student requesting information through the website
and letters, emails, and postcards.
Dr. Sterba included in her presentation application numbers for all programs (see
attachment) and stated there is an ongoing Graduate Student Development Seminar
Series offered to our students. Four seminars were given this academic year. The first
was held August 31, 2007 on “Time Management and Q & A with Dean McGehee”
presented by Dr. Robert McGehee and Dr. Kristen Sterba. The second was held
September 24, 2007 on “Effective Communication Skills” presented by Melissa
Johnston, UAMS Human Resources. The third on October 8, 2007 on “What to look for
when searching for a post doctoral fellowship; a perspective from St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital” presented by Dr. Linda Harris, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
The fourth on February 8, 2008 on “Dealing with stress at UAMS” presented by Barbara
Baldwin, LCSW, UAMS Faculty and Student Wellness Clinic. Two more seminars are
scheduled for this spring. Dr. Sterba welcomes additional seminar suggestions.
Dr. Sterba also highlighted graduate students’ achievements. These achievements will be
listed on the Graduate School website as well as publication posters. Awards are given at
Graduate School receptions.
Dr. McGehee began his presentation by introducing the Graduate School staff. He
thanked Dr. William D Wessinger, Chair the Graduate Council and Council members for
their ongoing and continuous efforts. Dr. McGehee also thanked Dr. Nicholas Hays,
Chair and the GSRF committee for reviewing the student applications.
Dr. McGehee stated the Graduate School Office will move to the 2nd floor, West side of
the State Hospital Administration building in the Summer of 2008 and that this will be
the permanent location.
Dr. McGehee announced quarterly meetings will be held with Program Director’s and
Graduate School staff. Issues may be addressed by the Director at these meetings.
Dr. McGehee shared enrollment numbers (see attachment) and stated there is an increase
in the number of students.
He also suggested five potential changes in the by-laws (see attachment). These include;
the addition of Assistant and/or Associate Deans of the Graduate School; removal of the
UALR and UAF Deans as Ex-Officio members; allow electronic election of graduate
council members by program members with ballots sent to the Registrar; changing the
voting practices to electronic voting instead of paper ballot and to move the responsibility
of the GSRF committee to Graduate Council. Ballots will be mailed to Graduate Faculty
members for voting.
Dr. McGehee announced important dates to remember are the Graduate School reception
to be held on April 10, 2008 in Biomed I atrium. Three receptions are held every year
with presentation of awards and recognition. Dates also include the Graduate School
Brunch on May 17, 2008 at 10:30 at LR Embassy Suites and Commencement on the
same day at 3:00 p.m. at Barton Coliseum. He also invited all graduate faculty members
to attend. They will receive complimentary tickets.
Dr. McGehee reminded everyone the student handbook is currently being updated. He
asked the faculty to submit all grades on time to Graduate School. The deadline is May
23, 2008.
Dr. McGehee announced the implementation of a paperless application file that was
implemented in August 2007 using Webxtender to manage applications. He announced
the Graduate School office and Academic Computing are in final phases of designing and
implementing an online application. It should be ready in a few weeks.
Dr. McGehee reviewed the status of the Dean’s Distinguished Scholarship which gives
$6000.00 each year for up to 5 years for highly qualified doctoral students who have
outstanding undergraduate GPAs and GRE scores. The scholarship awards began in Fall
2005 with 2 given for 2005-06, 4 for 2006-07 3 for 2007-08 and 3 offered (1 has
accepted) 2008-09.
Dr. McGehee reported on suggestions for webpage-articles, graduate faculty rosters need
updating, and the Graduate Student Association. He announced the Dean’s Society is in
progress, and congratulated Dr. Marie Chow, Dr. Patricia Wight and Ms. Terri Hutton for
receiving the Chancellor’s Teaching Awards. He asked the faculty for assistance in
tracking Alumni. Dr. McGehee also stated mentor awards are given at the Graduate
School receptions and updates were needed for the publications poster.
Dr. McGehee stated his plans to implement a yearly White Coat Ceremony in Fall 2008
for all Ph.D. students who have passed their candidacy exam.
Dr. McGehee announced the Graduate School Newsletter is produced three times a year
and he is welcome suggestions on the content.
Dr. McGehee announced the Spring Pool Tournament is underway and encouraged
faculty members to please sign up.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.