RISK-FOCUSED DELINQUENCY AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM COMMUNITIES THAT CARE KEY CONTACTS Southwest Region Ms. Diane George, Director McKeesport Collaborative Regional Co-Chairs Ms. Kelly Goedel, Program Director, McGuffey CTC Washington Family Center 332 Fifth Ave., Ste. 310, McKeesport, PA 15132 62 E. Wheeling St., Lower Level, Washington, PA 15301 Phone: 412/673-9950 E-mail: snap@hscc-mvpc.org Phone: 724/229-7410 E-mail: kgoedel@sphs.org Allegheny/ Braddock: (11) Ms. Lisa Freeman, Community Mobilizer, TriBoro Communities That Care Turtle Creek Valley MH/MR, D&A Inc.,1705 Maple Ave., Homestead, PA 15120 Phone: 412/464-1522 X570 FAX: 412/461-1325 E-mail LFreeman@tcvmhmr.org Allegheny/ Clairton: (6) Mr. Ralph Imbrogno, City Manager City of Clairton, 551 Ravensburg Blvd., Clairton, PA 15025 Phone: 412/233-8113 FAX: 412/233-6925 Allegheny/ Duquesne: (11) Ms. Lori Rue, Community Mobilizer, Duquesne Communities That Care Duquesne Community Mobilization Project, 222 W. Grant Ave., Duquesne, PA 15110 Phone: 412/469-0484 FAX: 412/469-1456 E-mail dcmp222@hotmail.com Allegheny/ East Liberty: (1) Ms. Maria Shaffer-Gordon East End Cooperative Ministry, 250 North Highland, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Phone: 412/361-5012 X430 FAX: 412/361-0151 E-mail mariasg@eecm.org Allegheny/ Larimer: (1) Ms. Leslie Reicher Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services, 1 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412/350-3919 FAX: 412/350-2785 E-mail lreicher@dhs.county.allegheny.pa.us Allegheny/ McKeesport: (14) Ms. Jennifer Ely, Project Director McKeesport Collaborative, 617 Sinclair Street, McKeesport, PA 15132 Phone: 412/526-7962 E-mail mckeesportcasastart@gmail.com Allegheny/ Wilkinsburg: (1) Mr. Steve Hellner-Burris Hosanna House, Inc., 807 Wallace Ave., Suite 101, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 Phone: 412/342-1340 FAX: 412/342-1331 E-mail stevehb@hosannahouse.org Beaver/ Aliquippa: (6) Ms. Libby Gabauer Communities That Care, 177 Mannal St., Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Phone: 724/843-5648 Cell: 724/601-1065 E-mail libby@access995.com Beaver/ Dr. David Pietro, Principal New Brighton: New Brighton Area Middle School, 901 Penn Ave., New Brighton, PA 15066 (14) Phone: 724/846-8100 FAX: 724/846-2337 E-mail dpietro@nbsd.k12.pa.us Bedford: (12) Ms. Lyn Skillington & Walter Curfman Center Consortium, Bedford County Technical Center, 195 Pennknoll Rd., Everett, PA 15537 Phone: 814/623-2760 X23 E-mail wcurfman@bedfordctc.org lynskillington@mac.com Southwest Region (cont’d) Blair: (1) The Hon. Donna Gority, Blair County Commissioner Suite 142 Courthouse, 423 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Phone: 814/693-3112 FAX: 814/693-3144 E-mail dgority@blairco.org Blair/ ClaysburgKimmel: (14) Christine Leslie, Claysburg-Kimmel Cares PO Box 236 Claysburg, A 16625 Phone: 814/239-5900 Cambria: (1) Ms. Mary Schroyer, Executive Director The Family Resource Initiative, 538 Park Ave., Johnstown, PA 15902 Phone: 814/536-1555 FAX: 814/536-1570 E-mail mschroyer@acrpkids.org Cambria/ Northern Cambria: (14) Fayette: (3) Ms. Andrea Neidererr The Family Center, 948 Ben Franklin Hwy., Ebensburg, PA 15931 Phone: 814/472-2225 E-mail aniedererr@pennswoods.net Greene: (12) Ms. Jodie Giocondi, Carmichaels CTC, Greene County Human Services 3rd Floor, Ft. Jackson Bldg., 19 S. Washington St., Waynesburg, PA 15370 Phone: 724/852-5276 FAX: 724/852-5368 E-mail jgiocondi@greene.pa.us Indiana: (6) David Myers, Ph.D. Dept. of Criminology, G-1 McElhaney Hall, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA 15705 Phone: 724/357-5933 FAX: 724/357-4018 E-mail david@iup.edu Somerset: (3) Mr. Travis Hutzell, Director Salisbury Area Family Center, 192 Smith St., P.O. Box 498, Salisbury, PA 15558 Phone: 814/662-2721 FAX: 814/662-4511 E-mail thutzell@capfsc.org Washington/ McGuffey: (5) Sherrie Adams 34 North Liberty Street PO Box 274 West Alexander, PA 15376 Phone: 724-484-7450 FAX: 724-484-7324 Washington/ City of Washington: (12) Mr. Charles Drubel Washington Communities That Care, 1099 Allison Ave., Washington, PA 15301 Phone: 724/225-9730 E-mail washctc@hotmail.com E-mail catprincess99@aol.com Mr. Michael Lukac Fayette County Juvenile Probation Office, 34 W. Peter St., Uniontown, PA 15401 Phone: 724/430-1223 X423 FAX: 724/430-2085 E-mail mlukac@fayettepa.org E-mail mcgctc@yahoo.com Westmoreland: Ms. Kathie Males, New Kensington CTC (5) H.D. Berkey School, 1739 Victoria Ave., Arnold, PA 15068 Phone: 724/335-7891 FAX: 724/337-5552 Westmoreland/ Ms. Marsha Adams, Community Mobilizer, Monessen Communities That Care Monessen: Schooner Youth Center, 701 Schoonmaker Ave., Monessen, PA 15062 (14) Cell: 724/797-0688 E-mail ctc@dp.net Northwest Region Regional Co-Chairs Mr. Ron Hamersley Mr. Jason Rhoades SFP Crdntr Elk & Cameron Co Ext Edu PSU Cooperative Ext Focus on Forest’s Future Elk County Courthouse P.O. Box 156, Tionesta, PA 16353 240 Main Street Ridgway, PA 15853 Phone: 814/755-3622, X 22 E-mail: fff-inc@verizon.net Phone: (814)486-3350 x4 Cameron office Phone: (814)776-5329 Elk office E-mail: rgh15@psu.edu Armstrong: (9) Jill L. Pless, Assistant Director Arc Manor Recovery Center, 200 Oak Ave., Kittanning, PA 16201 Phone: 724/548-7607 X-223 FAX: 724/545-7999 E-mail: jill@arcmanor.org Butler: (6) Mr. Paul Morgan, Probation Officer Butler County government Center, P O Box 1208, Butler, PA 16003-1208 Phone: 724/284-5355 FAX: 724/284-1443 E-mail: pmorgan@co.butler.pa.us Cameron: (6) Ms. Cathy Straub, Extension Agent Penn State Cooperative Extension, Courthouse, 20 E. 5th St., Emporium, PA 15834 Phone: 814/486-3350 X 4 FAX: 814/486-1139 E-mail cas30@psu.edu Centre: (10) Elizabeth Eckley Centre County Communities That Care, Community Mobilizer 132 North Allegheny Street, PO Box 165 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Phone: 814/404-9511 E-mail centrecountyctc@yahoo.com www.centrecountyctc@yahoo.com Centre/State College: (11) Ms. Dawn Taylor, Community Mobilizer CARE Partnership: Centre County CTC, 621 E. Irvin Ave., State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814/861-7424 E-mail ctc@artistic.org Clarion: (12) Ms. Sheila Snyder Clarion County’s Promise, 1120 E. Main St., Clarion, PA 16214 Phone: 814/223-1590 FAX: 814/223-1591 E-mail ssnyderccfn@verizon.net Clarion/ Limestone: (16) Ms. Sheila Snyder Clarion County’s Promise, 1120 E. Main St., Clarion, PA 16214 Phone: 814/223-1590 FAX: 814/223-1591 E-mail ssnyderccfn@verizon.net Clearfield: Laurie B. Filitske Director of Family Support, CenClear Child Services, Inc. 1633 Philipsburg Bigler Highway Philipsburg, PA 16866 Phone: 814/342-5678 X2263 E-mail lfilitske@cenclear.org Crawford: (8) Mr. Stephen Bridger, Director Crawford County Juvenile Probation, 286 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335 Phone: 814/336-4061 FAX: 814/333-6798 E-mail sbridger@co.crawford.pa.us Elk: (12) Ms. Jennifer Dippold, Coordinator Elk County Family Resource Network, P.O. Box 599, St. Mary’s, PA 15857 Phone: 814/834-2602 FAX: 814/834-1173 E-mail jenniferdippold@dmhc.org Northwest Region (cont’d) Erie: (1) Ms. Amy Eisert, Research Policy Analyst Mercyhurst College Civic Institute, 501 E. 38th St., Erie, PA 16546 Phone: 814/824-2551 FAX: 814/824-2182 E-mail aeisert@mercyhurst.edu Forest: (4) Mr. Jason Rhoades Focus on Forest’s Future, P.O. Box 156, Tionesta, PA 16353 Phone: 814/755-3622 Ext. 22 FAX: 814/755-2488 E-mail fff-inc@verizon.net Lawrence: (6) Ms. Stacey Cox Lawrence County Kids Who Care, P.O. Box 312, Wampum, PA 16157 Phone: 724/333-5705 E-mail kodeman92@verizon.net McKean: (4) Ms. Lee Sizemore, Program Director The Guidance Center, 110 Campus Dr., Bradford, PA 16701 Phone: 814/362-6535 FAX: 814/362-7358 E-mail lee@guidancecenter.net Ms. Lee Sizemore, Program Director The Guidance Center, 110 Campus Dr., Bradford, PA 16701 Phone: 814/362-6535 FAX: 814/362-7358 E-mail lee@guidancecenter.net McKean/ Otto-Eldred: (15) Mercer County (Cycle 1) - 2 sites: County Contact: Mr. Mark Benedetto, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Mercer County Juvenile Probation, 120 Strawberry St., Mercer, PA 16137 Phone: 724/662-3800 X2210 FAX: 724/662-4105 E-mail mbenedetto@mcc.co.mercer.pa.us Mercer/ Farrell: (1) Ms. Marcia Gregory, Victim Witness Coordinator, Mercer County District Attorney c/o South West Mercer County Regional Police Dept., P.O. Box 70, Farrell, PA 16121 Phone: 724/662-3800 X2290 E-mail marcylgreg@yahoo.com Mercer/ Sharon: (1) The Hon. Frederick Hoffman, Sharon City Councilman Principal, West Hill Elementary School, 301 Ellsworth St., Sharon, PA 16146 Mercer/ Greenville: (10) Mr. Brian Bronson Greenville Area School District, 9 Donation Rd., Greenville, PA 16125 Phone: 724/588-2500 FAX: 724/588-4397 E-mail bbronson@greenville.k12.pa.us Potter: (5) Mr. Leon Kaple, Family Center Resource Coordinator Potter County Human Services, 62 North St., P.O. Box 241, Roulette, PA 16746 Phone: 814/544-7315 FAX: 814/544-7727 E-mail lkaple@pottercountyhumansvcs.org Venango: (5) Ms. Cindy McBride, Executive Director Youth Alternatives, Inc., 1 Graff St., Oil City, PA 16301 Phone: 814/676-5785 FAX: 814/677-0697 Phone: 724/983-3225 (City Bldg.), 724/981-4880 (School) FAX: 724/981-0482 E-mail fhoffman@cityofsharon.net E-mail all4youth@aol.com Central Region Regional Co-Chairs Ms. Anne Einhorne Ms. Kathy Peffer 60 West Emaus St., Middletown, PA 17057 29 Waverly Dr., Hummelstown, PA 17036 Phone: 717/512-6468 E-mail: Annemarino163@comcast.net Phone: 717/566-6096 E-mail: KLPeffer@aol.com Adams: (16) Ms. Sharron Michels, Community Mobilizer, Collaborating for Youth 227 W. High St., P.O. Box 3576, , Gettysburg, PA 17325 Phone: 717/338-0300 X 25 FAX: 717/334-0040 E-mail peace@lightspeed.net Cumberland: (2) Ms. Patrice Pickering, Children’s Initiative Coordinator Cumberland County Community Services, 16 West High St., Ste. 100, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: 717/240-7732 FAX: 717/240-6118 E-mail ppickering@ccpa.net Dauphin: (1) Mr. Derek James Community Action Commission, 1514 Derry St., Harrisburg, PA 17104 Phone: 717/232-9757 FAX: 717/234-2227 E-mail djamesctc@tricounty.org Dauphin/ Halifax: (15) Ms. Bonnie Kent 3940 Peters Mountain Road, Halifax, PA 17032 Phone: 717/896-3416 FAX: 717/896-3976 Dauphin/ Ms. Kathy Peffer E-mail BK_Halifaxctc@hotmail.com Lower Dauphin: 29 Waverly Dr., Hummelstown, PA 17036 (15) Phone: 717/566-6096 FAX: 717/566-1809 E-mail KLPeffer@aol.com Dauphin/ Middletown: (10) Dr. Richard Weinstein, Assistant Superintendent Middletown Area School District, 55 W. Water St., Middletown, PA 17057 Phone: 717/948-3303 E-mail rweinstein@raiderweb.org Dauphin/ Uptown Harrisburg: (15) Franklin/ Chambersburg: (2) Mr. Rowland Harrison, Executive Director Harrisburg Area YMCA, Camp Curtin Branch, 2135 N. 6th St., Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone: 717/234-7058 FAX: 717/234-5859 E-mail Rowlandharrison@ymcaharrisburg.org Franklin/ Waynesboro: (16) Ms. K. Marilyn Smith, School Board Director 12365 Wedgewood Dr., Waynesboro, PA 17268 Phone: 717/762-3433 FAX: 717/762-3532 Huntingdon: (4) Ms. Cindy Ruble Brown, FSSR Coordinator, Families & Communities Together Collaborative (FACT), 10218 Tanglewood Dr., Huntingdon, PA 16652 Phone: 814/599-5012 E-mail cbrown@huntingdoncountycommunitiesthatcare.com Juniata: (9) Ms. Lisa Stalnaker, Mifflin-Juniata County Grant Writer 20 North Wayne St., Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717/248-6733 FAX: 717/248-3695 Ms. Alecha Sanbower, Program Planner Franklin County Human Services, 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717/263-1248 FAX: 717/263-1489 E-mail asanbowe@co.franklin.pa.us E-mail kmsrn@embarqmail.com E-mail lstalnaker@co.mifflin.pa.us Lancaster: (3) Lancaster/ Elizabethtown: (7) Lebanon: (9) Mifflin: (9) Perry: (3) York/Central: (5) Central Region (cont’d) Mr. David Bender Council on Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 630 Janet Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone: 717/299-2831 FAX: 717/393-5944 E-mail dbender@dahelp.org Ms. Gail Viscome, Program Coordinator, Elizabethtown Communities That Care 915 Spring Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Phone: 717/367-0678 FAX: 717/367-9895 E-mail gail915@yahoo.com Ms. Claire Lundberg, Community Mobilizer Lebanon County CTC, 260 Tice Lane, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717/228-2150 FAX: 717/224-0023 E-mail cjlund0303@yahoo.com Nancy Records, Ph.D.,Community Mobilizer 144 E. Market St., Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717/248-3994 FAX:717/248-6953 E-mail nrecords@co.mifflin.pa.us Rev. Mike Brossman, Duncannon Prevention Board c/o Otterbein United Methodist Church, 301 N. High St., Duncannon, PA 17020 Phone: 717/834-3431 E-mail doumc@aol.com York County - 13 sites: Ms. Barbara Snare, Principal Hayshire Elementary School, 2801 Hayshire Dr., York, PA 17402 Phone: 717/846-6789 E-mail bsnare@cysd.k12.pa.us York/ Dallastown: (5) Rev. Curtis Weber Dallastown Communities That Care 1009 Blymire Rd. Dallastown, PA 17313 Phone: 717/244-0655 FAX: 717/244-0455 E-mail stjohnsblymiresucc@comcast.net or webercg40@comcast.net York/Dover: (6) Mr. Joel Riedel, Pupil Personnel Services Director Dover Area School District, 2 School Lane, Dover, PA 17315-1498 Phone: 717/292-3671 E-mail Jriede@DOVER.K12.PA.US York/Eastern: (6) Rev. Steve Rambler 201 S. Second St., Wrightsville, PA 17368 Phone: 717/252-9700 E-mail Revrambler@AOL.com York/ Hanover: (13) Mrs. Bonnie Calhoun & Ann Rinker , Board Member Hanover Area Family and Youth Alliance (HAFYA) 400 York Street Hanover, PA 17331 Phone: 717/632-1493 E-mail bc94@comcast.net York/ Northeastern: (6) Ms. Barbara Wentz, Community Mobilizer Northeastern School District, 41 Harding St., Manchester, PA 17345 Phone: 717/266-3667 X263 FAX: 717/266-5792 E-mail millerb@nesd.k12.pa.us York/ Red Lion: (5) Ms. Jo Anna Shovlin, c/o Rep. Saylor’s Office 2997 Cape Horn Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356 Phone: 717/244-9232 York/South Eastern: (5) There is currently no Key Contact for this site. E-mail jSHOVLIN@PAHOUSEGOP.COM Central Region (cont’d) York/ Southern: (5) Ms. Cindy Richard, Director Southern Community Services, 44 S. Main St., Shrewsbury, PA 17361 Phone: 717/227-0048 FAX: 717/227-9084 E-mail crichard@penn-mar.org York/ (5) Ms. Jennifer Lecrone Y.E.S., 50 North East St., Suite 5, Spring Grove, PA 17362 Phone: 717/225-6537 York/ Suburban: (14) Ms. Shama York Suburban Communities That Care Alliance, 1800 Hollywood Dr., York, PA 17403 Phone: 717/747-1440 E-mail ctc.mobilizer@gmail.com York/West (5) Mr. Alan Vandersloot, United Way of York County/West York CTC 800 E. King St., P.O. Box 1663, York, PA 17405 Phone: 717/771-3806 E-mail vandersloota@unitedway-york.org York/City: (5) Ms. Phyllis Dowling York City’s Caring Community, 412 W. King St., York, PA 17404 Phone: 717/846-9275 FAX: 717/843-1381 E-mail dowlingann@netscape.net Phone: 570/723-0520 FAX: 570/723-0522 E-mail tiogaP@epix.net Spring Grove: E-mail jenniferstaxi@yahoo.com Northeast Region Ms. Melanie Purcell, Tioga County Partnership Regional Co-Chairs Ms. Desiree Spencer, Partners in Family & Tioga Co Prtnrship for Comnity Health, PO Box 812, Wellsboro, PA 16901 Phone: 570/723-0520 E-mail tcp12@epix.net Community Development, 4 Bridge St., Towanda, PA 18848 Phone: 570/265-6246 E-mail: dspencer@pfcd.org Bradford: (8) Ms. Desiree Spencer-Rockwell Partners in Family & Community Development, 4 Bridge St., Towanda, PA 18848 Phone: 570/265-6246 FAX: 570/265-6337 E-mail dspencer@pfcd.org Clinton: (10) Mr. Geoff Arthur Valley Prevention Services, 520 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, PA 17701 Phone: 570/323-9940 FAX: 570/323-8009 E-mail garthurvps@comcast.net Columbia/ Berwick: (5) Ms. Jennifer Dunkelberger, Columbia County Human Services/Communities That Care 15 Perry Ave., Suite 2, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Phone: 570/387-6501 FAX: 570/387-6502 E-mail jdunkelberger@columbia.org Columbia/ Bloomsburg: (16) Ms. Jennifer Dunkelberger, Columbia County Human Services/ Communities That Care 15 Perry Ave., Suite 2, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Phone: 570/387-6501 FAX: 570/387-6502 E-mail jdunkelberger@columbia.org Columbia/ Ms. Barbara Lombardo Northumberland- Southern Columbia Area School District, 800 Southern Drive, Catawissa, PA 17820 Southern Columbia: (16) Lackawanna: (2) Phone: 570/356-3514 FAX: 570/356-2892 E-mail blombardo@scasd.us Ms. Elaine Donly Scranton Area Family Center, 541 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA 18509 Phone: 570/348-6493 or 348-6484 FAX: 570/348-6495 E-mail edonly-eotc@verizon.net Northeast Region (cont’d) Luzerne: (1) Ms. Kristen Huff, United Way of Wyoming Valley 450 Mellon Bank Center, 8 West Market St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Phone: 570/829-6711 X249 FAX: 570/822-0522 E-mail khuff@unitedwaywb.org Lycoming: (2) Ms. Tana DeWire, Executive Director, Lycoming County Health Improvement Coalition 49 E. 4th St., Ste. 107, Williamsport, PA 17701 Phone: 570/323-0390 FAX: 570/323-4264 E-mail health@uplink.net Pike: (9) Ms. Christine Obser Pike County Planning & Human Development, 506 Broad St., Milford, PA 18337 Phone: 570/296-3434 FAX: 570/296-3436 E-mail cobser@pikepa.org Schuylkill: (16) Ms. Diane Rowland Schuylkill County Drug & Alcohol, 108 S. Claude A. Lord Blvd., 2nd Fl., Pottsville, PA 17901 Phone: 570/621-2890 FAX: 570/621-2893 E-mail drowland@co.schuylkill.pa.us Sullivan: (9) NO CONTACT Sullivan County Juvenile Probation, Courthouse, P.O. Box 157, Laporte, PA 18626 Phone: 570/946-4285 FAX: 570/946-4570 E-mail juvprobation@epix.net Tioga: (8) Ms. Michele Stefanidis Tioga County Partnership for Community Health, P.O. Box 812, Wellsboro, PA 16901 Phone: 570/723-0520 FAX: 570/723-0522 E-mail tiogaP@epix.net Wayne: (8) Ms. Kathy Grandjean, Executive Director Honesdale Communities That Care, Inc., P.O. Box 494, Honesdale, PA 18431 Phone: 570/229-0055 E-mail HonesdaleCTC@gmail.com Wyoming: (8) Ms. Teresa McCloskey, Communities That Care Community Mobilizer Wyoming County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Square, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Phone: 570/996-2264 FAX: 570/836-1686 E-mail wyomingctc@hotmail.com Southeast Region Regional Co-Chairs Ms. Kelly Brown, Director of Community Prevention Ms. Natacha Pascal, Chester Community Implement. Family Services, 3125 Ridge Pike, Norristown, PA 19403 Project, 412 Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013 Phone: 610/630-2111 E-mail: kbrown@fsmontco.org Phone: 610/876-8663 E-mail: npascal@ccip.cc Berks/ Boyertown: (13) Ms.Yvonne Stroman, Project Director Community Prevention Partnership of Berks County, 227 N. 5th St., Reading, PA 19601 Phone: 610/376-6988 X221 FAX: 610/376-7384 E-mail ystroman@communitypreventionpartnership.org Berks/ Reading: (7) Ms. Yvonne Stroman, Project Director Community Prevention Partnership of Berks County, 227 N. 5th St., Reading, PA 19601 Phone: 610/376-6988 X221 FAX: 610/376-7384 E-mail ystroman@communitypreventionpartnership.org Berks/ Wilson: (13) Ms. Yvonne Stroman, Project Director Community Prevention Partnership of Berks County, 227 N. 5th St., Reading, PA 19601 Phone: 610/376-6988 X221 FAX: 610/376-7384 E-mail ystroman@communitypreventionpartnership.org Southeast Region (cont’d) Bucks Promise for Youth and Communities (Bucks Consortium) – 12 sites: County Contact: Trisha Devine, Project Coordinator TODAY, Inc. Prevention Services 3103 Hulmeville Rd., Unit 105, Bensalem, PA 19020 Phone: 215/244-7607 FAX: 215/244-7867 E-mail tdevine@todayincbensalem.org Bucks/ Bensalem: (8) Ms. Shannon Hibbs TODAY, Inc. Prevention Services, 3103 Hulmeville Rd., Ste. 105, Bensalem, PA 19020 Phone: 215/244-7607 FAX: 215/244-7867 E-mail shibbsb3t@buckscoaltions.org Bucks/Bristol Borough: (10) TBA Kelly Family Center, 2 Canal’s End Plaza, Suite 201-G, Bristol, PA 19007 Phone: 215/781-6602 X14 FAX: 215/781-6611 E-mail lvasso@fsabc.org Bucks/Bristol Twshp/ Bloomsdale/Fleetwing: (2) Dan Bates, Chair person 515 River Road, Yardley PA 19067 Phone: 267-249-9649 E-mailDanbates@Buildingblocksinbuckscounty.com Bucks/ Centennial: (10) Ms. Barbara Dietsch, Community Mobilizer 21 Beechwood Dr., Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Phone: 215/364-3127 E-mail WISECTC@verizon.net Bucks/ Central: (10) Ms. Kimberly Chambra Unit 4 Bailiwick, 252 W. Swamp Rd., Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone: 215/489-9120, X 8 FAX: 215/489-9166 E-mail kcambra@dh.org Bucks/ (10) Ms. Debbie Maskovitz, Communities That Care Mobilizer Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth, 30 N. Chancellor St., Newtown, PA 18940-2202 Phone: 215/944-1006 FAX: 215/364-1716 E-mail Dmoskovitz@crsd.org Bucks/ Morrisville: (10) Ms. Darletta Berry-Johnson, The Ivins House, Resource & Referral Center 80 West Trenton Ave., Morrisville, PA 19067 Phone: 215/428-0500 FAX: 215/428-9193 E-mail ivinshouse@comcast.net Bucks/ Neshaminy: (10) Ms. Kelly Pagliei St. Mary Parenting Center, Langhorne-Newtown Rd., Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 215/710-5976 E-mail kpagliei@che-east.org Bucks/ Pennridge: (10) Mr. Lee Rush justCommunity, Inc., P.O. Box 258, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: 215/538-4796 FAX: 215/538-4798 E-mail LRush@enter.net Bucks/ Pennsbury: (10) Ms. Lizette Morales-Chomicki, LYFT Program 413 Hood Blvd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Phone: 215/949-1660 X 104 E-mail LYFT@uwbucks.org Bucks/ Quakertown: (10) Mr. Lee Rush c/o justCommunity, Inc., P.O. Box 258, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: 215/538-4796 FAX: 215/538-4798 E-mail LRush@enter.net Council Rock: Southeast Region (cont’d) County Contact: Chester/ Chester County - 6 sites Ms. Meg Polvino, Program Specialist, Chester County SCA 601 Westtown Rd., Ste. 325, P.O. Box 2747, West Chester, PA 19380 Phone: 610/344-6620 FAX: 610/344-5743 E-mail mpolvino@chesco.org (13) Susan W. Gualtieri, Senior Program Director Children and Families (TEMP FILL-IN) c/o Communities That Care, 699 Rice Blvd., Exton, PA 19341 Phone: 610/458-9553 FAX: 610/458-9071 E-mail dtownctc@umly.org Chester/ Great Valley: (10) Ms. Kathleen Collier, Great Valley Community Partnership for Healthy Youth, c/o Upper Main Line YMCA, 1416 Berwyn-Paoli Rd., Berwyn, PA 19312 Phone: 610/647-9622 X2117 E-mail gvphy@kennett.net Chester/ Kennett: (13) Ms. Patti Olenik, Director, Communities That Care c/o Garage Youth Center, P.O. Box 1158, Kennett Square, PA 19311 Phone: 610/444-6464 FAX: 610/444-7942 E-mail kennettctc@comcast.net Chester/ Octorara: (15) Ms. Danielle Salada, Community Outreach Director Octorara YMCA, 3095 Limestone Rd., Cochranville, PA 19330 Phone: 610/593-4443 FAX: 610/593-2920 E-mail dsalada@ymcabwv.org Chester/ Phoenixville: (7) Ms. Dolores Winston, CTC Mobilizer c/o Phoenixville Civic Center, 123 Main St., Phoenixville, PA 19460 Phone: 610/917-9675 FAX: 610/933-7729 E-mail phxctc@yahoo.com Downingtown: Chester/ Ms. Christina Valocchi West Chester: West Chester Area CTC, 252 E. Market St., #158, West Chester, PA 19382 (7) Phone: 610/696-8262 FAX: 610/696-8261 E-mail mobilizer@wcctc.org Delaware: (1) Ms. Neilda Mott, CTC Network Director Chester Education Foundation, Ste. G-S 100, 2600 W. 9th St., Chester, PA 19013-2095 Phone: 610/364-1212 FAX: 610/364-1563 E-mail nmott@chestereducation.org Delaware/ Chichester: (15) Chief James Magaw Police Dept., Trainer Borough Municipal Bldg., 824 Main St., Trainer, PA 19061 Phone: 610/494-7399 E-mail jmagaw@comcast.net Lehigh/ Allentown: (3) Ms. Diana Heckman ALERT Partnership, P.O. Box 7017, Allentown, PA 18105 Phone: 610/402-2583 FAX: 610/402-2599 E-mail Diana.Heckman@lvh.com Lehigh/ Ms. Michele Connelly Northampton- Bangor School Administration Office, 123 Five Points-Richmond Rd., Bangor,PA 18013 Slate Belt: Phone: 610/588-2163 X8835 FAX: 610/599-7040 E-mail connellm@bnet1.bangorsd.org (15) Montgomery/ Abington: (4) Mr. Jack Murphy Abington Police Dept., 1166 Old York Rd., Abington, PA 19001 Phone: 267/536-1065 FAX: 267/536-1029 E-mail jmurphy@abington.org Montgomery/ Norristown: (15) Ms. Angela Bell Norristown Communities That Care, 3125 Ridge Pike, Eagleville, PA 19403 Phone: 610/630-2111 FAX: 610/630-4003 E-mail abell@fsmontco.org Southeast Region (cont’d) Montgomery/ Upper Perkiomen Valley: (8) Dr. Fran Leskowitz Upper Perkiomen Valley School District, 201 W. 5th St., East Greenville, PA 18041 Phone: 215/541-2447 FAX: 215/679-0885 E-mail fleskowi@upsd.org Northampton/ Bethlehem: (11) Ms. Diana Heckman ALERT Partnership, P.O. Box 7017, Allentown, PA 18105 Phone: 610/402-2583 FAX: 610/402-2599 Northampton/ Easton: (3) NO CONTACT Northampton County Communities That Care, 320 Ferry St., Easton, PA 18042 Phone: 610/258-4361, X29 FAX: 610/258-7502 E-mail sdinicola@projecteaston.org Philadelphia/ District Attorney’s Project: (5) East: Mr. Edgar Jaramillo, Chief Assistant District Attorney Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: 215/686-5819 FAX: 215/686-5830 E-mail Diana.Heckman@lvh.com Mr. Scott Sigman, Assistant District Attorney Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: 215/686-5828 FAX: 215/686-5859 E-mail Scott.Sigman@phila.gov (5) Northeast: Mr. Robert Daisey, Assistant District Attorney Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: 215/686-5857 FAX: 215/686-5859 E-mail Robert.Daisey@phila.gov (5) Southwest: Mr. Clarence Dupree, Assistant District Attorney Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: 215/686-5819 FAX: 215/686-5859 E-mail Clarence.dupree@phila.gov