Programación Distinction 1-2 1º-2º Bach. English

Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT .................................................................. 9
OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................................................................10
CONTENTS ..............................................................................................................................................12
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA .....................................................................................................................13
ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY ...............................................................................................................16
PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 1ST YEAR - BACHILLERATO ..............................................................16
PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 2ND YEAR - BACHILLERATO .............................................................65
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Post Code
Number of pupils
Number of groups
(The department should describe the profile of the students using the following areas as a
– General characteristics
– Characteristics of different groups
– Characteristics of one particular group
(Give details of basic objectives for dealing with these groups, prioritising the groups’
needs and outlining strategies to be used and their timing.)
Social level
City Centre
Small town
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Nº of students with
Special needs:
(omit those which are not relevant)
Group A
Pupils like learning through play.
Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.
The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.
Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.
Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.
Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.
Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their
own language.
Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.
Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.
Group B
Pupils like learning through play.
Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.
The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.
Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.
Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.
Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.
Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their
own language.
Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.
Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.
Group C
Pupils like learning through play.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.
The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.
Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.
Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.
Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.
Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their
own language.
Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.
Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.
Group D
Pupils like learning through play.
Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.
The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.
Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.
Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.
Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.
Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their
own language.
Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.
Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.
(To be completed by teachers)
General needs
Specific needs of different groups
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Specific individual needs
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Group A Pupil
Group B Pupil
Group C Pupil
Group D Pupil
(To be completed by teachers)
a) With pupils
b) With teachers
c) With parents and tutors
(omit those which are not relevant)
Human resources
Support teachers
Alphabetical order
Flexible grouping (specify what type and give reasons)
Small support groups within/outside the mainstream class
Pupils with special sensory needs in different groups/classes
Material resources available in the school
(omit those which are not relevant)
Video - DVD
Radio cassette/ CD player
Video camera
Pizarra Digital Interactiva
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Internet connection(WiFi, others…)
(Note here any observations about how, when and why these resources are used for
English classes.)
Spaces available in the school
(omit those which are not relevant)
Multi-use areas
Language laboratory
Computer room
Criteria for use of common spaces
(Note here any observations about when, how and why these spaces are used for
English classes.)
Distribution of classroom space
(omit those which are not relevant)
Pupils’ desks arranged in rows
Pupils’ desks arranged in “U”
Specific corners: Class library, transversal topics, games, crafts, etc.
(Note here any educational or other outings planned.)
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Teacher’s name and position:
Teacher’s name and position:
Teacher’s name and position::
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The demands and needs of 21st century society have led to adjustments in the school
field, preparing students to live in a world progressively more international, multicultural
and multilingual and, at the same time, most technologically advanced.
Our country, as member of the European Union, is engaged in promoting knowledge of
other EU languages, as stated in one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. The
European Council in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for
learning of foreign languages facilitates a clear definition of teaching and learning
objectives and methods and provides the necessary tools for assessing an individual´s
language proficiency.
Pupils who enter Bachillerato already possess enough knowledge of the foreign language
to manage regular communication situations. The aim of this subject will further develop
the previous communication skills, enrich their repertory and widen the fields in which it
occurs. Among these areas, it should be noted that of the normal social relations; the
academic, extending those contents related to the subject and other subjects of the
curriculum and introducing the scientific-technical, cultural and literary speech; the media
communication; and the public, which includes all aspects of social and labour interaction.
During Bachillerato we need to continue strengthening the autonomy of students, as they
would have outlined more precisely their needs and interests of future. Therefore,
learning a foreign language at this stage would involve, firstly, the continuation and
consolidation of what is already known and, secondly, a further development of more
specialized abilities in terms of academic and professional interests both immediate and
The contents are grouped into blocks which aim is to organize them in a logical way and
to define more clearly what basic lessons are to be consolidate, although this doesn´t
imply that the blocks should take place independently of each other.
Objetives of the stage: The teaching of foreign language in Bachillerato will aim to
develop the following skills:
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1. Express themselves and interact orally in a spontaneous, understandable and
respectful way, fluently and accurately, using appropriate strategies according to the
communication situations.
2. Understand global and specific information of oral texts and follow the argument of
current issues in a regular communicative context and by the media.
3. Write different types of texts, in a clear and well structured way, using the right style
according to the target readers and the communication intention.
4. Understand different types of written texts of general and specific themes and critically
interpret them using comprehension strategies according to the tasks required, identifying
the most important text elements and grasping their function and discursive organization.
5. Read autonomously texts for different purposes, appropriate to their interests and
needs, assessing the reading as a source of information, enjoyment and leisure.
6. Use their knowledge of the language and linguistic rules to speak and write properly,
coherently and correctly, to understand oral and written texts, and to think about the way
the foreign language works in different communication situations.
7. Acquire and develop different learning strategies, using all means at their disposal,
including information technology and communication, with the aim of using autonomously
the foreign language and keep improving its learning.
8. Know the basic social and cultural features of the foreign language to be capable of a
better understanding and interpretation of the different cultures and languages.
9. Value the foreign language as a means of reaching other knowledge and cultures, and
recognize its importance as an international vehicle of communication and understanding
in a multicultural world, becoming aware of the similarities and differences between
10. Strengthen self-evaluation strategies in the acquisition of communicative competence
in the foreign language, with attitudes of initiative, confidence and responsibility.
Objectives of the foreign language area and its integration in our project
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The object of this subject in the stage of Bachillerato is the learning of discursive skills
that can take place in several situations.
At this stage the process of learning a foreign language continues in order that at the end
of it, the students would have consolidated all the skills and are able of interacting and
being understood in different situations. For instance, they will narrate and describe while
supporting their views with appropriate details and examples and they will express
opinions and develop a sequence of simple arguments. All this by using an increasingly
wide vocabulary related to general issues and expressing an acceptable grammatical
control, using links to indicate relationships between ideas, with an increasing degree of
fluency and spontaneity. In short, this stage involves the continuation of an increasingly
autonomous learning that will last a lifetime.
Moreover, learning a foreign language goes beyond the linguistics learning framework
and beyond learning how to use the language in various communication contexts. Its
knowledge contributes to the teaching of students from a holistic perspective: while
promoting respect, interest and communication with speakers of other languages, it will
develop intercultural awareness. By knowing a foreign language students will understand
global issues and problems and acquire various learning strategies. Thus, this common
subject of Bachillerato will help to broaden the personal horizons, to deepen the approach
to other forms of life and different social organizations, to exchange views on issues that
are globally shared, to diversify their professional interests and to strengthen social
values that favour the encounter in a world where international communication is
becoming increasingly patent.
Equip pupils with enough and useful vocabulary to communicate in English. To
this end, each unit shows, practices and recycles vocabulary related to a particular
Help pupils to understand English grammar and to use the language correctly,
through clear explanations and a progressive practice from simple concepts to more
complex ones.
Teach pupils aspects of British culture and encourage a comparison with their
own culture through the texts.
Capture the real world beyond the classroom with the help of texts and reports
within the units
Provide pupils with tools to express themselves, both orally and in writing,
about topics they find interesting and motivating. They are offered not only the
necessary practice, but also additional help to prepare both oral and written texts.
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Give students the opportunity to recycle and review the vocabulary and
structures they learn in the review paragraphs.
Allow pupils to evaluate their own progress using the self-assessment exercises
presented in all units.
To enable pupils to become better language learners and also more
independent. They are encouraged to use the reference sections (grammar section
and vocabulary lists) as well as the multimedia components to practice at home.
Helping students to meet the test of Selectividad with confidence thanks to a
more complete practice material, including didactical units and additional materials,
practice tests etc.
The contents have been grouped in blocks to sort the elements of analysis of a complex
reality, in relation to four key competences with specific characteristics and needs in
terms of the teaching and learning process: oral language; written language; the
constituents of the linguistic system, their functioning and relationships, and the social
and cultural dimension of the foreign language.
Although oral and written language are two different manifestations of the same capacity,
each requires different skills and knowledge and is therefore dealt with separately.
Block 1 – Listening, speaking and conversing
The language model provided by the school is the primary source of language knowledge
and learning. The speeches used in classroom are both vehicle and object of learning;
therefore the curriculum and our project have paid equal attention to the knowledge of
linguistic elements as well as to the capacity of using them for other communication
Moreover, the presented linguistic model must come from a representative number of
speakers to capture the variations and nuances that an environmental linguistic model
provides to speakers on both the phonetic and prosodic aspect, as well as on the choice
of specific expressions in familiar communication situations. Hence the use in our project
of conventional media and information and communication technologies.
Block 2 – Reading and Writing
The aim of this block is to acquire discursive competence in the written use. In foreign
language written texts are both a model of textual composition and practice and
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acquisition of linguistic elements. The increased use of written language depends on the
degree of knowledge of the code, which is directly related to the degree of confidence
that the code provides in the graphic representation of the sounds of language. To
overcome this lack of confidence the curriculum and our project include strategies and
resources such as the use of dictionaries and other conventional and digital material for
the understanding and composition of all types of texts.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Coming in contact and using the foreign language will allow students to develop a basic
conceptual system on its operation. These situations that promote the inference of
language functioning rules are the starting point and will help them to gain confidence in
their own abilities
This block is divided in linguistic Knowledge and a reflection on its learning
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
This block helps students to learn about customs, forms of social relationship,
characteristics and peculiarities from the countries where foreign language is spoken; in
short, different ways of life from their own. This knowledge will promote tolerance and
acceptance, will enhance interest in learning about different social and cultural realities
and will facilitate intercultural communication.
The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes the following assessment criteria for
Bachillerato in the area of foreign language:
1. Understand the main idea and identify relevant details of oral messages emitted
in face to face communication situations or by the media, on familiar, current or
general topics related to their studies and interests, or cultural aspects associated
with the foreign language, provided that they are clearly articulated in standard
language and that explicit markers facilitate the speech development.
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These criteria evaluate the student´s capacity for understanding and interpreting
information on specific and more abstract topics, transmitted by speaking with different
accents, taking into account issues such as the kind of register used, the purpose and
attitude of the speaker, etc. It also assess the capacity for understanding the main and
more specific ideas from longer oral texts expressed on media whenever the talking is
clear, using standard language and explicit markers in a well structured message.
2. Express themselves fluently and with appropriate pronunciation and intonation
in improvised conversations, narrations, arguments, debates and previously
prepared expositions, using the necessary communication strategies and the type
of speech adequate to each situation.
These criteria assess the capacity to organize and clearly express ideas on previously
prepared issues; the capacity to be able to carry out clear descriptions and presentations,
on a variety of familiar topics, to recount real or imaginary events, arguments from books
or films, to describe feelings and reactions. It will also assess the capacity to respectfully
and adequately react during a communication interaction and to collaborate in following
the speech with the right register for the situation and its communication intention.
3. Understand autonomously the information in written texts from different
sources: correspondence, websites, newspapers, magazines, literature and
popular books, referred to current issues, culture or related to their interests or
their present or future studies.
These criteria assess the capacity to understand relevant information, distinguish main
ideas from secondary ideas, and identify the required information in original written texts,
of general interest, that offer sufficient precision and detail so as to be able to critically
analyze such information, applying the necessary strategies for the execution of a task
and capturing implicit meanings, postures and points of view. These criteria also evaluate
the ability to autonomously use digital, bibliographic and computer resources, with the
aim to find, compare and contrast information and solve comprehension problems.
4. Write clear and detailed texts with different purposes and with the formal
correction, cohesion, coherence and adequate register, valuing the importance of
planning and revising the text.
These criteria will assess the clear organization of essay writing and the ability to link
sentences following cohesive lineal sequences; the interest in planning and revising texts,
carrying out successive versions until reaching the final version, following spelling and
typographic rules. It will also asses the capacity to plan and write with sufficient autonomy
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using the relevant reference material and if information from various sources on familiar
topic is summarized and analyzed.
5. Consciously use the linguistic, socio-linguistic, strategic and discursive
knowledge acquired and to rigorously apply self-assessment and self-correction
mechanisms to reinforce autonomous learning.
This criterion evaluates if the students handle grammatical structures that express a
higher level of syntactic maturity, if they assess the effectiveness of the known rules by
using inductive-deductive processes and if they are able to modify them when needed.
The widening of a more specialised vocabulary, is also valued together with improved
phonological features, spelling and the analysis and reflection on the different
Furthermore, it assesses the ability to value their learning process and to correct or
amend their own productions, both oral and written, and that of their peers.
6. Identify, give examples and the spontaneous and autonomous use of learning
strategies acquired and every mean at their disposal, including information
technologies and communication to evaluate and identifying their linguistic
These criteria assess the capacity to apply known strategies and skills to new situations
and the capacity to reflect on the learning process, assessing their own role in the
construction of learning through decision making, observation, formulation and
adjustment of hypothesis and progress evaluation with maximum autonomy. It also
evaluates the ability to use information technologies and communication as international
communication and autonomous learning tools and the conscious use of learning
opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom. Likewise, it seeks to identify the
owned linguistic abilities, reinforcing self-confidence.
7. Analyze, through authentic documents, on paper, digital or audiovisual
mediums, relevant geographical, historical, artistic, literate and social aspects of
the countries whose language is learnt, emphasizing on the knowledge from the
enriched perspective by the different languages and cultures the student knows.
This criterion evaluates the cultural knowledge possessed on the countries where the
foreign language is spoken and the ability to identify and analyze certain particular traits,
characteristic of these contexts, approaching social and cultural diversity and
differentiating between groups of the same linguistic community and between members of
different cultures
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The reinforcement and extension activities allow the students to receive an individualized
attention, according to their needs and learning pace. Our project includes ideas in every
lesson for the teacher to be able to respond to various situations that arise in the
Teacher´s material, la Guía Didáctica, provides reinforcement and consolidation activities
for the students as well as notes or the teacher and didactic advice, to be able to confront
different student´s expectations.
The multimedia components allow the teacher a lot of autonomy when choosing
additional activities.
The Teacher’s Resource Book includes pages to photocopy for consolidating and
extension of every unit.
This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 1st year of
Bachillerato and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject.
This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may
be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with
those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and
students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.
This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities
suggested in the Teacher’s Guide. The teacher may introduce these activities at the
appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind learning
speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available.
UNIT 1.- Time out
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To understand oral texts and identify general and specific information in them; an
interview about Halloween.
To express and interact orally in an understandable way, with fluency and
accuracy; learning to use strategies adequate for communication situations as
expressing likes and dislikes.
To read a variety of texts autonomously and be able to understand and identify
general and specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies as a text on Iceland.
To produce an essay: using formulas and expressions from the unit, as well as
developing certain skills when writing; expressions when writing an informal letter.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like verb tenses: Present simple,
Present Continuous and Present Perfect Simple.
To recognize and use vocabulary to express dates and events.
To learn and use adjective + preposition combinations, time expressions and
phrasal verbs.
To learn and practice vowel pronunciation.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1-Listening, speaking and conversing
Look at a picture and answer two questions. Student Book page 12, ex 1.
Listen to an interview about Halloween and choose items from a list. SB page 12
ex. 2.
Read and reflect on certain advices to improve oral comprehension. SB page
12, ex. 3.
Listen again to the oral text and choose the correct answer for five questions,
each one with four options (A, B, C or D). SB page 12, ex. 4.
Answer a question. SB page 12, ex. 5.
Dictation; write sentences based on an oral text. SB page 12, ex. 6.
Complete the questions in a dialogue from the answers. SB page 13 ex. 1.
Listen and check the answers from the previous exercise. SB page13 ex. 2.
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Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 13, ex. 3.
Write six questions for an imaginary situation, choosing two from the dialogue
from exercise 1 and creating four others. SB page 13, ex. 4.
Ask and answer questions using the expressions provided in the box. SB page
13, ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Read a box, the title of a text, look at some pictures and answer a question. SB
page 6, ex. 1.
Read the first and last paragraph from a text and answer a question. SB page 6,
ex. 2.
Skim read a complete text and choose three ideas from a list. SB page 6, ex. 3.
Read the text thoroughly and choose the complete answers to four questions
with four options each. (A, B, C o D) SB page 7, ex. 4.
Answer six questions in full sentences. SB page 7, ex. 5.
Find six words in the text based on their definitions. SB page 7, ex. 6.
Answer a question about the student’s country. SB page 7, ex. 7.
Read four sentences and determine the subject, the verb, the direct object, the
adverbs and the adjectives. SB page 14, ex. 1.
Read certain grammar rules. SB page 14, ex. 2.
Write some words in the right order to compose four sentences. SB page 14, ex.
Correct the errors in seven sentences from a text. SB page 14, ex. 4.
Read a written text (letter) and answer a question. SB page 14, ex. 5.
Read a composition plan and compare it with the letter from the previous
exercise. SB page 15, ex. 6.
Read the specifications for a writing task and draw up a list. SB page 15, ex. 7.
Answer three questions based on the previous list. SB page 15, ex. 8.
Study the composition of the different paragraphs from the letter in exercise 5.
SB page 15, ex. 9.
Write an informal letter using the notes taken in exercises 7 and 8. SB page 15,
ex. 10
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Re-read and check the essay. SB page 15, ex. 11.
Correct and re-write a clean version of the letter. SB page 15, ex. 12.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language.
Talk about hobbies, likes and dislikes.
Recount experiences.
Talk about the future.
Make presentations.
Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect; for, since, already and yet.
Important events.
Topic vocabulary 1. Special days.
Topic vocabulary 2. Phrasal verbs related with the organisation of a party: put up,
set off, get together, dress up, turn up, clear up
Word building. Adjective + preposition. Time expressions.
Read a sentence and answer a question. SB page 8, ex. 1.
Study the grammar rules and relate them to sentences. SB page 8, ex. 2.
Complete a text using Present Continuous tense or Simple Present tense. SB
page 8, ex. 3.
Correct the errors in five out of six sentences. SB page 8, ex. 4.
Read four sentences and link them to the rules. SB page 8, ex. 5.
Choose the correct option in each sentence from a group of six. SB page 8, ex.
Read two sentences and use them as examples to complete the rule about for
and since. SB page 9, ex. 7.
Join seven sentences using the Present Perfect with for or since. SB page 9, ex.
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Read a dialogue paying special attention to the words in bold and following this,
complete the grammar rules about already and yet. SB page 9, ex. 9.
Complete five sentences using the Present Perfect. SB page 9, ex. 10.
Choose the correct alternative from three options in a text about the festival of
Edinburgh. SB page 9, ex. 11.
Decide whether five statements are true or false, listen to an oral text and check
the answers. SB page 5, ex. 1.
Answer two questions. SB page 5, ex. 2.
Complete a table. SB page 5, ex. 3.
Talk with a classmate using the elements from a list. SB page 5, ex. 4.
Link four adjectives to four prepositions. SB page 10, ex. 1.
Link seven half sentences to their corresponding other halves. SB page 10, ex.
Complete seven questions using the correct prepositions. SB page 10, ex. 3.
Answer, in their own words, the questions from the previous exercise. SB page
10, ex. 4.
Complete two grammar rules with time expressions from pages 8 and 9. SB
page 10, ex. 5.
Choose from two options the correct alternative in ten sentences. SB page 10,
ex. 6.
Complete eight sentences using their own ideas. SB page 10, ex. 7.
Read certain rules and translate two sentences. SB page 11, ex. 1.
Find phrasal verbs in a list of obligations. SB page 11, ex. 2.
Link phrasal verbs to their meanings. SB page 11, ex. 3.
Complete a text using six phrasal verbs. SB page 11, ex. 4.
Read three lists of four words that appear in the dialogue about Halloween in
page 9 and determine what word from each list doesn’t have the sound /i/.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural and intercultural awareness
- Different celebrations in different cultures and religions.
- Unfrequented places: Iceland in winter.
- Celebrating Halloween in Great Britain and USA and Hogmany in Scotland.
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Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 1. Teacher’s Resource book pages 6-7.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 1. TRB page 34.
Reading Practice. Unit 1. TRB page 54.
Listening Practice Unit 1. TRB page 64.
Speaking Practice Unit 1. TRB page 74.
Writing Practice Unit 1. TRB page 84.
Exam Practice Unit 1(A and B). TRB pages 114-115.
Extension activities
Workbook Activities Unit 1. WB pages. 4-10.
Grammar Extension. Unit 1. TRB page 8.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 1. TRB page 35.
Extra comprehension questions. Teacher´s Guide page 7.
Extra Grammar. TG page 9.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 10.
Vocabulary extension. TG page 11.
Extra word order. TG page 14.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 1. WB page 11.
Progress check Unit 1. SB page 16.
Summative assessment
Unit 1 Test. TRB page 96.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and answer five questions using full sentences.
Complete five sentences with verbs from a list using Simple Present tense and
Present Continuous tense.
Complete five sentences with verbs from a list using Simple Present tense and
Present Perfect tense.
Complete five sentences using phrasal verbs.
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UNIT 2.- Around the world
To understand oral texts and identify general and specific information in them; a
radio interview.
To express themselves and interact orally, with fluency and precision; learning
how to use the appropriate strategies to different communication situations as
when relating and describing new experiences.
To independently read various texts and be able to understand them and identify
general and specific information in them, learning how to use different reading
strategies; a text about Australia.
To write an essay using formulas and expressions from the unit, and developing
certain writing skills; phrases to describe the last place visited during the holidays.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the different past tenses.
To recognise and use vocabulary that expresses descriptions and comparisons.
To learn and use easily confused words.
To learn and practice the accent in words.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read the information in a box and answer two questions. SB page 24. Ex. 1.
Read five sentences, listen to an oral text and complete the sentences. SB page
24. Ex. 2.
Listen again to five questions and answer them choosing the correct alternative
from four options. SB page 24 ex. 3.
Answer two questions. SB page 24. ex. 4.
Dictation: complete sentences with the words from an oral text. SB page ex. 5.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences from a list. SB page 21 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check your answers to the previous exercise. SB page
21 ex. 2.
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Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 21 ex. 3.
Write a dialogue using the words in the box. SB page 21 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 21 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Determine whether six statements are true or false. SB page 18 ex. 1.
Skim read a text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page 18
ex. 2.
Re-read a text and complete the summary using words from a list. SB page 18
ex. 3.
Answer seven questions using full sentences. SB page 19 ex. 4.
Read the information in a box and analyse the contents of six words. SB page
19 ex. 5.
Choose the correct meaning A-F for the six words from the previous exercise.
SB page 19 ex. 6.
Read an extract from a letter and answer a question. SB page 26 ex. 1.
Complete a table with words from the previous exercise. SB page26 ex. 2.
Choose the right option from two possibilities in seven sentences. SB page 26
ex. 3.
Read the information in a box and a writing task. SB page 26 ex. 4.
Complete some notes with words and phrases from a list. SB page 26 ex. 5.
Read an essay and determine what three ideas are not reflected in the previous
exercise. SB page 27 ex. 6.
Find information in the essay from exercise 6. SB page 27 ex. 7.
Choose and describe a place. SB page 27. Ex. 8.
Have a brainstorming session on five topics related with the place from the
previous exercise. SB page 27 ex. 9.
Write a description following a draft plan. SB page 27 ex. 10.
Check the essay. SB page 27 ex. 11.
Correct the essay and write the clean version. SB page 27 ex. 12.
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Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Make comparisons.
Relate new experiences.
Describe places and situations.
Simple Past, Past Continuous and Present Perfect tenses. Used to.
Topic vocabulary 1. Places; adjetives.
Topic vocabulary 2. Words that are easily confused.
Word building. Comparisons. Too, not enough.
Read five sentences and answer a question. SB page 20 ex. 1.
Study certain grammar rules and relate five grammatical uses A-E with five
sentences from the previous exercise. SB page 20 ex. 2.
Choose the correct alternative from two options in ten sentences. SB page 20 ex. 3.
Complete a dialogue using the Simple Past or the Past Continuous tenses. SB page
20 ex. 4.
Read two sentences and complete the rules on grammatical uses. SB page 20 ex. 5
Complete six sentences using the Simple Past tense or the Present Perfect tense.
SB page 20 ex. 6.
Read two sentences and choose the correct option to check some grammar rules. SB
page 21 ex. 7.
Complete five sentences using the Simple Present tense and the Present Perfect
tense. SB page 21 ex. 8.
Join five sentences using the correct verb tense and time expression. SB page 21.
ex. 9.
Read a sentence and answer a question. SB page 21 ej.10.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Relate certain grammar rules with the correct form of used to. SB page 21 ex. 11.
Write four sentences with the correct form of used to. SB page 21 ex. 12.
Choose the correct option from two possibilities in five sentences. SB page 21 ex. 13.
Relate four descriptions 1-4 with four pictures. SB page 17 ex. 1.
Determine the opposite of six adjectives. SB page 17 ex. 2.
Find adjectives in the descriptions from exercise 1. SB page 17 ex. 3.
Observe a photograph and answer a question. SB page 17 ex. 4.
Describe the photograph from the previous exercise using the words from a box. SB
page 17 ex. 5.
Read four sentences paying special attention to the words that appear circled. SB
page 23 ex. 1.
Correct the sentences from the previous exercise using words from a list. SB page 23
ex. 2.
Choose the correct alternative in six sentences. SB page 23 ex. 3.
Complete six short dialogues using the correct form of the words in bold. SB page 23
ex. 4.
Complete a text choosing the correct alternatives. SB pág.23 ex. 5
Look at some pictures and complete three sentences. SB page 22 ex. 1.
Read certain grammar rules and complete five sentences. SB page 22 ex. 2.
Read two sentences and complete two grammar rules. SB page 22 ex. 3.
Transform five sentences using words from a list with too and enough. SB page 22
ex. 4.
Complete a text (a diary) with phrases from a list. SB page 22 ex. 5.
Read certain words and determine the stressed syllable. Listen and check. SB page
24 ex. 7.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Description of different parts of the world: their culture and customs
- Using the language to describe new experiences.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 2. TRB pages .9-10.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 2. TRB page 36.
Reading Practice. Unit 2. TRB page 55.
Listening Practice Unit 2. TRB page 65.
Speaking Practice Unit 2. TRB page 75.
Writing Practice Unit 2. TRB page 85.
Exam Practice Unit 2 (A and B). TRB pages. 116-117.
Extension activities
Workbook Activities Unit 2. WB pages. 12-18.
Grammar Extension. Unit 2. TRB page 11.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 2. TRB page 37
Extra speaking. TG page 17.
Extra comprehension exercise. TG page 19.
Extra grammar. TG page 20.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 2. WB page 11.
Progress check Unit . SB page 16.
Summative assessment
Unit 2 Test. TRB page 97.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and decide whether four statements are true or false.
Complete five sentences using the Simple Past tense or the Past Continuous
Transform five sentences based on new headings.
Complete six sentences using the correct form of the six words in bold.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
UNIT 3.- Television
To understand oral texts and identify general and specific information in them; a
radio program about television.
To express themselves and interact orally, with fluency and precision; learning
how to use the appropriate strategies to different communication situations as
when having a conversation about different television programs.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning how to use different
reading strategies as in an article about the situation of immigrants in USA.
To write an essay using formulas and expressions from the unit, developing
certain writing skills; expressions when writing an essay of opinion.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like modal verbs.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express ideas about television.
To learn and use the verbs make and do.
To learn and practice the rhythm in a sentence.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read a box and a question and answer a question. SB page 36 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text (a radio program) and complete four sentences with
information from a list. SB page 36 ex. 2.
Listen again and choose the correct answer in five questions with for options
each. SB page 36 ex. 3.
Answer a debate question about the oral text in exercise 2. SB page 36 ex. 4.
Dictation: listen to three speakers and write three sentences. SB page 36 ex. 5.
Read a dialogue and answer a question. SB page 37 ex. 1.
Complete the dialogue from the previous exercise with phrases from a list. SB
page 37 ex. 2.
Listen and correct exercise 2. SB page 37 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Practice the dialogue. SB page 37 ex. 4.
Read a television programming and write a dialogue using vocabulary from a
box. SB page 37 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Look at some pictures and answer a question. SB page 30 ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and correct the previous exercise. SB page 30 ex. 2.
Re-read the text and choose the appropriate answer in five questions with four
options each. SB page 30 ex. 3.
Answer five questions with full sentences. SB page 31 ex. 4.
Read a box and a sentence and answer two questions. SB page 31 ex. 5.
Find five idiomatic expressions in the text and relate them with their definitions.
SB page 31 ex. 6.
Answer a question. SB page 31 ex. 7.
Relate five topics with five opinions. SB 38 page ex. 1.
State six different ways to introduce an opinion. SB page 38 ex. 2.
Compose whole sentences putting words in the correct order. SB page 38 ex. 3.
Agree or disagree with the opinions in exercise 1. SB page 38 ex. 4.
Read the writing task heading and two essays. Answer three questions. SB
page 38 ex. 5.
Read the box and complete the essay from page 38 with one of four phrases AD. SB page 39 ex. 6.
Find the key phrases in essay B from page 38 and divide the essay in four
paragraphs. SB page 39 ex. 7.
Locate five ways to introduce and opinion in essay B. SB page 39 ex. 8.
Read five opinions about television and answer a question. SB page 39 ex. 9.
Read the task heading and the opinions from exercise 9 and answer a question.
SB page 39 ex. 10.
Have a brainstorming session to find ideas for the essay. SB page 39 ex. 11.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Write the essay agreeing or disagreeing with the statement from the heading
using the notes taken previously and following a drafting plan. SB page 39 ex.
Check the essay. SB page 39 ex. 13.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 39 ex. 14.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Express opinions.
Ask for information.
Make suggestions.
Modal Verbs;
advice, necessity and obligation
possibility and certainty
modal + perfect infinitive
Topic: Television
Topic vocabulary 1. cartoon, chat show, detective series …
Topic vocabulary 2. do and make
Word building. verb + preposition
Read four sentences and complete the rules. SB page 32 ex. 1.
Complete five sentences with the correct forms of can, could or be able to. SB page
32 ex. 2.
Read some sentences and answer a question. SB page 32 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete the grammar rules using elements from exercise 4. SB page 32 ex. 3.
Complete six sentences choosing the correct option from three possibilites. SB page
32 ex. 5.
Write five sentences using modal verbs. SB page 32 ex. 6.
Read three sentences and complete five grammar rules using the verbs in bold. SB
page 33 ex. 7.
Re-write six sentences using a different modal verb. SB page 33 ex. 8.
Read five situations and write a sentence for each situation using ideas from a list.
SB page 33 ex. 9.
Read a text paying special attention to the verbs that appear in bold. Read the
grammar rules and relate 1-4 with A-D. SB page 33 ex. 10.
Complete the second part of five sentences using a verbal mode and a perfect
infinitive. SB page 33 ex. 11.
Relate photographs A-H with television programs from a list. SB page 29 ex. 1.
Answer a question. SB page 29 ex. 2.
Relate 1-6 with A-F. SB page 29 ex. 3.
Answer three questions. SB page 29 ex. 4.
Choose the correct alternative from two options in four questions. SB page 35 ex. 1.
Add the underlined words from the table to the sentences from the previous exercise.
SB page 35 ex. 2.
Complete the table in exercise 2 with words from a list. SB page 35 ex. 3.
Complete eight sentences using the correct form of do and make. SB page 35 ex. 4.
Answer four questions in full sentences. SB page 35 ex. 5.
Complete a text using the correct form of do and make. SB page 35 ex. 6.
Complete a table using verbs from a list. Check the answers with the text on pages
30-31. SB page 34 ex. 1.
Choose the correct option from two possibilities in eight sentences. SB page 34 ex. 2.
Complete five sentences with own ideas using the correct preposition. SB page 34
ex. 3.
Read the grammar rules and complete four sentences. SB page 34 ex. 4.
From two possibilities, choose the correct option in eight sentences. SB page 32 ex.
Complete five sentences using all the words from a list except one. SB page 34 ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
State the stressed syllables in four sentences. Listen and check. SB page 36 ex. 6.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- The importance of audiovisual media.
- Immigration in the current world.
- Addiction to television.
- Debating in order to contrast opinions.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 3. TRB pages. 12-13.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 3. TRB page 38.
Reading Practice. Unit 3. TRB page 56.
Listening Practice Unit 3. TRB page 66.
Speaking Practice Unit 3. TRB page 76.
Writing Practice Unit 3.TRB page 86.
Exam Practice Unit 3 (A and B). TRB pages. 118-119.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 3. WB pages. 20-26.
Grammar Extension. Unit 3. TRB page 14.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 3. TRB page 39.
Extra translation. TG pages. 32, 33.
Extra comprehension. TG page 34.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 35.
Extra spelling. TG page 39.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 3. WB page 27.
Progress check Unit . SB page 40.
Summative assessment
Unit 3Test. TRB page 98.
End-of-term test 1TRB pages. 99-110.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Assessment criteria of the unit
Unit 3 Test
Read a text and answer four questions with full sentences.
Complete five sentences using the correct modal verb.
Transform five sentences.
Complete six sentences.
End-of-term test 1
Read a text and choose from three options the correct answer in two
Re-read the text and answer three questions using full sentences.
Find five words in the text.
Complete four sentences with the correct form of the verb.
Write an essay of one of two topics. (88-100words)
Listen to an oral text and answer eight questions choosing the right answer
from four options.
In pairs, improvise a dialogue.
UNIT 4.- Technology
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; a radio program about technology.
To express and interact orally, with fluency and precision; learning how to use the
appropriate strategies to different communication situations as when describing
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning how to use different
reading strategies as in an article about robotics.
To write an essay using formulas and expressions from the unit, developing
certain writing skills; phrases used when writing a formal letter.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like verbs in future tense.
To recognize and use vocabulary to describe technological appliances and
negative prefixes.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To learn and use reflexive pronouns and adjectives.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of sounds /i/, /i:/, /ai/.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read a box, listen to the first part of a radio program and answer a question. SB
page 48 ex. 1.
Answer three questions choosing the correct answer from three options. Relisten and check. SB page 48 ex. 2.
Listen to the second part of the program and answer a question choosing from
three possibilities. SB page 48 ex. 3.
Answer four questions choosing from four options. SB page 48 ex. 4.
Dictation: Listen to an oral text and write three sentences. SB page 48 ex. 5.
Complete the dialogues using the sentences from a list. SB page 49 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check. SB page 49 ex. 2.
Practice both dialogues from exercise 1. SB page 49 ex. 3.
Write a dialogue using the vocabulary in the box as reference. SB page 49 ex.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 49 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Answer a question choosing one or several items from a list. SB page 43 ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and answer a question. SB page 43 ex. 2.
Answer five questions choosing the correct answer from four options, re-read
the text and check your answers. SB page 43 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read the box and answer the question. SB page 44 ex. 4.
Underline the key words in five questions. SB page 44 ex. 5.
Re-read the text and answer the questions from the previous exercise. SB page
44 ex. 6.
Find four words in the text based on their meaning. SB page ex.
Answer two questions. SB page 44 ex. 7.
Read two extracts from letters A and B and answer a question. SB page 50 ex.
Re-read the extracts and complete three rules about epistolary language. SB
page 50 ex. 2.
State whether ten expressions are formal or informal. SB page 50 ex. 3.
Read a letter and answer three questions. SB page 50 ex. 4.
Re-read the letter in exercise 4 and choose from two possibilities the six correct
alternatives. SB page 50 ex. 5.
Read a box and answer six questions. SB page 51 ex. 6.
Relate four paragraphs A-D from the letter in the previous exercise with four
captions 1-4. SB page 51 ex. 7.
Read an advertisement and answer a question. SB page 51 ex. 8.
Read the heading and the notes from the reading task and answer a question.
SB page 51 ex. 9.
Write a letter following a composition plan. SB page 51 ex. 10.
Check the written work. SB page 39 ex. 11.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 39 ex. 12.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Describe objects
Talk about the future.
Talk about technology.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Future forms
will, going to and Present Continuous
Future continuous
Future perfect
Topic vocabulary 1. computer, games console, remote control … gadget, switch
on, turn down ….
Topic vocabulary 2. affordable, pocket sized, complicated ….
Word building. Negative prefixes.
Observe seven images and answer a question. SB page 41 ex. 1.
Read a text and link four scientific facts with four machines A-G. SB page 41 ex. 2.
Relate verbs 1-4 with machines A-G. SB page 41 ex. 3.
Complete four sentences choosing between three options, the correct answer. SB
page 41 ex. 4.
Answer a question. SB page 41 ex. 5.
Read a dialogue and answer a question. SB page 47 ex. 1.
Complete a table with the adjectives that appear in bold in the previous exercise. SB
page 47 ex. 2.
Add to the table from previous exercise, the adjectives from a list. SB page 47 ex. 3.
Observe two images and complete a table. SB page 47 ex. 4.
Complete a text with the adjectives from exercises 1 and 3. SB page 47 ex. 5.
Relate negative prefixes 1-6 with adjectives A-F. SB page 46 ex. 1.
Fill in a table using the negative form of the adjectives from a list. SB page 46 ej. 2.
Complete eight sentences using the adjectives from exercises 1 and 2. SB page 46
ej. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete the grammar rules with the corresponding reflexive pronoun. SB page 46
ex. 4.
Correct four sentences. SB page 46 ex. 5.
Complete a dialogue with reflexive pronouns. SB page 46 ex. 5.
Read eight words and determine the sound of the letter “i”. Listen to an oral text and
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Technology in the modern world.
- Society in the future.
- Our relationship with machines.
- Consumer rights in current society.
Reinforcement Activities
Grammar Revision Unit 4. Teacher’s Resource book pages. 15-16.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 4. TRB page 40.
Reading Practice. Unit 4. TRB page 57.
Listening Practice Unit 4. TRB page 67.
Speaking Practice Unit 4. TRB page 77.
Writing Practice Unit 4. TRB page 87.
Exam Practice Unit 4 (A and B). TRB pages. 120-121.
Extension activities
Workbook Activities Unit 4. WB pages. 28-34.
Grammar Extension. Unit 4. TRB page 17.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 4. TRB page 41.
Extra vocabulary. TG pages. 41, 43.
Extra speaking. TG page 45.
Extra translation. TG page 41.
Extra word building TG page 46.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Extra activity. TG page 50.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 4. WB page 35.
Progress check Unit 4. SB page 52.
Summative assessment
Unit 4 Test. TRB page 101.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and answer four questions using full sentences.
Complete five sentences with the verbs will and going to.
Complete five sentences using Future Continuous tense and Future Perfect tense.
Write the antonymous of six words.
UNIT 5.- Appearance
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an interview on how famous people dress.
To express and interact orally, with fluency and precision; learning to use how to
use the appropriate strategies to different communication situations as when
recounting first impressions.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies as being original.
To write an essay using the formulae and expressions from the unit and
developing certain writing skills; expressions when writing a person’s description.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the conditionals.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express appearances and personality.
To learn and use vocabulary related with fashion when dressing.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of the accent in words.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Listen to an interview and determine which characters from a list of celebrities are
mentioned. SB page 60 ex. 1.
Read a box and answer a question. SB page 60 ex. 2.
Read three questions, re-listen to the interview from exercise 1, and answer the
questions using full sentences. SB page 60 ex. 3.
In five questions choose the correct answer from four options. SB page 60 ex. 4.
Answer a question. SB page 60 ex. 5.
Dictation: Listen to the description of an actor and write four sentences. SB page
60 ex. 5.
Complete three dialogues using phrases from a list. SB page 61 ex. 1.
Re-listen and check. SB page 61 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogues from exercise 1. SB page 61 ex. 3.
Write a dialogue after reading two questions using the vocabulary in a box. SB
page 61 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 61 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Read a headline, look at some photographs and answer a question. SB page 54
ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and check the answer to the previous exercise. SB page 54 ex.
Read a box and answer three questions reasoning the answers. SB page 54 ex.
Re-read the text and determine whether six statements are true or false. SB
page 55 ex. 4.
Re-read the text and answer five questions. SB page 55 ex. 5.
Find in the text seven words opposite to those in a list. SB page 55 ex. 6.
Explain the meaning of two expressions. SB page 55 ex. 7.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Answer two questions. SB page 55 ex. 8.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 62 ex. 1.
Complete the rules using the connecting words that appear in bold in the
previous exercise. SB page 62 ex. 2.
Complete five sentences using connecting words. SB page 62 ex. 3.
Read the heading and the text from the writing task and answer a question. SB
page 62 ex. 4.
Choose the correct options in the text from the previous exercise. SB page 62
ex. 5.
Read a box and find five examples of the captions A-E in the text from the
previous exercise. SB page 63 ex. 7.
Read a description and answer a question. SB page 62 ex. 8.
Substitute the words in bold 1-5 from exercise 8 with adjectives from a list. SB
page 62 ex. 9.
Read the heading of the writing task and choose a famous character. SB page
62 ex. 10.
Answer five questions and gather information. SB page 62 ex. 11.
Write a description using information from exercise 11 and following a
composition plan. SB page 62 ex. 12.
Check the description. SB page 62 ex. 13
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 62 ex. 14.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Express opinions.
Make descriptions.
Ask for information.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Topic vocabulary 1. height, build, hair… short, slip, fair …
Topic vocabulary 2. baggy, checked, cotton …
Word building. long-legged, big-headed, short-sighted…
Read certain grammar rules and relate them with three sentences. SB page 56 ex. 1.
Choose the correct alternative, in a text, from two options. SB page 56 ex. 2.
Complete five sentences using the first or second conditional. SB page 56 ex. 3.
Complete six sentences. SB page 56 ex. 4.
Read three sentences and answer a question. SB page 56 ex. 5.
Re-read the sentences from the previous exercise and complete a rule on
grammatical use. SB page 56 ex. 6.
Transform six sentences using unless. SB page 56 ex. 7.
Complete eight sentences with the correct option (from two choices). SB page 57 ex.
Complete six sentences using the third conditional. SB page 57 ex. 9.
Complete four open sentences using the third conditional. SB page 57 ex. 10.
Complete a text using any of the three conditionals. SB page 57 ex. 11.
Observe four photographs and answer two questions. SB page 52 ex. 1.
Complete the table with the adjectives from a list. SB page 52 ex. 2.
Describe the famous characters that appear in the photographs from exercise 1 using
the adjectives from exercise 2. SB page 52 ex. 3.
Find the opposites in a list of adjectives. SB page 52 ex. 4.
Answer a question explaining the answer. SB page 52 ex. 5.
Read a text and complete a table with the adjectives that appear in bold. SB page 59
ex. 1.
Add the adjectives from a list to the table from the previous exercise. SB page 59 ex.
Observe the famous people in two photographs and describe the wardrobe. SB page
59 ex. 3.
Answer two questions. SB page 59 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read five sentences and choose their author between two choices. SB page 59 ex.
Write the infinitive form of the verbs in bold from the previous exercise and relate
them to five definitions A-F. SB page 59 ex. 6.
Complete a text with the words and phrases from a list. SB page 59 ex. 7.
Relate 1-6 with A-F. SB page 58 ex. 1.
Answer a question and complete a grammar rule. SB page 58 ex. 2.
Find the compound adjectives in the text from exercises 1 and 3. SB page 58 ex. 3.
Complete a table with the compound adjectives from exercises 1 and 3. SB page 58
ex. 4.
Complete six sentences with the compound adjectives from the table from the
previous exercise. SB page 58 ex. 5.
Read a grammar rule and complete a table. SB page 58 ex. 6.
Complete seven sentences with nouns from the previous exercise. SB page 58 ex. 7
Read six words and determine the stressed syllable. Listen and check. SB page 60
ex. 7.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
-The importance of the image in social relationships.
- Age and social success.
- Fashion as a social phenomenon.
- The jet-set.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 5. Teacher’s Resource book pages. 9-10.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 5. TRB page 42.
Reading Practice. Unit 5. TRB page 58.
Listening Practice Unit 5. TRB page 68.
Speaking Practice Unit 5. TRB page 78.
Writing Practice Unit 5. TRB page 88.
Exam Practice Unit 5 (A and B). TRB pages. 122-123.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 5. WB pages. 36-42.
Grammar Extension. Unit 5. TRB page 20.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 5. TRB page 43.
Extra comprehension questions. TG. page
Extra grammar. TG page 55.
Extra vocabulary. False friends. TG page 53.
Extra translation. TG page 56.
Extra spelling. TG page 63.
Extra activity. TG page 58.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 5. WB page 43.
Progress check Unit 5. SB page 64.
Summative assessment
Unit 5 Test. TRB page 102.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and complete four sentences.
Complete five sentences with the correct tense of the verbs that appear in bold.
Transform five sentences.
Complete six sentences with a word.
UNIT 6.- In the news
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an interview with a television broadcaster.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning how to use the
appropriate strategies to different communication situations as when giving or
asking for advice.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like a text about internet at present.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a summary.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the passive voice.
To recognise and use vocabulary related to journalism.
To learn to distinguish and use the false friends.
To learn to distinguish between the silent letters.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listen, talk and speak
Listen to an interview and answer a question. SB page 72 ex. 1.
Read a box and relate 1-5 with their synonyms A-B. SB page 72 ex. 2.
Re-listen to the interview from exercise 1 and answer six questions choosing the
correct answer from four options. SB page 72 ex. 3.
Dictation: Listen to an oral text containing a joke and answer a question. SB page
72 ex. 4.
Re-listen and write three sentences. SB page 72 ex. 6.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences from a list. SB page 73 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers from the previous exercise. SB
page 73 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 73 ex. 3.
Choose one of two situations and write a dialogue using the words in the box.
SB page 73 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 73 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read a text and determine which two people from a list of five aren’t in the text.
SB page 66 ex. 1.
Read a box and three extracts and find them in the text replacing the pronouns
that appear in bold 1-4 with phrases A-F. SB page 66 ex. 2.
Re-read the text from exercise 1 and state whether five sentences are true or
false according to the text. SB page 66 ex. 3.
Answer six questions choosing the correct option from four possibilities. SB page
67 ex. 4.
Relate six words with others from the text in exercise 1. SB page 67 ex. 5.
Answer two questions explaining the answers. SB page 67 ex. 6.
Translate the connectors that appear in bold in phrases 1-4. SB page 74 ex. 1.
Answer a question and complete a table with connectors. SB page 74 ex. 2.
In six sentences choose the correct option from two choices. SB page 74 ex. 3.
Read a journalism article and answer a question. SB page 74 ex. 4.
Read a box and two summaries A and B. Decide which of the two best
summarises the article in exercise 4. SB page 74 ex. 5.
Read an accident and crime reports article and answer a question. SB page 75
ex. 6.
Find connectors in the article in exercise 6. SB page 75 ex. 7.
Read the heading for the writing task. Re-read the article from exercise 6. Decide
what three out of six captions contain essential information about the news. SB
page 75 ej.8.
Write a summary in one paragraph where the essential information must appear in
the first sentence. SB page 75 ex. 9.
Check the summary. SB page 75 ex. 10-
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 74 ex.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language.
Offer advice
Ask for advice
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
The passive voice
Get/have something done
Topic: The news
Topic vocabulary 1. paparazzi, private life, headlines ….
educated/polite …
Word building. Adverbs of manner: honestly, emotionally, enthusiastically…
Sufixes, agent nouns: assist-ant, politic-ian, edit-or…
Read two sentences A and B and answer two questions. SB page 68 ex. 1.
Complete the rules choosing the correct alternatives. SB page 68 ex. 2.
Read five extracts from a journalism article and state if the verbs in bold are active or
passive. SB page 68 ex. 3.
Transform the extracts A-E from the previous exercise to the active voice. SB page
68 ex. 4.
Complete the articles A and B using the correct form, active or passive, of the verbs
from two lists. SB page 68 ex. 5.
Study the grammar rule, an example sentence and answer a question. SB page 69
ex. 6.
Transform five sentences from active to passive. SB page 69 ex. 7.
Transform six sentences from active to passive using the ablative agent when
necessary. SB page 69 ex. 8.
Read two sentences A and B and complete the grammar rule. SB page 69 ex. 9.
Complete a dialogue with the correct form of the verb get/have something done. SB
page 69 ex. 10
Skim-read three texts and relate three words in bold 1-3 with three images A-C. SB
page 65 ex. 1.
Re-read the three texts in the previous exercise and answer three questions. SB
page 65 ex. 2.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Add the words that appear in bold in exercise 1 to a table. SB page 65 ex. 3.
Complete five definitions with words from the table in exercise 3. SB page 65 ex. 4.
Answer three questions. SB page 65 ex. 5.
Read the grammar rules and answer a question. SB page 71 ex. 1.
Link the words that appear in bold from six sentences to six definitions A-F and
answer a question. SB page 71 ex. 2.
Complete six double phrases A and B with the correct option from their couple from
the false friends correspondence. SB page 71 ex. 3.
Complete a text choosing each time the correct answer from the presented ten
alternatives. SB page 71 ex. 4.
Complete five sentences with a modal adverb. SB page 70 ex. 1.
Read the answers from the previous exercise and complete the grammar rules. SB
page 70 ex. 2.
Insert, in a text, the adverbial forms of five adjectives from a list. SB page 70 ex. 3.
Study the grammar rules and complete a table paying special attention to spelling.
SB page 70 ex. 4.
Form eight names adding the suffixes from the previous exercise to the words in a
list. SB page 70 ex. 5.
Complete eight sentences using the vocabulary from the two previous exercises. SB
page 70 ex. 6.
Read six words and determine which letters don´t represent any sound. Listen and
check. SB page 72 ex. 6.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
Information in current society
New forms of communication. Internet
Journalism and the news.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 6. Teacher’s Resource book pages. 21-22.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 6. TRB page 44.
Reading Practice. Unit 6. TRB page 59.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Listening Practice Unit 6. TRB page 69.
Speaking Practice Unit 6. TRB page 79.
Writing Practice Unit 6. TRB page 89.
Exam Practice Unit 6 (A and B). TRB pages.124-125.
Extension activities
Workbook activites Unit 6. WB pages. 44-50.
Grammar Extension. Unit 6. TRB page 23.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 6. TRB page 45.
Extra Grammar. TG page 75.
Extra vocabulary. TG page65.
Extra reading skills. TG page 70.
Extra translation. TG pages. 68, 69, 71.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 6. WB page 51.
Progress check Unit 6. SB page 76.
Summative assessment
Unit 6 Test. TRB page 103.
End-of-term Test 2 pages. 104-105.
Assesment criteria of the unit
Unit 6 Test
Read a text and determine whether four statements are true or false, reasoning
the answers.
Transform five sentences from active to passive omitting the ablative agent if
Complete the second sentence so that its meaning is the same as that of the first,
using get/have something done. (five sentences)
Complete six sentences with the words from a list of eleven, ruling out six.
End-of-term Test 2
Read a text and answer three questions with true/false, reasoning the answers.
Answer five questions with full sentences.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the verb.
Choose from two topics A or B and write an essay. (80-100 words)
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Listen to an oral text and answer eight questions choosing the right option from
four possibilities.
UNIT 7.- Sport
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an oral text about three sports.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use
appropriate strategies for different communication situations as when inviting and
accepting invitations.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like a text about competition sports.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions when writing a discursive essay.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like relative clauses.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express realities related with the sport world.
To learn and use verbs and phrasal verbs.
To learn and practice the vowel pronunciation.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Observe four images and answer two questions.SB page 84 ex. 1.
Listen to a conversation and determine which three sports are mentioned. SB
page 84 ex. 2.
Read a box and correct the errors in bold from three sentences. SB page 84 ex.
Re-listen and answer five questions choosing the appropriate answer from four
possibilities. SB page 84 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Dictation: Listen to an oral text about The Tour of France and write four
sentences. SB page 84 ex. 5.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences in a list. SB page 85 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
85 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue in exercise 1. SB page 85 ex. 3.
Choose one of two possible situations and write a dialogue using the words from
the box. SB page 85 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 85 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Observe three images A-C and answer two questions. SB page 78 ex. 1.
Read a text and choose three out of four topics that appear in the text. SB page
78 ex. 2.
Read a box and insert four phrases in the text. SB page 78 ex. 3.
Re-read the text and answer five questions. SB page 79 ex. 4.
Answer five questions choosing the correct option from four possibilities. SB
page 79 ex. 5.
Find in the text the opposite words to those in a list of six. SB page 79 ex. 6.
Answer three questions. SB page 79 ex. 7.
Link 1-7 to A-G. SB page 86 ex. 1.
Translate the words that appear in bold. SB page 86 ex. 2.
Choose the correct alternative from two possibilities in six sentences. SB page 86
ex. 3.
Read the heading from the writing task and answer a question choosing from four
possible answers. SB page 86 ex. 4.
Read an essay without introduction or conclusion and answer a question. SB
page 86 ex. 5.
Re-read the essay from the previous exercise and find five contrast connectors.
SB page 86 ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Study a box and two paragraphs. Place the paragraphs at the beginning and at
the end of the essay in exercise 5. SB page 86 ex. 7.
Complete a table adding the expressions in bold from the previous exercise. SB
page 87 ex. 8.
Read the heading from the writing task and answer three questions. SB page 87
ex. 9.
Write an essay using the information in exercise 9 and following a drafting plan.
SB page 87 ex. 10.
Check the essay. SB page 87 ex. 11.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 87 ex. 12.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Make invitations and reply.
Talk about sport.
Defining relative clauses
Non-defining relative clauses
Topic: Sport
Topic vocabulary 1. do aerobics, go ice-skating, play badmington…
Topic vocabulary 2. throw/hit, beat/win, earn/score… end up, build up, stick to…
Word building. Adjective suffixes: -able, -ful, -ive… Preposition + noun phrases: in
favour of, for fun, out of order…
Read seven sentences A-G and complete the grammar rules with the pronouns that
appear in bold. SB page 80 ex. 1.
Complete seven sentences using relative pronouns. SB page 80 ex. 2.
Complete five defining relative clauses. SB page 80 ex. 3.
Read two sentences A and B and answer two questions. SB page 80 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Choose the correct option to complete the grammar rules. SB page 80 ex. 5.
Read six sentences and decide which ones contain a defining relative clause and
which contain a non-defining relative clause. SB page 80 ex. 6.
Complete seven sentences with non-defining relative clauses. SB page 80 ex. 7.
Complete eight sentences with the student’s own ideas. SB page 81 ex. 8.
Complete a text inserting eight relative pronouns. SB page 81 ex. 9.
Read two rules about omitting relative pronouns, re-read the text from exercise 8 and
determine which pronouns can be omitted. SB page 81 ex. 10.
Complete a text using eight relative pronouns. Determine if such pronouns form
defining or non-defining clauses. SB page 81 ex. 11.
Read six advertisements about sports short courses and answer a question. SB page
77 ex. 1.
Complete a table with the verbs do, go and play. SB page 77 ex. 2.
Add twelve sports to the table from the previous exercise. SB page 77 ex. 3.
Answer two questions. SB page 77 ex. 4.
Answer three questions, each with three captions. SB page 77 ex. 5.
Answer two questions. SB page 77 ex. 6.
Choose the correct option in four double phrases (A and B) with two options each. SB
page 83 ex. 1.
Complete eight sentences using the verbs in bold from the previous exercise
correctly. SB page 83 ex. 2.
Find, in six sentences, phrasal verbs and write their infinitive forms. SB page 83 ex.
Relate the infinitives from the previous exercise with seven meanings A-G. SB page
83 ex. 4.
Complete a text with seven phrasal verbs from exercise 3. SB page 83 ex. 5.
Complete the adjectives in a table, with suffixes. SB page 82 ex. 1.
Form adjectives from six words. SB page 82 ex. 2.
Complete seven sentences using the correct adjective from a list. SB page 82 ex. 3.
Study the grammar rules and complete six sentences using the prepositions from a
list. SB page 82 ex. 4.
Complete eight sentences with names or nominal phrases from the previous
exercise. SB page 82 ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read four lists of four words and decide which word doesn’t contain the same sound
as the other three. SB page 84 ex. 7.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Sport as a social phenomenon.
- Philosophy of competitiveness
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 7. TRB pages. 24-25.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 7. TRB page 46.
Reading Practice. Unit 7. TRB page 60.
Listening Practice Unit 7. TRB page 70.
Speaking Practice Unit 7. TRB page 80.
Writing Practice Unit 7. TRB page 90.
Exam Practice Unit 7 (A and B). TRB pages. 126-127.
Extension activities
Workbook Activities Unit 7. WB pages. 52-58.
Grammar Extension. Unit 7. TRB page 26.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 7. TRB page 47.
Extra comprehension. TG page 79.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 77, 80, 82.
Extra dictation. TG page 87.
Extra activity. TG page 86.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 7. WB page 59.
Progress check Unit 7. SB page 88.
Summative assessment
Unit 7 Test. TRB page 106.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and answer four questions using full sentences.
Complete five sentences with a relative pronoun.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Join five pairs of sentences to form defining and non-defining relative clauses.
Complete six sentences with phrasal verbs from a list.
UNIT 8.- Strange stories
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an oral text about a fire in Australia.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use
strategies adequate to different communication situations as when expressing
surprise or astonishment.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like a text about urban legends.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a narrative essay.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like indirect speech.
To recognise and use vocabulary that expresses uncertainty.
To learn and use verbs related to speech and indirect speech.
To learn and practice the pronunciation and spelling of certain homophones.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Observe an image and answer a question. SB page 96 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text that recounts the story of a fire in Australia. Check. SB
page 96 ex. 2.
Read a box, put phrases A-E in order, re-listen to the oral text and check. SB
page 96 ex. 3
Answer a question. SB page 96 ex. 4.
Listen to a dialogue where two speakers discuss the likeliness of the story from
exercise 2. SB page 96 ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Re-listen to the dialogue from the previous exercise and answer four questions
choosing the correct answer from four possibilities. SB page 96 ex. 6.
Dictation: listen to an oral text twice and write five sentences. SB page 96 ex. 7.
Decide from six sentences, which ones constitute sentences of surprise or
scepticism. SB page 97 ex. 1.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences from a list. SB page 96 ex. 2.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
96 ex. 3.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 96 ex. 4.
Write a dialogue using the words and phrases in the box. SB page 95 ex. 5.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 95 ex. 6.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Observe three images and answer a question. Practice the dialogue from the
previous exercise. SB page 90 ex. 1.
Read a text and choose between three, the best definition of ‘’urban legend’’. SB
page 90 ex. 2.
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and complete five sentences. SB
page 90 ex. 3.
Answer five questions choosing the correct answer from four possibilities. SB
page 90 ex. 4.
Read a box and answer five questions choosing between three, the correct
answer. SB page 90 ex. 5.
Relate five words that appear in bold in the previous exercise with five
definitions A-E. SB page 90 ex. 6.
Choose between six alternatives throughout a text. SB page 98 ex. 1.
Complete a table with the expressions from a list. SB page 98 ex. 2.
Choose the correct alternative in six sentences. SB page 98 ex. 3.
Read a text and answer four questions. SB page 98 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Find examples of indirect speech in the text from the previous exercise. SB page
98 ex. 5.
Read the end of the story of the text in exercise 4 and answer a question. SB
page 99 ex. 6.
Read a box and study the errors in bold in the text from the previous exercise.
Relate the error with the information in the box. SB page 98 ex. 7.
Correct the error in the text from exercise 6. SB page 99 ex. 8.
Describe an image answering four questions. SB page 99 ex. 9.
Read the heading from the writing task, as well as three possible options, and
choose one. SB page 99 ex. 10.
Gather information on the topic chosen in the previous exercise answering six
questions. SB page 99 ex. 11.
Write a narrative essay using the information from the previous exercise and
following a composition plan.. SB page 99 ex. 12.
Check the errors. SB page 99 ex. 13.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 99 ex. 14.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language.
Express doubt.
Show scepticism.
Recount what another person has said.
Indirect speech. Reported speech, reported questions, reported commands and
Topic: Doubt and scepticism.
Topic vocabulary 1. definitely, probably, perhaps… genuine, hoax, nonsense…
Topic vocabulary 2. Speech verbs and reporting verbs: whisper, mutter, wail…
explain, order, apologize …
Word building. Prefixes: ex-, inter-, ex-…
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read three pairs of sentences A and B and complete the rules. SB page 92 ex. 1.
Complete a table. SB page 92 ex. 2.
Read a text and transform five sentences from the text into indirect speech. SB page
92 ex. 2.
Transform six sentences to indirect speech. SB page 92 ex. 4.
Read three pairs of sentences A and B and complete two grammar rules choosing,
between two, the correct option. SB page 93 ex. 5.
Transform five questions from indirect speech to direct speech. SB page 93 ex. 6.
Transform five questions from direct speech to indirect speech and imagine the
answers. SB page 93 ex. 7.
Relate sentences 1-5 with A-E. Determine which ones are orders and which are
suggestions. SB page 93 ex. 8.
Study the five sentences from the previous exercise and complete three gramar rules
for the verbs tell and suggest. SB page 93 ex. 9.
Correct the errors from the five sentences taking into account there is one correct
sentence. SB page 93 ex. 10.
Complete the second phrase with the student’s own words using orders and
suggestions in indirect speech. SB page 93 ex. 11.
Describe four pictures A-D and think about three questions. SB page 89 ex. 1.
From two possibilities, choose the adequate adverb of probability in four sentences.
SB page 98 ex. 2.
Complete a table with the words from a list. SB page 89 ex. 3.
Decide which photographs from exercise 1 are true and which are false using the
expressions from a box SB page 89 ex. 4.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 95 ex. 1.
Complete a table with verbs from the previous exercise. SB page 95 ex. 2.
In five sentences, choose, between two, the correct alternative. SB page 95 ex. 3.
Relate 1-6 with A-F. SB page 95 ex. 4.
Complete a table with eight verbs from a list of nine. SB page 95 ex. 5.
Complete five sentences choosing, between two, the correct alternative. SB page 95
ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete five sentences with the student’s ideas. SB page 95 ex. 7.
Complete a table with words from the text on pages 90-91. SB page 94 ex. 1.
Relate six meanings with prefixes from the previous exercise. SB page 94 ex. 2.
Complete ten sentences choosing the correct alternative from three options. SB page
94 ex. 3.
Answer three questions using full sentences. SB page 94 ex. 4.
Study the grammar rules and relate 1-8 with A-H to form compound names. SB page
94 ex. 5.
Complete six sentences with the compound names from the previous exercise. SB
page 94 ex. 6.
Read two sentences and choose, from two possibilities, the correct spelling of the
words. SB page 96 ex. 8.
Write five words with the same pronunciation but different spelling as those in a list.
SB page 96 ex. 9.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Urban legends as a social phenomenon.
- Social dimension of fantasy and reality.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 8. TRB pages. 27-28.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 8. TRB page 48.
Reading Practice. Unit 8. TRB page 61
Listening Practice Unit 8. TRB page 71.
Speaking Practice Unit 8. TRB page 81.
Writing Practice Unit 8. TRB page 91.
Exam Practice Unit 8 (A and B). TRB págs. 128-129.
Extension activities
Workbook Activities Unit 8. WB pages. 4-10.
Grammar Extension. Unit 8. TRB page 29.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 8. TRB page 49.
Extra Grammar. TG page 92
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Extra vocabulary. TG page 89, 91, 94.
Extra activity. TG page 98.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 8. WB page 67.
Progress check Unit 8. SB page 100.
Summative assessment
Unit 8 Test. TRB page 107.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and determine whether four statements are true or false , reasoning
the answers.
Transform five sentences to indirect speech.
Transform five sentences from indirect speech to direct speech.
Complete six sentences with word from a list of eight, discarding two.
UNIT 9.- Music
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; a radio program about an instrumentalist.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies for different communication situations as when formulating petitions and
response to these.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies in a text about the relationship between technology and the music
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing an opinion essay.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the infinitive and the gerund.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express facts and ideas related to the music
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To learn and use verbs related with the arts.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of the sounds
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening , speaking and conversing
Answer a question. SB page 108 ex. 1.
Read an extract from a radio programming magazine and choose one of four
options. Listen to the radio program from the article and check the answers. SB
page 108 ex. 2.
Answer eight questions choosing one out of four possible answers. SB page
108 ex. 3.
Read a box and check the answers from the previous exercise. SB page 108 ex.
Dictation: listen twice to a description of the pop-singer Shakira and write four
sentences. SB page 108 ex. 5.
Complete a dialogue using the words and phrases from a list. SB page 109 ex.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
109 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 109 ex. 3.
Choose one of two possible situations and write a dialogue using the words and
phrases from a box. SB page 109 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 109 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Look at the pictures and answer two questions. SB page 102 ex. 1.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Skim-read a text and relate paragraphs A-E with descriptions 1-5. SB page 102
ex. 2.
Read a box and relate four words 1-4 from the text in exercise 2 with four
common synonyms A-D. SB page 102 ex. 3.
Simplify three sentences from the text in exercise 2 dividing each one in at least
two sentences, using the example sentence as a model. SB page 102 ex. 4.
Re-read the text in exercise 2 and complete five sentences with the student’s
own ideas. SB page 103 ex. 5.
Answer five questions choosing the correct option from four possibilities. SB
page 103 ex. 6.
Find, in the text in exercise 2, six words or phrases based on their meaning. SB
page 103 ex. 6.
Answer a question. SB page 103 ex. 7.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 110 ex. 1.
Complete a table with the connectors that appear in bold in exercise 1. SB page
110 ex. 2.
Add seven connectors to the table from the previous exercise and answer a
question. SB page 110 ex. 3.
Choose the correct alternative, from two options, in six sentences. SB page 110
ex. 4.
Complete a box with six captions in order. SB page 110 ex. 5.
Read the heading from the writing task and choose one of four options. SB page
110 ex. 6.
Select various elements from a list of five. SB page 110 ex. 7.
Read six opinions 1-6 and answer two questions. SB page 110 ex. 8.
Complete a table with the student’s own ideas. SB page 111 ex. 9.
Read an essay and relate four paragraphs A-D with four descriptions 1-4. SB
page 111 ex. 10.
Re-read the essay from the previous exercise and answer three questions. SB
page 111 ex. 11.
Read the heading from the reading task and answer a question. SB page 111
ex. 12.
State whether six opinions agree with the postulate from the previous exercise.
SB page 111 ex. 13.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Use the table from exercise 9 to decide what vocabulary to use. SB page 111
ex. 114.
Write an essay using the information in exercises 13 and 14 as reference. SB
page 111 ex. 15.
Check the essay. SB page 111 ex. 16.
Correct the errors and write a clean version. SB page 111 ex. 17.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Express opinion.
Make plans.
The gerund
The infinitive
Be used to/get used to
Topic: Music
Topic vocabulary 1. Perform, release, manage…
Topic vocabulary 2. Artists and the arts: musician, sculptor, stunt person… draw,
cast, play live …
appear/appearance, perform/performance…
Read the grammar rules and the text and relate the gerunds in bold from the text with
three forms of use A-C. SB page 104 ex. 1.
Transform five sentences using the gerund form of five verbs. SB page 104 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences with the student’s own ideas using a gerund each time. SB
page 104 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read a text and the grammar rules and relate the infinitives from the text with three
forms of use A-C. SB page 104 ex. 4.
Complete five sentences with the student’s own ideas, using an infinitive each time.
SB page 104 ex. 5.
Read eight sentences and the infinitives in bold to a table. SB page 105 ex. 6.
Add twelve verbs to the table in the previous exercise. SB page 105 ex. 7.
Complete six sentences using an infinitive or a gerund. SB page 105 ex. 8.
Write five questions using an infinitive or a gerund each time. SB page 105 ex. 9.
Answer the questions from exercise 9 using an infinitive or a gerund in each answer.
SB page 105 ex. 10.
Read two sentences and complete two grammar rules. SB page 106 ex. 11.
Answer a question. SB page 105 ex. 12.
Choose between two, the correct option in six sentences. SB page 106 ex. 12.
Read a website and answer a question. SB page 101 ex. 1.
Study the underlined words and answer two questions. SB page 101 ex. 2.
Copy and translate the verbs that appear in bold in the website from the previous
exercise. SB page 101 ex. 3.
Relate 1-6 with A-F. SB page 101 ex. 4.
Answer two questions. SB page 101 ex. 5.
Classify the words from a list based on their relationship with music, art, literature or
cinema. SB page 107 ex. 1.
Try to find more words to add to the classification in the previous exercise. SB page
107 ex. 2.
Complete five sentences with vocabulary from exercise 1. SB page 107 ex. 3.
Choose the correct options to complete a table. SB page 107 ex. 4.
Complete a five question questioner with verbs or names from exercise 4. Try to reply
to as many questions as possible. SB page 107 ex. 5.
Read two sentences A and B and answer two questions. SB page 106 ex. 1.
Complete a text inserting six infinitives or gerunds. SB page 106 ex. 2.
Read the grammar rules, return to the text in pages 102-103 and complete a table
with five nominal forms of the verbs. SB page 106 ex. 3.
Write the nominal forms of the seven verbs in a list. SB page 106 ex. 4.
Complete seven sentences using the nouns from exercises 3 and 4. SB page 106 ex.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read three words from the radio interview on page 108 ex. 2 and choose the word
that contains the same sound, between three options A, B or C. SB page 108 ex. 6.
Block 5 – Social dimensión of languages
- Social conception of art.
- New technologies and their social dimension.
- Illegal downloads on internet.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 9. TRB pages. 30-31.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 9. TRB page 50.
Reading Practice. Unit 9. TRB page 62.
Listening Practice Unit 9. TRB page 72.
Speaking Practice Unit . TRB page 82.
Writing Practice Unit 9. TRB page 92
Exam Practice Unit 9 (A and B). TRB pages. 130-131.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 9. WB pages. 68-74.
Grammar Extension. Unit 9. TRB page 32.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 9. TRB page 51.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 106.
Extra activity. TG page 101.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 9. WB page 75.
Progress check Unit 9. SB page 112.
Summative assessment
Unit 9 Test. TRB page 108.
End-of-year Test 1. TRB pages. 109-110.
End-of-year Test 2. TRB pages. 111-112.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Assessment criteria of the unit
Unit 9 Test
Read a text and determine whether four statements are true or false.
Complete five sentences with the verbs from a list in the infinitive or gerund.
Complete the second sentence in order to make it mean the same as the previous
one. (five sentences).
Complete six sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
End-of –Year Test 1
Read a text and decide if three phrases are true or false.
Choose the correct option in three comprehension questions with three
possibilities each.
Find four words or phrases in the text from the first exercise based on their
Transform the second sentence in order for it to mean the same as the first. (five
Write an essay choosing one of two possible topics A or B. (80-100 words)
Answer eight questions after listening to an oral text.
Describe two photographs.
In pairs, debate on a topic.
End-of-year Text 2
Read a text and answer two questions choosing the correct option from two
Answer three questions using full sentences.
Find five words or phrases in the text from the first exercise based on their
Complete five sentences with the appropriate word.
Write an essay on one of two topics A or B. (80-10 words)
Listen to an oral text and answer eight questions.
Describe a photograph.
Talk with a partner to establish an agreement about where to go on holiday based
on two different positions.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 2nd year of
Bachillerato and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject.
This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may
be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with
those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and
students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.
This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities
suggested in the Teacher’s Guide. The teacher may introduce these activities at the
appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind learning
speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available.
1. To understand and apply grammatical aspects such as verbal tenses.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Tenses review
Present tenses
Past tenses
Future forms
Read a dialogue, answer a question and complete three sentences. SB, page. 5 ex.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read twelve sentences from the dialogue in the previous exercise and link them to
some verb tenses A-L. SB, page 5 ex. 2.
Complete some grammatical rules with the appropriate present tense. SB, page 6 ex.
Choose the right option in eight sentences. SB, page 6 ex. 2.
Complete a text with Simple Present or Present Continuous tense. SB, page 6 ex. 3.
Read six sentences and correct the mistakes in five of them. SB, page 6 ex. 4.
Complete six sentences with Present Perfect tense using a verb list. SB, page 6 ex.
Write four questions starting from their answers. SB page 6 ex. 6.
Choose the right option between two possibilities in seven sentences. SB, page 6 ex.
Complete some grammatical rules by choosing the right option among three
possibilities. SB, page 7 ex. 1.
Complete six sentences with Simple Past or Past Continuous tense. SB, page 7 ex.
Complete six sentences with Simple Past or Present Perfect tense. SB, page 7 ex. 3.
Connect five pair of sentences using one verb in Simple Past and the other in Past
Perfect tense. SB, page 7 ex. 4.
Choose the right answer between two options in six sentences. SB, page 7 ex. 5.
Choose the right answer between two options in six sentences. SB, page 7 ex. 6.
Write some words in the right order to form three sentences. SB, page 7 ex. 7.
Complete four grammatical rules with the words and sentences from a list. SB, page
8 ex. 1.
Write four sentences using going to. SB, page 8 ex. 2.
Read the information in a box and answer three questions using Present Continuous
tense. SB, page 8 ex. 3.
Choose the right answer between two options in six sentences. SB, page 8 ex. 4.
Read the information in a box and write five sentences using Future Continuous
tense. SB, page 8 ex. 5.
Answer a question by writing five sentences using Future Perfect tense. SB, page 8
ex. 6.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Review Unit. TRB pages. 6-10.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Extension activities
Activities from Workbook Unit. WB pages 4-9.
Extra grammar. TG page 6.
UNIT 1. - Student life
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; oral text on university courses.
To express themselves and orally interact in a clear and comprehensible manner,
with fluency and accuracy, learning to use appropriate strategies to different
communication situations as when talking about college life.
To read autonomously different texts and be able to understand and identify
general and specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies in a text about educational performance in both sexes.
To produce a written text using the regular expressions previously worked in the
unit, as well as developing some skills in writing; expressions to organize a written
essay with for and against arguments.
To understand and put into practice grammatical aspects such as relative clauses.
To recognize and use vocabulary to express world educational issues.
To learn and use vocabulary related to college world.
To learn and practice the intonation in the phrase
To assess progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing.
Look at four pictures and answer three questions. SB page 16 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and answer a question. SB page 16 ex. 2.
Read the information in a box and answer three questions SB page 16 ex. 3.
Listen again to the text in exercise 2 and answer five questions by choosing the
right option among four choices. SB page 16 ex. 4.
Dictation: Listen to an oral text and answer a question: SB page 16 ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Listen again to the text in the previous exercise and write four sentences. SB
page 16 ex. 6.
Listen to an oral text and answer a question. SB page 17 ex. 1.
Complete a dialogue using sentences from a list. SB page 17 ex. 2.
Listen again to the oral text in exercise 1 and check the answers from the
previous exercise. SB page 17 ex. 3.
Practice the dialogue in exercise 2. SB page 17 ex. 4.
Choose a situation between two possible ones and write a dialogue using the
words and phrases from a box. SB page 17 ex. 5.
Practice the new dialogue. SB page 17 ex. 6.
Block 2- Reading and speaking
Read a box, the title and the first and last paragraph from a text. Study three
options A, B and C and find out which one of them reflects better the text theme.
SB page 10 ex. 1.
Skim read the complete text from the previous exercise and try to fill out six
sentences. SB page 10 ex. 2.
Re-read closely the text and check the answers from the previous exercise. SB
page 10 ex. 3.
Answer five questions choosing the right option among four. SB page 11 ex. 4.
Answer a question. SB page 11 ex. 5.
Find six words or phrases in the text in exercise 1 starting from some given
meanings. SB page 11 ex. 6.
Answer three questions by reasoning out them. SB page 11 ex. 7.
Read A, B and C and answer four questions 1-4. SB page 18 ex. 1.
Answer six sentences choosing the correct option between two. SB page 18 ex. 2.
Complete four sentences with the student´s own ideas. SB page 18 ex. 3.
Read the written task statement. Point out two advantages and two
disadvantages. SB page 18 ex. 4.
Read an essay and answer a question. SB page 18 ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Re-read the essay from the previous exercise and find out two connectors of
addition. SB page 18 ex. 6.
Read a box, re-read the text from exercise 5 and answer three questions. SB
page 19 ex. 7.
Look at three pictures and give a reasoning answer to a question. SB page 19 ex.
Read the written task statement and decide if the sentences 1-8 are in favour of or
against the theme statement. SB page 19 ex. 9.
Choose from previous exercise two sentences in favour of and two against the
theme; and add the student´s own ideas. SB page 19 ex. 10.
Write an essay using information from the previous exercise following an essay
plan. SB page 20 ex. 11.
Check the written document. SB page 20 ex. 12.
Correct the essay and write it out neatly. SB page 20 ex. 13.
Block 3 – Understanding of language
To give information
To express an opinion.
Defining and non-defining relative clauses.
Who’s and whose.
Theme: Education
Topic vocabulary 1. Revise, marks, cheat…
Topic vocabulary 2. False friends: career, college, lecture…
Word building. Prefixes: anti-, mis-, re- … Adjective + preposition: addicted to,
keen on, famous for
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read seven sentences A-G paying special attention to pronouns in bold and answer
five questions. SB page 12 ex. 1
Complete two grammatical rules choosing the right option and answer a question
about omission of the relative pronouns. SB page 12 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences with relative pronouns and answer a question. SB page 12
ex. 3.
Complete five sentences with the student´s own ideas using relative pronouns when
necessary. SB page 12 ex. 4.
Read two phrases and choose the right one to formulate three grammatical rules. SB
page 12 ex. 5.
Complete five sentences with relative pronouns adding commas where necessary.
SB page 12 ex. 6.
Read a text and link three pronouns in bold with three definitions A-C. SB page 13 ex.
Complete six sentences using who, who’s o whose. SB page 13 ex. 8.
Re-read the six sentences from previous exercise and answer two questions. SB
page 13 ex. 9.
Determine if six relative clauses in a text 1-6 are defining or non defining and add
commas where necessary. SB page 13 ex. 10.
Transform ten sentences using a relative pronoun and a relative clause. SB page 13
ex. 11.
Complete eight sentences with the student´s own ideas. SB page 13 ex. 12.
Read a school publication´s article and answer three questions. SB page 9 ex. 1.
Complete a crossword using vocabulary related to education. SB page 9 ex. 2.
Read a box and a text with eight words in bold and answer a question. SB page 15
ex. 1.
Link the eight words in bold from the previous exercise 1-8 with eight meanings A-H.
SB page 15 ex. 2.
Read a text and choose among eight options with two alternatives each one. SB
page 15 ex. 3.
Link 1-7 with A-G. SB page 14 ex. 1.
Fill in a table with words with prefixes using vocabulary from the text in pages 10-11.
SB page 14 ex. 2.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete seven sentences using prefixes from the previous exercise. SB page 14
ex. 3.
Read some grammatical rules and fill in a table of seven adjectives with their relevant
preposition. SB page 14 ex. 4.
Complete six sentences using adjectives and prepositions from the previous
exercise. SB page 14 ex. 5.
Complete six sentences with the student´s own ideas using the correct preposition in
each case. SB page 14 ex. 6.
Listen to four sentences and determine if intonation is increasing or decreasing. SB
page 16 ex. 7
Answer a question. SB page 16 ex. 8..
BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Education as preparation to hold positions in society.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 1. TRB pages 11-12.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 1. TRB page 36.
Reading Practice. Unit 1. TRB page 54.
Listening Practice Unit 1. TRB page 64.
Speaking Practice Unit 1. TRB page 74.
Writing Practice Unit 1. TRB page 84.
Exam Practice Unit 1 (A and B). TRB pages 114-115.
Extension activities
Activities from the Workbook Unit 1. WB pages 10-16.
Grammar Extension. Unit 1. TRB page 13.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 1. TRB page 37.
Extra comprehension. TG page. 13.
Extra vocabulary. TG pages 9, 11, 14, 15.
Extra language practice. TG page 18.
Extra dictation. TG page 13.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 1. WB pág. 17.
Progress check Unit 1. SB pág. 20.
Summative assessment
Unit 1 Test. TRB pág. 96.
Assessment criteria
Read a text and answer five questions using complete sentences.
Complete five sentences with relative pronouns.
Link five pairs of sentences by relative pronouns.
Complete the words in bold from five sentences with the appropriate prefix.
UNIT 2.- It’s a date
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an interview about sentimental relationships.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use
strategies adequate for communication situations as when talking about the
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like a text about a relationship through the internet.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a dialogue.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like modal verbs.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express topics like love and personal
To learn and use vocabulary about couple relationships.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of the sound
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read a box and an introduction to a radio interview and answer a question. SB
page 28 ex. 1.
Have a brainstorming session to find words and phrases related to relationships.
SB page 28 ex. 2.
Listen to an oral text and complete four sentences. SB page 28 ex. 3.
Re-listen to the oral text from the previous exercise and answer five questions
choosing the correct option from four choices. SB page 28 ex. 4.
Answer a question choosing one or various topics from a box and reason the
answer. SB page 28 ex. 5.
Dictation: listen to an oral text and write three sentences. SB page 28 ex. 6.
Complete a dialogue using the phrases from a list. SB page 29 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
29 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 29 ex. 3.
Observe three images A-C and answer a question. SB page 29 ex. 4.
Write a dialogue using the words and phrases from a box. SB page 29 ex. 5.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 29 ex. 6.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Answer a question choosing ideas from a list. SB page 22 ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and answer a question. SB page 22 ex. 2.
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and complete four questions. SB
page 22 ex. 3.
Read a box and the beginning of three sentences and answer a question. SB
page 22 ex. 4.
Read a sentence that appears in bold and answer three questions. SB page 23
ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Re-read the text in exercise 2 and determine if, based on the text, five
statements are true or false, reasoning the answers. SB page 23 ex. 6.
Transform two sentences following two pieces of advice. SB page 23 ex. 7.
Relate seven definitions 1-7 with words and phrases from the text in exercise 2.
SB page 23 ex. 8.
Answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 23 ex. 9.
Read the grammar rules in a box and identify the short answers in a dialogue.
SB page 30 ex. 1.
Relate six questions 1-6 with six short answers A-F. SB page 30 ex. 2.
Answer four questions with short answers. SB page 30 ex. 3.
Read a box and relate A-E with five examples. SB page 30 ex. 4.
Observe a photograph and answer five questions. SB page 30 ex. 5.
Read a dialogue and answer a question about the previous exercise. SB page
31 ex. 6.
Re-read the dialogue from the previous exercise and find five informal phrases
1-5. SB page 31 ex. 7.
Read the heading from the writing task and note down ideas answering six
questions. SB page 31 ex. 8.
Organize the ideas from the previous exercise answering three questions. SB
page 31 ex. 9.
Take note of the key words and expressions needed to write a dialogue. SB
page 31 ex. 10.
Write a structured dialogue with a beginning and an end. Clearly specify who are
the speakers. SB page 31 ex. 11.
Check the dialogue. SB page 31 ex. 12.
Correct the errors and write a clean version. SB page 31 ex. 13.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Talk about the cinema.
Talk about relationships.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Modal verbs: ability and permission, possibility and certainty, advise and obligation,
modals + perfect infinitives.
Tpic: Encounters.
Topic vocabulary 1. Love and relationships; flirt, row, fancy…
Topic vocabulary 2. Phrasal verbs: relationships; go out with, get on, split up…
Word building. Negative prefixes, extreme adjectives; un-, dis-, ir-… gorgeous,
hilarious, hideous…
Read eight sentences 1-8 paying special attention to the words in bold and complete
the grammar rules. SB page 24 ex. 5.
Decide whether six sentences denote ability or permission and choose the
appropriate option in each case. SB page 24 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences about the student using verbs that imply permission or
ability. SB page 24 ex. 3.
Choose the correct option from two possibilities in nine sentences. SB page 24 ex. 4.
Complete eight sentences using the affirmative and negative forms of had better,
have to, must, need, ought to and should. SB page 24 ex. 5.
Decide whether 1-7 are a good idea for a first date. SB page 25 ex. 6.
Write seven affirmative or negative sentences using information from the previous
exercise. SB page 25 ex. 7.
Read a diary about a date and relate the verbs that appear in bold 1-5 with rules A-D.
SB page 25 ex. 8.
Choose the correct option from two possibilities in five sentences. SB page 25 ex. 9.
Transform five sentences using a modal verb and a perfect infinitive in each. SB page
25 ex. 10
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 21 ex. 1.
Write in the infinitive, the verbs that appear in bold in the previous exercise and relate
them with meanings A-F. SB page 21 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the previous exercise.
SB page 21 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Answer five questions choosing the best option from three choices. SB page 21 ex. 4.
Find the phrases written in bold from the previous exercise in the text from exercise 1
and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page 21 ex. 5.
Read three statements 1-3 and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 21
ex. 6.
Read a text and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 27 ex. 1.
Relate the phrasal verbs in bold 1-5 from the previous exercise with definitions A-E.
SB page 27 ex. 2.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 27 ex. 3.
Relate the verbs in bold 1-5 from exercise 3 with definitions A-E. SB page 27 ex. 4.
Complete eight sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs from exercises
1 and 3. SB page 27 ex. 5.
Relate 1-6 with A-F in order to complete six questions. SB page 27 ex. 6.
Relate six prefixes 1-6 with adjectives A-F. SB page 26 ex. 1.
Determine whether seven words are adjectives, nouns or verbs and relate them with
the suffixes from exercise 1. SB page 26 ex. 2.
Complete eight sentences with the opposites of the words from a list. SB page 26 ex.
Read the grammar rules from a box and the adjectives that appear in bold in two
sentences and answer a question. SB page 26 ex. 4.
Relate ten ‘’normal’’ adjectives 1-10 with ten ‘’extreme’’ adjectives A-J. SB page 26
ex. 5.
Read the adjectives from the previous exercise and answer a question. SB page 26
ex. 6.
Answer six questions choosing the correct answer from four choices. SB page 25 ex.
Read two sentences paying attention to the sounds in bold. Determine which of these
sounds are unstressed. Listen and check. SB page 28 ex. 7.
Determine which of four words doesn’t present the sound / /. SB page 28 ex. 8.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
New ways to strike up social knowledge.
Interpersonal relationships.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 2. TRB pages. 14-18.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 2. TRB page 38.
Reading Practice. Unit 2. TRB page 55.
Listening Practice Unit 2. TRB page 65.
Speaking Practice Unit 2. TRB page 75.
Writing Practice Unit 2. TRB page 85.
Exam Practice Unit 2 (A and B). TRB pages. 116-117.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 2. WB pages. 18-24.
Grammar Extension. Unit 2. TRB page 16.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 2. TRB page 39.
Extra comprensión. TG page 22.
Extra grammar. TG page 24, 25, 30
Extra vocabulary. TG page 21, 23, 26, 30.
Extra language practice. TG page 30.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 2. WB page 25.
Progress check Unit 2. SB page 32.
Summative assessment
Unit 2 Test. TRB page 97.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and decide whether five statements are true or false.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the modal verb.
Transform five sentences including a modal verb in each.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the verbs from a list.
UNIT 3.- Adventure
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an oral text about sea sports.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies for different communication situations as in a dialogue about sport
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text about mountaineering.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a narrative essay.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like compound phrases and
To recognise and use vocabulary to recount trips and adventures.
To learn and use phrasal verbs related to travelling.
To learn and practice the accent in a word.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Listen to an oral text and answer a question choosing, between three, the
correct option. SB page 40 ex. 1.
Re-listen to the text from the previous exercise and answer five questions
choosing from four possibilities the correct answer. SB page 40 ex. 2.
Read a box and answer a question choosing the answer from three options. SB
page 40 ex. 3.
Re-listen to the second part of the oral text from exercise 1 and check the
answer to exercise 3. SB page 40 ex. 4.
Re-listen and determine whether six sentences are true or false. SB page 40 ex.
Dictation: listen to an oral text and write three questions. SB page 40 ex. 6.
Complete a dialogue using the phrases from a list. SB page 41 ex. 1.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
41 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 41 ex. 3.
Choose one of two possible situations and write a dialogue using information
from two signs. SB page 41 ex. 4.
Write a new dialogue using the information in a box. SB page 41 ex. 5.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 41 ex. 6.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Read a list and answer a question reasoning the answers. SB page 34 ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and answer a question. SB page 34 ex. 2.
Study the information in a box and underline the key words and phrases in five
questions. SB page 34 ex. 3.
Re-read the text in exercise 2 and find information to answer questions 1-5 in
exercise 3. SB page 34 ex. 4.
Re-read the text in exercise 2 and answer five questions choosing the correct
answer from four options. SB page 35 ex. 5.
Relate the words and phrases 1-6 with the meanings A-F. SB page 35 ex. 6.
Write a definition or an example-phrase to demonstrate the understanding of two
idioms in the text. SB page 35 ex. 7.
Answer two questions. SB page 35 ex. 8.
Study the grammar rules and relate A-C with 1-3. SB page 42 ex. 1.
Insert the verbs that appear in bold from a text in the correct place in the table.
SB page 42 ex. 2.
Study the grammar rules and correct the errors in six sentences 1-6. More than
one correct answer is possible. SB page 42 ex. 3.
Study the information in a box and prepare a question for a brainstorming
session. SB page 42 ex. 4.
Read the heading from a writing task and write six questions about the story. SB
page 42 ex. 5.
Read the story on page 43 and answer the questions from the previous
exercise. SB page 42 ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Study the adverbs in bold 1-8 from a story and answer a question. SB page 43
ex. 7.
Read the heading from the writing task and choose to write about a type of
holiday, real or imaginary. SB page 43 ex. 8.
Draw up a list of questions to which the story must respond. SB page 43 ex. 9.
Write the story using information from the previous exercise and following a
drafting plan. SB page 43 ex. 10.
Check the story. SB page 43 ex. 11.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 43 ex. 12.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Talk about sport activities.
Complex clauses and linkers
Linkers of contrast; although, in spite of, despite…
Linkers of result; so/that, such/that …
Topic: Extreme sports.
Topic vocabulary 1.
Travel and adventure; scuba-diving, bungee jumping,
underwater adventure…
Topic vocabulary 2. Phrasal verbs; break down, pick up, carry on…
Word building.
Read four sentences, 1-4, from a text paying special attention to the connectors in
bold and relate them to four uses A-D. SB page 36 ex. 1.
Study the grammar rules and relate a group of connectors 1-4 with grammar rules AD. SB page 36 ex. 2.
Underline the connectors in ten sentences and write contrast, purpose, reason or
result for each connector. SB page 36 ex. 3.
Relate 1-7 with A-G. SB page 36 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete a table with the words clause, gerund or noun using as a reference the
example-phrases in exercises 1 and 3. SB page 37 ex. 5.
Answer four sentences using the connector that appear in bold. SB page 7 ex. 6.
Join five pairs of phrases using the connector in bold. SB page 37 ex. 7.
Relate 1-4 with A-C using as a reference the example-phrases from exercises 1 and
3 on page 36. SB page 37 ex. 8.
Answer eight sentences choosing the correct alternative from two options. SB page
37 ex. 9.
Complete two sentences 1 and 2 with so and so much using as a reference the
example-phrases from exercise 3 on page 36. SB page 37 ex. 10.
Complete six sentences with so and so much. SB page 37 ex. 11.
Join six pairs of sentences using the connectors in bold. SB page 37 ex. 12.
Read three advertisements A-C and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB
page 32 ex. 1.
Relate the verbs and phrasal verbs 1-10 from the previous exercise with a list of ten
names. SB page 33 ex. 2.
Complete seven sentences using the correct form of the verbs and phrasal verbs
from exercise 1. SB page 32 ex. 3.
Answer three questions. SB page 32 ex. 4.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 39 ex. 1.
Relate the phrasal verbs 1-5 from the previous exercise with definitions A-E. SB page
39 ex. 2.
Read the end of the text from exercise 1 and answer a question. SB page 39 ex. 3.
Relate the phrasal verbs that appear in bold in exercise 3 with the words and phrases
from a list. SB page 39 ex. 4.
Read a box and complete eight sentences with phrasal verbs from exercises 1 and 3.
SB page 39 ex. 5.
Complete five questions relating 1-5 and A-E. SB page 39 ex. 6.
Answer five questions. SB page 39 ex. 7.
Determine the stressed syllable in each word from a list of eight, listen to an oral text
and check. SB page 40 ex. 7.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
Reflect on the similarities and differences between cultures experimented during
Evaluation of the English language as a means of access to other cultures and as
an instrument for international communication.
Use of the right registers according to the communicative context, the speaker
and the participant’s intention in the interaction.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 3. TRB pages. 17-18.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 3. TRB page 40.
Reading Practice. Unit 3. TRB page 56.
Listening Practice Unit 3. TRB page 66.
Speaking Practice Unit 3. TRB page 76.
Writing Practice Unit 3. TRB page 86.
Exam Practice Unit 3 (A and B). TRB pages. 118-119
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 3. WB pages. 26-32.
Grammar Extension. Unit 3. TRB page 19.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 3. TRB page 41.
Extra grammar. TG page 36.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 33, 35.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 3. WB page 33.
Progress check Unit 3. SB page 44.
Summative assessment
Unit 3 Test. TRB page 98.
End-of-term Test 1 pages 99-100.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Unit 3 Test
End-of-term Test 1
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
UNIT 4.- Crime and justice
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an oral text about a street assault.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies to different communication situations as in a police interrogation.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text about juvenile violence.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a summary.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like indirect speech.
To recognise and use vocabulary to express topics related to law and justice.
To learn and use vocabulary to describe crimes and delinquencies.
To learn and practice the pronunciation in the ending –ed.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Describe a photograph and answer a question. SB page 52 ex. 1.
Read a box, superficially listen to an oral text and complete three sentences
choosing the correct alternative, from two possibilities. SB page 52 ex. 2.
Re-listen and answer six questions choosing the correct option, from four
possibilities. SB page 52 ex. 3.
Answer two questions. SB page 52 ex. 4.
Dictation: listen to an oral text about events and answer a question. SB page 52
ex. 5.
Re-listen to the oral text from the previous exercise and write three sentences.
SB page 52 ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Complete a dialogue using sentences from a list. SB page 53 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
53 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 53 ex. 3.
Choose one of two images A and B and write a dialogue using the words and
phrases from a box. SB page 53 ex. 4
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 53 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Describe a photograph and answer two questions. SB page 46 ex. 1
Skim-read a text and answer two questions. SB page 46 ex. 2.
Read a box and the beginning of six sentences and underline the key words. SB
page 46 ex. 3.
Re-read the text and complete the six sentences from the previous exercise and
carefully check the answers. SB page 46 ex. 4.
Re-read the text in exercise 2 and answer five questions choosing the correct
answer, from four options. SB page 47 ex. 5.
Join two pairs of sentences using the words that appear between brackets. SB
page 47 ex. 6.
Find six words or phrases in the text based on their meaning. SB page 47 ex. 7.
Answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 47 ex. 8.
Relate five sentences 1-5 with four groups of connectors A-D. SB page 54 ex. 1.
Answer two questions in relation to the connectors from the previous exercise.
SB page 54 ex. 2.
Join six pairs of sentences using the connectors that appear in bold. SB page 54
ex. 3.
Complete three sentences with the student’s own ideas. SB page 54 ex. 4.
Skim-read a text and answer a question. SB page 54 ex. 5.
Find two contrast connectors in paragraph B from the previous exercise. SB
page 54 ex. 6.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read a box, study the underlined sentences in the text from the previous
exercise and determine what four sentences contain essential information. SB
page 54 ex. 7.
Read two summaries A and B, compare them with the text in exercise 5 and
answer three questions. SB page 55 ex. 8.
Read a text and find three examples of recognising the eye through the iris. SB
page 55 ex. 9.
Read the heading from the writing task, re-read the text in exercise 9 and
choose from nine options, the most relevant ideas. SB page 55 ex. 10.
Write a summary using the information from exercise 9. SB page 55 ex. 11.
Check the summary. SB page 55 ex. 12.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 55 ex. 13.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Give and ask for information.
Express possibility and certainty.
Recount what someone else has said.
Reported Speech
Reported commands and requests
Reported questions
Reporting verbs
Topic: Law and crime
Topic vocabulary 1.
Law and justice; commit a crime, investigate, arrest a
criminal… judge, lawyer, witness…
Topic vocabulary 2. Crimes and criminals; burglary, theft, mugging… robber,
vandal, shoplifter…
lights…Prepositions + noun phrases; at risk, against the odds, for a living…
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read three sentences and choose, between two, the correct alternative to complete
the three grammar rules. SB page 48 ex. 1.
Read four sentences in direct speech and correct the errors that have been made
when transforming them to indirect speech. SB page 48 ex. 2.
Transform five sentences to direct speech. SB page 48 ex. 3.
Transform six sentences to indirect speech. SB page 48 ex. 4.
Read four sentences A-D and determine which are petitions and which are orders.
SB page 48 ex. 5.
Choose the correct alternative needed to write four sentences in indirect speech. SB
page 48 ex. 6.
Study the answers to exercise 6 and complete two grammar rules writing infinitive,
gerund or past participle. SB page 48 ex. 7.
Transform five sentences into orders or petitions in indirect speech. SB page 48 ex.
Read four sentences and choose the correct option to complete the three grammar
rules. SB page 49 ex. 9.
Transform five questions in indirect speech into direct questions. SB page 49 ex. 10.
Transform five direct questions into indirect questions. SB page 49 ex. 11
Read a text and relate the ten verbs in bold 1-10 with the four grammar rules A-D. SB
page 49 ex. 12.
Relate 1-6 with A-F. SB page 49 ex. 13.
Transform five sentences into indirect speech using the verbs that appear in bold. SB
page 49 ex. 14.
Complete six sentences with the words from the list. SB page 45 ex. 1.
Complete a table using the correct form of the words that appear in bold in the
previous exercise. SB page 45 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences using the words that appear in bold in exercise 1. SB page
45 ex. 3.
Answer three questions reasoning the answer. SB page 45 ex. 4.
Relate five images with the crimes from a list. SB page 51 ex. 1.
Complete a table using the corresponding nominal and verbal forms. SB page 51 ex.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Study the rules and use the correct alternative, from three, to complete a sentence.
SB page 51 ex. 3.
Complete eight sentences choosing the correct option, from three choices. SB page
51 ex. 4.
Answer two questions reasoning the answers. SB page 51 ex. 5.
Study the definition of two compound names A and B and complete two grammar
rules. SB page 50 ex. 1.
Form a compound name from nominal phrases. SB page 50 ex. 2.
Read the grammar rules and relate the words in two lists A and B to form compound
names. SB page 50 ex. 3.
Complete four sentences with the compound names from exercise 3. SB page 50 ex.
Choose the correct alternative to complete the grammar rule. SB page 50 ex. 5.
Complete a table with the prepositions from a list. SB page 50 ex. 6.
Complete seven sentences choosing, between two, the correct preposition. SB page
50 ex. 7.
Study the –ed endings in eight words and determine whether the pronunciation is /d/,
/d/ or /t/. Listen to an oral text and check. SB page 52 ex. 7.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
Justice in our society.
Law and order as a guarantee of social peace.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 4. TRB pages. 21-22.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 4. TRB page 40.
Reading Practice. Unit 4. TRB page 57.
Listening Practice Unit 4. TRB page 67.
Speaking Practice Unit 4. TRB page 77.
Writing Practice Unit 4. TRB page 87.
Exam Practice Unit 4 (A and B). TRB pages. 120-121.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 4. WB pages. 34-40.
Grammar Extension. Unit 4. TRB page 22.
Vocabulary Extension Unit . TRB page 43.
Extra grammar. TG page 48.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 45, 47, 51,
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 4. WB page 17.
Progress check Unit 4. SB page 56.
Summative assessment
Unit 4 Test. TRB page 101.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and state whether five sentences are true or false.
Transform five sentences to indirect speech.
Transform five sentences to direct speech.
Complete five sentences choosing, between three, the correct option.
UNIT 5.- Rubbish!
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an interview.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies to different communication situations as in a conversation about likes
and preferences.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text about the environment.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing an opinion essay.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the passive voice.
To recognise and use vocabulary to talk about consumerism.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To learn and use vocabulary to talk about fashion.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of certain consonants.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process.
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read a box, listen to an oral text and choose, between two, the one that defines
neologism. SB page 64 ex. 1.
Re-listen to the oral text from the previous exercise and answer six questions
choosing from four the correct option. SB page 64 ex. 2.
Answer the question, reasoning the answer. SB page 64 ex. 3.
Dictation: listen to an oral text and write three sentences .SB page 64 ex. 4.
Listen to a dialogue and answer a question reasoning the answer.. SB page 65
ex. 1.
Complete a dialogue with the words and phrases from a list. SB page 65 ex. 2.
Re-listen to the oral text from exercise 1 and check the answers to exercise 2.
SB page 65 ex. 3.
Practice the dialogue in exercise 1. SB page 65 ex. 4.
Observe an advertisement sign and write a dialogue using as reference the
words and phrases in a box. SB page 65 ex. 5.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 65 ex. 6.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Look at two photographs and answer two questions. SB page 58 ex. 1.
Skim-read a text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page 58
ex. 2.
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and its summary, both containing
errors in each sentence. Correct the errors. SB page 58 ex. 3.
Red a box and answer six questions choosing from four, the correct option in
each. SB page 58 ex. 4.
Relate six words or phrases 1-6 with definitions A-F. SB page 59 ex. 5.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Answer two questions reasoning the answers. SB page 59 ex. 6.
Read 1-3 and determine whether two sentences A and B formulate a fact or an
opinion. SB page 66 ex. 1.
Complete a table using the sentences from a list. SB page 66 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences with from exercises 1 and 2 . SB page 66 ex. 3.
Read a box and choose A, B or C to complete a sentence. SB page 66 ex. 5.
Read the heading from the writing task and decide whether it agrees with a
statement or not. Reason the answer. SB page 66 ex. 6.
Read an essay and answer a question. SB page 66 ex. 7.
Find three ways of introducing an opinion and three ways of presenting a fact in
the text from the previous exercise. SB page 67 ex. 8.
Describe two photographs and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB
page 67 ex. 9.
Answer a question. SB page 67 ex. 10.
Read six opinions and decide with which one the student agrees. SB page 67
ex. 11.
Read the heading from the writing task and answer two questions. SB page 67
ex. 12.
Relate four opinions, 1-4, from exercise 11 with four facts A-D. SB page 67 ex.
Choose two arguments to write an essay using the ideas from exercise 11 or
those of the student. SB page 67 ex. 14.
Choose two facts on which to base the arguments from the previous exercise
using the information from exercise 13 or the student’s own ideas. SB page 67
ex. 15.
Write an essay using the information from exercises 14 and 15 following a
drafting plan. SB page 67 ex. 16.
Check the essay. SB page 67 ex. 17.
Correct the errors and write a clean version. SB page 67 ex. 18.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Express preferences.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Passive voice; transformation active-passive voice, two-object verbs; passive voice with
verbs in indirect speech.
Topic: The environment.
Topic vocabulary 1. Shopping; purchase, package, target…
Topic vocabulary 2. Fashion and clothes; phrasal verbs; carry out, point out, face
up to…
Word building. Adjective suffixes; -able, -ful, -ish… collocations; environmentally
friendly, endangered species, ozone layer…
Read two sentences in the passive voice and choose the correct option to transform
them into the active voice. SB page 60 ex. 1.
Study the answers from exercise 2 and complete three grammar rules using words
and phrases from a list. SB page 60 ex. 2.
Complete a text with six verbs in bold in the passive voice. SB page 60 ex. 3.
Answer a question about four sentences. SB page 60 ex. 4.
Choose, in two sentences, the correct option to complete two grammar rules. SB
page 60 ex. 5.
Copy seven sentences in the exercise book, underline the verb and circle the object
in each sentence. SB page 60 ex. 6.
Transform the seven sentences from exercise 6 from the active to the passive voice
and decide whether to include or not by + agent.SB page 60 ex. 7.
Read the grammar rules and phrases A-C and answer two questions 1 and 2. SB
page 61 ex. 8.
Transform five phrases in the active voice into the passive voice without using by +
agent. SB page 61 ex. 9.
Read three grammar rules and relate them with sentences 1-4. SB page 60 ex. 10.
Transform six sentences from the active voice to the passive voice without using by +
agent. SB page 61 ex. 11.
Read an article and answer two questions. SB page 57 ex. 1.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Translate the words that appear in bold in six sentences and choose, between two,
the correct option in each. SB page 57 ex. 2.
Read an advertisement sign and answer three questions. SB page 57 ex. 3.
Read a text and answer a question. SB page 63 ex. 1.
Relate the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise with four definitions A-D. SB
page 63 ex. 2.
Underline the phrasal verbs in four sentences 1-4 and relate them with the correct
definitions A-D. SB page 63 ex. 3.
Answer eight questions choosing the correct alternative from two options. SB page
63 ex. 4.
Read a grammar rule and complete a table with the correct form of the verbs and
adjectives. SB page 62 ex. 1.
Form ten adjectives from nouns using the suffixes from the previous exercise. SB
page 62 ex. 2.
Complete six sentences with the correct form of the adjective or noun that appear in
brackets. SB page 63 ex. 3.
Relate 1-7 with A-G to obtain compound names. SB page 63 ex. 4.
Complete seven definitions with the compound names from exercise 4.. SB page 63
ex. 5.
Complete four sentences with frequent verb-name combinations. SB page 63 ex. 6.
Answer three questions reasoning the answers. SB page 63 ex. 7.
Determine what word in a series of four doesn’t contain the same sound as the rest,
listen to an oral text and check. SB page 64 ex. 5.
Determine, from a list of five words, which contain a silent ‘’h’’. SB page 64 ex. 6.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
The environment and how to respect it to ensure the planet’s survival.
Uncontrolled consumption as a negative phenomenon.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 5. TRB pages. 24-26.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 5. TRB page 44.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Reading Practice. Unit 5. TRB page 58.
Listening Practice Unit 5. TRB page 68.
Speaking Practice Unit 5. TRB page 78.
Writing Practice Unit 5. TRB page 88.
Exam Practice Unit 5 (A and B). TRB pages. 122-123.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 5. WB pages. 42-48.
Grammar Extension. Unit 5. TRB page 25.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 5. TRB page 45.
Extra comprensión. TG page 67.
Extra grammar. TG page 60.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 59, 63, 67.
Extra dictation. TG page 60.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 5. WB page 57.
Progress check Unit 5. SB page 68.
Summative assessment
Unit 5 Test. TRB page 102.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and answer five questions using full sentences.
Write five sentences in the passive voice.
Transform five sentences to the passive voice omitting the agent when posible.
Complete five sentences using adjectives obtained from adding sufixes to names
in a list.
UNIT 6.- Food
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; a radio interview.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies for communication situations as when making recommendations and
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text about fast food.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a biography.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like conditional phrases.
To recognise and use vocabulary to describe food.
To learn and use vocabulary relative to the senses.
To learn and practice the intonation in the sentence.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Read the introduction to a radio program, listen to the introduction and answer
eight questions choosing the correct answer from four options. SB page 76 ex.
Read the information from a box and the questions from exercise 1, listen to the
whole text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page 76 ex. 1.
Dictation: listen to the oral text and write three sentences. SB page 71 ex. 3.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences from a list. SB page 77 ex. 1.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers from the previous exercise. SB
page 77 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 77 ex. 3.
Write a dialogue using the words and phrases from a box. SB page 77 ex. 4.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 77 ex. 5.
Block 2- Reading and writing
Answer two questions. SB page 70 ex. 1.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Skim-read a text and choose between A, B or C the best description of the main
topic from the text. SB page 70 ex. 2.
Re-read the text from exercise 2 and answer five questions choosing the correct
answer from four options. SB page 70 ex. 3.
Re-read the text from exercise 2 and answer four questions. SB page 71 ex. 4.
Read a box, notice the specific vocabulary and answer three questions 1-3. SB
page 71 ex. 5.
Choose one of three meanings for the vocabulary from the previous exercise.
SB page 71 ex. 6.
Choose from four options the meaning of four words. SB page 71 ex. 7.
Answer a question. SB page 71 ex. 8.
Read a biography and find examples of time phrases. SB page 78 ex. 1.
Choose the correct option in six sentences from two possibilities. SB page 78
ex. 2.
Read a box and a list of six pieces of information, and put them in order. SB
page 78 ex. 3.
Read a biography and check. SB page 78 ex. 4.
Re-read the biography from the previous exercise and answer a question. SB
page 78 ex. 5.
Find five time phrases in the biography from exercise 4. SB page 78 ex. 6.
Read the pieces of information and answer a question. SB page 79 ex. 7.
Read the heading from the writing task and choose one of three subjects. SB
page 79 ex. 8.
Draw up a list of information about the subject choosen and decide which
information is most relevant. SB page 78 ex. 9.
Put the information from the previous exercise in order. SB page 78 ex. 10.
Write a biography using the information from the previous exercise and following
a drafting plan. SB page 78 ex. 11.
Check the biography. SB page 78 ex. 12.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 78 ex. 13.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Talk about senses.
Talk about food.
First, second and third conditionals; as long as, even if, providing that, unless
Wishes and regrets
Topic: Food
Topic vocabulary 1. Food and diet; fattening, unhealthy, sugary… go on diets, eat
out, put on weight…
Topic vocabulary 2. The senses; touch, smell, hear…
Word building. Nouns + prepositions; risk of, problems with, reasons for…words
with similar meanings fat-obese, sad-heartbroken, run-jog…
Transform three sentences in each of the three forms of the conditional. SB page 72
ex. 1.
Re-read the sentences from the previous exercise and complete the grammar rules
with the words and sentences from a list. SB page 72 ex. 2.
Choose the correct option between two possibilities, in eight sentences. SB page 72
ex. 3.
Read six double sentences A and B and determine what type of conditional is needed
to complete the sentences B. SB page 72 ex. 4.
Complete sentences B from the previous exercise in such a way so that their
meaning is the same as those of sentences A. SB page 72 ex. 5.
Read four sentences A-D and complete the grammar rules with the words from a list.
SB page 73 ex. 6.
Relate 1-4 with A-D. SB page 73 ex. 7.
Choose the correct alternative in four sentences with two possibilities each. SB page
73 ex. 8.
Transform four sentences using the words and phrases in bold. SB page 73 ex. 9.
Read three sentences 1-3 and relate them with three grammar rules A-C. SB page 73
ex. 10.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Transform six sentences using I wish or if only depending if they’re based on wishes
or regrets. SB page 73 ex. 11.
Write four sentences in protest about four situations 1-4. SB page 73 ex. 12.
Relate six adjectives 1-6 with six definitions A-F. SB page 69 ex. 1.
Find an example for each of the captions from the previous exercise. SB page 69 ex.
Read a text and translate the phrasal verbs that appear in bold. SB page 69 ex. 3.
Answer two questions. SB page 69 ex. 4.
Relate 1-5 with A-E. SB page 69 ex. 5.
Answer three questions reasoning the answers. SB page 69 ex. 6.
Read a text and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 75 ex. 1.
Read exercise 1 and complete a table with five nouns and five verbs. SB page 75 ex.
Read a dialogue and answer a question. SB page 75 ex. 3.
Complete three grammar rules using the words and phrases from the previous
exercise. SB page 75 ex. 4.
Relate 1-7 with A-G. SB page 75 ex. 5.
Complete six sentences using the expressions of the rules from exercise 4. SB page
75 ex. 6.
Complete six sentences using the prepositions in a list. SB page 74 ex. 1.
Relate six groups of names with prepositions from the previous exercise. SB page 74
ex. 2.
Complete seven sentences using the prepositions from exercise 1. SB page 74 ex. 3.
Complete five sentences with the student’s own ideas using a preposition in each
sentence. SB page 74 ex. 4.
Study the rules and relate seven words 1-7 with two words with similar meaning from
a list. SB page 74 ex. 5.
Relate the words from the previous exercise with eight meanings. SB page 74 ex. 6.
Complete eight sentences choosing the correct option from two possibilities. SB page
74 ex. 7.
Read the pronunciation rules and three sentences 1-3 and determine which words or
syllables are stressed, listen to an oral text and check. SB page 76 ex. 4.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Nutrition in our society.
- Fast food and the negative repercussion it has on collective health.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 6. TRB pages. 26-27.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 6. TRB page 46.
Reading Practice. Unit 6. TRB page 59.
Listening Practice Unit 6. TRB page 69.
Speaking Practice Unit 6. TRB page 79.
Writing Practice Unit 6. TRB page 89.
Exam Practice Unit 6 (A and B). TRB pages. 124-125.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Extension. Unit 6. TRB page 28.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 6. TRB page 47.
Extra grammar. TG page 75, 78.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 69, 71, 74.
Extra translation. TG page 72.
Formative assesment
Practice test Unit 6. WB page 57.
Progress check Unit 6. SB page 80.
Summative assesmente
Unit 6 Test. TRB page 103.
Assessment Criteria of the unit
Read a text and answer five questions using full sentences.
Complete five conditional phrases with the correct form of the verb in bold.
Transform five sentences from five words.
Complete five sentences using the correct preposition.
End-of-term Test 2 TRB pages. 104-105.
Read a text and determine whether three sentences 1-3 are true or false.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and answer two questions using full
Find five words in the text from the first exercise based on their meanings.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the verbs that appear in bold.
Write an essay on one of two topics A and B. (80-100 words)
Listen to a radio program and answer eight questions choosing the correct
alternative from four options.
UNIT 7.- Personality
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; a popular radio program.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies to different communication situations as when making comparisons.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text about personality.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a personal description.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like the uses of the gerund, the
infinitive and the article.
To recognise and use vocabulary to describe personality traits.
To learn and use comparisons and idioms.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of the sounds /s/, /z/, /z/.
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Answer two questions. SB page 88 ex. 1.
Read a box, an introduction and five questions. SB page 88 ex. 2.
Listen to an oral text and answer five questions choosing, between four, the
appropriate option. SB page 88 ex. 3.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Re-listen to the oral text from the previous exercise and check. SB page 88 ex.
Dictation: listen to an oral text and write four sentences. SB page 88 ex. 5.
Answer a question. SB page 88 ex. 6.
Observe a photograph and answer a question. SB page 89 ex. 1.
Complete a dialogue using the sentences from a list. SB page 89 ex. 2.
Listen to an oral text and check the answers to the previous exercise. SB page
89 ex. 3.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 89 ex. 4.
Choose a student’s relative and state the differences and similarities with the
student under three headings: physical appearance, personality and hobbies.
SB page 89 ex. 5.
Write a new dialogue describing to a friend the similarities and differences
between the student and the relative choosen in exercise 5. SB page 89 ex. 6.
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 89 ex. 7
Block 2- Reading and writing
Answer two questions. SB page 82 ex. 1.
Describe the people that appear in a photograph and answer two questions. SB
page 82 ex. 2.
Skim-read a text and complete the table. SB page 82 ex. 3.
Re-read the text from exercise 3 and complete five sentences with the student’s
own words. SB page 82 ex. 4.
Read a box and five sentences and determine what grammar rules are
necessary to transform such sentences. SB page 83 ex. 5.
Transform sentences 1-5 from exercise 5. SB page 83 ex. 6.
Find six words and phrases in the text from exercise 3 based on their meanings.
SB page 83 ex. 7.
Write a definition or an example-sentence to demonstrate the understanding of
the idiom have something in common with someone. SB page 83 ex. 8.
Answer two questions. SB page 83 ex. 9.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Read three sentences and determine which of them contain the adjectives in the
wrong order. SB page 90 ex. 1.
Read the grammar rules and check the answer to the previous exercise. SB
page 90 ex. 2.
Complete eight sentences putting the adjectives in bold in order and adding
comas where necessary. SB page 90 ex. 3.
Look at three images A-C and write a sentence to describe each one using at
least two adjectives per sentence. SB page 90 ex. 4.
Observe a photograph and write three adjectives about the external appearance
and three about the personality of the person that appear in the photograph. SB
page 90 ex. 5.
Read a description of the person from the previous exercise and check if there
are any coincidences with the adjectives from the previous exercise. SB page 90
ex. 6.
Answer four questions about the text in exercise 6. SB page 91 ex. 7-
Read another description of the person in exercise 5 and compare it with that of
the previous exercise. SB page 91 ex. 8.
Re-read the texts from exercises 5 and 8 and answer three questions. SB page
91 ex. 9.
Read a box and relate three captions with the paragraphs in the texts from
exercises 5 and 8. SB page 91 ex. 10.
Find an expression, a simile and two sentences containing more than one
adjective preceding a name in text A and B from exercises 5 and 8. SB page 91
ex. 11.
Read the heading from the writing task and choose a subject. SB page 91 ex.
Plan a description. SB page 91 ex. 13.
Write a description using the information from exercise 13 and following a
drafting plan. SB page 91 ex. 14.
Check the description. SB page 91 ex. 15.
Correct and write a clean copy. SB page 91 ex. 16.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Describe people; physical aspects and personality.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Make comparisons.
Give and receive advice.
The gerund and the infinitive
Verbs + gerunds/infinitives
Topic: Personality
Topic vocabulary 1. Personality adjectives; energetic, confident, pessimistic…
Topic vocabulary 2. Similes and idioms; as cool as a cucumber, as gentle as a
lamb, as quiet as a mouse… a pain in the neck, over the moon, down in the
Word building. Compound adjectives; good-natured, far-reaching, strong-willed…
Nouns formed from phrasal verbs; upbringing, takeaway, washing-up…
Read six sentences paying special attention to the verbs in bold and relate them with
six grammar rules. SB page 84 ex. 1.
Complete six sentences with the correct form of the infinitive or gerund of the verbs in
bold and relate them to the rules A-F from the previous exercise. SB page 84 ex. 2.
Complete five sentences with the infinitive or the gerund and the student’s own ideas.
SB page 84 ex. 3.
Read two pairs of sentences 1 and 2 and answer two questions. SB page 82 ex. 4.
Relate two lists 1 and 2 with the grammar rules A and B from exercise 1. SB page 84
ex. 5.
Relate eight verbs in bold 1-8 with the correct definition from four lists. SB page 84
ex. 6.
Relate 1-5 with A-E. SB page 85 ex. 7.
Complete a text using the infinitive or the gerund (or both) of seven verbs that appear
in bold. SB page 85 ex. 8.
Read four sentences and complete the grammar rules. SB page 85 ex. 9.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Correct the errors in seven sentences 1-7. SB page 85 ex. 10.
Complete eight sentences using a, an or no article. SB page 85 ex. 11.
Write four full sentences using the correct verbs and an article when necessary. SB
page 86 ex. 12
Observe six images and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 80 ex. 1.
Read an analysis in a quiz about the relationship between an image and a personality
of a student and answer a question . SB page 80 ex. 2.
Read the complete quiz from the previous exercise and answer a question. SB page
80 ex. 2.
Translate the words that appear in bold in the quiz from exercise 2. SB page 80 ex. 3.
Describe the people that appear in two photographs A and B answering two
questions. SB page 80 ex. 5.
Choose five adjectives to describe oneself reasoning the choices. SB page 80 ex. 6.
Read the grammar rules and relate 1-5 with A-F to form similes. SB page 87 ex. 1.
Complete four sentences 1-4 with similes from the previous exercise. SB page 87 ex.
Read the grammar rules and relate the idioms 1-5 with the meanings A-F. Substitute
the sentences in bold with the idioms from the previous exercise. SB page 87 ex. 4.
Complete a dialogue choosing the correct options. SB page 87 ej.5.
Study the grammar rules and relate five sentences 1-5 with the rules A-D. SB page
87 ex. 1.
Relate 1-9 with A-I to form compound adjectives. SB page 87 ex. 2.
Choose the correct alternative in five sentences. SB page 87 ex. 3.
Complete four definitions with the student’s own ideas. SB page 87 ex. 4.
Study the grammar rules, read a table and complete two phrasal verbs with the
corresponding preposition. SB page 87 ex. 5.
Complete a table using phrasal verbs. SB page 86 ex. 6.
Complete eight sentences using names from exercises 5 and 6. SB page 86 ex. 7.
Study the sound of the letter ‘’s’’ in three lists of words and determine in each list the
word in which the ‘’s’’ sounds differently to the rest. SB page 88 ex. 7.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- Individual personality in society
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 7. TRB pages.30-31.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 7. TRB page 48.
Reading Practice. Unit 7. TRB page 60.
Listening Practice Unit 7. TRB page 70.
Speaking Practice Unit 7. TRB page 80.
Writing Practice Unit 7. TRB page 90.
Exam Practice Unit 7 (A and B). TRB pages. 126-127.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 7. WB pages. 58-64.
Grammar Extension. Unit 7. TRB page 31.
Vocabulary Extension Unit 7. TRB page 49.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 81 (two activities), 86, 90, 91.
Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 7. WB page65.
Progress check Unit 7. SB page 104.
Summative assessment
Unit 7 Test. TRB page 107
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and complete five sentences with the student’s own words.
Complete five sentences with the infinitive or gerund of the verbs in bold.
Complete five sentences using articles when necessary.
Complete fice sentences with a simile ora n idiom..
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
UNIT 8.- Get a job!
To understand oral texts and identify general and more specific information in
them; an job interview.
To express and interact orally with fluency and precision; learning to use adequate
strategies for different communication situations as when checking information.
To read independently various texts and be able to understand and identify
general and more specific information in them, learning to use different reading
strategies like in a text related with the educational and working world.
To write an essay using formulae and expressions from the unit and developing
certain writing skills; expressions for writing a formal letter.
To understand and apply grammatical aspects like modal verbs, indirect speech,
the passive voice and conditional phrases.
To recognise and use vocabulary to talk about the working world.
To learn and use certain phrasal verbs.
To learn and practice the pronunciation of the sounds
To evaluate the progress and participation in the learning process
Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversing
Answer a question. SB page 100 ex. 1.
Read a box and the introduction to an oral text, listen and answer eight
questions choosing the correct option between four possibilities. SB page 100
ex. 2.
Re-listen to the oral text from the previous exercise and check the answers to
the previous exercise. SB page 100 ex. 3.
Answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 100 ex. 4.
Dictation: listen to an oral text and write three sentences. SB page 100 ex. 5.
Read a dialogue and answer a question reasoning the answer. Practice the
dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 101 ex. 1.
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Complete the dialogue from the previous exercise using the sentences from a
list. SB page 101 ex. 2.
Practice the dialogue from exercise 1. SB page 101 ex. 3.
Imagine a situation and write a dialogue using the words and sentences from a
box. SB page 101 ex. 4
Practice the dialogue from the previous exercise. SB page 101 ex. 5.
Block 2- Read and write
Read a box, a text’s title and the first and last paragraph and decide which of
three sentences A, B or C adjusts better to the text’s topic. SB page 94 ex. 1.
Skim-read the text in exercise 1 and answer three questions. SB page 94 ex. 2.
Re-read the text in exercise 1 and answer four questions choosing the best
option from four possibilities. SB page 94 ex. 3.
Complete three sentences with the student’s own ideas. SB page 95 ex. 4.
Answer two questions with the student’s own ideas. SB page 95 ex. 5.
Transform two sentences 1 and 2. SB page 95 ex. 6.
Join two sentences with a relative pronoun. SB page 95 ex. 7.
Find seven words in the text in exercise 1 based on their meaning. SB page 95
ex. 8.
Find a word in a paragraph from the text in exercise 1 that contains the same
sound as the word jury (/d/). SB page 95 ex. 9.
Answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 10. ex.
Choose between two possibilities, the best option in eight sentences. SB page
102 ex. 1.
Read a job offer and answer a question. SB page 102 ex. 2.
Read a letter and answer a question reasoning the answer. SB page 102 ex. 3.
Read a box with five sentences A-E and the letter from the previous exercise
and find an error in each of the sentences from the box. SB page 102 ex. 4.
Complete a letter using the corrected version of the sentences in the previous
exercise. SB page 102 ex. 5.
Read a letter from the previous exercise and answer five questions. SB page
103 ex. 6.
Read a job offer and answer a question. SB page 103 ex. 7.
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Read the heading from the working task and gather information answering two
questions. SB page 103 ex. 8.
Organise the information from the previous exercise, study the drafting plan and
decide what information to include. SB page 103 ex. 9.
Write a formal letter using the information from exercises 8 and 9, following a
drafting plan. SB page 103 ex. 11.
Check the letter. SB page 103 ex. 11.
Correct and write a clean version. SB page 103 ex. 12.
Block 3 – Understanding of the language
Give and ask for information.
Confirm information.
Modal verbs; review
Reported speech; review
The passive; review
Conditionals and wishes/regrets; review
Topic: Work
Topic vocabulary 1. Work; part-time, qualifications, salary… enquire, apply,
earn… available, temporary, reliable…
Topic vocabulary 2. Phrasal verbs; put across, put off, get by…
Word building. Verbs + prepositions; borrow from, apply for, rely on… Word
families; competition, compete, competitive…
Relate a list of four 1-4 with grammar rules A-D. SB page 96 ex. 1.
Answer six question stating the incorrect option from four choices in each. SB page
96 ex. 2.
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Choose the correct option from two possibilities in five sentences. SB page 96 ex. 3.
Relate four example-sentences 1-4 with four grammar rules A-D. SB page 96 ex. 4.
Transform to direct speech the four sentences from the previous exercise. SB page
96 ex. 5.
Transform eight sentences to indirect speech. SB page 96 ex. 6.
Read four example-sentences 1-4 and complete the grammar rules with the words
and sentences from a list. SB page 97 ex. 7.
Read the sentences 1-4 from the previous exercise and answer two questions. SB
page 97 ex. 8.
Transform seven sentences following the instructions that appear in brackets next to
each of them. SB page 97 ex. 9.
Read four sentences 1-4 and relate them with the grammar rules A-D. SB page 97
ex. 10.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the verbs in bold. SB page 97 ex.
Transform six sentences using the correct form of the conditional, a wish or a regret
in each sentence. SB page 97 ex. 12.
Complete job offers with the words from a list. SB page 93 ex. 1.
Answer two questions reasoning the answers. SB page 93 ex. 2.
Complete a table using adjectives and nouns. SB page 93 ex. 3.
Relate six definitions A-F with the words that appear in bold in the job offers from
exercise 1. SB page 93 ex. 4.
Answer three questions reasoning the answers. SB page 93 ex. 5.
Read the grammar rules and four sentences 1-4 and answer two questions. SB page
99 ex. 1.
Write the four sentences from the previous exercise using infinitives. SB page 99 ex.
Relate the answers to the previous exercise with four meanings A-D. SB page 99 ex.
Find four phrasal verbs in four sentences and write them in the infinitive. SB page 99
ex. 4.
Relate the answers from the previous exercise with four meanings. SB page 99 ex. 5.
Complete the dialogues A and B using the correct form of the phrasal verbs from a
list. SB page 99 ex. 6.
Complete five sentences with the prepositions in a list. SB page 98 ex. 1.
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Complete a table using the prepositions from a list. SB page 98 ex. 2.
Choose between three possibilities the correct option in seven sentences. SB page
98 ex. 3.
Complete four sentences with the student’s own ideas using a preposition in each
sentence. SB page 98 ex. 4.
Study the grammar rules and complete a table. SB page 98 ex. 5.
Complete six sentences with the correct form of the words in bold. SB page 98 ex. 6.
Complete a table and expand it with the student’s own ideas. SB page 98 ex. 7.
Read four lists of four words paying special attention to the letters that appear in bold
and deciding which Word in each list doesn’t contain a certain phoneme /ʌ /, /ʌʊ /, /tʃ
/, /ɵ /.
Block 4 – Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
- The working world in modern society.
- Relationship between education and work.
Reinforcement activities
Grammar Revision Unit 8. TRB pages. 32-33.
Vocabulary Revision Unit 8. TRB page 50.
Reading Practice. Unit 8. TRB page 61.
Listening Practice Unit 8. TRB page 71.
Speaking Practice Unit 8. TRB page 81.
Writing Practice Unit 8. TRB page 91.
Exam Practice Unit 8 (A and B). TRB pages. 128-129.
Extension activities
Workbook activities Unit 8. WB pages. 66-72.
Grammar Extension. Unit 8. TRB page 34.
Vocabulary Extension Unit . TRB page 51.
Extra vocabulary. TG page 93, 96, 99.
Extra dictation. TG page 102.
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Formative assessment
Practice test Unit 8. WB page 73.
Progress check Unit 8. SB page 104.
Summative assessment
Unit 8 Test. TRB page 107.
End-of-year Test 1 pages. 108-109.
End-of-year Test 2 pages 110-111.
Assessment criteria of the unit
Read a text and determine whether five statements are true or false, reasoning
the answers.
Complete five sentences with the correct form of the words from a list.
Transform five sentences.
Complete five sentences with phrasal verbs using the verbs in bold and adding the
corresponding prepositions.
End-of-year Test 1
Read a text and answer three question using complete sentences.
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and answer two questions choosing
the correct option from three possibilities.
Find words and phrases in the text from the first exercise based on their
Transform five sentences.
Choose a topic A or B and write an essay. (80-100 words)
Listen to an oral text and answer eight questions choosing from four the correct
In couples, talk about a topic.
End-of-year Test 2
Read a text and answer three questions choosing the correct option from three
Re-read the text from the previous exercise and complete two sentences.
Find five words or phrases in the text from the first exercise based on their
Complete five sentences with the appropriate words.
Oxford University Press – Distinction 1-2
Choose a topic A or B and write an essay. (80-100 words)
Listen to an oral text and answer eight questions choosing, between four
possibilities, the correct option.
In couples, strike up a conversation.
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