March 2007 - ANSI ASC C63

Draft Approved Minutes
Accredited Standards Committee C63™
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Thursday, 29 March 2007
IEEE Headquarters
Piscataway, NJ
Call to Order The Chair of ASC C63™, Don Heirman called the meeting to
order at 09:10hrs and requested those present to introduce themselves. He then requested the
Secretary to conduct a roll call. This was done, and the results are incorporated here in the
Roster – [See Attachment 001] – which displays the final attendance; three C63tm Members
listed as present were not present at the time of the roll call.
Announcements – Don noted change in secretary, introduced Matt
Ceglia, and thanked Bob Pritchard for his years of service.
Don thanked the IEEE-SA for the use of the facilities and support for the
Approval of Agenda
Consent Agenda –
2.2.1 Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.
Balance of Agenda
The secretary Bob Pritchard noted no changes to the minutes were received. A motion was
made to accept the consent agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
The balance of the agenda was discussed, with one addition (Showers discussion on MIL STD
information) was added as item 12.4. Motion made to accept the agenda - Motion passed
Membership Issues
Membership forms on web site - [AI 06-03/001 – Hoolihan and Mertel] – Don
assigned an Action item 07-03/001 to align the application forms into one form
and that form to be on the web site as the final version to be updated at least
once a month or when major changes occur.
Action Item 07-03/001 – John Lichtig/Secretary to align the application forms
Don raised the question as to whether or not C63™ interpretation discussion can be posted on
the website. He indicated that the interpretations without the requestor information should be in
the public section of the site. The full information should be on the members only portion. This is
still under discussion.
5-person membership – discussion of C63™ members naming up to 5
representatives – Don states they should be named at the beginning of each
year. He suggested that it might be better to not fully name all 5 at the first of the
year so that later when appropriate another member can be identified. Reps can
not be recycled during the year, i.e. on the list at one point, dropped and then
brought back on .
Member emeritus – Dan Hoolihan made a motion to name Bob Hofmann to
member emeritus - approved unanimous by Acclamation.
Note: Member Emeritus count will now be at 4 members
“State of the Committee” review
Scope of C63™ - Don Heirman displayed the Scope
Voting Membership (organization) - Don showed a list of the voting members of
C63™. Bob Pritchard noted 32 voting, 7 absent (13 needed for majority)
Steering Committee membership and report – Don described the membership of
the Steering Committee, and noted that the meetings held in the evenings the
past two days largely reviewed the progression on C63™ standards, the web
site updates and any changes to the C63™ agenda
C63™ Processing item status – Don discussed the difference between IEEE and
ASC methods via a power point slide which he has used to bring outside
organizations that C63™ deals with up to speed on the operation of the
committee. He also mentioned that IEEE-SA has become interested in its ASCs
where it holds the secretariat as it must then be part of the committees it audits.
4.4.1 C63™ Procedures - Don Heirman noted current procedures are
available on the C63™website. Don also noted balloting procedures will
be handled by the IEEE-SA balloting center this year.
4.5 Standards status spreadsheet – Don Heirman displayed the current Spreadsheet on
the web site. Ken Hall suggested a name change to the sheet, “Standard Status”,
not “Project Status”, and the Committee agreed.
Don assigned Action Item 07-03/002.
Action Item 07-03/002 - John Lichtig to rename matrix to “Standards Status”
4.6 Website use—Lichtig/Heirman – Don discussed during 4.3 and John reviewed major
pages on the site and in real time made changes requested by the committee. Don
assigned Action Item 07-03/003
Action Item 07-03/003 – All C63™ members are to review the C63™, and send
feedback/recommendations to John Lichtig though the feedback mechanism located
on the website.
4.7 Administrative Matters –Heirman
4.7.1 IEEE Contract - Don Heirman Displayed Contract (for questions related
to the contract please contact the C63™ Chair Don Heirman). Don also
assigned action item 07-03/004
Action Item 07-03/004 – Secretary to request prior to October meeting,
a forecast of their publication budget for 2008 from each SC!
IEEE Balloting/Reminders – Don Heirman indicated that he is reviewing
with IEEE-SA, the ability to handle “electronically” reminders of action
items being due, as well as, the need to ballot as the ballot closing
4.8 Financial statement – CY 2006—Heirman
4.8.1 2007 Expense Forecast - Don Heirman displayed the C63™ financial
status (for questions related to the C63™financial information please
contact C63™ Chair Don Heirman)
C63™ Trademark registration - Don Heirman reviewed trademark status with the
expectation that by the end of April, the C63 trademark will be registered. Don assigned 2 action
items, 07-03/005 and 07-03/006.
Action Item 07-03/005 - C63™ Chair to send note to John for posting on website when
trademark is awarded
Action Item 07-03/006 - C63™ Chair to send note to Attorney for job well done upon
C63™ Published Standards – Status
Fourth Anniversary Standards – Bob Pritchard reviewed the history of this item
and noted it is a requirement from the ANSI audit. Bob pointed out that C63.18-1997 will
be administratively withdrawn by ANSI in December if it is not revised in the meantime.
Bob also noted the 4-year anniversary – noting that a decision on revising, reaffirming or
withdrawing C63.4-2003 should be made this year.
C63.6 – [AI 06-10/003 – Mike Windler], [AI 06-10/004 – Secretary] – Don Heirman made a note
that the C63.6 has been withdrawn by ANSI. As a result of balloting a PINS for a new C63.6, it
was decided that a C63.6 standard is no longer required. It was also noted that action items 0610/003 and 06-10/004 are closed
C63™ Draft Standards – Status Reports
C63.2 - EM Noise & Field Str. Instr. – [AI 06-10/005 – Mike Windler and
Secretary] – Bob Pritchard reported that C63.2 (passed) recirculation on
12/27/2006 and the results were sent to Mike Windler. It is in need of ballot
C63.4 – Revisions – Steve Berger reported a new draft received from Tim
Harrington for working group review. Don questioned whether the document
could be balloted – The response from Steve Berger indicated that it could move
forward to ballot. A question was raised by Bob Pritchard whether a new PINS
was needed. A decision was made that a new PINS was required.
Ralph Showers noted that if all items in PINS are not going to be satisfied the
main committee should be part of the decision making process for a new PINS.
In addition, Don Heirman assigned action items 07-03/007, and 07-03/008.
Action Item 07-03/007 - Don Heirman - Create a flow chart for the
balloting process on this document
Action Item 07-03/008 – Steve Berger /Secretary - Amend PINS, Steve to
provide the modified information
Amendment A
"A Discussion was raised about update/revise C63.4 to include site validation
above 1 GHz. During the discussion a question was raised, as to whether or not
a new PINS could be submitted to ANSI, while there is already an active revision
PINS. Secretary advised that only 1 PINS should be active per project at any
given time."
C63.5 – Antenna Calibration – Colin Brench indicated that the group expects to
Vote in SC1 by September 2007 to move the draft to the main committee for
balloting. Ken Hall discussed the need to review for a possible errata prior to
completion. An action item 07-03/009 was assigned.
Action Item 07-03/009 - Dennis Camell – determine if errata or corrigenda is
needed for C63.5 before publication
C63.9 – Immunity of Office Equipment – [AI 06-10/006 – Hare] - A presentation
was given by Ed Hare. The WG chair is Steve Berger – (See Attachment 002).
A motion with two parts in sequence was made by Ed Hare which reads as
o The C63™ main committee is asked to review the draft to determine
if they approve that the document is ready to be balloted in C63™; if
so the C63™ secretary will be asked to form the C63™ ballot group
and start the balloting process.
 Note for Secretary - (approval box and disapproval box with
an additional check box to indicate interest to ballot) –
Motion approved unanimously
An action item 07-03/010 was assigned for this motion.
Action Item 07-03/010 - SC5 Chair to send document to secretary, for 30
day email ballot review
Subcommittee 5 which has the C63.9 activity also noted that the following motion
was made and passed during their meeting: Ed Hare, SC5 Chair then moved
that the C63.9 PINS be modified to correct the title from “RF Immunity of Audio
Office Equipment to General Use Transmission Devices with Transmission
Power Levels up to 8 Watts” to “RF Immunity of Audio Office Equipment to
General Use Transmitting Devices with Transmitter Power Levels up to 8 Watts.
– The motion, was approved - unanimously
Lastly, ACIL raised a question on how to distribute committee drafts. – Don
Heirman answered that the drafts can be distributed for comment back to the
C63™ representative. These drafts should not be copied or sold or further
distributed as they are the IP of the IEEE. He further suggested that those who
receive copies should destroy or delete from their files once their comments are
retuned. On each copy of the draft, the owner of the IP needs to be indicated
(which is the IEEE).
C63.10—Wireless Devices – A presentation was given by Art Wall – (See
Attachment 003) – Art also indicated that a new draft for SC1 to be provided
shortly, and to be balloted in SC1 by June. Motion was made and passed that
with concurrence of SC1 Chair Mike Windler and a successful Subcommittee
ballot the document could be sent to the Main Committee for review and
authorization to ballot. This motion was passed within the working group.
Art Wall made the following two part motion which reads as follows:
o The C63™main committee is asked to review the draft to determine
if they agree that the document is ready to go to ballot; if that is
agreed, then the main committee is asked to allow the C63™
secretary to proceed to form the ballot group and start the ballot,
provided that the SC 1 chair and WG chair agree.
 Note for Secretary - (approval box and disapproval box with
an additional check box to indicate interest to ballot)
 Motion was approved unanimously
An action item 07-03/011 was assigned for the motion.
Action Item 07-03/011 – SC1 Chair to send document to secretary, for 30
day email ballot review – with approval from SC chair and Working Group
Chair to proceed.
C63.11—Checklist - Dan Hoolihan indicated document is with the editing
A motion for this project was made by Dan Hoolihan which reads as follows:
The C63™main committee is asked to review the draft to determine if they agree
that the document is ready to go to ballot; if that is agreed, then the main
committee is asked to allow the C63™ secretary to proceed to form the ballot
group and start the ballot,
 Note for Secretary - (approval box and disapproval box with
an additional check box to indicate interest to ballot)
 Motion was approved unanimously
An action item 07-03/012 was assigned for the dual motion.
Action Item 07-03/012 – Dan Hoolihan to send document to secretary, for
30 day email ballot review
C63.12 – EMC Limit setting – Don Heirman reported that there was no action
taken in C63™ in regards to ballot resolution of C63.12 reaffirmation. C63.12 will
be withdrawn by ANSI in 12/2009 if no action is taken. The results from the Initial
Reaffirmation Ballot contained 1 negative.
2 action items were recorded 07-03/013, and 07-03/014
Action Item 07-03/013 – Dr. Showers to resolve the negative and continue the
reaffirmation by running a recirculation – contents of recirc to include rebuttal of
the negative only
Action Item 07-03/014 - Secretary to conduct recirculation upon receipt of
material from Dr. Showers.
C63.14—Definitions – [AI 06-10/006 – Hare], [AI 06-10/008 – Secretary] – Don
Heirman reported for Dave Southworth who is still awaiting SC chair comments on his
document asking which terms can be removed from C63.14 for the next edition of
An action item 07-03/015 was recorded. It was also noted that the following 2 action
items were closed (06-10/006, and 06-10/008).
Action Item 07-03/015 - Secretary – shall resend Dave’s request to the SC2 members
the list of terms prepared by Dave, requesting a response by 15 April 07.
C63.15 – Immunity Meas. & Instr. – Colin Brench reported for Dennis Camell
who has to leave the meeting early. Colin noted that there is a PINS on file. He also
notes that a recirculation ballot had closed and the project is in need of ballot resolution.
An action item 07-03/016 was recorded.
Action Item 07-03/016 - Secretary - Re-assign ballot resolution to Dennis Camell, in
place of Mike Windler
C63.16 – ESD Test Methodologies – [AI 06-10/010 – ad hoc group] - Steve
Whitesell reported on comments received from his Adhoc. A teleconference of the ad hoc
group occurred. From that teleconference, the following conclusion was reached that
C63.16 should be allowed to be administratively withdrawn (as it will so happen as it
reaches the 10 year ANSI time period for taking other action). Steve did note that some
individuals outside of the Adhoc felt differently (want to save as tech report). Don also
noted that the document was a recommended practice and not a standard as most
seemed to mistakenly think. This clarification was needed as being a recommended
practice is not mandatory unless there is a requirement to meet it by a customer or a
A question was raised by Don Heirman whether or not new PINS needed to resurrect the
work and should the present Working group do so? Ken Hall noted that Bill Rhoades
would be willing to chair the project but not until the end of the year.
Motion – New Pins for C63.16 as a guide will be assigned to SC5, with Bill Rhoades as working
group chair. SC5 will also be responsible for the makeup of the working group. Steve Whitesell
made the motion. Vote – Approved (Unanimously)
An action item 07-03/017 was recorded. *Note: Sponsor Subcommittee 5 (as this was an
immunity test) will also determine who will be the working group Vice Chair.
Action Item 07-03/017 - Ed Hare (SC5) – submit new PINS on or before next meeting
C63.18 - In situ immunity testing for medical devices – Joe Morrissey gave a
presentation (See Attachment 004). Joe also noted that his report will cover C63.18 and
C63.24 as they are closely tied together. Joe noted a sticking point exists in the test
protocol for both standards. A possible solution may be a lookup table which will show
which type of transmitter should be used and how the transmitters shall be placed in a
test mode. Note: SC5 and SC8 will work this as a joint effort.
C63.19 – EMC for Hearing Aids –. Steve Berger gave a report and Bob Pritchard
informed that ANSI had just given approval of the amendment of the document.
The chair has placed the editing of this document on the IEEE fast track cycle
which allows it to be published within three months.
C63.23 – Measurement Uncertainty - Don Heirman reported that Bob DeLisi will
be handling this project. An action item 07-03/018 was recorded
Action Item 07-03/018 – Bob DeLisi to provide a status report 4/15/07
C63.24 – In situ immunity testing – Ed Hare noted that this report was given
earlier in the C63.18 report
Editing Committee report - Don Heirman reported that they are looking to expand
the committee. A call for volunteers was made and Bob Hofmann volunteered to assist
the chair—Mike Windler. Ed Hare also noted that he will verify that he is on the
8.0 New or proposed Projects
Report of the 28 November 2006 meeting of the C63™ Chair with the FCC - Don
displayed a presentation he gave to the FCC – noted that some slides are time
sensitive and that he will look to modify and post to the web so that other
members of C63™ can make use of them providing they give proper attribution
of the source (web site).
Power Line Communications – [A 06-10/011 – Dr. Showers] Dr. Shower provided
a presentation on PLC (BPL) as it is currently referred to – (See Attachment 005)
Don Heirman raised the question of interest in BPL – 2 Organizations indicated
interest, but there also was a comment ”we are six years behind”
Ed Hare made a motion to create a PINS-C in regards to Prop 6 in Dr. Showers paper.
The motion was approved unanimously.
An Action item 07-03/019 was recorded
Action Item 07-03/019 – Dr. Showers to create PINS_C, coordinate with Ed Hare, and
Steve Berger. 5/15 target date
9.0 Old Business
Action item review on items not covered elsewhere on Agenda – The Action item list was
reviewed and all items were satisfied. Action item 06-10/012 was closed, since the
document was received and would be distributed to C63™.
FCC Related Matters – Bill Hurst provided a presentation on FCC activity (See
Attachment 006). Bill also made a note of the FCC’s continued interest in C63’s ongoing
effort to harmonize C63.4 and CISPR 22 where it is technically possible and feasible.
10.1 C63.19 petition - Don Heirman presented the petition and noted that an
acknowledgement was received from FCC. (See Attachment 007)
Review of 28 Nov actions requested by FCC for C63™ consideration at the 28
November FCC briefing by the chair
– Don Heirman raised the following topics for discussion
1. Use of measurement uncertainty especially in making in-situ measurements
2. Continued interest in hearing aid compatibility from cellular phones
3. Harmonization with CISPR standards where appropriate
4. How to measure PED (Portable electronic Devices) aboard aircraft interfering
with GPS bands and UWB bands
5. Concern with retransmitting of Sirius radio into car FM receiving antenna and
broadcasting to adjacent cars—what is a good test setup
6. Any UWB measurement procedures work with the FCC initial view of how to do
Item 1 is still open but the work on C63.23 may be useful. Item 2 is covered as the
amendment to C63.19 has been approved and the FCC petitioned to reference this
standard. Item 3 was covered above. Item 4 did not lead anywhere as it was thought
that the RTCA (Radio Telecommunications Committee for Aeronautics) committee has
been working on this for some time and there is no need for C63™ input. Item 5 requires
some thinking on how the test can be setup to determine the effect of the interior and
dashboard of a car in making these measurements. There was no immediate input from
the committee. Item 6 was considered to be of interest but there was not immediate
action item assigned.
11.0 Subcommittee Action reports (Brief written reports based on Project Schedules to be
sent to C63tm Newsletter Editor and C63tm Secretary for attachments to the minutes) –
Items requiring Action by C63TM, including, at this Meeting, approval of Subcommittee
SC1 Measurement and Instrumentation – [AI 06-10/012 – Clark Vitek and
Brench] Colin Brench – made a motion to approve roster as provided with 1 addition (Tim
Harrington), Vote – approved unanimously (See Attachment 008)
Colin Brench – made a motion - Request removal PINS_C for project 1-15.11. The vote
was approved unanimously
NOTE of the Secretary – This Action had already been taken at the 26 October 2006
meeting of C63tm
SC2 Definitions – Don Heirman reported on Dave Southworth’s behalf. Don
asked that the roster with one modification shown be approved; it was so
unanimously (See Attachment 009). . Don also noted the withdrawal of C63.14
will occur in 2008 if no action is taken. An action item 07-03/020 was recorded.
*Note: The roster shown for SC2 showed Dan Hoolihan listed the chair for SC6.
The chair should be changed for SC6 to Kurt Fisher.
Action Item 07-03/020 - Dave Southworth shall circulate the present draft of the
C63.14 revision to the SC2 membership.
SC3 International Standardization - John Lichtig displayed the roster but noted
that it is not finalized, as the group is still being restructured (See Attachment 010). John
withheld the motion to approve roster as shown until further review in May. John will
email to membership potential dates for the meeting.
Action Item 07-03/021 – John will email to membership potential dates for the meeting
SC5 In situ immunity testing – Ed Hare displayed roster and made motion to
approve. The vote was approved unanimously. (See Attachment 011) Ed Hare also
made a motion for Steve Whitesell to be vice chair on SC5 – Approved unanimously
SC6 Laboratory Accreditation - Kurt Fisher displayed the roster and made a
motion to approve roster as provided. The vote was approved unanimously (See
Attachment 012).
SC7 Unlicensed Personal Comm. Services – Steve Berger was not present to
provide a summarization nor to approve his committee members for 2007
Secretary’s Note: After the meeting, an email was received from Steve on
SC 7 is exploring other projects dealing with spectrum etiquette. It appears the
most likely source of projects will be found in the area of dynamic spectrum
management. The IEEE Standards Board on March 21, 2007 approved the
formation of IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 41 to deal with Dynamic
Spectrum Access Networks. SC 7 will seek to maintain close communications
with SCC 41 and be available for projects dealing with spectrum etiquette that
have a US market distinctive.
The SC7 Roster also was received on 3/30/07 (See Attachment 013).
Action Item 07-03/022 - E-Ballot action item to approve roster – once received
from Steve
SC8 Medical Equipment Testing - Joe Morrissey displayed the roster and made a
motion to approve roster as provided. *Note: one error in the roster was found.
Harry Levitt is a member, not an observer. With that change the vote was
approved unanimously (See Attachment 014)
Joe Morrissey made a motion to approve Bob DeLisi as Vice Chair of SC8 Approved unanimously
Joe Morrissey made a motion to change the subject of an existing PINS_C. The
change occurs in the first paragraph. Change from “Review T-Coil measurement
of intended and unintended signal includes the study of changing the frequency
range of the measurement from current to 800 to 5 KHz. This item particularly
intends to focus on reduction of the bandwidth to be used when making the
unintended signal measurement.”
To: Review T-Coil measurement of unintended signal. This item particularly
intends to focus on reduction of the bandwidth to be used when making the
unintended signal measurement.
The Motion was approved unanimously
11.7.1 Workshop on work of SC8 – not addressed
Editing Committee - [AI 06-03/011 – Chair]— This item was covered under 7.15
Other Business
Future Seminars and Workshops --Heirman
12.1.1 A workshop on ANSI C63.5 will be held in Hawaii on 6 July 2007. Don
Heirman showed the registration form for the Workshop held in conjunction with
the IEEE EMC Symposium in Hawaii. An action item 07-03/023 was recorded
Action Item 07-03/023 - C63™ members should announce to anyone they know
who is planning to attend the EMC’s meeting that there also is the workshop in
the same location a few days earlier.
Newsletter – Comments and Proposals – Warren advised on the type of
information he would like to include in the Newsletter from all SC and parent
committee chairs and that he needs it in the next 2 weeks, earlier than usual this
time. An action item 07-03/024 was recorded
Action Item 07-03/024 - SC chairs to submit news items to Warren from this
meeting by Mid April
Dates/Venue of next meetings
12.3.1 – Next meeting – Washington Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD, 25 October
2007, hosted by Mike Violette. The three days before will have the usual series of
SC and WG meetings much the same as that for this March 2007 series. Look
for the actual sequence on the web site.
Mil Standard 461 - Showers – Dr. Showers has been asked to review the revised
MIL STD 461 standard, and also noted that they would like for C63™ to also
review the draft. Commenting process to the Military has not been determined.
Dr. Showers will send the commenting process to the committee members once
he has access to it.
Action Item 07-03/025 - Dr. Showers to send the commenting process to the
committee members once he has access to it.
Motion to Adjourn – Approved unanimously. The committee adjourned at 5:00 pm. The
chair again thanked the IEEE for their hospitality and the meeting arrangements. He especially
wanted to thank Tina Alston for her work in supporting the visitor check-in as well as the meeting
A/V and name tents.