A.P. Kharitonov, male, married. Born in 1950 in city Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region,
the USSR.
Institute of Energy Problem of Chemical Physics (Branch) of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia.
Phone: +7-49652-25127 (office)
Mobile phone: +7-926-5275068
Fax: +7-916-6803573 (office)
Master of Science in physics in 1973, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
Department of the Molecular and Chemical Physics, the USSR.
Ph. D. (physical-mathematical sciences) in 1979.
Doctor of Sciences (physical-mathematical sciences) in 2006.
1967-1973, 1973-1976- student and post-graduate student of the Moscow Institute of
Physics and Technology (the USSR);
1976-1987- engineer, junior research scientist and senior research scientist, head of
group at the Institute of Chemical Physics (Division) of the USSR Academy of
1987-2005- senior research scientist at the Institute of Energy Problem of Chemical
Physics (Branch) of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
2005- present- leading research scientist at the Institute of Energy Problem of Chemical
Physics (Branch) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow
Region, 142432, Russia;
2006- present- Scientific supervisor of the company “Interftor Ltd”, city Tomsk,
1978-present- fluorine chemistry, including:
1984-present- the modification of polymers by the direct gas phase fluorination
(kinetics and mechanism of the formation of the fluorinated layer on the polymer
surface, structure of fluorinated polymers, chemical composition and texture of
fluorinated layer, radicaks formation and termination, introduction of functional groups
into the polymer structure, gas transport properties of fluorinated polymer membranes
and their gas-separation properties, kinetics and mechanism of elementary stages of the
chain process of the direct fluorination). Applications of the direct fluorination to
enhance the following commercial properties of polymer materials and articles: gas
separation properties of polymer membranes, barrier properties of polymer articles,
adhesion properties of polymers, reinforcement of polymer composites, printability of
polymer films and polymer articles, sorption properties of polymeric sorbents, friction
1994-present- fluorination of carbon nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanofibres, nanodiscs,
graphene etc.)
1978-1984- the kinetics and mechanism of gas-phase elementary reactions in systems
including fluorine, chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen etc..
Polymer sciences, including:
modification of polymer articles by direct fluorination;
mechanical testing of polymers;
enhancement of barrier properties, adhesion and printability of polymer materials and
articles, enhancement of gas separation properties of polymer membranes,
reinforcement of polymer composites, enhancement of sorption properties of polymeric
spectroscopy in the IR, visible and near UV regions of spectra;
electron spin resonance spectroscopy;
kinetics and mechanism of gas-phase and heterogeneous (gaseous fluorine- polymer
surface) chemical reactions;
carbon nanomaterials;
membrane science.
1994-1995- grants No. NJG000 and NJG300 from the International Science Foundation
(Principal Investigator);
1997-1999- grant No. 1277-96 from INTAS (Rusia-Holland-UK, Team Leader);
1999-2001- grant No. 047.007.006 from NWO (Netherlands Research Organization)
(Coordinator from Russian side);
1999-2005- four projects, funded by “Air Products PLC” (UK) company (principal
1996-2002, 2003-2008- coordinator from the Russian side of two research projects in
the frame of the Integrated Long-Term Program of the cooperation between the
Government of Russia Federation and the Government of Republic India;
2006-2008- grant No. 06-6-H3.4-0119 from the Foundation for Assistance to Small
Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) (Russia) (Scientific supervisor);
2008-2009 grant 29-026 from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Program ”Support of Innovations and Developments” (Principal investigator);
2008-2009- grant 08-08-91304-IND_a jointly funded jointly by the Russian Foundation
of Basic Research and DST (India) (Principal investigator);
2009-2010 - grant 09-08-92420-CE_a jointly funded jointly by the Russian Foundation
of Basic Research and EINSTEIN Consortium (Italy) (Principal investigator);
2011 - present – grant 11-03-12032-ofi-m-2011 from the Russian Foundation of Basic
Research (Principal investigator).
SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR of 3 post-graduate students.
REFERY for the journals:
Polymer, Polymer Composites, Lamgmuir, Surface and Coatings Technology, Journal
of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Polymer Engineering & Science, Desalination,
Membrane Water Treatment.
ACCREDITED EXPERT of the Open Joint-Stock Company “Russian Rosnanotech”.
2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 - Invited professor, Blaise Pascal Universite, ClermontFerrand, France.
2007- Visiting professor, ICMCB-CNRS - Universite Bordeaux 1, France.
2009- visit to Institute for Membrane Research (Rende, Italy).
1990, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2005- visiting research fellow in India: National Physical
Laboratory (Delhi), Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore), Indian Space Research
Organization (Bangalore), Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), National
Chemical Laboratory (Pune), Rajasthan University (Jaipur) under the Long-Term
Collaboration Program between Russian Academy of Sciences and Indian National
Academy of Sciences and under the Integrated Long-Term Program of the Cooperation
between the Government of Russia Federation and the Government of Republic India.
1996- visiting research fellow, University of Pretoria and Atomic Energy Corporation
(Pretoria, Republic of South Africa).
1997, 1998- visits to University of Durham (UK) and Twente University (the
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001- visits to Twente University (the Netherlands).
Invited speaker at 20 International symposia/conferences/workshops and participant to
54 International symposia/conferences/workshops.
chapter in books, 48 papers in refereed journals, 8 international patents and 5
Russian patents).
1. A.P. Kharitonov, Yu.L. Moskvin, L.N. Kharitonova, A.A. Kotenko, M.N. Tulskii.
An Investigation into the Direct Fluorination Kinetics of Polymeric Membranes.
Mendeleev Comm. N3 (1994) 91-92.
2. A.P. Kharitonov. Direct fluorination of polymeric materials. Popular Plastics &
Packaging. 42 (1997) 75-84.
3. A.P. Kharitonov. Commercial applications of the direct fluorination of polymer
surfaces. Fluorine Technology Bulletin. N25 (1997/8) 38-44.
4. A.P. Kharitonov, Yu.L. Moskvin. Direct fluorination of polystyrene films. J.
Fluorine Chem. 91 (1998) 87-93.
5. A.P. Kharitonov, Yu.L. Moskvin, V.V. Teplyakov, J.D. Le Roux. Direct fluorination
of poly(vinyl trimethylsilane) and poly(phenylene oxide. J. Fluorine Chem. 93
(1999) 129-137.
6. A.P. Kharitonov, Practical applications of the direct fluorination of polymers. J. of
Fluorine Chem. 103 (2000) 123-127.
7. A.A. Pud, S.P. Rogalsky, G.S. Shapoval, A.P. Kharitonov, A. Kemperman,
Electrochemical stability and transformations of fluorinated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4phenylene oxide). Polymer Degr. Stability. 70 (2000) 409-415.
8. A.A. Pud, S.P. Rogalsky, G.S. Shapoval, A.P. Kharitonov, V.V. Teplyakov, H.
Strathmann, F. Poncin-Epailard, Reactions and stability of fluorinated poly(vinyl
trimethylsilane) in electrochemical systems. Polymer. 42 (2001) 1907-1913.
9. A.P. Kharitonov, L.N. Kharitonova, Yu.L. Moskvin, V.V. Teplyakov, D.A.
Syrtsova, G.H. Koops, A.J.B. Kemperman, R.P. Singh, Enhancement of surface
properties of polymer articles by direct fluorination and direct fluorination
accompanied with a grafting. Intern. J. Plastics Techn. 6 (2003) 37-42.
10.D.A. Syrtsova, A.P. Kharitonov, V.V. Teplyakov, G.H. Koops, Improving gas
separation properties of polymeric membranes based on glassy polymers by gas
phase fluorination. Desalination. 163 (2004) 273.
11.A.P. Kharitonov, Yu.L. Moskvin, D.A. Syrtsova, V.M. Starov, V.V. Teplyakov,
Direct fluorination of the Polyimide Matrimid ® 5218: The formation kinetics and
physicochemical properties of the fluorinated layer. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 92 (2004)
12.A.P. Kharitonov, R. Taege, G. Ferrier, V.V. Teplyakov, D.A. Syrtsova, G.H. Koops,
Direct fluorination - useful tool to enhance commercial properties of polymer
articles. J. Fluorine Chem. 126 (2005) 251-263.
13.A.P. Kharitonov, R. Taege, G. Ferrier, N.P. Piven, The kinetics and mechanism of
the direct fluorination of polyethylenes. Surface Coat. Intern. Part B: Coatings
Transactions. 126 (2005) 201-212.
14.A.P. Kharitonov. Kinetics and mechanism of the direct fluorination of polymers.
Doctor of Sciences Thesis. Chernogolovka, Russia, 2005 (in Russian).
15.M. Mukherjee, C.K. Das, A.P. Kharitonov, Fluorinated and oxyfluorinated short
Kevlar fiber-reinforced ethylene propylene polymer. Polymer Composities. 27
(2006) 205-212.
16.A.P. Kharitonov, L.N. Kharitonova, R. Taege, G. Ferrier, E. Durand, A. Tressaud.
Enhancement of barrier properties of polymeric vessels and gas separation
properties of polymeric membranes by direct fluorination. L’Actualite Chimique.
N.301-302 (2006) 130-134.
17.M. Mukherjee, C.K. Das, A.P. Kharitonov, K. Banik, G. Mennig, T.N. Chung.
Properties of syndiotactic polystyrene composites with surface modified short
Kevlar fiber. Materials Sci. Engng: A. 441 (2006) 206-214.
18.M. Mukherjee, C.K. Das, A.P. Kharitonov, Influence of fluorinated and oxyfluorinated short kevlar fiber loading on the properties of ethylene propylene
matrix composites. Mat. Manuf. Process. 21 (2006) 892-898.
19.A. Tressaud, E. Durand, C. Labruge`re, A.P. Kharitonov, L.N. Kharitonova.
Modification of surface properties of carbon-based and polymeric materials through
fluorination routes: From fundamental research to industrial applications. J. Fluorine
Chem. 128 (2007) 378–391.
20.J. Maity, C. Jacob, C.K. Das, A.P. Kharitonov, R.P. Singh, S. Alam. Fluorinated
Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites and Their Characterization.
Polymer Composites. 28 (2007) 462-469.
21.A.P. Kharitonov. Chapter 2: Direct fluorination of polymers—from fundamental
research to industrial applications. In: Fluorine Chemistry Research Advances, Ed.
Ira V. Gardiner. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y., 2007. P.35-103.
22.R. Taege, G. Ferrier, A.P. Kharitonov. Surface fluorination of plastics materials.
European Patent EP1865017. Filed 12 Dec. 2007.
23.R. Taege, A.P. Kharitonov, G. Ferrier. Surface fluorination of plastics materials.
European Patent EP1609815. Filed 16 June 2005.
24.A.P. Kharitonov. Direct fluorination of polymers—from fundamental research to
industrial applications. Progr. in Organic Coat. 61 (2008) 192–204.
25.A. P. Kharitonov. Direct fluorination of polymers. Nova Science Publishers Inc.
N.Y., 2008.
26.Mukherjee. M., C. K. Das and A. P. Kharitonov. Effect of Compatibilizer on the
Properties of Fluorinated and Oxy-fluorinated Short Kevlar fiber Reinforced EP. J.
Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 27 (2008) 523-539.
27.A.P. Kharitonov, L.N. Kharitonova. Surface modification of polymers by direct
fluorination: A convenient approach to improve commercial properties of polymeric
articles. Pure and Appl. Chem. 81 (2009) 451-471.
28.A. V. Krestinin, A. P. Kharitonov, Yu. M. Shul’ga, O. M. Zhigalina, E. I.
Knerel’man, M. Dubois, M. M. Brzhezinskaya, A. S. Vinogradov, A. B.
Preobrazhenskii, G. I. Zvereva, M. B. Kislov, V. M. Martynenko, I. I. Korobov, G. I.
Davydova, V. G. Zhigalina, N. A. Kiselev. Fabrication and Characterization of
Fluorinated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Nanotechnologies in Russia. 4
(2009) 60–78.
29.A.P. Kharitonov, B.A. Loginov. Direct fluorination of polymer final products: From
fundamental study to practical application. Russ. J. General Chem. 79 (2009) 635641.
30.W. Zhang, M. Dubois, K. Guérin, P. Bonnet, H. Kharbache, F. Masin, A. P.
Kharitonov, A. Hamwi. Effect of curvature on C–F bonding in fluorinated carbons:
from fullerene and derivatives to graphite. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010)
31.W. Zhang, L. Spinelle, M. Dubois, K. Guérin, H. Kharbache, F. Masin, A.P.
Kharitonov, A. Hamwi, J. Brunet, C. Varenne, A. Pauly, P. Thomas, D. Himmel, J.
L. Mansot. New synthesis methods for fluorinated carbon nanofibres and
applications. J. Fluorine Chem. 131 (2010) 676-683.
32. Y.M. Shulga, V.M. Martynenko, A.V. Krestinin, A.P. Kharitonov, G.I. Davidova,
E.I. Knerelman, V.I. Krastev, D.V. Schur. Mass-spectrometric investigation of gases
evolved by fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotubes during heating. Intern. J.
Hydrogen Energy. 36 (2011) 1349-1354.
33. A.P. Kharitonov. Direct Fluorination of Polystyrene. In: Polystyrene: Properties,
Performance and Applications. Editor: James E. Gray. Nova Science Publ. Inc.,
N.Y., 2011. P.95-118.
34. A.P. Kharitonov, G.V. Simbirtseva, V.M. Bouznik, M.G. Chepezubov, M. Dubois,
K. Guerin, A. Hamwi, H. Kharbache, F. Masin. Modification of Ultra-HighMolecular Weight Polyethylene by Various Fluorinating Routes. J. Polymer Sci.
Part A: Polymer Chem. 49 (2011) 3559–3573.
35. R. Suryamurali, T. Sankarshana, S. Sridhar, A.P. Kharitonov. Fluorinated polymer
membranes for separation of industrial gas mixtures. J. Polym. Mater. 29 (2012)
36. A.P. Kharitonov. Gas separation properties enhancement by direct fluorination of
polymer membranes//Encyclopedia of Membranes, E. Drioli, L. Giorno (editors in
chief), 2012. Artcle ID: 312309. Chapter ID: 794.
37. S. Giri, D. Ghosh, A.P. Kharitonov, C.K. Das. Study of copper ferrite nanowire
formation in presence of carbon nanotubes and influence of fluorination on high
performance supercapacitor energy storage application//Functional Materials
Letters.-2012.-V.4.-P.1250046 (5 pages)