Year 1 Literacy Medium Term Plan Units may be taught in any order and linked to other aspects of learning e.g. class readers, curriculum topics and school events. Fiction and non-fiction are taught every half term; poetry once per term; visual literacy at least once per year and a significant speaking and listening outcome once per year. Some units may also be extended. Unit (durations may vary depending on progression) Stories with Familiar Settings (2 weeks) Traditional Stories and Fairy Tales Fiction (2 weeks + 2 weeks in separate terms) Stories from a range of cultures (2 weeks) Stories about fantasy worlds (2 weeks) Author focus (4 weeks) Visual Literacy (2 weeks) Outcomes Speech/thought bubbles; role play and drama; freeze frames; hot seating; character descriptions Story sequencing; role play; Wanted posters; rewriting stories; rewriting stories with own endings; class debates about characters Retell story; Sequence main events; Write own simple version e.g. diff food / animal Setting description. Create and describe a setting. Write own version of story. Superheroes stories. Write letter to author. Read biographical information. Write own version of one of the stories. Class display. Drama and role-play, predictions, writing story, comic strip. Texts Skills / SC Notes/ VCOP / Grammar Resources Phonics to sound out words; Handwriting; Basic sentence punctuation The Chicken Thief (class reader); Rosie’s Walk; Pig in the Pond; Peace at Last; Not Now Bernard; Percy the Park Keeper Any quality text set in the real world Characterisation (description); Sentence punctuation; sequencing sentences; reading own writing aloud Less well-known fairy tales: Chicken Licken (class reader); The Snow Queen; Hansel and Gretel; Rapunzel; Rumplestiltskin; Ugly Duckling; Elves and the Shoemaker; etc Do NOT use Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood (saved for Y2 units) Characterisation (description); Sentence punctuation; sequencing sentences; reading own writing aloud Use a widening range of adjectives, adverbs and connectives. On the Way Home Handa’s Surprise Where the Wild things are Meg and Mog Traction Man Superheroes stories Masks for retelling stories To understand fiction / nonfiction. To begin to be aware of author’s style (characters, pictures, humour). Eric Carle / Nick Sharrat Websites for author Letters/emails to author Characterisation; Sentence punctuation; sequencing sentences; reading own writing aloud Use a widening range of openers, adjectives, adverbs and connectives. Meg and Mog (Vis Lit folder for FS) Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es [for example, dog, dogs; wish, wishes], including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the noun Suffixes that can be added to verbs where no change is needed in the spelling of root words (e.g. helping, helped, helper) How the prefix un– changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives [negation, for example, unkind, or undoing: untie the boat] How words can combine to make sentences Joining words and joining clauses using and Short clips from popular films could be appropriate but please seek advice Sequencing sentences to form short narratives Separation of words with spaces Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Capital letters for names and for the personal pronoun I letter, capital letter word, singular, plural sentence punctuation, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark Labels lists and captions (1 week) Classroom labels; label pictures; shopping lists; Phonics to sound out words; Handwriting; Basic sentence punctuation Shopping Basket (John Burningham) Any simple non-fiction text Information Texts Create class book of information texts (curricular links) Library sessions; Fiction vs nonfiction; simple headings; subheadings; labels and captions; non-fiction tone; developed sentences (connectives); contents pages To use imperative verbs. Time connectives. Sequencing. Library books- curricular links (2 weeks + 2 weeks in separate terms) Non-fiction Instructions (2 weeks) Black History (1 week) Dictionary Skills (1 week) Recount (Trip week) Poetry Recounts (2 weeks) Follow instructions for games etc. Write a recipe e.g. for fruit salad; pizza; sandwiches Theme-dependent Poetry- Using the Senses (2 weeks) Simple poem Patterned / rhyme poetry (1 week + 1 Week, or perhaps longer if required) Learn to recite a repetitive poem and perform it. Write own poem using rhyme. Recipe Book – round the world cook book Usbourne Theme-dependent Reciting alphabet (or backwards); Ordering/alphabetising ; Class dictionary Trip recount; recount of significant school or personal event Memories book. May not be an entire week’s unit but a nice Y1 starting point Home in on children’s (esp boys’) interests Dictionaries Past tense; sequencing; description; time connectives; emotions Sentence punctuation, sequencing ideas, understanding non-fiction texts (contents, glossary, captions and labels, etc), time connectives, dictionary work, openers, adjectives and openers. Phonics to sound out words; Handwriting; Word choices to create images; Word choices for sounds Develop bank of rhyming words. Using a repetitive structure. Anything in alphabetical order! Take regular photos of trip Florella Benjamin biography as an example. The Works (Paul Cookson) Smell/sound poems The Sound Collector (Roger McGough) Poems about journeys e.g. A sailor went to sea; nursery rhymes; Room on a Broom 2012-2103 Memories DVD