Lingfield Parish Council

Lingfield Parish Council
Minutes of the eighth Annual Parish Assembly of Lingfield Parish held on
Wednesday 21st March 2007 in the Victoria Club, Lingfield at 7.30pm
In the chair – Mr M. Clark, Chairman, Lingfield Parish Council
Heather Allonby, David Allonby, June Atkins, John Ball, Lisa Bangs, Nick Byford, Ray
Collins, , Jackie Cooper, Martin Cundey, Tony Dalrymple, Chris D’Avray, Derek
Dawson, Ian Dobson, David Ford, Colin Edwards, Mary Edwards, Peter Francis, Heather
Francis, R.E.M. Freeman Karina Lee-Edmunds, Paige Lee-Edmunds, Julie Hearn, Karen
Howarth,Charles and Carol Howe, Mark Jones, Karen Lainchbury, Graham Marks,
Barbara Marks, Pam and David Netherclift, Fran Palmer, Ron Palmer, Jan Parris, Keith
Pratt, Claire Pratt, Win Penny, Brian Perkins, Michael Potts, Betty Rees, Anne Richards,
Annabel Richardson, Ken Rimington, Jean Rimington, Rita Russell, Kevin Smith, John
Southgate, Dilys Southgate, Michael Sydney, Nigel Williams,
In attendance: Fay Elwood, Parish Clerk
One member of the press
Welcome by Chairman of the Parish Council
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending this evening, the last Parish
Assembly with himself as Chairman. He then welcomed Karen Lainchbury,
the new Children’s Centre Co-Ordinator; June Atkins, Assistant Head at
NCYPE and David Ford, Chief Executive at NCYPE.
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from:
Rev and Mrs Gendall, Mr Pape, Sheila Gray, Enid Marten, Vernon Deller,
Jane Rayner, Lin Challis, Robert Mitchell, Valerie Millar, Pam Tomsett and
Gilbert Reed.
Minutes of the seventh Annual Parish Assembly
The minutes of the seventh Annual Parish Assembly were accepted as a true
and accurate record.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman began his report by reflecting on the successes of the past year:
winning the Surrey Village of the Year competition and Dilys Southgate being
given the Citizen’s Award for her fantastic work with Community Care. He
thanked Nigel Williams for his handling of some difficult planning decisions.
Reflecting on his term as Chairman, the intention had been for the Parish
Council to offer a friendly face and put Lingfield and Felcourt above party
politics. He had hoped to engage young people through the various
organisations and he stated he was proud of the youth in our village. There
have been some problems recently on weekend nights, but these are mainly
people travelling into the village from surrounding areas.
Thanks and appreciation were expressed towards Tandridge District Council
but he felt that, despite the good work carried out by County Councillor Ken
Rimington, Surrey County Council has become too remote and needs to
reconnect with Lingfield. This became particularly apparent recently over the
issue of secondary school places.
The Chairman talked about some sad losses during his term of office:- Susan
Liddell, Elizabeth Sampson, George Doswell, Carol Holgate and Doug
Edwards and acknowledged their contributions to the community.
He asked Mark Jones, from Lingfield Park Racecourse, to consider ways to
widen the benefits to the community when the hotel and leisure complex is
He thanked Heather and Peter Francis for their efforts in getting the train horn
noise reduced.
The Chairman then invited PC Kevin Smith to give a Crime Report:
In 2005-6 crime in Lingfield increased slightly with the majority of cases
being criminal damage. Youths travelling from Hurst Green damaged
vehicles in Station Road and Bakers Lane. The Police carried out 100
stop/checks, issued fixed penalties, seized alcohol, wrote letters to parents and
made some personal visits. These groups have been moved on from Oxted
and so now congregate in Lingfield.
Seven underage drinkers were recently found in a local pub and the landlord
has been warned. Alcohol is the main cause of disruption around the village.
Julie Hearn said she had spoken to some of the youths and they come to
Lingfield because it is an easy place to obtain alcohol.
Claire Pratt asked when the Neighbourhood Watch Liaison position is likely
to be filled.
Kevin gave his contact details and suggested someone from Neighbourhood
Watch should contact him direct.
Mike Potts requested clarification of the phone number to be used and Kevin
suggested the central switchboard at Guildford (0845 1252222).
Mike Clark asked the best way to get a rapid response and Kevin suggested
using e-mail.
Reports from outside bodies
The Chairman thanked local organisations for providing reports again this
year. Reports from the following organisations were accepted:Finance and Planning Report from the Parish Council
Lingfield United Charities
Lingfield and Dormansland Fairtrade Group
Art Show
Lingfield Nature Reserves
Lingfield and District Twinning Association
Community News
Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre
Lingfield Cricket Club
Lingfield Chamber of Commerce
Address by Nick Byford and Karen Lainchbury
Nick Byford explained that NCYPE has finally been given the designation as
a Sure Start Children’s Centre and introduced Karen Lainchbury, the new
Children’s Centre Co-ordinator.
Karen explained that the Children’s Centre is intended to be an integral part of
community life and will deliver integrated services for 0 – 5 year olds. It will
be a one-stop shop for multi-agency provision of health services, training and
information. It has come about as part of the ‘Every Child Matters’ Change
for Children programme. By 2010 there will be one centre for every
The Centre based at NCYPE will serve Lingfield, Dormansland and Burstow
and will be tailored to the needs identified. Access is not limited to residents
of the area. Outreach services will enable hard-to-reach groups to access the
The initial services will be dictated by input from a steering group and the
following will be offered:Meeting rooms
Stables Nursery
Child Minders
Ante and Post Natal Groups
Help for mothers with post natal depression
Childcare Advice
Toy Library
Holiday Play Schemes
Links with job centre
Other provisions as specified by the steering group
Information about the services required will be collected in the following
way:- Parents will be asked to join forums, there will be an information line,
regular questionnaires and newsletters, steering groups, children’s views,
schools and faith groups. In other words, there will be constant input from the
community. The process has already started. Steering groups have been
formed and a database will be opened soon.
Mike Clark asked if the set up of the centre is in response to a government
The Children’s Act 2004 states that services should be integrated
Mike Clark asked about funding.
This is available through the local authorities.
Karina Lee-Edmunds asked if the holiday scheme only caters for under 5s.
Essentially yes.
Lisa Bangs asked if health services will be taken away from the Doctor’s
No, but speech and language services may be offered.
Chris D’Avray suggested engaging local groups through the Community
Brian Perkins asked if part of the services may be offered at other premises.
Whilst the main centre will be on the NCYPE site, some activities may
happen elsewhere.
Nick Byford pointed out that it is a Children’s Centre for the whole
community but it is not intended to disturb anything that is already in place.
Mike Clark thanked Karen and Nick for their presentation.
Public Questions
John Ball asked about traffic on Newchapel Road and whether the money set
aside for the gateways could be used for an interactive speed sign instead. He
said that since the money was allocated, technology has moved on and village
gateways are no longer thought to be the most effective option.
Mike Clark replied that the money is still ring-fenced for the gateways and
any delays are due to staff restructuring at Surrey County Council. The new
Parish Council formed after the elections may decide to allocate money for a
speed sign as well as the village gateways.
Tony Dalrymple said that the gateways must be provided. We are one of only
two villages to get them and he will be disappointed if this money is taken
Ken Rimington, Surrey County Councillor said that the signs have been
ordered and will be installed.
Mike Freeman asked why the traffic survey promised for Newchapel Road has
not yet taken place.
ACTION: Contact Surrey Police
Mike Potts raised the issue of secondary school places. Children without
siblings at Oxted School have not been offered a place this year. This will
affect the whole community and parents are not happy.
Our local MP, District and County Councillors are all working hard to try to
get the situation resolved. David Allonby referred to proceeds from the sale
of Lingfield School (£250,000) which was transferred to Oxted along with the
pupils. This happened in 1969 and it was understood by local residents that
Lingfield children would always be offered places at Oxted.
Michael Sydney, Tandridge District Councillor, stated that he was working
closely with Dormansland School and supports David Allonby in his efforts.
There is also disappointment that Head Teachers at Primary Schools and the
Head Teacher at Oxted were not told about this change of admission policy
before parents. It is hoped that enough places will become available this year
for all Lingfield and Dormansland children to be offered a place at Oxted but
he stressed that the District Council has no power over education.
Brian Perkins referred to the potential transport problems if children are sent
to Oakwood in Horley. In rural areas the mode of transport should be taken
into account.
Bob Drew referred to the limited parking in the village and asked when the
new restrictions come into force.
New restrictions are slowly being implemented and illegal parking will be
dealt with. There is no increased parking provision as yet.
Brian Perkins pointed out that current developments may provide an
opportunity to acquire more parking and he is hoping a sensible solution will
be found.
Bob Drew asked if there are any plans for further restriction e.g. more double
yellow lines.
There are no plans at the moment for further restrictions.
Concern was expressed about the state of the Co-Op frontage and the former
SCATs shop. The District Councillors present declined to comment regarding
7 High Street as it is the subject of ongoing litigation.
Heather Francis urged people to complain directly to the Co-op. David
Allonby said that the new Co-Op manager will be taking up residence in the
flat above the shop but complaints need to go to those in charge.
Mike Freeman complemented the Tandridge District Council street sweeper
but requested that the outer parts of the village could do with a clean.
Graham Marks stated that we need to look at the street sweeping schedule to
make sure the contractors are carrying out their work and also pointed out that
hedgerows are only scheduled for cleaning twice a year.
Heather Francis asked who is responsible for cleaning road signs.
Surrey County Council.
Mary Edwards pointed out that the ditch in Crowhurst Road looks like a
landfill site.
Becoming a Councillor
The Chairman thanked his fellow councillors for their four years’ (in some cases
more) service and asked anyone who was interested in becoming a Parish
Councillor to contact the clerk for more information about the role.
Brian Perkins thanked Mike Clark for his work over the last four years, pointing
out that as Chairman he has reduced the Parish Precept for two consecutive years
and kept it static for the following two. He thanked him for his financial
expertise. For reasons outside our control some things have not been achieved but
it has not been through lack of effort on the part of the Parish Council.
Meeting closed 9.25pm