Quiz 1 - UCSD Department of Physics


Quiz 1

1) What of the following is a WRONG statement.

A) When a load of steel is dropped from a boat floating in a lake, the water level in the lake falls.

B) An ice cube with a piece of cork frozen into it is floating in a glass of water. When the ice melts the water level falls.

C) An ice cube with a steel nut frozen into it is floating in a glass of water. When the ice melts the water level falls.

D) When an ice cube floating in a glass of water melts, the level of water remains the same.

2) What of the following is a WRONG statement.

A) The equation vA = const is only valid under the conditions of conservation of mass and incompressibility of the fluid.

B) A steady flow implies that the velocity does not change in time, but might still change along streamlines.

C) Positioning of the center of buoyancy of a boat below its center of gravity guarantees stability of the boat.

D) Variation of hydrostatic pressure with the height/depth is proportional to the density of the fluid.

3) A manual hydraulic lift has a 45-cm-diameter piston supporting the load, and it can go up by a maximal height of 80 cm. The maximal load it can support is 500 kg. The manually driven piston has a diameter of 8 cm. What is the force one needs to apply to the manually driven piston to lift the maximal load, if there is no friction.

A) 160 N B) 870 N C) 500 N D) 16 N

4) A balloon filled with Hydrogen (density 0.09 kg/m3) has a volume of 120 m3. The mass of the balloon, excluding the gas inside, is 12 kg. What is the maximal load the balloon can lift, if the density of air is 1.20 kg/m3?

A) 135 kg B) 120 kg C) 1210 kg D) 142 kg

5) On land, the most massive piece of a material you can carry is 35 kg. The heaviest piece of the same material you can carry under water has a mass of 42.5 kg. What is the density of the material. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.

A) 7500 kg/m3 B) 1200 kg/m3 C) 5500 kg/m3 D) 4500 kg/m3

6) A venturi is constructed of a pipe with a diameter of 14 cm and a throat diameter of 2.8 cm. Water in the pipe has a pressure of 2 atm and it flows with a velocity of 0.7 m/s. What is the pressure in the throat?

A) 1.6 atm B) 3.5 atm C) 0.5 atm D) 2.4 atm

7) Consider a thin-wall tube with a length of 8 m and with a cross-section having a shape of a square with a side of 1.5 m. The pressure inside the tube is 0.65 atm. The pressure outside of the tube is 0.35 atm. (1 atm = 105kPa). What is the net force tending to separate one half of the tube from the other half, in Newtons?

A) 2.4x10


B) 3.6 x10


C) 7.2 x10


D) 1.2 x10


8) An open jar contains a 12 cm of sea water (density 1.03 g/cm3) and 24 cm of oil (density 0.82 g/cm3) above the water. The pressure of the atmosphere is 1.03 x10


Pa. What is the absolute pressure

at the bottom of the jar?

A) 1.06 x10


Pa B) 3 x10


Pa C) 1.33 x10


Pa D) 3 x10



Quiz 2

1) What of the following is a WRONG statement

A) A thermometer put in direct sunlight is likely to show temperature higher than the temperature of air around the thermometer.

B) If two identical-looking physical systems are in the same microscopic state they are not necessarily in the same macroscopic state.

C) Large bodies of water exert temperature-moderating effect on their surroundings because of high specific heat of water.

D) A properly functioning thermometer measures its own temperature.

2) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) Thermal conductivities of glass and fiberglass are dramatically different because of low thermal conductivity of air.

B) Double-glazed windows provide good thermal insulation because of low thermal conductivity of air.

C) In spite of the fact that the thermal conductivity of Styrofoam is higher compared with air, filling a cavity in a house wall with Styrofoam beads is likely to provide better thermal insulation.

D) The insulating value of a double-glazed window generally increases proportionally to the spacing.

3) Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) An object with high emissivity, e, is also a good absorber of radiation.

B) When the volume of an ideal gas is increased, the temperature always drops proportionally.

C) Several days after a snowstorm, the roof on Jones' house is uniformly covered with snow, whereas on Smith's house next door the snow has completely melted off. A likely reason for this is that Jones' house has better roof insulation than does Smith's.

D) An electronic fever thermometer works faster than a glass-and-mercury thermometer due to lower heat capacity and higher thermal conductivity of the measuring element of the electronic thermometer.

4) A constant-volume gas thermometer supports a 53 mm mercury column at a temperature of -219C

(boiling temperature of liquid oxygen). What will be the column height, when the thermometer is in boiling water (at +100C).

A) 366 mm B) 8 mm C) 116 mm D) 79 mm

5) A 0.6 kg piece of hot steel [specific heat 502 J/(kgK)] at 700 eC is dropped into 6 kg of water

[specific heat 4200 J/(kgK)] at room temperature (20 eC). What will be the equilibrium

Temperature, in degrees C?

A) 28 B) 92 C) 82 D) 58

6) A composite panel has material 1 on the bottom and material 2 on the top. The temperature of the bottom is 346.0 e C and the temperature of the top is 237.0 eC. Material 1 has a thermal resistance of .35 K/W, and material 2 has a thermal resistance of .20 K/W. Find the heat-flow rate. Assume the thickness is small compared with the surface area, so heat loss at the edges can be neglected.

A) 400 W B) 730 W C) 3500 W D) 200 W

7) How thick should be a sleeping bag filled with down [thermal conductivity 0.043 W/(moK)], to enable keeping the body temperature at 37 C at an outside temperature of -10 C, if a human body has a surface area of 1.5 m2 and its heat production is limited by 120 W?

A) 2.5 cm B) 1.1 cm C) 1.4 cm D) 4 cm

8) There are 5 mol of an ideal gas at an initial temperature of 240 K and pressure of 120 kPa. The pressure is increased to 240 kPa and the gas volume drops to one third its initial value. What is the new temperature?

A) 40 K B) 360 K C) 160 K D) 1440 K

Quiz 3

1) Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A) If two identical gas-cylinder systems are taken from the same initial state to the same final state, the work done and the heat added are not necessarily the same, whereas the change in the internal energy is always the same.

B) A quasi-static process, which begins and ends at the same pressure, is not necessarily isobaric

C) If you shake a jar of water, the process can be described by equation Q = W, where Q is the amount of heat transferred to the water and W is the work you do.

D) If a system goes from an equilibrium state 1 to an equilibrium state 2 in an irreversible way, the states 1 and 2 can be described by points in a T-V diagram.

2) Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A) The molar specific heat of a gas of very complicated molecules with hundreds degrees of freedom per molecule will have the specific heat ratio Cp/Cv‘1.

B) Out of three identical gas-cylinder system that expand isothermally, adiabatically, and isobarically from the same state to final states that have the same volume, the system expanding isothermally does the least work.

C) If ice and water have been together in a glass for a long time, they both should have a temperature of 0 eC.

D) A refrigerator left in a kitchen with an open door would not cool the air in the kitchen in the long run.

3) Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) One of the consequences of the 2nd law of thermodynamics is that the highest temperature that can be achieved by focusing sunlight with a lens is lower than the temperature of the surface of the Sun.

B) A hydroelectric power plant can operate with an effiency arbitrarily close to 100%, and this is because it performs a conversion of one form of work into another with no heat transfer being directly involved.

C) COP of a refrigerator decreases when the temperature of the hot reservoir increases.

D) If electricity is supplied to a heat pump from a power plant, the heat output of the pump cannot be greater than the heat extracted from the power plant's fuel.

4) A 610-kg sample of water at 0C is cooled to -29C, and freezes in the process. How much heat is liberated, in kJ?

(For water Lf = 334 kJ/kg and Lv = 2257 kJ/kg. The specific heat for ice is 2050 J/kgK. )

A) 69,000 B) 240,000 C) 167,000 D) 278,000

5) The temperature of an ideal gas in a sealed 0.9 m3 container is reduced from 340 K to 270 K. The final pressure of the gas is 20 kPA. The molar specific heat at constant volume of the gas is 28.0 J/mol oe K. The heat absorbed by the gas, in kJ, is closest to:

A) -15.6 B) 20.4 C) -20.4 D) 15.6

6) An ideal gas in a balloon is kept in thermal equilibrium with its constant-temperature surroundings.

How much work is done by the gas if the pressure is slowly reduced and the balloon expands to 6.0 times its original size? The balloon initially has a pressure of 845.0 Pa and has a volume of 0.15 m3.

A) 750 J B) 250 J C) 3.6 J D) 225 J

7) A Carnot engine is operated as an air conditioner to cool a house in the summer. The air conditioner removes 185 kJ of heat per second from the house, and maintains the inside temperature at 293 K, while the outside temperature is 310 K. The amount of energy per unit time in J/s required for the air conditioner under these operating conditions is closest to:

A) 10800 B) 13200 C) 10200 D) 9000

8) A real (non-Carnot) heat engine, operating between heat reservoirs at temperatures of 670 K and 270

K, performs 3.1 kJ of net work, and rejects 9.2 kJ of heat to the 270 K reservoir, in a single cycle. The efficiency of this heat engine is closest to:

A) 0.60 B) 0.25 C) 0.23 D) 0.33

Quiz 4

1) Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) Wavelength of blue light is shorter than wavelength of red light.

B) A sound wave has a shorter wavelength than a light wave with the same frequency.

C) For waves on a string, higher wave number correponds to higher frequency.

D) If the tension in a string is doubled, the length of the string and the mass of the string are both halved, and the wavelength of a wave on the string is doubled, the frequency of the wave remains the same.

2) Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) In a transverse wave, the speed of the wave and the speed of motion of material particles are different entities.

B) In a longitudinal wave the speed of the wave and the speed of motion of material particles are different entities.

C) If the diameter of a string is doubled, while the length and tension force remain unchanged, the speed of waves on the string is reduced by a square root of 2.

D) A wave in which particles move back and forth along the direction of the wave propagation is called a longitudinal wave.

3) Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) If the amplitude of a spherical wave decreases as one over square of the distance from the wave source, it means that there is no absorption of the wave in the medium and the wave does not lose any power as it propagates.

B) Unlike a harmonic wave, a pulse propagating on a string does not have a frequency.

C) If a long heavy cable is hanging vertically with its bottom end free, the speed of transverse waves on it should be higher at the top than at the bottom

D) Doubling the amplitude of a wave propagating along a string requires doubling the power of the source of the wave.

4) A wave on a stretched string is described by y = 0.04 cos (64t +16x), where the coefficients are given in SI units. What is the maximum velocity of a particle on the string?

A) 160 m/s B) 4 m/s C) 0.64 m/s D) 2.56 m/s

5) Crests of an ocean wave pass a pier every 4.5 s. If the waves are moving at 5.6 m/s, what is the wavelength of the ocean waves?

A) 25 m B) 29 m C) 22 m D) 13 m

6) A wire, 5.0 m long, with a mass of 60 g, is under tension. A transverse wave is propagated on the wire, for which the frequency is 540 Hz, the wavelength is 0.60 m, and the amplitude is 2.7 mm. The tension in the line, in SI units, is closest to:

A) 1400 B) 1600 C) 1800 D) 2000

7) Calculate the light intensity 2.33 m from a 100.0-W light bulb in W/m


. Assume that the light radiates equally in all directions.

A) 21.2 B) 18.4 C) 1.47 D) 1.69

8) In the figure, which of the curves best represents the variation of wave speed as a function of tension for transverse waves on a stretched string?

A) C B) D C) A D) B E) E

Quiz 5

1) What of the following is a WRONG statement

A) Longer waves on the surface of deep water propagate faster than shorter waves

B) If an upward and downward pulse, otherwise identical in shape, are propagating in opposite directions along a stretched string, at the instant they overlap completely and the displacement is zero everywhere, the whole energy of the two pulses is


D) stored as kinetic energy.

A wave pulse propagating on the surface of deep water is likely to change this shape due to wave dispersion.

In two-dimensional interference, the positions of the nodal lines move as the waves propagate

2) What of the following is a WRONG statement

A) If the pressure of an ideal gas is reduced by 50%, while its density remains the same, the speed of sound in the gas will decrease by about 29%.

B) Wavelength of a standing wave can be found as two times the distance between two consecutive nodes.

C) For a 20 dB sound, a reduction of sound intensity by a factor of 50 would bring it below the hearing threshold.

D) When an ideal gas is isothermally compressed, the speed of sound in it does not change

3) What of the following is a WRONG statement

A) A 1 dB increase in sound level may correspond to different absolute increments in sound intensity (measured in W/m2)

B) dB level of sound can be negative

C) In a sound wave, in a gas the displacement and pressure have peaks at different

D) points

Since the speed of sound in water is higher than in air, while air is 780 times less dense than water, the product of the pressure and g-constant of air must be more than 1/780 of the bulk modulus of elasticity of water.

4) At a distance of 10 m from a localized sound source you measure the intensity level of 75 dB. How far away must you be for the loudness to drop to 65 dB?

A) 10.7 m B) 100 m C) 11.5 m D) 31 m

5) The molecular mass of helium is 4.00 x 10-3 kg/mol and the adiabatic constant is 1.67. The speed of sound in helium gas, taken as an ideal gas, at a temperature of 350 K and a pressure of 80 kPa, in SI units, is closest to:

A) 1000 B) 1100 C) 800 D) 900

6) I stretch a rubber band and "plunk" it to make it vibrate in its fundamental frequency. I then stretch it to twice its length and make it vibrate in the fundamental frequency once again. The rubber band is made so that doubling its length increases the tension by a factor of 4 and reduces the mass per unit length by a factor of 2.

The new frequency will be related to the old by a factor of:

A) 4 B) 1.4 C) 2 D) 1

7) Three tuning forks are available. One fork marked "A" produces a 440 Hz tone. The other forks are marked "X" and "Y". The frequency of fork Y is less than the frequency of fork X. When forks A and X are sounded together, a beat frequency of 4 Hz is heard. For forks A and Y, the beat frequency is 7 Hz.

For forks X and Y, the beat frequency is 3 Hz. The frequencies of forks X and Y, respectively, in SI units, are closest to:

A) 436, 447 B) 444, 447 C) 436, 433 D) 447, 444 E) 444, 433

8) A 5.0 g string, 0.36 m long, is under tension. The string produces a 400 Hz tone when it vibrates in the third harmonic. If the speed of sound in air is 344 m/s, then the tension in the string, in SI units, is closest to:

A) 90 B) 170 C) 150 D) 130

Quiz 6

1) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields are always perpendicular to each other.

B) An evidence for expansion of the universe is shift towards smaller wavelengths in the spectra of distant galaxies

C) In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic field always oscillate in phase.

D) Electromagnetic waves do not readily penetrate metals, because metals have free electrons.

2) What is a WRONG statement?

A) When light travels from air into water its velocity changes.

B) Optical fibers can carry much more information that copper wires because frequency of light is much higher than the highest frequency that electrical current in a wire can practically have.

C) When light travels from air into water its frequency changes.

D) If you scratch the outside of the reflecting surface of a prism used for total internal reflection, light is likely to start leaking through the scratch.

3) What is a WRONG statement?

A) Out of two identical faceted pieces of transparent materials, the one with the higher index of refraction is likely to be more sparkling.

B) When light ray in air enters and passes through a flat-parallel slab of glass, the ray goes along a line parallel to the line it used to go along before it entered the slab.

C) Polarizing angle is less than 45 degrees when the light is going from a medium with a lower index of refraction to a medium with a higher index of refraction.

D) If a ray of light is incident normally on a front surface of a prism (n=1.25) and the back surface of the prism is inclined at 45 degrees to the front surface, there will be no total internal reflection on the back surface of the prism.

4) The siren of an ambulance wails at 3000 Hz when the ambulance is stationary. What frequency will you hear as this ambulance approaches you while traveling at 23.60 m/s? The speed of sound is 343.0.

A) 2806 Hz B) 3206 Hz C) 2793 Hz D) 3221 Hz

5) A bichromatic source produces light having wavelengths in vacuum of 450 nm and 650 nm. The indices of refraction in an oil are 1.440 and 1.420, respectively. A ray of the bichromatic light, in air, is incident upon the oil at an angle of incidence of 60.0e. The angle of dispersion between the two refracted rays in the oil, in degrees, is closest to:

A) 1 B) 1.2 C) 0.6 D) 0.8

6) The mach angle for a supersonic jet is 16.89e Assuming that the speed of sound is 343.0 m/s, how fast is the jet moving?

A) 1134 m/s B) 1098 m/s C) 1181 m/s D) 1063 m/s

7) Light of intensity So and polarized horizontally passes through three polarizes. The first and third are horizontal, but the second is oriented 20e to the horizontal. In terms of So, what is the intensity of the light that passes through the set of polarizers?

A) 0.780 So B) 0.442 So C) 0.883 So D) 0.103 So

8) Find the Brewster Angle for light incident from a material with n = 1.39 to a material with n = 1.67.

A) 50.2 B) 49.2 C) 70.3 D) 46.7

Quiz 7

1) As you walk away from a plane mirror on a wall, your image

A) gets smaller.

B) may or may not get smaller, depending on where the observer is positioned.

C) is always a real image, no matter how far you are from the mirror.

D) is always the same size.

2) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) You can start a fire focusing sunlight with a converging lens, but not with a diverging lens.

B) If you place a screen at the location of a virtual image, you will not see the image on the screen.

C) In order to make a magnified real image with a converging lens, the object must be placed at a distance between f and 2f from the lens.

D) A virtual image created by a mirror is seen at different places by different observers.

3) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) The image in a concave mirror is the same size as the object, if the object is placed at a distance of twice the focal length from the mirror.

B) If you lay a magnifying glass on a printed page and move it away from the page, the image of the page is virtual, upright, and magnified in the beginning; then real, upright and magnified; and after that the image becomes real, inverted, and reduced.

C) A negative focal length can be defined as the distance from a diverging lens to a point from which a parallel beam of light appears to diverge upon passing through the lens.

D) Focal length of a converging lens can be quickly estimated by focusing light from a distant source to a point and measuring distance between this point and the lens.

4) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) The image on a movie screen is always real.

B) A concave mirror can make a reduced real image.

C) A concave mirror can make a reduced virtual image.

D) A virtual image created by a lens can only be seen through the lens.

5) When an object is placed 60 cm from a converging lens, the image formed is positioned 120 cm from the lens. If the object is moved 10 cm closer to the lens, the position of the image changes by

80 cm. What is the focal length of the lens?

A) 40 cm B) 72 cm C) 32 cm D) 64 cm

6) A doubly convex thin glass lens has equal radii of curvature. The focal length of the lens is +70.6 cm and the index of refraction of the glass is 1.52. The radius of curvature of each convex surface, in cm, is closest to:

A) 73 closest to:

A) +0.7

B) 59

7) An object is 50 cm from a concave mirror of radius 60 cm. The magnification of the image is

B) -0.7

C) 88

C) +1.5

D) 80

D) -1.5

8) A lens of focal length 105 mm is used as a magnifier. The object being viewed is positioned at the

focal point of the lens. The lens is moved closer to the object, so that the image is now 25 cm from the lens. The distance the lens has been moved, in cm, is closest to:

A) 2.8 B) 2.2 C) 3.4 D) 3.1

Quiz 8

1) A myopic girl wears eyeglasses that allow her to have clear distant vision. The power of the lenses of her eyeglasses is -0.5 diopters. Without eyeglasses, the far point of the girl is closest to:

A) 2.0 m B) 3.0 m C) 6.0 m D) 5.0 m

2) A lens of focal length 45 mm is used as a magnifier. The object being viewed is 9.8 mm long, and is positioned at the focal point of the lens. The user of the magnifier has a near point at 25 cm. The angular magnification of the magnifier is closest to:

A) 6.7 B) 6.1 C)5.6 D) 7.2

3) Consider the interference pattern formed by 8 equally spaced narrow slits. How many minima are there between adjacent maxima?

A) 4 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9

4) In a single lens camera the distance from the lens to the film is varied in order to focus on objects at varying distances. Over what range must a lens of 50 mm focal length vary if the camera is to be able to focus on objects ranging in distance from infinity down to 1.4 m from the camera?

A) 1.48 mm B) 7.41 mm C) 1.85 mm D) 5.56 mm

5) A pair of narrow slits, separated by 1.8 mm, is illuminated by a monochromatic light source. Light waves arrive at the two slits in phase. A fringe pattern, with 5.0 bright fringes/cm, is observed on a screen 4.8 m from the slits. The wavelength of the monochromatic light is closest to:

A) 650 nm B) 700 nm C) 550 nm D) 750 nm

6) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) The intensity pattern resulting from interference of waves from two incoherent sources is the sum of intensities of the two waves

B) You do not see interference effects between front and back of lenses in your eye glasses due to the short length of coherence of the regular light as compared with the thickness of the lenses

C) The primary maxima in multiple slit interference are in the same angular positions as those in double slit interference with the same distance between adjacent slits

D) In order to obtain a steady interference pattern from a two-slit apparatus, the slits must be illuminated by coherent monochromatic light

7) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) In a near-sighted (myopic) eye, the eye acts as an excessively strong lens, so distant objects are imaged to positions behind the retina and appear blurry

B) To correct myopia, eyeglasses with diverging lenses are prescribed, creating virtual, upright, reduced images that are closer to the eyes than the objects themselves

C) To correct farsightedness (hyperopia), eyeglasses with coverging lenses are prescribed

D) Most of the refraction in a human eye is provided by the cornea, rather than by the lens

8) What of the following is a WRONG statement?

A) In a two-slit apparatus, if the distance to the screen is doubled, the angle at which the first maximum of interference is observed does not change

B) In a two-slit apparatus, if the wavelength of light is doubled, the distance between the bright fringes is doubled as well

C) In a two-slit apparatus, if the distance between the slits is doubled, the angle at which the first maximum of interference is reduced to half

D) In a multiple slit apparatus, if the number of slits is doubled, while the illumination of the stilts remains constant, the intensity of light in the bright fringes doubles as well
