GONZALO, JD, et al, 2014. Patient care transitions from the

Clinical Governance
March 2015
This bulletin covers literature relating to clinical governance, with a section devoted
to patient safety, and should be of interest to a variety of NHS staff. It is intended as
an information tool to help you keep up to date with developments in your area of
clinical expertise and interest. It is not an expression of organisational policy. The
inclusion of a guideline, system, tool or similar in this newsletter does not imply that it
is used, or should be implemented, within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge
Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A
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If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge
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This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base,
and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when
appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and
accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable
sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Compiled by:
Kirsty MacKenzie
Assistant Librarian
Glasgow Royal Infirmary Library, New Lister Building, 10 Alexandra Parade,
Glasgow G31 2ER
Phone number: 0141 211 1239
Email: kirsty.mackenzie@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Evidence-Based Practice
Infection Control
Information Systems and Technology
Multidisciplinary Working
Patient Experience and Engagement
Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management
Quality Assessment and Improvement
Resource Effectiveness
Service Design, Evaluation and Improvement
Staff Roles, Skills and Effectiveness
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Practice
BATHGATE, F., et al, 2014. Good practice guidelines for clinical psychologists working
in paediatric cochlear implant teams. Cochlear Implants International: An Interdisciplinary
Journal, 14, pp. 32-34.
Check for full text availability.
BARKHAM, M., 2014. Practice-based research networks: Origins, overview, obstacles,
and opportunities. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 14(3), pp. 167-173.
Check for full text availability.
BICK, D., E., et al, 2014. A national cross sectional survey of heads of midwifery
services of uptake, benefits and barriers to use of obstetric early warning systems
(EWS) by midwives. Midwifery,30(11), pp. 1140-1146.
Check for full text availability.
BURKI, J., R., et al, 2014. Long-term urological management in spinal injury units in
the UK and Eire: a follow-up study. Spinal Cord, 52(8), pp. 640-645.
Check for full text availability.
KHUSHU, A., et al, 2015. Outcome of children referred with heart murmurs referred
from general practice to a paediatrician with expertise in cardiology. Cardiology in the
young, 25(1), pp. 123-127.
Check for full text availability.
PRATT, R., J., 2014. epic3: An evidence-based approach for protecting patients and
saving lives. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 20(9), pp. 418-422.
Check for full text availability.
TSIM, S., et al, 2015. Rescue therapy using an endobronchial valve and digital air leak
monitoring in Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, 14,
pp. 27-29.
Check for full availability.
WARBURTON, J., et al, 2014. Antibiotic intravenous-to-oral switch guidelines: barriers
to adherence and possible solutions. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22(5),
pp. 345-353.
Check for full text availability.
Infection Control
CANTER, R.R., et al, 2014. Observational study of current use of selective
decontamination of the digestive tract in UK Critical Care units. BJA: The British
Journal of Anaesthesia, 113(4), pp. 610-617.
Check for full text availability.
CONWAY,L.J., et al, 2014. Implementation and Impact of an Automated Group
Monitoring and Feedback System to Promote Hand Hygiene Among Health Care
Personnel. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 40 (9), pp. 408-417.
Check for full text availability.
DAWSON, C., H. and MACKRILL, J., B., 2014. Review of technologies available to
improve hand hygiene compliance – are they fit for purpose? Journal of Infection
Prevention, 15(6), pp. 222-228.
Check for full text availability.
DEAN, E., 2014. Keeping infection control in hand. Nursing Standard, 28(46), pp. 20-22.
Check for full text availability.
DENT, M. and TUTT, D., 2014. Electronic patient information systems and care
pathways: The organisational challenges of implementation and integration. Health
Informatics Journal, 20(3), pp. 176-188.
Check for full text availability.
JAVED, F., et al, 2014. Decontamination methods for flexible nasal endoscopes. British
Journal of Nursing, 23(15), pp. 850-852.
Check for full text availability.
MADEO, M. and SPRIDGEON-DAVISON, S., 2014. Effectiveness of an MRSA 'seek-anddestroy' approach in care homes. Journal of Community Nursing, 28(4), pp. 66-71.
Check for full text availability.
POWELL, T., et al, 2014. Developing a model to assess optimum infection control
workforce in acute care settings. American Journal of Infection Control, 42(11), pp. 11421145.
Check for full text availability.
Information Systems and Technology
ARORA, A., et al, 2014. Virtual reality case-specific rehearsal in temporal bone
surgery: a preliminary evaluation. International Journal Of Surgery, 12(2), pp. 141-145.
Check for full text availability.
DAWES, T., R., et al, 2014. Introduction of an electronic physiological early warning
system: effects on mortality and length of stay. BJA: The British Journal of
Anaesthesia, 113(4), pp. 603-609.
Check for full text availability.
DENT, M. and TUTT, D., 2014. Electronic patient information systems and care
pathways: The organisational challenges of implementation and integration. Health
Informatics Journal, 20(3), pp. 176-188.
Check for full text availability.
DEVI, R., et al, 2014. Exploring the experience of using a web-based cardiac
rehabilitation programme in a primary care angina population: a qualitative
study. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, 21(9), pp. 434-440.
Check for full text availability.
EASON, K. and WATERSON, P., 2014. Fitness for purpose when there are many
different purposes: Who are electronic patient records for? Health Informatics
Journal, 20(3), pp. 189-198.
Check for full text availability.
GONZALO, J.D., et al, 2014. Patient care transitions from the emergency department to
the medicine ward: evaluation of a standardized electronic signout tool. International
Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26(04), pp. 337-347.
Check for full text availability.
MCKECHNIE, V., et al, 2014. The effectiveness of an Internet support forum for carers
of people with dementia: a pre-post cohort study. Journal of medical Internet research,
16(2), pp. e68.
Check for full text availability.
SWINGLEHURST, D., 2014. Displays of authority in the clinical consultation: A
linguistic ethnographic study of the electronic patient record. Social science &
medicine, 118, pp. 17-26.
Check for full text availability.
Multidisciplinary Working
DEWAR, B. and COOK, F., 2014. Developing compassion through a relationship
centred appreciative leadership programme. Nurse education today, 34(9), pp. 12581264.
Check for full text availability.
HARRIS, J., et al, 2014. Using peer observers to assess the quality of cancer
multidisciplinary team meetings: A qualitative proof of concept study. Journal of
Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 7, pp. 355-363.
Check for full text availability.
NDORO, S., 2014. Effective multidisciplinary working: the key to high-quality care.
British Journal of Nursing, 23(13), pp. 724-727.
Check for full text availability.
OWITI, J., A., et al, 2014. Cultural consultation as a model for training multidisciplinary
mental healthcare professionals in cultural competence skills: preliminary results.
Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 21(9), pp. 814-826.
Check for full text availability.
RAINE, R., et al, 2014. Determinants of treatment plan implementation in
multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with chronic diseases: a mixed-methods
study. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23(10), pp. 867-876.
Check for full text availability.
TONNA, A., P., et al, 2014. A cross-sectional survey of antimicrobial stewardship
strategies in UK hospitals. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 39(5), pp. 516520.
Check for full text availability.
Patient Experience and Engagement
AHMED, S., et al, 2014. Is advice incompatible with autonomous informed choice?
Women's perceptions of advice in the context of antenatal screening: a qualitative
study. Health Expectations, 17(4), pp. 555-564.
Check for full text availability.
BRAMLEY, L. and MATITI, M., 2014. How does it really feel to be in my shoes? Patients'
experiences of compassion within nursing care and their perceptions of developing
compassionate nurses.Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(19), pp. 2790-2799.
Check for full text availability.
CAMPBELL, J., et al, 2014. Enabling patients with respiratory symptoms to access
chest X-rays on demand: the experience of the walk-in service in Corby, UK. Journal of
Public Health, 36(3), pp. 511-516.
Check for full text availability.
CASTLES, A., et al, 2014. Experiences of the implementation of a learning disability
nursing liaison service within an acute hospital setting: a service evaluation. British
Journal of Learning Disabilities,42(4), pp. 272-281.
Check for full text availability.
CHAMBERS, J., et al, 2014. 'My doctor has changed my pills without telling me':
impact of generic medication switches in stroke survivors. Journal of Behavioral
Medicine, 37(5), pp. 890-901.
Check for full text availability.
GOLDBERG, S., E., et al, 2014. Caring for cognitively impaired older patients in the
general hospital: A qualitative analysis of similarities and differences between a
specialist Medical and Mental Health Unit and standard care wards. International journal
of nursing studies, 51(10), pp. 1332-1343.
Check for full text availability.
GRAHAM, T., et al, 2014. User-generated quality standards for youth mental health in
primary care: a participatory research design using mixed methods. BMJ Quality &
Safety, 23(10), pp. 857-866.
Check for full text availability.
HALL, S., et al, 2014. Patterns of dignity-related distress at the end of life: A crosssectional study of patients with advanced cancer and care home residents. Palliative
medicine, 28(9), pp. 1118-1127.
Check for full text availability.
MORRIS, C., et al, 2014. Is contact with adult mental health services helpful for
individuals with a diagnosable BPD? A study of service users views in the UK. Journal
of Mental Health, 23(5), pp. 251-255.
Check for full text availability.
PALMER, D. and EL MIEDANY, Y., 2014. PREMs in inflammatory arthritis: from
guidelines to standard practice... Patient-Reported Experience Measures. British
Journal of Nursing, 23(18), pp. 982-985.
Check for full text availability.
PLATTEN, M., 2014. Identifying and meeting people's post-stroke emotional needs: a
service evaluation. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(4), pp. 191-197.
Check for full text availability.
RUSS, S., JANE, et al, 2014. The WHO surgical safety checklist: survey of patients'
views. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23(11), pp. 939-946.
Check for full text availability.
SMITH, A., et al, 2014. UPBEAT study patients' perceptions of the effect of coronary
heart disease on their lives: A cross-sectional sub-study. International journal of nursing
studies, 51(11), pp. 1500-1506.
Check for full text availability.
Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management
ALLEN O’NEILL, 2014. An action framework for compliance and governance. Clinical
Governance: An Intl J, 19(4), pp. 342-359.
Check for full text availability.
BHALUDIN, B.N., et al, 2014. Delays and errors in abnormal chest radiograph followup: a systems approach to promoting patient safety in radiology. Journal of evaluation
in clinical practice, 20(4), pp. 453-459.
Check for full text availability.
DOWNIE, F., et al, 2014. Avoidable pressure ulcer rates in six acute UK Trusts. Wounds
UK, 10(3), pp. 48-53.
Check for full text availability.
HAW, C., et al, 2014. Barriers to the reporting of medication administration errors and
near misses: an interview study of nurses at a psychiatric hospital. Journal of
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 21(9), pp. 797-805.
Check for full text availability.
HARRISON, R., et al, 2014. Mentorship for newly appointed physicians: a strategy for
enhancing patient safety?. Journal of patient safety, 10(3), pp. 159-167.
Check for full text availability.
HEIDEVELD- CHEVALKING, A.J., et al 2014. The impact of a standardized incident
reporting system in the perioperative setting: a single center experience on 2, 563
'near-misses' and adverse events. Patient Safety in Surgery, 8(46).
Check for full text availability.
KEERS, R.N., et al, 6084. Prevalence, nature and predictors of prescribing errors in
mental health hospitals: A prospective multicentre study. BMJ Open, 4 (9) , 2014, pp.
date of Publication: 2014.
Check for full availability.
LANG, S., et al, 2014. Immunisation errors reported to a vaccine advice service:
intelligence to improve practice. Quality in Primary Care, 22(3), pp. 139-146.
Check for full text availability.
MACKINTOSH, N., et al, 2014. The habitus of ‘rescue’ and its significance for
implementation of rapid response systems in acute health care. Social science &
medicine, 120, pp. 233-242.
Check for full text availability.
OZIERANSKI, P., et al, 2014. Running a hospital patient safety campaign: a qualitative
study. J of Health Org and Mgt, 28(4), pp. 562-575.
Check for full text availability.
RENAUD, K., 2014. Clinical and information governance proposes; human fallibility
disposes. Clinical Governance: An Intl J, 19(2), pp. 94-109.
Check for full text availability.
SILVESTER, K., et al, 2014. Does process flow make a difference to mortality and
cost? An observational study. International J Health Care QA, 27(7), pp. 616-632.
Check for full text availability.
TARRANT, S., M., et al, 2014. Preventable mortality in geriatric hip fracture inpatients.
Bone & Joint Journal, 96-B(9), pp. 1178-1184.
Check for full text availability.
WOLF, A., et al, 2014. Prospective multicentre randomised, double-blind, equivalence
study comparing clonidine and midazolam as intravenous sedative agents in critically
ill children: the SLEEPS (Safety profile, Efficacy and Equivalence in Paediatric
intensive care Sedation) study. Health technology assessment, 18(71), pp. 1-242.
Check for full text availability.
Quality Assessment and Improvement
BANKS, P., et al, 2014. Enriching the care of patients with dementia in acute settings?
The Dementia Champions Programme in Scotland. Dementia (14713012), 13(6), pp.
Check for full text availability.
DUERDEN, M., 2014. Avoid common prescribing mistakes. Pulse, Nov 2014, pp. 120123.
Check for full text availability.
ELLIOTT, R. and MCKINLEY, S., 2014. The development of a clinical practice guideline
to improve sleep in intensive care patients: A solution focused approach. Intensive &
Critical Care Nursing, 30(5), pp. 246-256.
Check for full text availability.
GILLAM, S. and SIRIWARDENA, A., N., 2014. Evidence-based healthcare and quality
improvement. Quality in Primary Care, 22(3), pp. 125-132.
Check for full text availability.
GOODMAN, B., 2014. Risk, rationality and learning for compassionate care; the link
between management practices and the 'lifeworld' of nursing. Nurse education
today, 34(9), pp. 1265-1268.
Check for full text availability.
HATHORN, C., et al, 2014. Impact of Adherence to Best Practice Guidelines on the
Diagnostic and Assessment Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism
& Developmental Disorders, 44(8), pp. 1859-1866.
Check for full text availability.
MATCHAM, F., et al, 2014. A pilot randomized controlled trial to increase smoking
cessation by maintaining National Health Service Stop Smoking Service attendance.
British Journal of Health Psychology, 19(4), pp. 795-809.
Check for full text availability.
SIRIWARDENA, A., N. and GILLAM, S., 2014. Individual practice and how to improve it.
Quality in Primary Care, 22(3), pp. 133-138.
Check for full text availability.
Resource Effectiveness
ABOHELAIKA, S., et al, 2014. Anticoagulation control and cost of monitoring of older
patients on chronic warfarin therapy in three settings in North East England. Age &
Ageing, 43(5), pp. 708-711.
Check for full text availability.
ARMSTRONG, N., et al, 2015. The use of fenestrated and branched endovascular
aneurysm repair for juxtarenal and thoracoabdominal aneurysms: A systematic
review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health technology assessment, 18(70), pp. 1-65.
Check for full text availability.
BROWNING, P., 2014. The cost-effectiveness of wound dressings. British Journal of
Healthcare Management, 20(10), pp. 462-466.
Check for full text availability.
BURN, D. and BEESON, E., 2014. Orthopaedic triage: cost effectiveness,
diagnostic/surgical and management rates. Clinical Governance: An Intl J, 19(2), pp.
Check for full text availability.
CLAXTON, L., et al, 2014. Ranibizumab, Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy or
Observation for the Treatment of Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization: Cost
Effectiveness in the UK. Drugs & aging,31(11), pp. 837-848.
Check for full text availability.
HENDERSON, C., et al, 2014. Cost-effectiveness of telecare for people with social care
needs: the Whole Systems Demonstrator cluster randomised trial. Age & Ageing, 43(6),
pp. 794-800.
Check for full text availability.
KILONZO, M., et al, 2014. Cost effectiveness of antimicrobial catheters for adults
requiring short-term catheterisation in hospital. European urology, 66(4), pp. 615-618.
Check for full text availability.
MEJÍA, A., et al, 2014. Cost-effectiveness of a nurse facilitated, cognitive behavioural
self-management programme compared with usual care using a CBT manual alone for
patients with heart failure: secondary analysis of data from the SEMAPHFOR trial.
International journal of nursing studies, 51(9), pp. 1214-1220.
Check for full text availability.
UTTLEY, L. and TAPPENDEN, P., 2014. Dry powder inhalers in cystic fibrosis: same
old drugs but different benefits? Current opinion in pulmonary medicine, 20(6), pp. 607612.
Check for full text availability.
Service Design, Evaluation and Improvement
BODY, R., et al, 2014. The Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (MACS) decision
rule for suspected cardiac chest pain: derivation and external
validation. Heart, 100(18), pp. 1462-1468.
Check for full text availability.
BROWN, D. and HILSON, N., 2014. What to do to prepare for a CQC inspection. Practice
Nursing, 25(8), pp. 401-403.
Check for full text availability.
HURST, K. and DEIRDRE, K.P., 2014. Health and social care workforce planning and
development – an overview. International J Health Care QA, 27(7), pp. 562-572.
Check for full text availability.
MCGLYNN, B., et al, 2014. A service evaluation describing a nurse-led prostate cancer
service in NHS, Ayrshire and Arran. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 8(3), pp.
Check for full text availability.
MURCOTT, W., J., 2014. Transitions between child and adult mental health services:
service design, philosophy and meaning at uncertain times. Journal of Psychiatric &
Mental Health Nursing, 21(7), pp. 628-634.
Check for full text availability.
PEARCE, L., 2014. Avoidable asthma deaths: national audit results. Nursing times,
110(32-33), pp. 22-24.
Check for full text availability.
Staff Roles, Skills and Effectiveness
ALSULAMI, Z., et al, 2014. Nurses’ knowledge about the double-checking process for
medicines administration. Nursing Children & Young People, 26(9), pp. 21-26.
Check for full text availability.
ATSALOS, C., et al, 2014. How clinical nurse and midwifery consultants optimise
patient care in a tertiary referral hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(19), pp. 28742885.
Check for full text availability.
BOWEN, A., et al, 2014. Nurse led discharge: improving efficiency, safely. Clinical
Governance: An Intl J, 19(2), pp. 110-116.
Check for full text availability.
DEWAR, B. and COOK, F., 2014. Developing compassion through a relationship
centred appreciative leadership programme. Nurse education today, 34(9), pp. 12581264.
Check for full text availability.
IKENWILO, D. and SKATUN, D., 2014. Perceived need and barriers to continuing
professional development among doctors. Health Policy, 117(2), pp. 195-202.
Check for full text availability.
MCGUIRE, C. and RAY, D., 2014. Developing leadership roles in nursing and
midwifery. Nursing Standard, 29(9), pp. 43-49.
Check for full text availability.
TUME, L., N., et al, 2014. Paediatric intensive care nurses' and doctors' perceptions on
nurse-led protocol-directed ventilation weaning and extubation. Nursing in critical care,
19(6), pp. 292-303.
Check for full text availability.
Recent Publications
Caring for people in the last days and hours of life
Scottish Government
Exploring the cost of care at end of life
Nuffield Trust
September 2014
Improving Healthcare Together: Clinical Engagement Strategy 2014-2017
Health Improvement Scotland
Learning from adverse events: Learning and improvement summary
Health Improvement Scotland
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2014 Volume 1: National Results
Scottish Government
Scottish Radiotherapy Patient Experience Survey 2014: National Results: Volume 1
Scottish Government
The Quality Principles: Standard Expectations of Care and Support in Drug and
Alcohol Services
Scottish Government
Please note that the journal articles you are accessing are subject to the terms and
conditions imposed by the publisher, so there will be a limit on the number of articles
an individual may download or print from a single issue of a journal. You can consult
your local NHSGGC library with any queries.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other library services please contact
Library staff – contact details are at the beginning of the bulletin.
Sources checked for this bulletin:
Databases: Medline, Medline In-Process, Embase, CINAHL, Health Business Full Text Elite,
Emerald, The Cochrane Library, Health Management Information Consortium, Health
Management Library
Journals: Clinical Governance: an International Journal, Journal of Health Services
Research and Policy, Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Journal of
Patient Safety, Journal of Health Organization and Management, Patient Safety in Surgery,
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, International Journal for Quality in
Health Care, Quality in Primary Care, Clinical Risk
Newsletters: Health Management and Policy Alert (produced by The King’s Fund)
Websites: Scotland’s Health on the Web (SHOW), Healthcare Improvement Scotland