Graphing Calculator Scavenger Hunt - MELT-Institute

Graphing Calculator Scavenger Hunt
Name: __________________________
1. Press 2nd + ENTER What is the ID# of your calculator? ____________________
For help, what website can you visit? _____________________
2. What happens to the screen when you push 2nd ▲ over and over? 2nd  over and over? ______________________
3. Type the following in the calculator 7 + 3  4 ENTER What answer do you get? ____________
Did the calculator follow the order of operations? How do you know? ______________
4. What happens when you press the following keys?
7 – – 5 ENTER ____________________
What happens when you press these keys instead?
7 – (-) 5 ENTER ____________________
What does this say about the use of the – versus (-) key? _____________________.
5.  is called the "caret" button, and is used to raise a number to a power. Find 65 = ______. To square a number use
x2 What is 562? _______ To cube a number, press MATH and select option 3. What is 363? ___________ There are
TWO ways to enter an exponent of 2 on the calculator. Draw them, using 42. _______________ and _______________.
6. Press 2nd Y= to access the STAT PLOTS menu, how many stat plots are there? _______
7. To access the functions/symbols above buttons in green, you must press which key first? __________
What is in green that might be useful to you? __________________
8. To access the function/symbols above buttons in yellow or blue, you must press which key first? __________
What two symbols in yellow or blue do you recognize? ___________________________________
9. To get the calculator to simplify the following problem 2{3 + 10/2 + 62 – (4 + 2)}, what do you do to get the { and } ?
_________________ The answer to the problem is __________.
10. Press 2 + 3 ENTER. Now type 110 / ANS. What did your calculator do for you? _________________________
11. Use your calculator to answer the following: 2 x 41.587 =________ 2578/4= _________ 369 + 578= _________
12. Now press 2nd ENTER two times. What pops up on your screen? ___________ Arrow left and change the 4 to a 2.
What answer do you get? ________ How will this feature be helpful? _____________________________________
13. Press MATH, what do you think the first entry will do? _____________________
14. Now press CLEAR , then press 0 . 5 6 MATH and select option 1. What answer do you get? ___________
In other words, this is how you can use your calculator to help you ________________________!
15. Press 2nd 0 to access the calculator's catalogue. Scroll up, to access symbols. What is the first symbol? _________
What is the last symbol? _________ An A appears in the top right corner of the screen. This means the calculator is in
alphabetical mode. Press x-1 . What is the 9th entry in the D's? ____________ FYI: “dbd(” is the 1st entry.
16. Press 5
 
9 ENTER. Press 2 to go to the error. The cursor should be blinking on the second /, press
DEL ENTER. What answer did you get?______ Then, convert this number to a fraction, press MATH ENTER _______
17. Enter (-2)2 into the calculator, what answer did you get? ___________ Now enter –22 into the calculator, what
answer did you get this time? ________Why do you think you got two different answers? ________________________