NHLBI Cultural Competence Collaborative


National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

Conference Call Agenda

Monday, June 11 th , 2007

12:00-1:00pm PDT


Dial: 1.877.208.9784 or 1.877.246.9080 (Toll Free USA and Canada)

1.206.315.8552 or 1.206.315.8580 (International and metro-Seattle)

Enter Participant Conference Entry Code: 80414 (followed by the # key)

WebEx (to use concurrently with the teleconference call):

To connect to WebEx, please click on the following link: https://stanford.webex.com/stanford/j.php?ED=95088167&UID=1002998772

Meeting number: 921 642 626

Meeting password: cultural

1) Updates and Group Announcements

2) Face to Face 2007:

Updates from small group planning committee

Please send a copy of your most recent grant update (that you sent in to

NHLBI for your yearly renewal) to Sylvia ( sylviab@stanford.edu

) . We will compile these and include them in the meeting binders.

Please respond to the following question: Please describe a high point event (moment) in your work in cultural competence and/or health disparities, where your work felt particularly meaningful and fulfilling, you

felt energized, motivated, and aligned with purpose.

Please let Cindy ( cpatton@bcm.edu

) know if you are attending the F2F meeting.

Working groups, please plan on meeting from 12noon-3pm on Saturday, in particular: Conference Planning Group, Assessment Tools, TACCT, Medical


2) AAMC Colloquium

Lisa Nelson from AAMC will be contacting participants who signed up with hotel confirmation information.

See agenda page 4

3) Cultural Competence in Textbooks (Lynn)

Members of our Consortium are invited to make content and editing recommendations for the forthcoming 10th edition of Bates. Please see the pdf documents on the website and attached to this email. i. http://culturalmeded.stanford.edu/members/ ii. Sign in: user: culturalmeded password: nhlbi

4) Medical Spanish – results from our survey (Lynn)

Discussion around what various institutions are offering students to develop medical Spanish language skills.

3) Upcoming conference call meeting times:

First Monday of the month from 12:00pm-1:00pm (PDT) i. October 8 th ii. November 12 th

National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

Conference Call Agenda

Monday, June 11 th , 2007

12:00-1:00pm PDT

Working Groups:

 “Lessons Learned” collaborative manuscript: o Carlos Estrada (lead) ( cestrada@uab.edu

) o Desiree Lie ( dalie@uci.edu


Letters to the editor (responses to current articles): o Olivia Carter-Pokras (co-lead) ( opokras@umd.edu

) o David Acosta (co-lead) ( dacosta@u.washington.edu


Office for Civil Rights o Partner with OCR to develop a curriculum targeted at emerging physicians.

Focus on educating medical students that physicians are an agent for change and are 1) knowledgeable about health disparities and the law, 2) can recognize discrimination, and 3) can act when discrimination occurs.

o AAMC GEA submissions include: 1) pilot workshop on curriculum, 2) focus group session on what physicians want to see in curriculum and from the OCR.

 Clarence Braddock (lead) ( cbrad@stanford.edu


 Ana Nunez (AAMC focus group lead) ( ana.nunez@drexelmed.edu


 Paul Haidet (AAMC workshop lead) ( phaidet@bcm.edu


 Olivia Carter-Pokras ( opokras@umd.edu


 David Acosta ( dacosta@u.washington.edu


 Sonia Crandall ( Crandall@wfubmc.edu


Assessment Tools o Perform a systematic review of current assessment tools. Working group to determine a framework for rating by developing an internal rating scale, followed by psychometric analysis (if appropriate) through a multi-site study.

 Clarence Braddock ( cbrad@stanford.edu


 Paul Haidet ( phaidet@bcm.edu


 Carlos Estrada ( cestrada@uab.edu


 Lynn Bickley ( lynn.bickley@ttuhsc.edu


 David Acosta ( dacosta@u.washington.edu


 Sonia Crandall ( Crandall@wfubmc.edu


 Desiree Lie ( dalie@uci.edu


 Ana Nunez ( ana.nunez@drexelmed.edu


 Elizabeth Lee-Rey ( eleerey@aecom.yu.edu


Advocacy at NBME o Collaborative member lead to be determined o General interest from group members

SP Case Bank Development/Trigger Tapes o Collaborative member lead to be determined o General interest from group members

Textbook review of race and ethnicity as biological constructs o Draft abstract of project: Medical schools are now required to provide cultural competency training. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, cultural competence education for medical students should include epidemiology of health and health care disparities; factors underlying health and health care disparities; and definitions of race, ethnicity, and culture. Medical textbooks also reflect the norms, values and biases of society and medicine. We reviewed fifteen of the latest editions of the most widely used preclinical and reference textbooks in the

U.S. for how each addressed race and ethnicity. Medical textbooks were identified for review from several standard lists of texts. Textbooks were individually reviewed using a pre-established set of search criteria: subject headings, definition of race and/or ethnicity, epidemiology, etiology and treatment recommendations.

Information indexed by race/ethnicity varied greatly across texts —from chapter

National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

Conference Call Agenda

Monday, June 11 th , 2007

12:00-1:00pm PDT excerpts to no information. Few texts addressed the distinction between sociopolitical or genetically influenced race and ethnicity. Clinical texts mentioned a correlation between race and certain diseases but did not offer specific explanations.

Consequently, some clinical references suggested different treatment procedures specific to ethnic groups. The majority of texts provided health statistics by racial/ethnic group and noted several related risk factors, yet offered no specific explanation for racial/ethnic disparities.

 Textbook review completed, manuscript development to be pursued

Olivia Carter-Pokras (lead) ( opokras@umd.edu


TACCT o Multi-site administration of TACCT to determine reliability and validity in multiple settings. Responses by students and faculty to individual TACCT items at separate schools may show variability reflecting differences in their respective existing curriculums. TACCT can be used to systematically identify areas of CC education currently under-addressed in the curriculum.

o Manuscript currently under review

 Desiree Lie (lead) ( dalie@uci.edu


 8 participating schools

SP-Interpreter case development and checklist validations o Case development of standardized patient (SP) and standardized interpreter (SI) to validate two checklists: Faculty Observation Rating Scale (FORS) and the Interpreter

Impact Rating Scale (IIRS), cross-validated on the Patient-Physician Interaction scale (PPI). The pilot was done with Spanish-speaking SP-SI pairs for a smoking cessation case during a CPX exam for MS3 students. We compared the IIRS,

FORS, and PPI for four faculty observers, two SPSI pairs, and the student’s PPI scores.

o In use at UCI (MS2) and Stanford (MS1) o Currently, we are undergoing manuscript revision for submission to JGIM. o Future studies will include: multi-site, multi-language, multi-academic year students

(comparison of reliability and validity of IIRS/FORS); as well as usability of scales in general clinical settings.

 Desiree Lie (lead) ( dalie@uci.edu


 Sylvia Bereknyei ( sylviab@stanford.edu


 Sonia Crandall

National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

Conference Call Agenda

Monday, June 11 th , 2007

12:00-1:00pm PDT



Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fairmont Hotel, Washington, DC

An invitational colloquium to include California Endowment grant recipients and members of the

NHLBI collaborative to consider issues related to the assessment of educational interventions used in cultural competence education, to a) Identify existing best available evidence for effective interventions, drawing upon literature on existing teaching methods, assessment tools, learner groups and intervention timing; b) Identify gaps; areas for which there is a paucity of robust interventions and supporting educational research.

Purpose and Objectives

Our overarching goal is define to scope of known educational interventions and the quality of evidence regarding the effectiveness of these interventions in cultural competence education, as well as identify associated research questions related to educational methods for and efficacy of cultural competence education interventions. We will use TACCT as a framework to guide this inquiry. Colloquium objectives include:

Catalog existing interventions by TACCT category, learner group, and level of evidence by assessment methods

Highlight existing assessment strategies and associated tools used with cultural competence curricula.

Identify gaps and associated key research questions related to development and assessment of cultural competence interventions.

Develop consensus around needed research and outline a future research agenda.

Colloquium Activity

To engage participants in activity using the TACCT framework to

 marry educational interventions with TACCT defined learning objectives sort these interventions by learner group and by level of evidence of effectiveness identify gaps and suggest areas that need further development

Background and Rationale

Several articles in the June 2006 issue of Academic Medicine called for an examination of developing a considered and systematic approach to skill development and assessment in educating for cultural competence. It is important to consider what interventions currently exist, what need to be developed, and how best to evaluate if the intervention is effective in the way intended. In so doing, a consensus might further be developed around identifying a research agenda for the community of medical educators working on cultural competence.

Cultural Competence and Medical Education: Many Names, Many Perspectives,

One Goal.

Commentary Betancourt, J. MD, MPH Acad Med. 81(6):499-501, June


Losing Culture on the Way to Competence: The Use and Misuse of Culture in

Medical Education.

Gregg, J; Saha, S Acad Med. 81(6):542-547, June 2006.

Medical Education for a Changing World: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence into Transnational Competence. Koehn, P; Swick, H Acad Med. 81(6):548-556, June


National Consortium on Multicultural Education for Health Professionals

Conference Call Agenda

Monday, June 11 th , 2007

12:00-1:00pm PDT

Work Products?

Populated TACCT with associated educational interventions (see PogoE; http://www.pogoe.org

- for an example of a clearinghouse of educational interventions that are cataloged by learner group, educational objectives; we would add the dimension of “level of educational evidence”

MedEdPORTAL submission of above completed TACCT

IIME consensus proceedings report

topic featured at AAMC annual meeting session(s)


Working Agenda Wire Map

9:00am – 9:20am Introductions and Overview of the Colloquium Charge

9:20am – 9:50am Introductory Framing:

9:50am – 10:00am Break

10:00am – 11:00am Large Group Discussion

Discuss the framing questions

Discuss assessment tools: currently available and needed

11:00am – 12:00pm Break into Working Groups to populate TACCT

Noon-12:45pm Lunch

12:45pm – 1:30pm Working Groups Continued

1:00pm – 2:30pm Working Groups report to Large Group

Synthesize findings, find common themes



Next Steps

