RaleighBSMC Scholarship Application

Instructions and Application
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Raleigh, NC Scholarship
The Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Scholarship program was established to provide financial
assistance to deserving students in the North Carolina counties of Durham, Franklin, Granville,
Johnston, Orange, Vance, Wake, Warren and Wayne. The program was created to support students who
have demonstrated achievement in academic leadership, extracurricular and community activities.
Those eligible to apply for the Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Scholarship must:
 be accepted to attend a regionally or nationally accredited college in the fall 2015 semester or
term as an entering first-year, full-time or part-time student
 be a legal resident of Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Orange, Vance, Wake, Warren or
Wayne county
 have a 3.0 GPA or above.
Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club members, associate members, prospects, its affiliates
and members of their immediate families and households are not eligible.
$1000 Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Scholarship
Application Procedure
Letter of Introduction, Essay and Application must be post marked by June 30, 2015. The winners will
be selected by July 31, 2015.
Winner Selection
The Raleigh BSMC Scholarship Committee will select scholarship winners. In evaluating the applicants,
the committee will consider the applicants’ high school records, standardized test results, extracurricular
activities, and involvement in community activities.
Responsibility of Recipients
Recipients must be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student during the academic semester or term of
the academic year in which the scholarship was awarded, continue in school for the entire academic year
without interruption, barring illness, emergency or military service and make satisfactory academic
progress. Recipients (or their parents) are responsible for making certain that scholarship checks are
delivered to their colleges and universities.
Payments and Funds
Scholarship checks will be made payable to the institution and mailed in the second semester of the
students first year.
By completing the Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Scholarship Aapplication, selected
winners agree that the Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers Motorcycle Club Scholarship Program, the
program sponsor or its agents may use their name and likeness and any other directory information
provided in connection with this program for purposes of news, publicity and advertising in all media,
including but not limited to print and electronic media, press releases, internet websites and video media.
(1) Prepare a letter of introduction, identifying yourself, your accomplishments to date, community
service activities and the degree you are seeking. Provide a brief summary of how you plan to
use the scholarship funding if selected.
(2) Complete the application beginning on page 4. Attach a copy of your high school transcript.
(3) Write a 500 word essay (type-written) on one of the following topics:
A. In what ways am I inspired by the legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers?
B. The stories of the Buffalo Soldiers exemplify many positive character traits. List and identify
four (4) character traits of Buffalo Soldiers (living or deceased) and describe how you will apply
those character traits to your daily living.
C. Why is it necessary that we pass on the legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers to future generations?
D. The Congressional Medal of Honor is presented to the recipient by the President of the
United States in the name of Congress. This is the highest award for valor presented to
military members recognized for having performed the highest degrees of bravery and selfsacrifice on the battlefield. Please write on one of the Buffalo Soldiers awarded the Medal of
Honor and what can be learned from his life, his efforts and his commitment to duty.
(4) Letter of Introduction, Essay and Application must be post marked by June 30, 2015. Submit the
entire packet of information to:
Raleigh BSMC Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 1121, Raleigh, NC 27602
Raleigh Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Scholarship
2015 Application
Applicant Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone:
Date of Birth:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone (Optional):
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
Academic Information:
High School (your most recently attended high school):
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
County: _______________________________________________________________
Graduation date: _______________________________________________________
Scholarship 2015 Application
GPA-Weighted: _______ GPA-Un-weighted: _______
(Attach copy of high school transcript)
GPA Scale: ______
Class rank (if applicable): __________
ACT Composite: _______
SAT Reading: _______
SAT Math: _______
Name and Address College/University:
1st Choice: _____________________________________________________________
2nd Choice: _____________________________________________________________
3rd Choice: _____________________________________________________________
By completing this application, I certify that the information contained in this application is accurate.
I understand that false information will be grounds for not awarding of scholarship funds.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________