Professor John Dean Publications 1985

Professor John Dean
Publications 1985 - 1999
“Extraction of magnolol from Chinese medicines with supercritical fluid extraction", Liu Ben
and J.R. Dean, Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine, 21 (7), 331-333 (1999).
"Extraction of tetramethylpyrazine from Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort. Using phytosol
solvent and supercritical fluid", Liu Ben, J.R. Dean and R. Price, Chinese Journal of
Pharmaceuticals, 30, 196-198 (1999).
"Microwave-assisted solvent extraction", J.R. Dean, L. Fitzpatrick and C. Heslop, in
"Extraction Methods in Organic Analysis", A. Handley (Ed), Sheffield Academic Press,
Sheffield (1999) Chapter 7, pp.166-193.
"Direct analysis of solids using SPME", J.R. Dean and P. Hancock, in "Applications of Solid
Phase Microextraction", J. Pawliszyn (Ed.), The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK
(1999) Chapter 18, pp. 248-257.
"Modern alternatives to supercritical fluid extraction", J.R. Dean and N. Saim, in Analytical
Supercritical Fluid Extraction Techniques, E.D. Ramsey (Ed.), Kluwert Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1998), Chapter 10, p.392-417.
"Extraction of magnolol from magnolia officinalis using supercritical fluid extraction and a
new portable extraction technique, phytosol solvent extraction", J.R. Dean, B. Liu and R.
Price, Phytochemical Analysis, 9, 248-252 (1998).
"Extraction methods for environmental organic analysis", J.R. Dean, John Wiley and Sons
Ltd., Chichester, UK (1998).
"Microwave-Enhanced Solvent Extraction", J.R. Dean, Encyclopedia of Environmental
Analysis and Remediation, R.A. Meyers (Ed), John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (1998).
"A comparison of methods for determination of a hydrophobicity parameter for polyethylene
surfactants", C. Leeke, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson and M.H.I. Comber in "Quantitative
Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental Sciences - VII", F. Chen and G.
Schuurmann (Eds), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC),
Pensacola, Florida, USA p. 207-218 (1998).
"Extraction of Tanshinone IIA from salvia miltiorrhiza bunge using supercritical fluid
extraction and a new extraction technique, phytosol solvent extraction, J.R. Dean, B. Liu and
R. Price, J. Chromatogr., 799, 343-348 (1998).
"An experimental design approach for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
from highly contaminated soil using accelerated solvent extraction", N. Saim, J.R. Dean, Md.
P. Abdullah and Z. Zakaria, Anal. Chem., 70, 420-424 (1998).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", J.R. Dean, O. Butler, A. Fisher, L.
Garden, M.S. Cresser, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 13, 1R-56R (1998).
"Atomic Absorption and Plasma Spectroscopy", J.R. Dean, ACOL Text, John Wiley and
Sons Ltd., Chichester (1997).
Book Review “Supercritical fluid extraction: L. Taylor, Wiley, Chichester, 1996” J.R. Dean
in Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 16(3), X (1997)
"Symposium on Analytical Science and the Environment. Foreword", J.R. Dean, Analyst,
122, 1459-1460 (1997).
"Extraction and fate of phenols in soil", P. Hancock and J.R. Dean, Anal. Comm., 34, 377379 (1997).
"Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil using Soxhlet
extraction, pressurised and atmospheric microwave-assisted extraction, supercritical fluid
extraction and accelerated solvent extraction", N. Saim, J.R. Dean, Md. P. Abdullah and Z.
Zakaria, J. Chromatogr., 791, 361-366 (1997).
"Analytical extraction of additives from polymers: Critical review", H.J. Vandenburg, A.A.
Clifford, K.D. Bartle, J. Carroll, I. Newton, L.M. Garden, J.R. Dean and C.T. Costley,
Analyst, 122, 101R-115R (1997).
"Extraction of hexaconazole from weathered soils: A comparison between Soxhlet extraction,
microwave-assisted extraction, supercritical fluid extraction and accelerated solvent
extraction", S.P. Frost, J.R. Dean, K.P. Evans, K. Harradine, C. Cary and M.H.I. Comber,
Analyst, 122, 895-898 (1997).
"Extraction of oligomers from poly(ethylene terephthalate) by microwave-assisted
extraction", C.T. Costley, J.R. Dean, I. Newton and J. Carroll, Anal. Comm., 34, 89-91
"Extraction of pharmaceuticals using pressurised carbon dioxide. Review", J.R. Dean and S.
Khundker, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 15, 875-886 (1997).
"Determination of antifungals in rodent diet by supercritical fluid extraction followed by
packed column supercritical fluid chromatography with ultraviolet detection", J.R. Dean, I.A.
Fowlis, S.M. Hitchen, S. Khundker, E. Ludkin, F. Normand and P. Jones, J. AOAC Int., 80,
7-13 (1997).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", J.R. Dean, L.M. Garden, J.
Armstrong, M.S. Cresser, M. Cave and P. Watkins, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 12, 19R-87R
"Accelerated solvent extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated
land", J.R. Dean, Anal. Comm., 33, 191 (1996).
"Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from environmental matrices: Practical
considerations for supercritical fluid extraction. Tutorial review", J.R. Dean, Analyst, 121,
85R-89R (1996).
"Solid phase microextraction as a method for estimating the octanol-water partition
coefficient", J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson, V. Makovskaya, R. Cumming, M. Hetheridge and
M. Comber, Anal. Chem., 68, 130-133 (1996).
"Influence of pesticide-soil interactions on the recovery of pesticides using supercritical fluid
extraction, J.R. Dean, I.J. Barnabas and S.P. Owen, Analyst, 121, 465-468 (1996).
"Effect of soil-pesticide interactions on the efficiency of supercritical fluid extraction.
Review", J.R. Dean, J. Chromatogr. A, 754 (1/2), 221-233 (1996).
"Accelerated solvent extraction of phenols from soil", J.R. Dean, A. Santamaria-Rekondo and
E. Ludkin, Anal. Comm., 33, 413-416 (1996).
Book Review “Packed column SFC: T.A. Berger, RSC Chromatographic Monographs, RSC,
Cambridge, 1995” J.R. Dean in Anal. Chim. Acta, 336, 227-228 (1996)
"From sample to analysis to data interpretation: Chromatography research at the University
of Northumbria at Newcastle (UNN)", J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, E. Ludkin and I.A. Fowlis,
The Chromatographic Society Bulletin, No. 42, pp. 13-16, April 1996.
"Determination of triazine herbicides in environmental samples: Review", J.R. Dean, G.
Wade and I.J. Barnabas, J. Chromatogr. A, 733, 295-335 (1996).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, L.M. Garden, J.
Armstrong, J.R. Dean, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 11, 19R-85R (1996).
"Octanol-water partition coefficients of substituted phenols and their correlation with
molecular descriptors", V. Makovskaya, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson and M. Comber, Anal.
Chim. Acta, 315, 193-200 (1995).
"Experimental design approach for the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from
soil using supercritical carbon dioxide", I.J. Barnabas, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson and S.P.
Owen, Anal. Chem., 67, 2064-2069 (1995).
Book Review “Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry II: J. Zyka, Ellis Horwood,
Chichester, 1994” J.R. Dean in Anal. Chim. Acta, 302(1), 128-129 (1995).
"Estimation and determination of steroid solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide", J.R.
Dean, M. Kane, S. Khundker, C. Dowle, R.L. Tranter and P. Jones, Analyst, 120, 2153-2157
"Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from highly contaminated soils: A
comparison between Soxhlet, microwave and supercritical fluid extraction techniques", J.R.
Dean, I.J. Barnabas and I.A. Fowlis, Anal. Proc. including Anal. Comms, 32, 305-308
"Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from highly contaminated soils using
microwave energy", I.J. Barnabas, J.R. Dean, I.A. Fowlis and S.P. Owen, Analyst, 120,
1897-1904 (1995).
Book Review “Fractionation by packed column SFC and SFE, principles and applications:
M. Saito, Y. Yamauchi and T. Okuyama (Eds), VCH, New York, 1994” J.R. Dean in Anal.
Chim. Acta, 316(3), 414 (1995).
"Determination of octanol-water partition coefficients using gradient high performance liquid
chromatography", V. Makovskaya, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson, S.M. Hitchen and M.
Comber, Anal. Chim. Acta, 315, 183-192 (1995).
"Automated determination of s-triazine herbicides using solid phase microextraction", I.J.
Barnabas, J.R. Dean, I.A. Fowlis and S.P. Owen, J. Chromatogr. A, 705, 305-312 (1995).
"A comparison between solid phase extraction and supercritical fluid extraction for the
determination of fluconazole from animal feed", S. Khundker, J.R. Dean and P. Jones, J.
Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 13, 1441-1447 (1995).
"Extraction of surfactants from aqueous media by supercritical fluid extraction", M. Kane,
J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, C.J. Dowle and R.L. Tranter, Analyst, 120, 355-359 (1995).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, J. Armstrong, J.M.
Cook, J.R. Dean, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 10, 9R-45R (1995).
"Modelling supercritical fluid extraction using computational chemistry", J.R. Dean, P.
Battersby, S.M. Hitchen, W.R. Tomlinson, and P.M. Myers, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, 17-19 October 1994, Strasbourg, France,
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (ISBN 2-905267-23-8), Tome 1, p. 143-148.
"Selective supercritical fluid extraction of organochlorine pesticides and herbicides from
aqueous samples", I.J. Barnabas, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen and S.P. Owen, J. Chromatogr.
Sci., 32, 547-551 (1994).
"Supercritical fluid extraction of analytes from environmental samples. A review", I.J.
Barnabas, J.R. Dean and S.P. Owen, Analyst, 119, 2381-2394 (1994).
"Selective extraction of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides using a combined
solid phase extraction-supercritical fluid extraction approach", I.J. Barnabas, J.R. Dean, S.M.
Hitchen and S.P. Owen, Anal. Chim. Acta, 291, 261-267 (1994).
"Predicting solubility in supercritical fluid extraction using a neural network", P. Battersby,
J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson, S.M. Hitchen and P. Myers, Analyst, 119, 925-928 (1994).
"Interaction between carbon dioxide and naphthalene: A molecular modeling approach", P.
Battersby, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, W.R. Tomlinson and P. Myers, J. Comp. Chem., 15,
580-587 (1994).
"Supercritical fluid extraction of organochlorine pesticides from an aqueous matrix", I.
Barnabas, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen and S.P. Owen, J. Chromatogr. A, 665, 307-315 (1994).
"Determination of the growth promoter, 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl arsonic acid in chicken
tissue by coupled high performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry", J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon, M. Foulkes, H.M. Crews and R.C. Massey, J.
Anal. At. Spectrom., 9, 615-618 (1994).
"25th Anniversary of the Atomic spectroscopy Group, Atomic Spectroscopy Group meeting,
Ambleside, UK, 23-24 March, 1994", J.R. Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 9, N29-N30 (1994).
"Atomic spectrometry and the environment", J.R. Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 9, N5 (1994).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, J. Armstrong, J.
Cook, J.R. Dean, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 9, 25R-68R (1994).
"Experimental design approach to the optimisation of the analysis of non-conducting
materials using a glow discharge source", S.J. O'Gram, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson and J.
Marshall, Anal. Chim. Acta, 294, 95-102 (1994).
"Predicting supercritical fluid extraction using computational chemistry", P. Battersby, J.R.
Dean, S.M. Hitchen, W.R. Tomlinson and P. Myers, Anal. Proc., 30, 473-475 (1993).
"The extraction of ibuprofen by supercritical carbon dioxide", S. Khundker, J.R. Dean and
S.M. Hitchen, Anal. Proc., 30, 472-473 (1993).
Book Review “Spectrochemical analysis by atomic absorption and emission, L.H.J. Lajunen,
RSC, Cambridge, 1992” J.R. Dean in Anal. Chim. Acta, 278, 207-208 (1993).
Book Review “Supercritical fluid extraction and its use in chromatographic sample
preparation, S.A. Westwood, Blackie, Glasgow, 1993” J.R. Dean in Anal. Chim. Acta, 284,
242 (1993).
"Quantitative structure - extraction relationships: A model for supercritical fluid extraction",
M. Kane, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, W.R. Tomlinson, R.L. Tranter and C.J. Dowle, Analyst,
118, 1261-1264 (1993).
"Analysis of non-ionic surfactants using solid - phase extraction combined with supercritical
fluid extraction and chromatography", M. Kane, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, C.J. Dowle and
R.L. Tranter, Anal. Proc., 30, 399-400 (1993)
"Neural networks: A method for predicting solubility in supercritical fluid extraction", P.
Battersby, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, W.R. Tomlinson and P. Myers, LC-GC, 6, 428-431
"Application of supercritical fluid extraction in the pharmaceutical industry: Supercritical
fluid extraction of megestrol acetate from a tablet matrix", J.R. Dean and J. Lowdon, Analyst,
118, 747-751 (1993).
"Experimental design approach to supercritical fluid extraction", M. Kane, J.R. Dean, S.M.
Hitchen, C.J. Dowle and R.L. Tranter, Anal. Chim. Acta, 271, 83-90 (1993).
"Understanding what makes SFE tick", J.R. Dean, Lab. Equip. Digest, September, 35, 37
"Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Industrial Analysis", Editor J.R. Dean, Blackie
Academic and Professional, Glasgow (August 1993).
"Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Food Science", J.R. Dean in "Industrial Applications
of Supercritical Fluids", Editor J.R. Dean, Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow,
chapter 6, (1993).
"Instrumentation for Supercritical Fluid Extraction", J.R. Dean and M. Kane in "Applications
of Supercritical Fluids in Industrial Analysis", Editor J.R. Dean, Blackie Academic and
Professional, Glasgow, chapter 3, (August 1993).
"Principal component analysis and its use in tungsten analysis", K.A. Smith, J.R. Dean and
W.R. Tomlinson, Anal. Proc., 30, 471-472 (1993).
"Properties of Supercritical Fluids", S.M. Hitchen and J.R. Dean in "Applications of
Supercritical Fluids in Industrial Analysis", Editor J.R. Dean, Blackie Academic and
Professional, Glasgow, chapter 1 (August 1993).
"Investigation into the spontaneous dissolution of tungsten using acid media", K. Smith and
J.R. Dean, Analyst, 118, 1445-1447 (1993).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, J. Armstrong, J.
Cook, J.R. Dean, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 8, 1R-44R (1993).
"Evaluation of copper powder as a conducting matrix for the glow discharge analysis of nonconductors", S.J. O'Gram, J.R. Dean and J. Marshall, Anal. Proc., 30, 135-136 (1993).
"Supercritical fluid extraction as a sample preparation technique for chromatography and
spectroscopy", M. Kane, J.R. Dean, S.M. Hitchen, C.J. Dowle and R.L. Tranter, Anal. Proc.,
29, 31-33 (1992).
"Characterisation of ground water chemistry", J.R. Dean and W.R. Tomlinson, Volume 1,
Drigg Far-Field and Radiological Sub-Committee of the Waste Management Division
Technical Committee, BNF Ltd., Sellafield (1992).
"Factorial design approach for microwave dissolution", A.A. Mohd, J.R. Dean and W.R.
Tomlinson, Analyst, 117, 1743-1748 (1992).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, J. Armstrong, J.
Dean, P. Watkins and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 7, 1R-51R (1992).
"Evaluation of a gas jet-enhanced sputtering device for atomic absorption spectrometry", S.J.
O'Gram, J.R. Dean, W.R. Tomlinson and J. Marshall, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 7, 229-234
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, J. Armstrong, J.
Dean, M.H. Ramsey and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 6, 1R-40R (1991).).
Book Review “Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry 1: Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1991”
J.R. Dean in Anal. Chim. Acta, 268(1), 191 (1992
"Sample introduction in atomic spectroscopy", J.R. Dean, Laboratory Practice, 39(10), 71,
73, 75, 77 (1990).
"Isotope ratio and isotope dilution analysis of lead in wine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry", J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon and R.C. Massey, Food Additives and
Contaminants, 7, 109-116 (1990).
"Continuous and flow injection hydride generation coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry", J.R. Dean, H.G.M. Parry, R.C. Massey and L. Ebdon, ICP Information
Newsletter, 15, 569-572 (1990).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M. Cresser, L. Ebdon, J.
Armstrong, J. Dean, M.H. Ramsey and M. Cave, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 5, 1R-55R (1990).
"Ion chromatographic determination of aluminium with ultraviolet
spectrophotometric detection", J.R. Dean, Analyst, 114, 165-168 (1989).
"Application of high performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry to the investigation of cadmium speciation in pig kidney following cooking and
in vitro gastro-intestinal digestion", H.M. Crews, J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon and R.C. Massey,
Analyst, 114, 895-899 (1989).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, L. Ebdon and J.R.
Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 4, 1R-28R (1989).
"An analytical method for the growth promoter 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid and its
application to chicken meat", R.C. Massey, M. Baxter, J.A. Burrell, H.M. Crews, L. Ebdon
and J.R. Dean, Journal of Trace Elements and Electrolytes in Health and Disease, 2(2), 122123 (1988).
"The effects of cooking and simulated gastrointestinal digestion on the speciation of
cadmium in pig kidney", R.C. Massey, H. Crews, L. Ebdon and J.R. Dean, Journal of Trace
Elements and Electrolytes in Health and Disease, 2(2), 123-124 (1988).
"Trace element speciation in food: A combined enzymolysis - SEC - ICP-MS approach",
H.M. Crews, R. Massey, D.J. McWeeny and J.R. Dean, Journal of Research of the Natural
Bureau Standards, 93, 349-350 (1988).
"The effects of cooking and simulated gastro-intestinal digestion on the speciation of
cadmium in pig kidney", R.C. Massey, H. Crews, L. Ebdon and J.R. Dean, in "Trace Element
Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology", Volume 5, Walter de Gruyter and Co.,
Berlin, p. 180-187 (1988).
”Potentiometric and voltammetric responses of carbon fibre electrodes", T.E. Edmonds, J.R.
Dean and S. Latif, Anal. Chim. Acta, 212, 23-30 (1988).
"Atomic Spectrometry Update - Environmental Analysis", M.S. Cresser, L. Ebdon and J.R.
Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 3, 1R-44R (1988).
"Some applications of isotope analysis of lead in food by ICP-MS", H.M. Crews, R.C.
Massey, D.J. McWeeny, J.R. Dean and L. Ebdon, Journal of Research of the Natural Bureau
Standards, 93, 464-466 (1988).
"Applications in Food Science", J.R. Dean, H.M. Crews and L. Ebdon in "Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry", Editors A.R. Date and A.L. Gray, Blackie and Sons
Ltd., Glasgow, Chapter 6 (1988).
"The application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in trace element studies in
foodstuffs: Use of isotope ratios", J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon, H. Crews and R.C. Massey in
"Analytical Applications of Spectroscopy", Editors C.S. Creaser and A.M.C. Davies, The
Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 305-307 (1988).
"Characteristics of flow injection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for trace
metal analysis", J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon, H.M. Crews and R.C. Massey, J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,
3, 349-354 (1988).
"Studies of metallo-protein species by directly coupled high performance liquid
chromatography - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry", J.R. Dean, S. Munro,
L.C. Ebdon, H.M. Crews and R.C. Massey, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2, 607-610 (1987).
"Spectroscopy across the spectrum - Analytical applications of spectroscopy, 12-15th July
1987, Norwich, UK", J.R. Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2, 655 (1987).
"2nd Atomic Spectrometry Updates Symposium - April 8th, 1997, Thames Polytechnic,
London, UK", J.R. Dean, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2, 350-351 (1987).
“Selection of mode for the determination of lead isotope ratios by inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry and its application to milk powder analysis", J.R. Dean, L. Ebdon and R.
Massey, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2, 369-374 (1987).
"A study of the formation of atoms and dry aerosols above a graphite rod sample introduction
device used for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry", J.R. Dean and
R.D. Snook, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1, 461-465 (1986).
"An assessment of the accuracy of graphite rod vaporization used for sample introduction in
to an axially viewed inductively coupled plasma", J.R. Dean, Z. Liang and R.D. Snook,
Analyst, 110, 1395-1396 (1985).
"Axial view of an inductively coupled plasma", J. Davies, J.R. Dean and R.D. Snook,
Analyst, 110, 535-540 (1985).