2002 BRITISH THESES ABOUT AFRICA Agriculture Abdel-Warith, A. Suitability of selected raw materials and by-products in formulated feeds for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and African catfish Clarias gariepinus [Egypt]. Ph.D., Plymouth. Bell, C.E. Development and evaluation of knowledge dissemination methods for smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania, with special reference to bovine mastitis. Ph.D., Glasgow. Bojang, M. The Use of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cover crop for sustainable maize and millet production in the Gambia. Ph.D., Reading. Chikusie-Chirwa, P.W. Water and nitrogen dynamics in Gliricidia sepium/pigeonpea/maize systems in southern Malawi. Ph.D., Nottingham. Gilfoyle, D. Veterinary science and public policy at the Cape Colony, 1877-1910 [South Africa]. Ph.D., Oxford. Hood, L.A. Effects of pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungi on regeneration of two tropical tree species [Ghana]. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Karimuribo, E.D. Epidemiological studies of mastitis in smallholder dairy farms in Tanzania. Ph.D., Reading. Kunjo, E.M. Integration of socio-economically appropriate management strategies for Striga hermonthica in the Gambia. Ph.D., Reading. Magadzire, Z. Foraging strategies of cattle and goats in mixed-species grazing systems [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Matose, F.M. Local people and reserved forests in Zimbabwe: what prospects for co-management?. Ph.D., Sussex. Millar, N. The effect of improved fallow residue quality on nitrous oxide emissions from tropical soils [Kenya]. Ph.D., London, Imperial Coll. of Sci., Tech. and Med. Mizambwa, F.C. Responses of composite tea plants to drought and irrigation in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Ph.D., Cranfield. Mkumbo, O.C. Assessment and management of Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.) stocks in the Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria. Ph.D., Hull. Mlambo, V. Modifying the nutritional effects of tannins present in Acacia and other tree fruits offered as protein supplements to goats in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Reading. Mvula, P.M. Fluctuating fisheries and rural livelihoods at Lake Malawi [Malawi]. Ph.D., East Anglia. Mwang'ingo, P.L.P. Ecology and silviculture of Osyris lanceolata (African sandalwood): an aromatic tree of Tanzania. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Njongmeta, L.M. Immunity in onchocerciasis after ivermectin prophylaxis: studies with Onchocerca ochengi in cattle [Cameroon]. Ph.D., Liverpool. Pasquini, M. Soil fertility management strategies in irrigated peri-urban agriculture around Jos, Nigeria3/4an interdisciplinary approach. Ph.D., Durham. Robertson, J. The evolving forestry context in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Swai, E.S. Epidemiological studies of tickborne diseases in small scale dairy farming systems in Tanzania. Ph.D., Reading. Twinamasiko, E.K. Development of an approach programme for the control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in Uganda. Ph.D., Reading. Young, M.D.B. Development and application of PARCHED-THIRST: a user-friendly agrohydrological model for improving dryland cropping systems [Tanzania]. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Zewdie, Y. Access to forest resources and forest-based livelihoods in highland Kafa, Ethiopia: a resource management perspective. Ph.D., Huddersfield. Anthropology Arero, H.G.W. Keeping the peace of Borana: aspects of peace and conflict in shifting "indigenous" systems of Northern Kenya. Ph.D., East Anglia. Chang, D.M.F. Pursuing the good life in hard times: comparison of mens and womens strategies in Maasai/Kikuyu marriages in Kenya. Ph.D., London, Goldsmiths College. Dyer, K.W. Official wisdom and rural people's knowledge: a study of environmental perceptions, policy and practice in southern Malawi, 1895-1995. Ph.D., East Anglia. Earl, G.P. Constructed places: Roman architecture and the mind eye. A thesis on the application of spatial theories and computer visualisation to experience an Egyptian Red Sea port around AD 120. Ph.D., Southampton. Field, A.S. The Middle Pleistocene in transition: lithic assemblages and changing social relations between OIS 12 and 6 in Europe and Africa [South Africa]. Ph.D., Southampton. Frankland, M.C. The tainted pearl: Stories of war, tourism and development in Uganda. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Hulit, T.D. Durham. Late Bronze Age scale armour in the Near East [Egypt]. Ph.D., Kresse, K. Approaching philosophical discourse in a Swahili context: knowledge, theory and intellectual practice in Old Town Mombasa [Kenya]. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Lewis, J.D. Forest hunter-gatherers and their world: a study of the Mbendjele Yaka pygmies of Congo-Brazzaville and their secular and religious activities and representations. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Econ. and Political Science. Morton, C.A. Oxford. Dwelling and building in Ngamiland, Northern Botswana. D.Phil., Paynter, S.C. The development of vitreous materials in the ancient Near East and Egypt. D.Phil., Oxford. Perry, M.A. Kanga-kangula-kangila: the construction of socio-cultural and religious identity among the Bandibu of Mbanza-Ngungu (Democratic Republic of Congo). Ph.D., Birmingham. Rossi, B. The Keita Project: an anthropological study of international development discourses and practices in Niger. Ph.D., London, London School of Economics and Political Science. Russell, T.M. The spatial analysis of radiocarbon databases: the spread of the first farmers in Europe and of the fat-tailed sheep in southern Africa [South Africa]. Ph.D., Southampton. Sugishita, K. Traditional healers in a Christian nation: a study of Ng'anga in modern Zambia. D.Phil., Oxford. Tabishat, M. Persons, bodies and organs: living and debating the morality of medical care in modern Cairo [Egypt]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Wengrow, D. Comparative animal art of the Neolithic Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley: a long-term perspective on early state formation [Egypt]. Ph.D., Oxford. Zakrzewski, S.R. Continuity and change: a biological history of Ancient Egypt. Ph.D., Cambridge. Zulfikar, A.H. The co-construction of space and relatedness amongst Swahilispeaking Muslims of the Indian Ocean: Zanzibar, Mombasa and Muscat. D.Phil., Oxford. Architecture Merghani, A. Thermal comfort and spatial variability: a study of traditional courtyard houses in the hot dry climate of Khartoum, Sudan. Ph.D., Cambridge. Biological Sciences Aboaba-Onadeko, C.A. Biology and biochemical systematics of the West African gobioid fishes with reference to the sleeper gobies (Teleostei: eleotridae) of the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. Ph.D., Bristol. Andanje, S.A. Factors limiting the abundance and distribution of hirola (Beatragus hunteri) in Kenya. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Baird, D.R. The role of resource competition in ungulate diversity and community structure in Africa. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Blake, S. The ecology of forest elephant distribution and its implications for conservation [Congo]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Brncic, T. Ecology and patch dynamics of Megaphrynium macrostachyum (Benth.) Milne-Redh. (Marantaceae) in the south-west Central African Republic. D.phil., Oxford. Campbell, G. Molecular evolution and population genetics of Biomphalaria (Mullusca: Gastropoda) [Senegal & Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Salford. Carter, S.P. [Mauritius]. Habitat refuges and the management of predators for conservation Ph.D., London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New Coll. Cobb, S.N.F. Form variation in the postnatal facial skeleton of the African apes. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Dioli, M. Studies on ticks (Acari): infesting the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Kenya and Southern Ethiopia. Ph.D., London, Royal Veterinary College (U.K.). Donohue, I. The effects of increased sediment load on the biota of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin (Univ. of Dublin). Farmer, K.H. The behaviour and adaptation of reintroduced chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in the Republic of Congo. Ph.D., Stirling. Gillson, L. Oxford. Vegetation change in East African elephant habitat [Kenya]. Ph.D., Githiru, M. Endemic forest birds of the Taita Hills: using a model species to understand the effects of habitat fragmentation on small populations [Kenya]. D.phil., Oxford. Gow, J.L. Genetic analyses of the structure, dynamics and mating system of Bulinus forskalii group snail populations (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Cameroon. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Griffin, A.S. A genetic analysis of cooperative breeding in meerkats [South Africa]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Hughes, M. Population structure and speciation in Begonia L. Ph.D., Glasgow. Long, E. The feeding ecology of Pteropus rufus in a remnant gallery forest surrounded by sisal plantations in South-East Madagascar. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Lopes, A.P. Genetic variation and population differentiation in Quercus suber L: (Fagaceae). Ph.D., Cambridge. Lyons, E.J. Diversity, structure, and population genetics of the human malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. D.Phil, Oxford. Mahmood, Z. Genetical variation in the downy mildew fungus Sclerospora graminicola. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Manu, S.A. Effects of habitat fragmentation on the distribution of forest birds in South Western Nigeria with particular reference to Ibadan Malimbe and other malimbes. D.Phil., Oxford. Marker, L. Aspects of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) biology, ecology and conservation strategies on Namibian farmlands. D.Phil., Oxford. Mwangi'ingo, P.L.P. Ecology and silviculture of Osyris lanceolata: an aromatic tree of Tanzania. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. O'Brien, S.H. Population dynamics and exploitation of the radiated tortoise Geochelone radiata in Madagascar. Ph.D., Cambridge. Okonkwo, C.L. Palynostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental studies of the Oligocene and Early Miocene sequences onshore, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria. Ph.D., Sheffield. Park, S.D.E. Trypanotolerance in West African cattle and the population genetic effects of selection. Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin (Univ. of Dublin). Parnell, R.J. The social structure and behaviour of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Mbeli Bai, Republic of Congo. Ph.D., Stirling. Plana, V. Systematics and biogeography of the Afro-Malagasy fleshy-fruited Begonia. Ph.D., Glasgow. Rice, P. Landscape ecology of the Souss-Massa National Park, southern Morocco and applications for the modelling of bald ibis (Geronticus eremita L.) habitat suitability. Ph.D., Derby. Sabeti, P.C. The effects of natural selection and recombination on genetic diversity in humans: an investigation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in African populations [Gambia & Malawi]. Ph.D., Oxford. Walda, W. Oil pollution on the Libyan coast. Ph.D., Southampton. Wilson, J.F. Human population structure and demographic history using genetic markers. D.Phil., Oxford. Young, H.G. Predicting the ecology of Madagascars endemic dabbling ducks using captive populations and related taxa: implications for conservation. Ph.D., Kent. Business Administration El-din Nasr, M.S. Determinants of the demand for microenterprise finance in urban Egypt. Ph.D., Durham. Hassan, A.B.D.E-Aziz. Multi-Parties effect upon the purchase behaviour of children: an applied study on children's shoes at Dakahlia Governorate-Egypt. Ph.D., Huddersfield. Ketsitlile-Phatshwane, P.M.D. Budgetary systems in African organisations: the case of public organisation in Botswana. Ph.D., Manchester, UMIST. Othata, O. Management accounting, accountability and organizational change: the case of Botswana firms. Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. Sibanda-Ndiweni, E. A structuration analysis of the production and reproduction of management accounting and quality practices in a volatile socio-political environment [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Essex. Zerban, A.M. Power/knowledge relations and accounting in Egypt. Ph.D., Essex. Farrugia, M. Cinema The plight of women in Egyptian cinema, 1940s-1960. Ph.D., Leeds. Earth Sciences Acheson, R. Palaeoceanography at the juncture between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans during the Late Quaternary [South Africa]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Ali, M.Y. A geophysical study of lithospheric flexure in the vicinity of the Cape Verde islands. D.Phil., Oxford. Ghoneim, E.M. Characterising the flash flood potential in the arid Red Sea coast region of Egypt. Ph.D., Southampton. Hassan, M. Exploratory groundwater modelling in data-scarce environments: the shallow aquifer of River Yobe Basin, North East Nigeria. Ph.D., Cranfield. Kuma, J.S. Environmental hydrogeology of the Tarkwa gold mining district, Ghana. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Mohiuddin, U. Late Cretaceous palynology and seismic-sequence stratigraphy of the subsurface formations on the interior region of North Oman. Ph.D., Sheffield. Paton, D.A. The evolution of southern south Africa: insights into structural inheritance and heterogeneous normal fault growth. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Pattison, K.A. Source rock characterisation and correlation with oils using free and macromolecularly-bound biomarkers (offshore Angola). Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Rosatelli, G. The petrogenesis of carbonatitic rocks and their relation to mantle amphibole and carbonate as exemplified in contrasting volcanoes from Vulture, Italy and Rangwa, East Africa [Kenya]. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Economics Abd-El-Naby, Y.K.E-S. Accounting information system in the water industry: the case of cost management [Egypt]. Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. Abila, R.O. A socio-economic analysis of the fishery co-operatives of Lake Victoria (Kenya) [Kenya]. Ph.D., Hull. Agbesi, E.N. A bioeconomic analysis of the marine inshore pelagic fisheries of Ghana. Ph.D., Portsmouth. Akwetey, L.M. Investment attraction and trade promotion in economic development: a study of Ghana within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Ph.D., Middlesex. Ayele, S. The role and impact of investment incentives on small and mediumsized enterprise development in Ethiopia. Ph.D., Open U. Badri, B.A.B. Rural domestic water consumption in Sudan: An entitlements approach. Ph.D., Liverpool. Barnett, C.P. Environmental degradation and sustainable livelihoods following the return of Mozambican refugees from Dedza and Ntcheu districts, Malawi. D.Phil, Sussex. Bennett, J.E. The contribution of arable land allocations to cattle production systems in communal areas of central eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Ph.D., Coventry. Bishop, J.T. The economics of soil fertility management: theory and evidence from West Africa. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Castel-Branco, C.N. An investigation into the political economy of industrial policy: the case of Mozambique. Ph.D., U. of London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Coker, A.J. The formal rural banking sector in Ghana: an analysis of the performance of rural banks and the Agricultural Development Bank. Ph.D., Bradford. Compton, J.A.F. Evaluating physical and economic losses and improving decisionmaking in small farm maize storage [Ghana]. Ph.D., London, External. Dennis, A. Determinants of exports in adjusting sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from Ghana. Ph.D., Nottingham. Dreyer, W.W. A measure of international market orientation (IMOMI) [South Africa]. Ph.D., De Montfort. Elbagalaty, A.F.A. Birmingham. Private investment and the growth process in Egypt. Ph.D., Gooroochurn, N. Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling of tourism taxation: The case of Mauritius. Ph.D., Nottingham. Howard, G. Effective approaches to water supply surveillance in urban areas of developing countries [Uganda]. Ph.D., Surrey. Jamil, F.E.S. Irrigation management transger in a hostile context: a case study of the implementation of a transferred policy in the Kano River Irrigation Project - Northern Nigeria. Ph.D., Birmingham. Jones, B.S.G. Explaining rural poverty in Mozambique: a realist approach. D.Phil, Sussex. Kaboyoka, L.S. Regional integration and co-operation in sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., Westminster. Kavari, G.V. Modelling macroeconomic performance of African economies: an application of a macro econometric model. Ph.D., Surrey. Kweka, J.P. Essays on the public sector, tourism and economic growth in Tanzania. Ph.D., Nottingham. Leblanc, M. The use of remote sensing and GIS for water resources management of large semi-arid regions: a case study of the Lake Chad Basin, Africa. Ph.D., Glamorgan. Love, R.S. Political economy of the coffee filiere in Ethiopia. Ph.D., Leeds. Lwiza, D.R.V.B. Market-orientation of Tanzanian banking institutions: a case of CRDB Bank. Ph.D., East London. Madichie, N.O. Sheffield. Customs unions theory and the ECOWAS experience. Ph.D., Manasseh, N.B. Mobilisation of savings in Kenya: the role of Nairobi stock exchange. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Marazzi, L.E.C. The global regulation of marine fisheries and its impact on two developing states: Namibia and Kerala. Ph.D., Bristol. Masilo Philemon, M.P. Demand for money in Southern African countries: the case of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Birmingham. Mensah-Kutin, R. Gendered experiences of access to electric power: the case of a rural electrification programme in Ghana. Ph.D., Birmingham. Milozi, P.F. Towards prudential banking regulation and supervision: the case of Tanzania. D.Phil, Sussex. Muhoozi, L.I. Exploitation and management of the artisanal fisheries in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria. Ph.D., Open U. Njiru, C. Managing urban water services through segmentation, service and price differentiation: findings from sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., Loughborough. Nthara, K.L. Cambridge. Towards the reduction of poverty in rural Malawi. Ph.D., Oya, C. Groundnut production crisis and liberalisation in Senegal: a case study of large-middle farmers. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Pamu, M.E. Effects of external shocks, external debt and stabilisation policies on the Zambian economy. Ph.D., Southampton. Patel, Z. Rethinking sustainable development: power, policy and practice in South Durban [South Africa]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Ramadan, I.M.W. The supply chain for Egypts fresh produce exports: Barriers to efficiency and proposed strategies for improvement. Ph.D., Southampton Inst. Sannassee, R.V. Analysing the presence and contribution of wholly owned subsidiaries and foreign joint ventures in the Mauritian export processing zone: A case study of the textile and wearing apparel sector. Ph.D., Reading. Sima, S.S. Whose technology counts?: A study of promotion of soil and water conservation and its acceptance by smallholder farmers, with special reference to the North Bank Division, the Gambia. Ph.D., East Anglia. Somevi, J.K. The potential role of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the development of sustainable energy policies plans and programmes for Ghana. Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. Teriba, A.O. Another look at the transactions demand for money in Nigeria. Ph.D., Durham. Tsheko, B.O. Analysing the impact of international trade policy shocks on the economy of Botswana. Ph.D., Sheffield. Vandenberg, P.P. Institutions and accumulation in Kenya: analysing the AfricanAsian divide. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Yaw, O.K. Migrant child labourers in Accra: a case study of the making of an adjustment generation [Ghana]. Ph.D., Warwick. Zgovu, E.K. The incidence and trade effects of protection: Evidence for Malawi. Ph.D., Nottingham. Education Abd El Al, A.E.S.A. The effect of a strategy-based instruction programme on developing EFL listening comprehension skills [Egypt]. Ph.D., Warwick. Al-Azemi, B.H. The role of the Society of the Muslim Brothers in the development of modern Islamic educational thought in Egypt (1928-1988). Birmingham. Ph.D., Avoke, M.K. Institutionalisation of pupils with mental retardation: a study of two residential schools in Ghana. Ph.D., Birmingham. Chakanyuka, S. Mentoring and the professional development of pre-service primary teacher training students of Masvingo Teachers College, Zimbabwe: a case study. D.Phil., Sussex. Chinsamy, D.B. Improving learning and learner achievement in under-resourced South African Schools: a study of the education district office in sustaining school improvement in South Africa. D.Ed., Nottingham. Chumun, S. Classroom assessment in Mauritian primary schools. Ph.D., Brunel. Corl, L. Parent support organisations, African and Caribbean parents and homeschool relations: cultural co-operation or cultural exclusion. Ph.D., Cambridge. Croft, A.M. Pedagogy in school context: an intercultural study of the quality of learning, teaching and teacher education in lower primary classes in Southern Malawi. D.Phil., Sussex. Dingalo, R. Factors associated with gender differences in enrolment for science and technology subjects in Botswana. Ed.D., London, Institute of Education. Dogbe, D.D. On-going, school-based INSET for Ghanaian primary teachers. D.Phil., Sussex. Ebato, M. Agency and community participation in primary schooling in Mukono District, Uganda. Ph.D., Reading. Gaeonale, J.K.K. Educational policy: an investigation of the possible paths to decentralisation in Botswana. Ph.D., Bath. Harrison, M.A. Scholars and princes in the halls of learning: a study of the impact on individual scholars of studying overseas [South Africa]. Ph.D., Lancaster. Hedges, J. Becoming a teacher in Ghana: a qualitative study of newly qualified teachers in central region, Ghana. D.Phil., Sussex. Ingonga, L.I. A task based language awareness approach to teaching English grammar in Kenyan secondary schools: an exploratory study. Ph.D., Birmingham. Kazima, M. Leeds. Malawian students' understandings of probability language. D.Ed., Kesianye, S.K. Teachers learning to assess students' mathematics: an investigation with Botswana preservice teachers. D.Ed., Leeds. Khalifa, S.M.G. The use of computers in the teaching of mathematics in Libyan primary schools. Ph.D., Sunderland. Macha, E. Leeds. Gender, disability and access to education in Tanzania. Ph.D., Mohamed Shehata, S.A. An analysis of the concept of freedom and its implications for educational theory and practice in Egypt, 1805-2000. Leeds. Ph.D., Moore, J. Changing perspectives towards a more constructive practice: reflections on the complexities of implementing the Portage Programme in northern Namibia. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Nasr, A.A.M. A reading improvement programme for engineering trainees in Egypt. Ph.D., Ulster. Nimoh, F.G. The financial impact of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) on parental capabilities to support their children in six primary schools in Ghana. Ph.D., Reading. Ogbamicael, S.L. Gender differences in learning achievement in Eritrean secondary schools with emphasis on science. Ph.D., Bristol. Phasha, T. Child sexual abuse in South Africa: its impact on school functioning. Ph.D., Cambridge. Rose, P.M. Cost-sharing in Malawian primary schooling: from the Washington to the post-Washington consensus. D.Phil., Sussex. Slater, B.D. The ownership of knowledge: literacy and orality in theological education in Uganda. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Usama M, A.M.E. The relationship between giftedness, cognitive style, problem solving and self-regulated learning0 [Egypt]. Ph.D., Birmingham. Environmental Sciences Kerapeletswe, C K. Property rights and biodiversity conservation in a common property regime: The case of Chobe and Ghanzi/Kgalagadi in Botswana. Ph.D., York. Shine, T. An integrated investigation of the ephemeral wetlands of eastern Mauritania and recommendations for management. Ph.D., Ulster. Fine Arts Boyanoski, C. Decolonising visual culture: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and the imperial exhibitions 1919-1939. Ph.D., London, Birkbeck College. Gimbel, D.N. The evolution of visual representation: the elite art of Early Dynastic Laga and its antecedents in Late Uruk Period Sumer and Predynastic Egypt. Ph.D., Oxford. Geography Cornelissen, S. The developmental impact of tourism in the Western Cape, South Africa. Ph.D., Glasgow. Fayed, H.A.E.K.S. The impacts of GATS: a case study of tourism development in Egypt. Ph.D., Bournemouth. Karanja, G.G. Kent. Tourist impacts on Masai Mara National Reserve [Kenya]. Ph.D., Milligan, R.S. Searching for symbiosis: pastoralist-farmer relations in northeast Nigeria. D.Phil., Sussex. Narbeth, S. The geographies of vulnerability: humanitarian assistance and the contestation of place in Somalia. Ph.D., Bristol. Health Sciences Ayah, R.A.L. High dose maternal and infant vitamin A supplementation in Bondo District, Kenya: its effects on vitamin A and iron status. Ph.D, London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Berkley, J.A. Invasive bacterial infections in children at a sub-Saharan district hospital [Kenya]. M.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Collinson, A.C. Early nutritional and environmental influences on immune function in rural Gambian infants. M.D., Bristol. Connor, S.J. The use of environmental information systems (EIS) for malaria control planning in Africa [Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia & Swaziland)]. Ph.D., Liverpool. Cook, R. Molecular epidemiology of Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus transmission in an endemic country [Malawi]. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Crawley, J.M.S. Seizures in childhood cerebral malaria [East Africa]. U. of London, U. Coll. (U.K.). Ph.D., El Shikieri, A.B. Dietary fat intake and CHD risk in Sudan: A case-control study. Ph.D., Queen Margaret U. Coll. El-Kassar, G. M. project [Egypt]. Emerson, P.M. Durham. Economic planning and operational control of an irrigation Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Ecology and control of the trachoma vector Musca sorbens. Ph.D., Fèvre, E.M. The epidemiology of trypanosomiasis, a re-emerging zoonosis in Uganda. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Feyissa, F.L. The relationship between adult anthropometry, morbidity and functional status: a longitudinal study among rural Ethiopians. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Fisiha, M.Y. Do local environmental changes resulting from the construction of microdams lead to increased malaria transmission in Tigray, Ethiopia?. Ph.D., Durham. Gatei, W. Epidemiology of intestinal parasites in relation to HIV infection in western Kenya with special reference to Cryptosporidium. Ph.D., Liverpool. Kateree, D.R.P. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of species of African Combretaceae [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Lang, P. Identity and plurality: medicine in ptolemaic Egypt. Cambridge. Ph.D., Makadzange, A.T. HLA-C restricted cellular immune responses in HIV infection [Kenya]. D.Phil., Oxford. Mbikusita-Lewanika, M. The use of "dry sex" traditional medicines by Zambian women. Ph.D., London, King's College. Mbopi-Kéou, F.X. The role of Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) as a cofactor in HIV transmission [Central African Republic]. Ph.D., Open U. Nigatu, W. Promotion of oral fluid methods for evaluation and surveillance of the measles immunization programme in Ethiopia. Ph.D., Warwick. Oliff, M. Integration of STI services into reproductive health services in Tanzania: An operational analysis of opportunities, barriers and achievements. Ph.D., London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Rutbemberwa, A. Characterisation of HIV-1-specific CD8+T lymphocyte immune responses in HIV-1 infected Ugandan individuals. Ph.D., London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. Sisay-Joof, F. Immunogenetic studies on susceptibility of West Africans to Malaria [Gambia]. Ph.D., Open U. Sonnenberg, p. Classical and molecular epidemiological studies of tuberculosis in the South African gold mines. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Tilley, A. Development of PCR based techniques for the characterisation of Trypanosoma brucei strains from East Africa. Ph.D., Salford. Yehuda-Abramson, O. Culture specific processing of the word condom: a study of associations and evaluation for health advertising [South Africa]. Ph.D., Westminster. Anderson, R. History World War I in East Africa 1916-1918 [Tanzania]. Ph.D., Glasgow. Bhagat, D. The poetics of belonging: exhibitions and the performance of white South African identity, 1886-1936. Ph.D., London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College. Brizuela-Garcia, E. Decolonising African history: rises and transitions in African historiography, 1950-1990. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Brown, K. Progressivism, agricultural and conservation in the Cape Colony circa 1902-1908 [South Africa]. Ph.D., Oxford. Coggins, R. Rhodesian UDI and the search for a settlement, 1964-1968: failure of decolonisation [Zimbabwe]. D.Phil., Oxford. Collier, K.A. Ablode: networks, ideas and performance in Togoland politics, 1950-2001 [Togo]. Ph.D., Birmingham. Duyvesteyn, I.G.B.M. The dynamics of civil war: a structured focused comparison of the Liberian (1989-1997) and Somali (1988-1995) Wars. Ph.D., London, King's College. Fairweather-Tall, A. From colonial administration to colonial state: the transition of government, education, and labour in Nyasaland, 1930 – 1950 [Malawi]. D.Phil., Oxford. Finlayson, J.M. The Cabinet committee system and the development of British colonial policy, 1951-1964 [Cameroon]. Ph.D., Leeds. Ford, N.A. Lines upon a map: an analysis of the imposition of the western concept of dividing political space in Tanganyika, 1884-1961. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Gascoigne, A. The impact of the Arab conquest on late Roman settlement in Egypt. Ph.D., Cambridge. Hamam, I. Disturbing Western representations of Ancient Egyptian mummies. D.Phil., Sussex. Hema, R.A. Group statues of private individuals in the New Kingdom [Egypt]. Ph.D., Liverpool. Howell, C. Church and state in decolonization: the case of Buganda, 1939-1962 [Uganda]. D.Phil., Oxford. 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