International publications: a) Included in Web of Science (A1-publications): Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., 2004. Monitoring of weathering and conservation of building materials through non-destructive X-ray computed microtomography. Environmental. Geology 46:477-485. (pdf-file) Masschaele, B., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., 2004. The use of neutrons and monochromatic X-rays for NDT in geological materials. Environmental Geology 46:486 - 492. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Cnudde, J.P., Dupuis, C., Jacobs, P.JS., 2004. X-ray micro tomography used for the localisation of water repellents & consolidants inside natural building stones. Material Characterization 53, 259-271. (pdf-file) Masschaele, B., Dierick, M., Cnudde,V., Van Hoorebeke, L., Delputte, S., Gildemeister, A., Gaehler, R., Hillenbach, A., 2004. High-speed thermal neutron tomography for the visualization of water repellents, consolidants and water uptake in sand and lime stones. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 71(3-4):807-808. (pdf-file) Steppe K., Cnudde, V., Girard C., Lemeur R., Cnudde J.P., Jacobs P., 2004. Use of X-ray computed microtomography for non-invasive determination of wood anatomical characteristics. Journal of Structural Biology 148(1):11-21. (pdf-file) De Graef, B., Cnudde, V., Dick, J., De Belie, N., Jacobs, P., Verstraete, W., 2005. A sensitivity study for the visualisation of bacterial weathering of concrete and stone with computerised X-ray microtomography (CT). Science of the Total Environment 341(1-3):173-183. (pdf-file) Dierick, M., Vlassenbroeck, J., Masschaele, B., Cnudde, V., Van Hoorebeke, L., Hillenbach, A., 2005. High-speed neutron tomography of dynamic processes. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 542 (1-3):296-301. (pdf-file) Masschaele, B., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Vlassenbroeck, J., Cnudde, V., 2005. Neutron CT enhancement by iterative de-blurring of neutron transmission images. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 542 (1-3):361-366. (pdf-file) Masschaele, B., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Vlassenbroeck, J., Dierick, M., Cnudde, V., 2005. Simulation Program for Element Specific X-Ray Tomography at a 15 MeV High Power Electron Linac. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 83(1):140-144. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Masschaele, B., Dierick, M., Vlassenbroeck, J., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P. Recent progress in X-ray CT as a Geosciences Tool. Applied Geochemistry, in press. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Dubruel, P., De Winne, K., De Witte, I., Masschaele, B., Jacobs, P., Schacht, E. Conservation products inside building stones. Engineering Geology, in review. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Cwirzen, A., Masschaele, B., Jacobs, P.JS. Porosity and microstructure characterization of building stones and concretes. Engineering Geology, reviewed. (pdf-file) Masschaele, B., Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L. Use of high-speed neutron tomography for the direct 3D visualization of water repellents and consolidants in limestone and sandstone samples. Engineering Geology, in review. 1 De Vetter, L., Cnudde, V., Masschaele, B., Jacobs, P.J.S., Van Acker, J., Detection and distribution analysis of organosilicon compounds in wood by means of SEM-EDX and microCT. Material Characterization, in press. (pdf-file) Marcelino, V., Cnudde, V., Vansteelandt, S., Carò, F. An evaluation of 2D-image analysis techniques for measuring soil micro-porosity. The European Journal of Soil Science, submitted. (pdf-file) b) Included in proceedings: Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., 2002. Preliminary results of the use of X-ray computed microtomography as a new technique in conservation and restoration. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the cultural and Environmental Heritage, 2-6 June 2002, Antwerp, Belgium. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P. JS., 2003. Conservation and restoration of natural building stones monitored through non-destructive X-ray computed micro-tomography. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 12283, 2003. European Geophysical Society 2003. Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., Vandenabeele, P., De Witte, I., 2003. The potential of X-ray computed micro-tomography applied in conservation and restoration of natural building stones. Proceedings of 9th Euroseminar on microscopy applied to building materials. 9-12 September 2003, Trondheim, Norway. M.A.T.M. Broekmans, V. Jensen & B. Brattli. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., Vandenabeele, P., De Witte, I., 2003. X-ray computed micro-tomography: a promising technique in conservation and restoration of natural building stones. Proceedings of the International Symposium Industrial minerals and building stones, 15-18 September 2003, pp. 381390. Istanbul, Turkey. E. Yüzer, H. Ergin & A. Tuğrul. (pdf-file) Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., 2003. Preliminary results of X-ray micro-tomography applied in conservation and restoration of natural building stones. Proceedings of the International Workshop on X-ray CT for Geomaterials, "GeoX 2003", 6-7 November, 2003, Kumamoto, Japan. Edited by Jun Otani & Yuzo Obara. (pdf-file) Géraud, Y, Beaudoin, B., Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., Trouiller, A., 2004. Imagerie des structures d’un matériau argileux à quartzo-argileux. MINANDRA 2004, l'Ecole des Mines, Paris, France. Paesen, B., Cnudde, V., Jacobs, P., Schacht, E., 2004. In situ crosslinkable poly(ortho-ester) prepolymers for bone regeneration. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group. Ol Fosse d'Outh, Houffalize, Belgium- May 27-28, 2004. (pdf-file) Dierick, M., Vlassenbroeck, J., Masschaele, B., Cnudde, V., Van Hoorebeke, L., Hillenbach, A., 2004. High speed neutron tomography of dynamic processes. Proceedings of the 5th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-5), sept. 2004. Cnudde, V., Dierick, M., Masschaele, B., Jacobs, P.JS. A high-resolution view at water repellents and consolidants: critical review and recent developments. Fracture and Failure of Natural Building Stones. S. Kourkoulis (editor), submitted. Vlassenbroeck, J., Cnudde,V., Masschaele, B., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Pieters, K. A comparative and critical study of X-ray CT and neutron CT as non-destructive material evaluation techniques. Geological Society Special Publications, submitted. (pdf-file) -2- Publications in books: Cnudde V., Jacobs P., 2004. Preliminary results of X-ray micro-tomography applied in conservation and restoration of natural building stones. In: Otani & Obara (eds.). X-ray CT for Geomaterials, Soils, Concrete, rocks. Proceedings of the International Workshop on X-ray CT for Geomaterials, GeoX2003, 6-7 November 2003, Kumamoto, Japan, pp. 363-371. Jacobs, P., Cnudde, V., 2005. Can X-ray computed tomography contribute to cultural heritage and stone conservation through the non-destructive monitoring of deterioration and restoration processes? In: Van Grieken & Janssens (eds.). Cultural Heritage Conservation and Environmental Impact assessment by Non-Destructive Testing and Micro-Analysis, pp.117-126. Taylor & Fracis Group, London. National publications: Cnudde J.P. & Cnudde V. (2001). Geologische doorsneden uitgevoerd in het kader van de BUtgbgoedkeuring van de groeven, BUtgb: in Technische Voorlichting 220 Belgische Blauwe Hardsteen of "Petit Granit" uit het Tournaisiaanse Geologische Tijdperk p. 7-8. Cnudde, V. (2002). The blue stone exploitation in Belgium. Geologica Belgica (2002) 5/1-2 – Junior Meeting 27.9.2001: abstracts, pp. 66. Cnudde, J.P. & Cnudde, V., 2004. Het belang van het voorafgaande onderzoek bij het werken met leisteen waarvan de eigenschappen of herkomst niet steeds gekend is/ l'Utilisation d'ardoise ou de schiste ardoisier, dont les caractéristique et la provencance ne sont pas toujours connues, nécessite un examen préalable. Dag van de steen, Oudenaarde 2004, proceedings, pp. 33-36. De Witte, I. & Cnudde, V., 2004. Restauratie: speciale mortels en behandeling/Restauration: Mortiers spéciaux et traitements. Dag van de steen, Oudenaarde 2004, proceedings, pp. 38-41. Cnudde, V., 2004. "Dag van de Steen": namiddagworkshops natuursteen/ Pourqoui les Ateliers Créatifs destinés en priorité aux Ecoles Techniques et aux Centres? Dag van de steen, Oudenaarde 2004, proceedings, pp. 80-81. 3