MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE TAXATION ADMINISTRATION LIAISON COMMITTEE – “MAIN TALC” HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 3rd MARCH 2005 AT THE LAW SOCIETY, BLACKHALL PLACE, DUBLIN. Attendance: Law Society of Ireland Caroline Devlin (in the Chair) Patrick Bradley Revenue Liam Irwin Denis Graham Gerry Harrahill Eamonn O’Dea Michael Gladney Clare Robson John Shine Muriel Hinch CCAB-I Marie Barr Enda Faughnan Brian Purcell Gerald Murphy Irish Taxation Institute Adrian Sherlock Cora Murray Margaret Sheridan Kenneth McMoreland With Apologies: Colette Carey (Law Society) (Secretary) Norman Gillanders (Revenue) Item No. 1 Agree Minutes of December 2004 meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December, 2004 were approved subject to the amendment of Item 6 “Guidance Notes for Section 481 TCA 1997 (Film Relief Provisions)” by the insertion of a final sentence as follows: “Practitioners were invited to make submissions in relation to the matter.” Item No. 2 Budget/Finance Bill 2005 Stamp duty: Practitioners said that difficulties had arisen regarding the interaction of Floor Area Compliance Certificates and stamp duty relief sought by purchasers of grant-size houses who are purchasing by way of stage payments. Revenue said that both the Dept. of Finance and Revenue are aware of the issue, which is under active consideration. Share options: As this item had been taken up directly with Revenue it was removed from the agenda. Corporation Tax: Revenue said that the IAS section had been amended at Committee stage. Transition arrangements had been provided for payment of Preliminary Tax for a period of one year to ease the position of those making the transition from Irish GAAP to IFRS accounts. Changes in value in the last two months of the accounting period can be disregarded for the purposes of preliminary tax but the tax must be paid within one month after the accounting period. VAT: Practitioners queried whether a special meeting of the Indirect Taxes subcommittee had taken place in mid-February to discuss the proposed changes. Revenue advised that no such meeting had occurred – practitioners had indicated they would submit comments in writing instead. Draft of the Committee stage amendments were circulated to the sub-Committee and were discussed at a meeting held on 11th February. Section 133 Finance Bill – New Revenue Offences: It was noted that a joint delegation comprising representatives from each of the constituent practitioner bodies had met with the Minister for Finance to point out potential difficulties with the draft legislation and also to suggest amendments to the wording. The matter was now with the Minister for consideration. Item No. 3 Issues arising from December meeting Revenue report on Form 11 error analysis Revenue presented its report on Form 11 error analysis. Practitioners had also carried out several ad hoc reviews and noted that their experience of errors differed greatly from the Revenue report. Revenue said it intends publishing its report with a commentary in Tax Briefing. Practitioners took issue with the figures shown by the analysis as compared with their own sampling. Revenue agreed to check their sampling and indicated that there would be a further review/consultation on the issue. Amending Form 11 through ROS Practitioners said they would welcome a facility to amend Forms 11 filed through ROS. Revenue said that amendments would have to ensure that the original Form 11 as initially filed would have to be kept. As regards ‘instalment’ filing, this process does not currently suit ROS. Practitioners were of the view that it would be a useful development. Whilst Revenue are agreeable to it, subject to resources, it is not in the development programme for ROS for this year. Contact details for Revenue Managers Revenue advised that the details had been widely circulated and have been uploaded on the Revenue website. Practitioners said that there had been instances where the contact person did not appear to know that he/she had been so designated. It was agreed that practitioners would furnish details to Revenue in this regard. Attribution of Tax Briefing Articles Revenue agreed that they would try to ensure that contact details appear with each article published, although the contact person may not be author of the piece in every case but would be a person designated to deal with queries on the issue in question. It was agreed that it would be sufficient to provide an e-mail address for contact purposes but where possible this should be the e-mail address of an individual rather than a general e-mail address. Item No. 4 Revenue Customer Service Issues Offshore Asset submissions: Practitioners noted that settlement and review letters are issuing from Revenue but in the case of reviews, there is no time-frame within which Revenue may revert seeking substantiating documentation e.g. bank statements etc. Revenue responded that the intention in the regions is to follow up quickly on the initial letters and on the responses received - perhaps within a one month to six weeks timeframe. Practitioners queried whether any information could be provided regarding the number of cases affected. Revenue said there would be certain minimum level and random sampling would be employed. The matter is to be kept under review. Item No. 5 ROS issues Update on CT ROS payments – US SEC issue: This issue was raised by CCAB-I and there has been fairly active consultation that is now concluded. Some enhancements to the system are required and a meeting is scheduled to take place on 4th March. Revenue indicated its appreciation of the progress made on this issue. The matter is to remain on the agenda. Update on CAT e-payment arrangements: Issues in relation to the Solicitors’ Accounts Regulations and the use of ROS for CAT payments have been resolved. The Law Society has advised the profession accordingly. Revenue thanked the Law Society for its assistance in the matter. From the point of view of solicitors, a partially paper-based and partially electronic system is not helpful. It was agreed that Revenue and the Law Society would liaise in this regard. ROS availability for non-resident clients: Revenue expect to be in position to report to the next meeting on this issue. ROS filing date 2005: The ROS filing date has been extended to 17th November 2005. Revenue stressed that payment must be made and the return filed by that date. Last year there had been a significant number of cases where filing was done in time but the requirement to pay by the given date had not been complied with. For those not using ROS, the pay and file date is 31st October 2005. Practitioners said that some clients mistakenly believe that they can take advantage of the extended date but still pay by cheque. Also, some clients are reluctant to use electronic payment systems. Revenue asked that practitioners encourage clients to use the ROS facility. Item No. 6 Guidance Notes for Section 481 TCA 1997 (Film Relief) Practitioners had intended making a submission in relation to the guidelines and were disappointed to note that they had issued before Christmas. Revenue said that on10th November a six-week period for submissions had been announced and it had been made clear that the commencement date would be 1st January. However, Revenue will look at any submission that practitioners may wish to make at this stage. Item No. 7 Operational Issues Interest on underpaid tax: Revenue said that an article on the issue will appear in the Revenue publication ‘Tax Briefing’. Accessing e-brief: Practitioners said that it is not possible for them to register through the system itself as it is not being recognised unless it is on Outlook. It can also be difficult to locate and it was suggested that an ‘icon’ might be assigned to it on the tax practitioner’s page. Outsourcing of processing of statutory forms: Practitioners are experiencing difficulty with technical support from Revenue. An undertaking had been given that Form 11s would be processed by 11 February. However, the error rate was very high with first assessments showing an error rate of 90%. A multiplicity of errors had been in evidence and no clear error pattern had emerged. Not only were initial assessments wrong, but subsequent amended assessments were also wrong in many cases. Revenue pointed out that by using ROS, customers were guaranteed a correct result. The TALC Simplification sub-Committee is also looking the Form 11 problems. . Professional Services Withholding Tax – Interim Refunds – Hardship cases: This matter has been referred to the TALC Simplification sub-Committee and is to be removed from the Main TALC agenda. Surcharges: This issue has been resolved and districts are now using the date of receipt in Dublin rather than the date of receipt in the Collector General’s offices. It was agreed that practitioners would provide sample instances to Revenue to assist Revenue in determining where the process went wrong. Charter of Rights: Practitioners said that a clear statement is needed to the effect that there is no diminution of taxpayers’ rights. Revenue was requested to furnish a letter in unequivocal terms stating that taxpayer’s rights are unconditional and are unaffected by Revenue’s expectations from the taxpayer. Revenue indicated that in its view the position had been clearly stated in the TALC forum. Revenue’s goal is to make compliance easier, not to take away rights. Revenue agreed to furnish a letter and may also address the issue in ‘Tax Briefing’. Withdrawal of CGT Clearance Certificates: Practitioners sought clarification from Revenue regarding the status of CGT Clearance Certificates and instanced a recent case where Revenue had indicated that it would withdraw a certificate. If there is a difficulty, Revenue should seek a means of rectifying the situation that does not impact on a third party. Revenue said the case turned on its own facts but nothwithstanding that, what had happened was wrong and should not have happened. Revenue will look into the matter and will revert. Sanction for sub-Committee on IFRS: A consultation process will take place over the coming year. Revenue will liaise with TALC members regarding the membership of a Consultative Committee. It was agreed that membership should be confined to two representatives per organisation as the indications are that quite a number of organisations will wish to participate and participation confined to the financial services industry. Revenue would be interested to receive suggestions as to who should be consulted and will circulate its proposals and suggest a date for a first meeting in the next few weeks. The Consultative Committee will not be designated as a sub-Committee of TALC. Revenue service level agreement with ODCE: Revenue has signed a service level agreement setting out the system by which information will be provided. Where Revenue has information obtained through voluntary disclosure, Revenue will not initiate disclosure to the ODCE but where the ODCE seek disclosable information, Revenue will furnish it and will indicate that there has been a voluntary disclosure by the taxpayer. Revenue undertook to circulate the agreement to members. It was agreed that practitioners will check with Revenue before quoting from the agreement or publishing all or part of it. Revenue guidance relating to Directors’ Compliance Statements: Revenue expects to publish guidance notes in late March or early April. If Revenue requires any input, practitioners are happy to assist. Savings Directive: The Law Society had been advised that there will be no paper filing of returns, which may be problematic for some practitioners. Revenue undertook to make enquiries but its initial view was that it may be possible to have both electronic and paper filing. Item No. 8 Updates from TALC sub-Committees Capital Taxes Ad-Hoc sub-Committee: Revenue will revert with the names of its nominees to sub-Committee. Minutes of sub-Committee meetings: The Minutes of the February 2005 meetings of the Simplification Group and the Audit sub-Committee were circulated and noted. Item No. 9 A.O.B. Revenue Statement of Strategy: Revenue advised that the Statement of Strategy document will be launched on 30th March. Copies will be circulated to all TALC members. The number of staff assigned to compliance activities will be increased by 30%. There will be increased self-service facilities/options but this will not reduce the level of Revenue service available to taxpayers. Revenue thanked practitioners for their contribution to the consultation process, which is acknowledged in the preamble to the Strategy document. BES – Film Relief: Practitioners said that it is unfair that this should be levied and then be subject to PRSI also. Revenue said that it may be an unintended effect of the legislation and it may be possible to ‘code’ it differently. Revenue will look into the matter. RTC – payment cards: Practitioners queried a situation where a monetary limit had been imposed. Revenue was of the view that this would be an unusual occurrence but said that there are circumstances where it can occasionally occur. Revenue recommended that practitioners speak to the relevant inspector if it is causing a difficulty. It may be that the sub-contractor does not know what the principal’s limit is. Revenue undertook to investigate the matter. Delays in repayment of tax: Practitioners said that in some cases, the delay in repayment was running at six months. The issue had been raised at the TALC Collection sub-Committee and assurances had been given that there is no policy of deliberate delay. Revenue re-iterated this. Practitioners also said that in some cases, very petty queries had been raised. Practitioners undertook provide examples to Revenue. Revenue undertook to check the overall position in the Districts. DATES OF REMAINING MEETINGS FOR 2005: Tuesday, 17th May Thursday, 15th September Friday, 9th December