UNIT – 1:3 YEAR 1 STAGE 1 1. 2. Travel around room on feet, feet and hands and other parts – fast, slow, forwards, backwards. Travelling on toes, heels, sides of feet. Travel foot to foot - leap (vary size and direction). Travel 2 feet to 2 feet – bounce (vary speed/direction). Which other parts of body can you travel on? i.e. hands and feet (bunny hop) STAGE 2 1. 2. 3. 4. (portable apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Travel around the room in different ways. When arriving at apparatus, climb on or ‘bunny hop’ on to it. Travel around the room going over, under, through, along across apparatus using hands and feet (including use of monkey, crab, caterpillar walks). Practise getting on and off apparatus taking weight on hands and transferring onto feet. Do 2 stretches for the whole body, one long and tall and one wide. Count slowly to 6 when stretch, breathe in deeply and out slowly. LINKED TO … QCA Unit 1 (Gym) POS 8A, b, c, d 3. 4. UNIT THEME Taking weight on hands STAGE 3 Travel on feet, fast and slow, forwards and backwards. Move like a crab, dog, bear. Stretch legs and arms. Recap different ways of travelling using hands and feet (i.e. monkey, crab, caterpillar walks and bunny hops). Introduce bunny hops with legs straight and apart. Choose 3 ways to travel with weight on hands and feet, to form a sequence. Can you show a balance with weight on hands (i.e. front/back support) New sequence of travel (hands and feet) – balance – travel (hands and feet). (travel apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Return to original piece – repeat new sequence of travel – balance – travel using apparatus. Repeat and teach to partner. Swap over. Describe partners’ sequence – which is best action? Can the balance be improved? ½ class watch, ½ class perform. How many different ways of travelling on hands and feet can you see? 1. 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES Travel around room on feet etc. forwards/backwards, curved/zigzag pathways. Traffic lights game: Red – Front support Amber – Back support Green – Bunny hops. Bunny hop variation – put hands on mat, kick, into air, bring feet down in same place. Make feet come down in a different place. Practise sequence from Stage 2 (travel – balance – travel). Start and finish on Magic Spot, with a start and finish position. Perform basic gymnastic actions. Manage space safely with awareness of others and apparatus. Make up and perform simple movement phrases in response to simple tasks. Link and repeat basic gymnastic actions. Carry and place apparatus safely, with guidance. Watch and describe a short sequence of basic gymnastic actions, using appropriate language. 3. (portable apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Return to original piece – repeat sequence of travel, balance, travel using clear start and finish positions. Repeat sequence but change the body part the weight is supported on in the balance. (i.e. bottom, back, feet etc.) On teacher’s command, rotate to next piece and repeat task. 4. Walk sideways on hands and feet (tummy up / tummy down) – vary the speed fast slow. HEALTH AND SAFETY Awareness of others in class. Controlled movements. Lift and move apparatus safely. Resources Portable apparatus. See Appendix for further teaching points. TEACHING POINTS Stage 1 It is essential in all stages that children are given opportunity to develop strength in arms, shoulders and wrists and develop body tightness. This can be carried out by many fun activities where pupils take weight on hands ie. monkey, crab. Ask children to describe the changes to body during warm-up. Encourage variety of movements i.e. monkey, crab, caterpillar walks (Tops Gym – Travelling on floor) Bunny hop – head up, arms straight, hips high, keep tucked. Place hands firmly on apparatus when getting on or off. Stage 2 Bunny hop – head up, arms straight, hips high (alternate tuck and legs apart). Look for spaces and avoid contact with other children. Hold balance for 3 seconds showing good tension and extension. Stage 3 Bunny hop – head up, arms straight, hips high, controlled movement. Look for suitable places on apparatus to hold a balance for 3 seconds (Tops Gym – Balance – large body parts). Place hands firmly on apparatus when getting on and off. Sideways walk – move right arm and leg together and left arm and leg together. REFERENCE TO ‘TOP CARDS’ Tops Gym – Travelling --------- on the floor --Tops Gym – Balance ----------- large body parts Tops Gym – Rolling ------------- sideways Tops Gym – Take off, jump and land --------- 5 basic jumps UNIT – 1:3 YEAR 1 STAGE 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Run in and out of each other – look for spaces Run in and out of each other ‘STOP’ (to teachers’ command) in a variety of shapes (wide, narrow, high and low) Travel around room in different directions using low movements (near floor) Travel around room in different directions using high/tall movements. Link 3 travelling movements together (low-high-low) Start and finish on a Magic Spot with a start and finish position. (portable apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Can you travel around apparatus using high actions, when arrive at clear apparatus travel over it using low actions. Can you travel between using low actions and over it using high actions? Traffic lights: travel and respond to teachers’ command. Green = walk gently Amber = stride round room stretching all limbs Red = stop and stretch to ceiling. STAGE 5 1. 2. 3. 4. UNIT THEME Taking weight on hands STAGE 6 Run in and out of each other – look for spaces. Run in and out of each other ‘STOP’ (on teacher’s command) on different parts of body. (i.e. knees, tummy, back, sides etc.) Recap travelling round room using high and low actions – change direction and body parts supporting weight. Recap balancing where weight is supported on different body parts. Choose and link together 3 actions: Travel high – balance – travel low. Start and finish on a magic spot with a start and finish position. (portable apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Can you transfer the sequence from the mats onto the apparatus? (high travel, balance, low travel) Explore a way and alter as necessary. On teacher’s command, rotate to next piece and repeat task. Travel around room with one foot higher than head. – vary the direction. 1. LEARNING OUTCOMES Travel around room on feet and hands – look for spaces. Travel around room from feet to hands – change direction. 2. 3. 4. Lie on back with feet in air. Can you get your feet any higher? (shoulder balance). Can you find different ways to travel around room with feet higher than head? (one or two feet). Recap sequence from stage 5 (high travel, balance, low travel) Choose one way to travel with foot/feet higher than head and add it to the end of your sequence. Practise linking 4 moves together. (portable apparatus) Travel over, under, through, along, across apparatus. Can you transfer the sequence from the floor to the apparatus? (high travel, balance, low travel, travel with foot higher than head) Repeat and teach to partner. Describe partner’s sequence. On teacher’s command, rotate to next piece and repeat task. TEACHING POINTS Perform movements and phrases with control and accuracy. Know when their body is active and talk about the differences between tension and relaxation. Make up and perform simple phrases in response to a simple task. Carry and place apparatus safely, with guidance. Copy a partner’s sequence of movements. Stage 4 Encourage the use of weight on different body parts during travel. (i.e. bottom, tummy, feet and hands etc.) Vary the direction of travel – forwards, backwards, sideways, curved, zig-zag) Ensure controlled movements when travelling in a high way on apparatus. Stage 5 Encourage use of weight on different body parts during travel (i.e. bottom, back, feet etc.) Vary direction (forwards / backwards / sideways / curved / zig-zag). Hold balance for 3 seconds. How can sequence be improved? – quality of movements. Stage 6 Shoulder balance – push up onto shoulders, support with hands, tight muscles to hold shape. (Top Gym – Balance – large body parts) How can sequence be improved? Does the sequence have a clear start and finish part? ½ class watch, ½ class perform. Discuss what they liked best and how performance can be improved. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND UNDERSTANDING ACQUIRING AND DEVELOPING 1a, b SELECTING AND APPLYING 2a, b KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING OF FITNESS & HEALTH 4a, b EVALUATING & IMPROVING PERFORMANCE 3a, b, c