Aveton Gifford Parish Council AGENDA Meeting to be held on Monday 3 November 2014 at 7.00 pm at Aveton Gifford Village Hall All parish councillors are summonsed to a meeting to transact the following business:-To receive comments and questions from members of the public (please let the Clerk know before the meeting if you wish to speak at the meeting). To receive other reports and updates e.g. Parish Paths, Shop Committee, Parish Project Group; Sports and Leisure etc AGENDA 1 To accept apologies for absence 2 To receive declarations of interest from councillors 3 To receive and approve minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2014 4 School swimming pool, consider estimated legal costs etc 5 Emergency plan 6 Flooding and sewage Parson’s Brook dredging, now confirmed by DCC Flood resilience group Jubilee Street sewage spills 6 Parish Plan – updates Traffic calming 7 Housing update 8 Planning To examine relevant applications- see next page To receive results of decided applications - see next page Enforcement 9 Finance: Current balances and agreement to payments Cash position to end of financial year 31 March 2015 Budget and precept 2015-16 10 Parish Facilities Steps to Icy Park, cracks and stages separating , not owned by SHDC Traffic mirror on wall of Baker’s Cottages opposite Jubilee Street Welcome to new residents Moles on playing field and Rectory Lawn, take action? Benches – replacement of benches in poor condition Play park inspection report 11 Tree warden: Tennis court, trees overhanging court, Jubilee Street bridge, willow dying Timbers car park 12 Meetings calendar 2015 (see draft next page) 13 County Councillor’s report 14 District Councillor’s Report 15 TAP Grant – Ringmore request for £1,500 from the fund 16 Meetings attended by councillors and clerk This agenda can also be seen on www.aveton-gifford.co.uk Aveton Gifford Parish Council 17 Correspondence 18 Topics for future meetings Next Parish Council meeting – 1 December 2014 Peter Javes Clerk Aveton Gifford Parish Council Signed 30 October 2014 PLANNING NEW APPLICATIONS:APPLICATIONS:02/2645/14/F Harraton Cottage, Modbury, PL21 0SU Change of use of land from agricultural to residential and erection of garage 02/2378/14/F: Heathfield Manor Farm, Modbury, Ivybridge, PL21 0SB Conversion of redundant barn to dwelling: No objection by parish council 02/2550/14/F: Westward Barn, Chillaton, Loddiswell, TQ7 4ER Change of use of storage barn to holiday accommodation SHDC PLANNING DECISIONS SINCE THE LAST MEETING: 2-2222-14-F: The Old Walled Garden, Little Efford Lane, Aveton Gifford, Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (amend plans) of approval 02/0515/11/F Conditional approval 02-2131-14-F: Lower Pennyfield, Polston Parks Farm, Modbury, PL21 0SB Proposal: Erection of new dwelling and car port to replace existing mobile home Conditional approval PARISH PLAN PRIORITIES 1. Increase in parking space -Ongoing, dependant on housing development 2. Improve communications throughout the Parish - automatic e-mailing of forthcoming events 3. Speed of traffic through Fore Street Police radar checks, DCC list for traffic calming 4. Maintain improvement to Timbers - more space for cars reducing/deleting boat park spaces improve mooring spaces on estuary Notices inviting people to park in empty boat spaces once derelict boats removed 5. Pedestrian and cycle path to Bridge End Sustrans invited to comment 6. Wind/energy generation project Only viable with a commercial partner 7. Sustainability of Parish - shop, affordable housing, school, church 8. Increased social events and concerts, community events etc 9. More activities aimed at younger people to gain interest and involvement. 10. Creation of informal cycle track/route Sustrans to comment MEETINGS CALENDAR 2015 All meetings on Mondays to start at 7.00pm in the Village Hall unless otherwise advised 5 January 6 July 2 February 3 August 2 March 7 September 13 April 5 October 11 May meeting starts at 6.30 followed by AGM* 2 November 1 June 7 December * NB, There will be parish council elections in May 2015 This agenda can also be seen on www.aveton-gifford.co.uk