1 Intratesticular benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour in a ferret (Mustela 2 putorius furo) - case report 3 4 5 Summary A domestic ferret was submitted for sterilisation due to right testis enlargement. 6 Estradiol and cortisol concentrations were within normal physiological ranges, but 7 testosterone was below and progesterone above normal. Microscopically, the right testis, with 8 the exception of a small part of the epididymis, was replaced with neoplastic tissue. The 9 tumour was composed of streams and bundles of closely packed spindle to ovoid cells 10 forming whorls around collagen and capillaries, and separated by a collagenous matrix. In 11 some areas, cells were loosely arranged and separated by a pale myxomatous matrix. The left 12 testis showed atrophy. The majority of neoplastic cells expressed vimentin and S-100 protein 13 while expression of collagen IV was moderate and there was no expression of glial fibrillary 14 acid protein. On the basis of macroscopical and histopathological findings, and supported by 15 immunohistochemical reactivity, the diagnosis of benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour 16 (PNST) was made. This is the first report of benign PNST in ferret testis. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Key words: PNST, ferret, testis, immunohistochemistry, hormone 1 2 Introduction Peripheral nerve sheath tumours (PNST) are neoplasms arising from Schwann cells, 3 perineurial cells, and intraneural fibroblasts. On the basis of morphological features and 4 assessment of benignancy versus malignancy, they can be subdivided into schwannoma or 5 benign PNST (previously called neurilemoma or neurinoma), neurofibroma or malignant 6 PNST (Schulman and others 2009). Due to their uncertain histiogenesis, PNSTs in veterinary 7 medicine are divided into benign and malignant variants in the most recent edition of the 8 WHO International Histological Classification of Tumours of Domestic Animals (Koestner 9 and others 1999). There are few studies of the incidence of neoplasia in ferrets (Brown 1997; 10 Zeeland and others 2006). The most common tumours reported are insulinoma, lymphoma 11 and adrenocortical neoplasms, followed by skin neoplasias and musculoeskeletal neoplasms 12 (Dillberger and Altman 1989). Ovarian stromal tumours are the main neoplasia of the 13 reproductive tract in female ferrets, while neoplasms of the male reproductive system are 14 unusual (Beach and Greenwood 1993). A few studies have described findings of testicular 15 neoplasia in ferrets: interstitial cell adenoma (Meschter 1989), Sertoli cell tumour in 16 chryptorchid testis (Powers and others 2007) and mixed interstitial and Sertoli cell tumour 17 (Batista-Arteaga and others 2011). In the available literature, there is only a single report of 18 PNST in ferret, i.e. neurilemoma on the leg (Brown 1997). We now present the first case of 19 benign PNST in a testicle of a ferret and discus in detail the reasons for this diagnosis. 20 21 22 Case History A 2.2 kg, male, 6-year old, moderately obese domestic ferret from Zagreb Zoo, was 23 submitted to the Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary 24 Medicine, University of Zagreb in October 2010 for sterilisation due to right testis 25 enlargement. During the operation, blood samples were taken for determination of estradiol, 26 progesterone, testosterone and cortisol concentrations. Ultrasound evaluation of the abdomen 1 was performed prior to the orchidectomy, which was performed through a scrotal incision 2 with ligation of the spermatic cord the standard manner. 3 The testes were submitted to the Department of Veterinary Pathology for 4 histopathological examination. The left testis was round and about 0.8cm in diameter (volume 5 of cca. 0.27 cm3), while the right testis had a diameter of about 3.5 cm (volume of cca. 22.43 6 cm3). For comparison, the average testicular diameter in sexually mature ferrets is around 7 1.2cm (Sisk 1990), with an average volume of 0.94-1.38 cm3 (Schoemaker and others 2008). 8 On the basis of these reported values, the left testis (0.8cm, 0.27 cm3) was slightly below the 9 normal range, but the right considerably above (3.5cm, 22.43 cm3). The left testis was 10 moderately firm and showed no macroscopic changes on the external or cut surface. The right 11 testis was firm with a rugged, external surface and was whitish-grey and lobulated on the cut 12 surface. The testes were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin and 13 processed routinely. Sections were stained by haematoxylin and eosin (HE). 14 Immunohistochemistry was performed for exact tumour classification. Primary 15 antibodies used were specific for the following antigens: vimentin (VIM) (Clone V9, 16 Dakocytomation, No. M0725, diluted 1:200), S-100 protein (S-100) (DakoCytomation, No. 17 Z0311, diluted 1:400), glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) (clone 6F2, DakoCytomation, No. 18 M0761, diluted 1:300) and collagen IV (col IV) (clone CIV 22, DakoCytomation, No. 19 M0785, diluted 1:25). Antigen retrieval for S-100 was not performed and for VIM was 20 performed with microwave pretreatment with proteinase K (DakoCytomation, Code S3004) 5 21 min. Antigen retrieval for col IV was performed with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 22 (EDTA) buffer, pH 9 (DakoCytomation, Code S2367) 3 x 5 min. and for GFAP with citrate 23 buffer pH 6 (DakoCytomation, Code S2031) 20 min. in a Dako PT Link module. Endogenous 24 peroxidase activity was blocked by 5-min. treatment with hydrogen peroxide (Dako No. 25 S2023). Dako REALTM EnVisionTM Detection System, Peroxidase/DAB, Rabbit/Mouse (No. 26 K5007) was used to detect the antibodies against VIM, S-100, col IV and GFAP. 1 Standard electro-luminiscence serum hormone testing showed an estradiol 2 concentration of 5.00 ng/L, progesterone of 18.6 nmol/L, testosterone of 0.087 nmol/L and 3 cortisol of 40.8 nmol/L. Ultrasound examination of all abdominal organs, prostate and both 4 adrenal glands (left = 7.6 mm length, right = 7.8 mm length) appeared normal (reference 5 values reported by Neuwirth and others 1997, are: left = 8.6±1.2 mm; right = 8.9 ±1.6 mm). 6 Microscopically, with the exception of a small part of epididymis, the remainder of the 7 right testis was replaced with neoplastic tissue (Fig. 1). The tunica albuginea was not 8 penetrated by neoplastic cells. Neoplastic tissue was composed of interlacing streams and 9 bundles of closely packed spindle to ovoid neoplastic cells and separated by small amounts of 10 collagenous matrix. These cells often formed whorls around the collagen and capillaries 11 (Antoni A like areas) (Fig. 2). In some areas, cells were more loosely arranged and separated 12 by a pale amphophilic, myxomatous matrix (Antoni B like areas) (Fig. 3). Borders of 13 neoplastic cells were variably distinct and the cytoplasm was scant and eosinophilic. Nuclei 14 varied from round to elongate with finely stippled, marginated or condensed chromatin, with 15 one to two poorly distinct nucleoli. Mitotic figures were less than 1/10 HPF. Areas of 16 coagulative necrosis and haemorrhage were scattered throughout the tumour. The left testis 17 showed marked atrophy. All of the aforementioned microscopic features, except for necrosis 18 and haemorrhage, suggested a benign neoplasm. Furthermore, the shape of the cells and their 19 arrangement clearly indicated a neoplasm from the group of spindle cell tumours. The two 20 different patterns with typical Antoni A and Antoni B like areas with the accompanying 21 histological features are characteristic of benign PNST (Bergmann and others 2009; Chijiwa 22 and others 2004). Although there were areas of coagulative necrosis and haemorrhage within 23 the tumour, there were no other histological criteria of malignancy (infiltrative cell growth 24 and aggressive behaviour, presence of atypical mononuclear or multinucleated cells, cellular 25 pleomorphism, high mitotic index) to make a diagnosis of malignant PNST (Chijiwa and 26 others 2004). Finally, even though histological features of the tumour were clearly suggestive 1 of benign PNST, to exclude other spindle cell tumours, IHC stains for VIM, S-100 and col IV 2 were applied. 3 IHC staining for VIM was strongly positive in cytoplasm (Fig. 4) and S-100 was 4 moderately positive in the nuclei and cytoplasm of majority of neoplastic cells (Fig. 5). Col 5 IV was moderately extracellularly positive (Fig. 6) whereas staining for GFAB was negative 6 in the tumour. 7 8 9 Discussion 10 To our knowledge, this is the second report of a benign PNST in a domestic ferret and first 11 report of this tumour in the testis (Brown 1997). The diagnosis of benign PNST was based on 12 macroscopic and histopathological findings which were identical to those described in the 13 literature (Bergmann and others 2009; Chan and others 2007; Chijiwa and others 2004; 14 Koestner and Higgins, 2002; Rothwell and others 1986). Since there is no single specific IHC 15 marker that is able to define PNST, a panel of reagents is generally employed. PNSTs are 16 mesenchymal spindle cell tumours and are in 100% of cases positive for vimentin (Bergmann 17 and others 2009; Chijiwa and others 2004). S-100 protein identifies Schwann cells hence, 18 most PNSTs express this molecule (Bergmann and others 2009; Chijiwa and others 2004). 19 Since Col IV is a basement membrane component of Schwann cells, PNSTs can also be 20 positive to this antibody (Gaitero and others 2008). Finally, GFAB - which is a neuronal 21 marker, may be variably expressed (around 67%) in PNSTs (Bergmann and others 2009; 22 Chijiwa and others 2004). Spindle cell tumours which can have similar IHC reactivity are 23 malignant PNST, rabdomyosarcoma and other tumours of vascular origin (Bergmann and 24 others 2009; Chijiwa and others 2004). In our case, typical histological findings excluded 25 potential diagnosis of these tumours. Morover, IHC reactivity to VIM, S-100 protein and col 26 IV confirmed the diagnosis of benign PNST (Chan and others 2007; Gaitero and others 2008; 27 Koestner and Higgins 2002; Schulman and others 2009). 1 Estradiol (5.00 ng/L) and cortisol (40.8 nmol/L) levels were within the reference 2 ranges of 8±3 ng/L (Carroll and Baum 1989) and 53±42 nmol/L (Rosenthal and Peterson 3 1996), respectively. However, the progesterone level (18.6 nmol/L= 5.85ng/mL) was 4 approximately twice the normal value (3.1±0.42 ng/mL) (Carlson and Rust 1969) and the 5 testosterone level (0.087 nmol/L) was more than 100 times lower than the normal value (9-73 6 nmol/L) (Schoemaker and others 2008). 7 Since PNSTs are not hormone-secreting neoplasms, this raises some questions 8 concerning the altered plasma levels of progesterone and testosterone. One explanation could 9 be that progesterone is produced, in male animals, mainly by the adrenal glands and is then 10 converted to testosterone in testes (Eckstein and others 1987; Maitra and Abbas 2005). 11 Elevated progesterone and decreased testosterone level could be result of replacement of the 12 testicular tissue of the right testis with neoplastic tissue and left testis atrophy. Since a very 13 small amount of functional testicular tissue remained, a very low conversion rate of 14 progesterone to testosterone could be assumed. As a result, testosterone levels would drop and 15 progesterone concentration be increased in plasma. 16 Considering that surgical castration of male ferrets is a common practice to prevent 17 reproduction and to reduce interspecies aggression (Schoemaker and others 2008) it may be 18 difficult to define the prevalence of testicular tumours in ferrets (Batista-Arteaga and others 19 2011). According to this, our finding of intratesticular benign PNST can contribute in a better 20 understanding of the incidence and clinic significance of testicular neoplasm in ferrets. 21 22 Acknowledgements 23 This work was supported by Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, 24 project no. 053-053-2264-2260. 25 26 27 1 References: 2 1. Batista-Arteaga M, Suárez-Bonnet A, Santana M, Niño T, Reyes R, Alamo D. Testicular 3 neoplasms (interstitial and Sertoli cell tumours) in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). 4 Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2011; 46(1): 177-180. 5 6 2. Beach JE, Greenwood B. Spontaneous neoplasia in the ferret (Mustela putorius furo). 7 Journal of Comparative Pathology. 1993; 108(2):133-147. 8 9 10 3. Bergmann W, Burgener IA, Roccabianca P, Rytz U, Welle M. Primary Splenic Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour in a Dog. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 2009; 141(2-3): 195-198. 11 12 4. Brown SA. Neoplasia. In: Hillyer EH, Quesenberry KE, Eds. 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Right testis, ferret. A moderate extracellular col IV positive reaction (IHC, x20).