April 7 & 8, 2010
Wisconsin Room
Alumni Hall
Present: Present: Cyndi Moser, Kathy Seymer, Jerry Barton, Mark Shapleigh, Peggy
Soehnlein, Deb Sanftleben (Wednesday only), Sue Kaletka, Jim Berg
Wednesday, April 7
The group participated in the HealthLink 10 minute tip.
Data Reports (Chuck Illingworth)
Resident Reassignment – The spreadsheets are out to the clinics. Chuck is still waiting
for the codes for the new residents.
Supervising Schedule – The clinics reported that they are all using the scheduling
department (ends in a 2) that is for supervising residents. Chuck is running the reports
electronically but is still using the paper schedules for quality checks.
Documentation of Nursing Home and Home Visits –
 If a faculty member is at a Nursing Home visit or Home Visit with a resident, the
faculty member must open the note in order to get production credit.
 If a faculty goes on one of these visits, they should create an off-site encounter.
There is a process for doing this so that this does not create two encounter
numbers. The process is on the DFM website as well as U-Connect.
 New Innovations is the official way to track these visits for the residents.
Vocera Communications
A representative of the Vocera Communications Company presented information on
their system that would allow hands free communication throughout the clinic.
Physicians and employees would wear a communication device around their neck and
would be able to communicate with others throughout (and outside) of the clinic. Justin
Knupp listened to the presentation and has concerns about our wireless system being
able to work with this system. If enough clinics are interested, we could make a case to
UWMF who manages that system to give us an upgrade. The next steps are to find out
what types of communication systems are needed by the physicians and others and to
talk to the medical directors to see if there is support in exploring this further.
Clinic Updates
Wausau – very focused on implementing the Aspirus Epic system on June 7th. Most in
the clinic are excited.
Verona – Marguerite Elliott passed away in Feb. Her Celebration of Life Ceremony will
be held this Saturday. The items that they are focusing on for physician satisfaction are:
paperwork efficiency, prescription renewal process and triaging phone calls. They have
an opening for a new physician. Their immunization rates have continued to be very
high and are crediting the nursing staff for their wonderful work with this. They want to
put up a box to collect patient comments in the clinic. They are redoing their templates
to limit how many new patient visits they have in one session for faculty. They have
been working with their local nursing home for develop more standing orders for
admissions and continuing care.
Northeast – They have had some personnel changes – most of which have made people
very happy! They are busy, busy, busy.
Operational Updates
Infoview – Managers continue to work on learning how to get information through
Infoview. There are many reports that managers may find helpful, once they have the
comfort level of using the system. Connecting with Jim for individual training has been
very helpful.
Students in Clinics – Jim continues to work with Risk Management to get the legal
agreements in-place.
HIPAA Misdirected Communication – The Managers were reminded to submit an
Incident Report Form if there is misdirected communication (i.e. fax containing PHI is
sent to the wrong location). One of our clinics has already submitted a form for this
reason. There is concern that staff will not want to report any type of HIPAA violations.
Reference Lab Billing – There still continue to be issues with the billing of reference lab
charges based on a change made by PBS. Jim continues to work on this.
Coding Updates (Tina Childs)
Consult Requests – there are still a lot of questions about the changes to requests for
consults. The electronic consults can be found under the Orders Tab in HealthLink.
ICD-10 – this is coming in 2013 and will be a huge change for our physicians. More
information to come.
Clinician Review – the reviews are starting again. The managers asked if they could get
a copy of the feedback when it is sent to the clinicians. Tina will start doing that.
OB List – Tina asked for questions or feedback about the list. Jerry had questions about
billable charges for GHC-EC patients.
Thursday, April 8
Finance Updates (Barb Stransky, Tom Hankins, Michelle Riley, Teri Ott)
Barb Stransky was introduced as the new CFO.
Forms – Teri reviewed information on common forms. She reminded everyone where
they can be found on the DFM website. The Request for Travel or Employee
Development Authorization form no longer needs to be sent to the Finance Dept.
Clinics/budget units may want to continue to use this form as an approval and cost
estimation tool. If you’d like an advance payment for a conference, you can use the
green form. A draft of the green reimbursement form was reviewed.
Reimbursement – the managers were reminded to check the CME ledger balances prior
to approving requests for travel or employee development. This can be found on the J
The rules regarding reimbursement timelines were reviewed. The group was also
reminded that direct deposit is available for reimbursements. A list of the UW DFM
Licenses, Dues and Memberships was distributed.
Teri reviewed the meal per diem information and used British Columbia as an example
since that is where STFM is being held.
Michelle reported that the Peoplesoft conversion will be happening in the several weeks.
The fund and product numbers will be changing. There will be about 60 new accounts
and a new chart of accounts will be distributed. A “behind the scene” mapping process
will convert current account numbers. Everyone will need to be trained. We will see if
this training can happen during the next manager’s meeting in June.
Tom updated everyone on the budget status. New budgets were sent out yesterday but
does not include SIF and PIF. UWMF did not intend for SIF and PIF to be allocated the
way we have been doing it so we will have a new method this year. The UW fringe
benefits have not been updated yet. Also the Admin. Allocations have not been
reviewed yet so changes will be happening with that piece. Since all of the worksheets
are currently linked, all changes should go through Tom.
Patient Experience (Margo Bida)
Congratulations to the Star Clinics – Augusta and Eau Claire. Jerry feels that the clinic
staff strives for common goals (currently PCMH) which helps with patient satisfaction.
Margo is touring the clinics giving a “Power of the Moment” presentation. She
customizes the presentation by site. The current plan is to schedule this presentation
when the AMGA data is shared. The data piece would only be a few minutes with the
rest being Margo’s presentation. A minimum of 45 minutes is needed but at least an
hour is ideal.
The new Service Standards are being rolled-out. There is a special presentation for
family medicine which is May 25th during our Clinical Care meeting time. Stephanie,
Judy and Sue met with Elizabeth Bolt to discuss the impact of the standards. Elizabeth
is going to be informing the unions of these standards.
There is interest in changing patient satisfaction survey vendors. Several pilots are
currently going on with different vendors. A decision will be made in mid-May.
Quality Improvement (Stephanie Berkson)
Stephanie shared the QI goals that were submitted to Dean Golden by Val last
The dashboard is being revised. Stephanie distributed a draft. Feedback should be
directed to her.
She is working with a group called SPICE – that is working on practice improvement
education – which will fold into practice management.
Strategic Planning – Stephanie is working with UWMF and UWHC to integrate and align
QI services. She asked for feedback on what is important for the managers and their
clinics. Any other thoughts should be sent to Stephanie.
Health Information Management (Sandy Schumacher & Sara L’Herault)
Verbal Disclosure – there was a law change around the permission needed for verbal
disclosure to a family member. If a family member poses a question that leads you to
believe they already know something (i.e. what time is my Mom’s ortho appointment?)
then information can be shared without written permission. However, test results cannot
be given out without written permission.
HEDIS audits – the HMOs in the Madison area should work through Sandy’s office to
obtain access to HealthLink and to conduct the audits.
Medical Records Ownership – Our records (with the exception of Wingra) are owned by
UW. Occupational Health records are owned by the company.
Advanced Directives – These are scanned into the medical record after UWHC looks it
over to make sure it has been activated.
Partial Diction – Clinicians can begin using partial diction which means part of the note
can be dictated and the other can be typed or brought in by the use of smart sets, etc.
Care Everywhere – There is currently a pilot going on in Madison around Care
Everywhere. If all goes well, it will be implemented across the state in the next few
months. Care Everywhere means that any facility using Epic can get a record from any
other Epic facility if the patient consents.
Transcription Turnaround – The turnaround for our DFM clinics is 24-48 hours. This is
quite a bit longer than the UWMF clinics have but our clinicians seem happy getting
information back that quickly so it is felt that nothing needs to be done at this time. We
continue to use our internal transcription pool but use UWMF as our back-up. It seems
to be a win-win situation.
ITS Updates
HR Database – Jacob Duffy and Glenn Childs were introduced. They will be working on
development of a new HR Database (along with Sandy Rindy who is now part of the ITS
Team). They are meeting with several groups to do a needs assessment about what is
needed from a HR Database. They spent time with the group discussing our needs.
Virus Scanning – In order to address the Thursday computer slow down issue, there is a
plan to move the virus scanning to a different time (middle of the night). This is being
tried in a few clinics and will be rolled-out to everyone.
I-Pods – There is some discussion about giving I-Pods to the incoming residents as a
learning tool. If anyone knows of any faculty physicians who would be interested in
piloting the use of I-Pods, let Justin know.
PC Replacements – there was a question about the funding for the PC Replacements
since the money continues to come out of the clinic budgets even though there was a
hold on replacing PCs. Tom explained that even though the money is charged monthly
to the clinics, in June there will be an adjustment to reflect the actual expenses.
The widescreen monitors in the exam and procedure rooms are being paid for by
UWMF. Any other requests (i.e. faculty offices) will go to the Exec. Team for approval.
Wireless Implementation - the implementation for the upstate clinics is hung up in the
legal department and working with Charter. Justin will check on the status.
HelpDesk Support – Starting April 12th our helpdesk support will be handled by UWMF.
A memo was sent out about the change. Let Justin know of issues.
Videoconferencing – Plans to purchase our own bridge so we will no longer need to use
the Pyle Center are underway. This should be a cost-savings to us.
Next Meeting
The next manager’s meeting is scheduled for June 10 and 11.