MISS TASTE OF THE TWIN CITIES MISS HEART OF PILOT OUTSTANDING TEEN PAGEANT Thank you for your interest in the Miss Taste of the Twin Cities Outstanding Teen Pageant. The pageant is open to girls ages 13-17 who reside in or attend school in Louisiana and will be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Ouachita Parish High School in Monroe. The deadline for entry into the pageant will be Saturday, January 24th and the entry fee is $100.00. Please see below for additional information regarding this year’s pageant. If you still have questions after reviewing the enclosed information, please contact pageant Director, Lisa Cole at lgcole2000@yahoo.com. Completed applications along with two headshots should be e-mailed to Lisa Cole (lgcole2000@yahoo.com). The $100 entry fee should be mailed to: Pilot Club of the Twin Cities Attn: Lisa Cole PO Box 14422 Monroe, LA 71207 We look forward to meeting you! COMPETITION GUIDELINES TALENT (35%) GENERAL Talent performances cannot exceed 2 minutes. If the performance exceeds 2 minutes, the judges will be notified and the score given will be adjusted accordingly. Only functional props may be used. No live accompaniment is allowed. If the contestant is lip syncing, the judges must be notified. SCORING IN TALENT The Talent phase of competition provides an insight into the contestant’s preparatory and performance skills. Consideration is given to whether the contestant’s talent selection fits these skills and her personality. The Talent competition acknowledges the quality of the talent being presented, the technical skill level, and the stage presence of the contestant. Each contestant is competing against herself and MUST receive a score in a 1 to 10 point range, using whole numbers only. More than one contestant may receive the same score. High and low scores are discarded. CRITERIA FOR SCORING TALENT Overall “first impression”: technical skill level; entertainment value; stage presence; and will you be proud you selected this young woman when she performs her talent if she is selected as the titleholder? INTERVIEW (35%) GENERAL Teen interviews are 6 minutes (8 minutes at the state competition). There is no self introduction or closing statement. Contestants will be provided a podium which they may stand beside or behind. No personal contact such as hand shaking is allowed with the judges. Contestants should wear clothing that is teen in nature and may be a dress, slacks or jeans with a nice top or a skirt or other outfit that she might wear to a job interview. When deciding what to wear for interview, select something you wear for an interview at a high end boutique in the mall, or a similar job. Traditional pageant interview suits are discouraged. SCORING IN PRIVATE INTERVIEW The Private Interview phase of competition is an opportunity to learn as much as possible about the contestant – her personal qualities and attributes to be Miss Taste of the Twin Cities’ / Miss Louisiana’s Outstanding Teen. Her level of communication skills; her opinions and aspirations; her sense of accomplishment, poise, and presence as well as her ability to fulfill the job responsibilities of the position you have been requested to fill. Each contestant is competing against herself and MUST receive a score in a 1 to 10 point range using whole numbers only. More than one contestant may receive the same score. High and low scores are discarded. CRITERIA FOR SCORING PRIVATE INTERVIEW Overall “first impression”; exceptional communication skills with a commanding presence; personality; personal appearance and beauty; validated opinions and responses; ability to fulfill job responsibilities; sense of accomplishment; and knowledge and understanding of her platform issue. EVENING WEAR (15%) GENERAL Contestants will model evening wear of their choice. This may include a floor length, or tea length evening gown, or pants suit. It should be something that a young lady would wear to a formal occasion. It is important that the evening wear be age appropriate. SCORING IN EVENING WEAR The Evening Wear phase of competition is designed for the judge to assess the contestant’s beauty, poise, grace, and commanding stage presence. These must be projected “across the footlights.” The contestant’s total look is considered. Her evening wear (not the value of the evening wear) should complement the contestant’s individuality. Each contestant is competing against herself and MUST receive a score in a 1 to 10 point range, using whole numbers only. More than one contestant may receive the same score. High and low scores are discarded. CRITERIA FOR SCORING EVENING WEAR Overall “first impression”; beauty; sense of confidence; personality and stage presence; walk, carriage and grace; sense of style and appropriateness of the evening wear; and does she take command of the stage by simply walking onto it? ON-STAGE QUESTION (5%) GENERAL On-Stage question will be asked during Evening Wear. On-stage questions will be prepared by the director and pageant committee. Questions will be of a general nature, and will be neither platform related nor taken from the interview. The objective is to evaluate the contestant on how well she can “think on her feet” and how she handles the pressure of speaking before and audience. SCORING IN ON-STAGE QUESTION(S) The On-Stage Question phase of competition is designed for the contestant to make an on-stage statement of her interests, opinions and aspirations. One question will be asked and the judge is to only consider the answer to the question. Each contestant is competing against herself and MUST receive a score in a 1 to 10 point range, using whole numbers only. More than one contestant may receive the same score. High and low scores are discarded. CRITERIA FOR SCORING ON-STAGE QUESTION(S) Overall “first impression”; charisma and stage presence to be a spokeswoman for the organization; give special attention to whether or not the contestant answered the question in context and in the time allotted; did she answer the question and did she have the commanding presence to make the audience want to listen to her? LIFESTYLE AND FITNESS IN SPORTSWEAR (10%) GENERAL Attire for lifestyle and fitness in sportswear is black Soffe brand cheer shorts, the official Taste of the Twin Cities pageant t-shirt (to be provided), and athletic shoes of your choice. SCORING IN LIFESTYLE AND FITNESS IN SPORTSWEAR The Lifestyle and Fitness in Sportswear competition is designed to determine the level of fitness of the contestant and to obtain a glimpse into her daily routine and lifestyle. The contestant’s drive, energy, and presence are to be likewise considered. Each contestant is competing against herself and MUST receive a score in a 1 to 10 point range using whole numbers only. More than one contestant may receive the same score. High and low scores are discarded. CRITERIA FOR SCORING LIFESTYLE AND FITNESS Overall “first impression;” physical fitness; physical beauty; sense of confidence and composure; display of drive, energy and charisma; and does she meet the public expectation of a titleholder? Official Teen Local Rules and Regulations Age/Eligibility Rules THE CONTESTANT MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING AGE/EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY RULES: Must be at least at least thirteen (13) years of age on the first day of competition May not turn eighteen (18) years of age on or before July 31, 2014 Must not be eligible to compete in the Miss program at any point during the competition year (April 2013 to March 1, 2014) Residency Rules ALL CONTESTANTS MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING RULES WITHIN THE STATE WHERE SHE IS COMPETING: Must reside in or be enrolled in, and attending classes on a full-time basis in an accredited school or home schooling program in Louisiana. Must be a resident of the state for a minimum of 6 months prior to the first day of competition (Local or State competition). Must have completed one full semester as a full-time student if she is competing in a state because she is a student in that state. General Rules Be a citizen of the United States. Be and always been female. Be single, never married, never pregnant nor have any children. Never have been convicted of a crime, nor have any criminal charges pending against her, and must be of good moral character. Be in reasonably good health (to the best of her knowledge) and able to participate fully and without limitation in any program activity. Not use or consume alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal substances. Be able to meet the time commitment and job responsibilities as set forth by Taste of the Twin Cities’ Outstanding Teen, Louisiana’s Outstanding Teen and Miss America’s Outstanding Teen. Be judged in all phases of competition, which includes personal interview, talent, eveningwear, physical fitness, casual wear, and on-stage question. I HAVE READ, REVIEWED, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS. SIGNATURE:___________________________________Date:__________________ Contestant SIGNATURE:___________________________________Date:__________________ Parent/Guardian Miss Taste of the Twin Cities’ Outstanding Teen Application 13 years – 17 years old Contestant #_____________ Name:__________________________________________________________________ Age:_____ Birth date:_________________ Social Security #:___________________ Home Phone #:______________________ Cell Phone:___________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________ Parent’s Names & Occupations:______________________________________________ Sibling’s Names & Ages:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Education: School & Grade:________________________________________________ Scholastic Honors:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ School Ambitions:________________________________________________________ Career Ambitions:_________________________________________________________ Leadership Roles:_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Accomplishments:_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer/Community Service:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ What type of talent will you present:__________________________________________ (Please indicate the type of talent, if you will dance (ballet, tap, etc.) sing (classical, popular, etc.), play a musical instrument (which one?), perform a comedy reading, dramatic skit, etc. and the title of your talent presentation. Describe Activities you participate in to stay physically fit:________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Other interesting facts about you:_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Platform Issue (if any):_____________________________________________________ Secret Dream:____________________________________________________________ If I could change anything about myself what would it be:_________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ One of my favorite things to do:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Taste of the Twin Cities Outstanding Teen is a preliminary to Miss Louisiana’s Outstanding Teen Pageant. The winner will compete in Miss Louisiana’s Outstanding Teen Pageant next June in Monroe, La. For information, please visit their website: http://misslouisiana.org/mlot.htm I do hereby submit this form as my official entry in the Taste of the Twin Cities Outstanding Teen Pageant and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations. Enclosed, please find my entry fee of $100.00. Checks can be made payable to Pilot Club of the Twin Cities. I have also enclosed 2 photos (headshots only please). ________________________________________________________ Contestants Signature ____________________________ Date *Please make sure to include the completed Application, signed Rules and Regulations, 2 headshots and $100.00 Application fees. Completed forms can be e-mailed to Lisa Cole, Director at lgcole2000@yahoo.com. Payment can be mailed to Pilot Club of the Twin Cities, PO Box 14422, Monroe, LA 71207.